

1005 Uppsatser om Themes - Sida 62 av 67

Intressenter och deras påverkan på internationella bolag i korruptionsfrågor : En fallstudie av Westinghouse Nuclear

AbstractTitle: Similar but different ? Sweden Democrats and Swedish Social Democratic Party in Swedish newspapers online during 2010 (Lika men olika ? Sverigedemokraterna och Socialdemokraterna i svensk rikspress på nätet 2010).Number of pages: 35 (40 including enclosures)Author: Magnus MjöhagenTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication studies CPeriod: Autumn 2010University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information and Media, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/aim: To discover any possible difference between the media report concerning The Sweden Democrats and the Swedish Social Democratic Party in Swedish news press.Material/method: A quantitative content analysis has been made with 64 articles from the homepages of the four biggest news papers in Sweden: Aftonbladet.se, Expressen.se, DN.se (Dagens Nyheter) and SvD.se (Svenska Dagbladet). The analysis focused on four Themes: 1) framing in the articles, 2) impersonation in the articles, 3) the democratic task of journalism and 4) the expectations of journalism in an election campaign.Main results: The main results showed that the difference between the two parties either was nonexistent or very small. The articles were sometimes framed in specific ways, but a big amount of the articles were not framed. Impersonation occurred in about half of the cases, concerning both parties.

Från Värendsvallen till Arenastaden : En studie om Smålandspostens nyhetsrapportering angående uppförandet av fotbolls- och ishockeyarenorna på Värendsvallen och Arenastaden i Växjö

The following essay is a study of the theatre-play Min Arm, a translation and performance by Per Lasson for Fria Teatern in Stockholm 2009-2010. Actor, director and playwright Tim Crouch wrote the original script My Arm in English in 2003.With basis in intermedial theory, as defined by Jörgen Bruhn, as well as Hans-Thies Lehmann?s theory on post-dramatic theatre this study investigates the meaning-building processes in Min Arm as a theatrical performance. Concepts of the difference between stage play and performance text are borrowed from and inspired mainly by Eli Rozik?s Generating Theatre Meaning.

Robin Hood och Hemtjänsten : En förstudie om Företagshälsovårdens arbete med arbetsmiljöfrågor inom hemtjänstbranschen

Occupational Health Service (OHS) has an important role in society. It is designed to prevent illness and strengthen the health of workers. OHS operations and development are currently being studied at the School of Technology and Health at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. One of the industries studied is the home maker service. During the 2010s were such employees one of the most ill groups in Sweden.This master's thesis in occupational environment development and change management focus on examining the special knowledge an OHS and its clients in one home maker service need to strengthen the workers of the industry and find out how the interaction between OHS and home maker service works and how it could be evolved.A qualitative study was conducted in a Swedish city on the basis of an organizational perspective.

Patienters upplevelse av att vårdas i isolering : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Isolation care may be necessary when a patient is carrying infection or is being inflicted with disease that causes deficit immune system. Being isolated means that the patient is in a confined space and may stay only there. Even in ancient times, people discovered the importance of isolating people carrying an infection from the rest of society. According to the Infectious Diseases Act, patients should be isolated in order to reduce the spread of infection both from the patient to the surroundings as well as the opposite. Isolation care can be psychologically stressful for some patients.

Hur b?rjar man leva n?r man ?r redo att d?? En kvalitativ studie om m?nniskor som l?mnat Jehovas vittnen

The aim of this study was to create a greater understanding of apostates, by analyzing narratives of five ex-members regarding their exit from Jehovah?s Witnesses. I conducted interviews to gather descriptions from specific individuals in relation to their experiences, mainly focusing on the role of an ex-member of a specific group. The informants in the study were 38-73 years old, three women and two men. The empirical data I collected was later coded through qualitative content analysis, where central topics and Themes formed the basis for the analysis of the results.

Dinosaurier i Kurdistan pratar kurdiska : En studie i hur barn i förskolan tänker om och uttrycker sin flerspråkighet

This is an ethnographically inspired study focusing on multilingualism in a Swedish preschool setting. The purpose of the study was to find out how the children perceived their multilingualism and how it was expressed by the children in the interaction with teachers and peers. The research questions were as follows: How is the multilingualism expressed in the day to day interaction in preschool? What significance does the daily interaction with peers and educators have for the children?s perceptions of their multilingualism? How do the children perceive their multilingualism and the value in their multilingual abilities?  To answer these question methods inspired by ethnographical studies were used, namely participant observation and semi-structured interviews with the children.   Theory was used from two areas; childhood sociology as theorized by Corsaro with the ideas of peer cultures and interpretive reproduction, and the sociology of language with the theory of collaborative empowerment as introduced and developed by Cummins. The children in the study were seen as social actors who are important here and now and who contribute to the development of society.   The study showed that the multiple languages were visible in the preschool, but that the Swedish language was upheld as the norm and the language of communication; no children were recorded playing in their ?home language? during interaction with other children.

Förebyggande arbete mot depression bland äldre personer : En kvalitativ studie om hur enhetschefer för särskilda boenden ser på förebyggande arbete mot depression bland äldre personer.

Studies show that 10-15 percent of Sweden's population, 65 years or older are estimated to have depression or depression symptoms. The symptoms of depression among elderly people are less than symptoms of young people. This could cause that elderly people with depression are not always discovered. Studies show that elderly people who live in residential homes show more signs of depression than elderly people living at home. If elderly people live in a supporting environment, can it prevent that a depression developed.The prevention of depression among elderly people is a topic that is not discussed among previously research.

Att ursäktas för sin börd En undersökning av påvliga dispenser för oäkta börd till klerker och klosterfolk i den svenska kyrkoprovinsen under perioden 1255-1372

This study aims to delineate the discourse of the canonical issue of the defectus natalium, the defect of birth, ascribed to medieval Catholic clergy of illegitimate birth, which prevented ordination to the Holy Orders or advancement to higher monastic offices. Using papal dispensations directed to Swedish clerics, monks and nuns during the period 1255-1372, the essay attempts to outline the official attitude of the papal authority towards illegitimate birth among its servants and how such a defect could be compensated by the individual. The study argues that various circumstances and personal qualities could be addressed to support the case of the supplicant. The main Themes include an observance of clerical celibacy, scholarly learning, pilgrimage permeated by hardship, intervention of a third party, loyalty to the Church and overall practical circumstances that demanded a dispensation for the benefit of the ecclesiastical institutions. Drawing some inspiration from Michel Foucault?s conception of discourse, the essay argues that a polarizing discourse had by the 13th century been formed within the Catholic Church, which focused on a dichotomy of the legitimate and illegitimate cleric.

En arms avtryck : En studie av betydelseskapande processer i Fria Teaterns uppsättning av Tim Crouchs Min Arm ur ett intermedialt perspektiv

The following essay is a study of the theatre-play Min Arm, a translation and performance by Per Lasson for Fria Teatern in Stockholm 2009-2010. Actor, director and playwright Tim Crouch wrote the original script My Arm in English in 2003.With basis in intermedial theory, as defined by Jörgen Bruhn, as well as Hans-Thies Lehmann?s theory on post-dramatic theatre this study investigates the meaning-building processes in Min Arm as a theatrical performance. Concepts of the difference between stage play and performance text are borrowed from and inspired mainly by Eli Rozik?s Generating Theatre Meaning.

Människa ? Teknik ? Organisation ur ett utredningsperspektiv : En intervjustudie av medarbetare vid Statens haverikommission

Human - Technology - Organization (HTO) is a well-established, general unifying concept in the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority (SHK) that represents an approach, knowledge and use of various tools regarding interactions between people, technology and organizational factors. The HTO-perspective is well described in literature but there are few studies on how SHKs staff experiences working according to this method in their investigations. The aim of this study was therefore to describe their HTO-perspective, examine how it is used in the investigations at SHK and describe the investigators experience of working with the HTO-perspective as well as the method's usefulness compared to old methods in accident investigations. A literature study has been conducted in the areas of HTO, Theory of planned behavior (TPB) and safety culture. TPB and safety culture are described in this paper since they highlight the different aspects of a HTO-perspective.

Lika men olika : Sverigedemokraterna och Socialdemokraterna i svensk rikspress på nätet 2010

AbstractTitle: Similar but different ? Sweden Democrats and Swedish Social Democratic Party in Swedish newspapers online during 2010 (Lika men olika ? Sverigedemokraterna och Socialdemokraterna i svensk rikspress på nätet 2010).Number of pages: 35 (40 including enclosures)Author: Magnus MjöhagenTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication studies CPeriod: Autumn 2010University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information and Media, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/aim: To discover any possible difference between the media report concerning The Sweden Democrats and the Swedish Social Democratic Party in Swedish news press.Material/method: A quantitative content analysis has been made with 64 articles from the homepages of the four biggest news papers in Sweden: Aftonbladet.se, Expressen.se, DN.se (Dagens Nyheter) and SvD.se (Svenska Dagbladet). The analysis focused on four Themes: 1) framing in the articles, 2) impersonation in the articles, 3) the democratic task of journalism and 4) the expectations of journalism in an election campaign.Main results: The main results showed that the difference between the two parties either was nonexistent or very small. The articles were sometimes framed in specific ways, but a big amount of the articles were not framed. Impersonation occurred in about half of the cases, concerning both parties.

Att vårda asylsökande gravida kvinnor:en intrevjustudie med barnmorskor utifrån en hermeneutisk livsvärldsansats.

Bakgrund: Globalt ses en ökad internationell migration där Sverige varje år tar emottiotusentals asylsökande. De asylsökandes rättigheter skyddas av internationelladeklarationer och konventioner om mänskliga rättigheter, där rätten till hälsa ärcentral. Ändå lider asylsökande av hög grad av ohälsa, mycket till följd av derasstatus som asylsökande och den utsatthet som det medför. Att dessutom vara gravidgör dem extra utsatta trots att de har rätt till mödrahälsovård på samma villkor somicke-asylsökande i Sverige, då de inte har rätt till övrig sjukvård. Barnmorskor inommödrahälsovården arbetar för vård på lika villkor utifrån kompetensbeskrivningen ochden etiska koden, men utifrån lagstiftningens begränsningar riskerar barnmorskornaställas inför professionsetiska dilemman i vården av asylsökande gravida kvinnor.Syfte: Att förstå hur barnmorskor upplever det är att vårda asylsökande gravidakvinnor inom mödrahälsovården i Sverige.

Kan företag kontrollera sitt varumärke online? : En kvalitativ studie om villkoren fo?r marknadskommunikation i sociala medier 

Purpose: This study aims to investigate the conditions that prevail when companies put their marketing in social media with the purpose of creating a perception of the risks and opportunities it brings to businesses and ultimately how it may affect the corporate image and identity.Theories: The basis of the problem area are presented through a theoretical framework with the purpose of highlighting the notions of social media, communi- cation, marketing communication, groundswell, corporate identity and image.Methodology: To investigate the research questions this study adopted a qualitative approach in which the authors study the properties of a phenomenon in order to seek a deeper understanding of the problems we have presented. There is an exploratory approach to knowledge and the authors have chosen to conduct qualitative research interviews based upon three Themes: driving forces, challenges and impacts.Conclusion: The study revealed that traditional models of communication are no longer applicable in social media. Companies are up for a challenge and must clarify their sole purpose when establishing communication in the social landscape. The general motivation for marketing in social media is making profit, however, building relationships is not a natural motive for most companies. The risks companies expe- rience is the exposure caused by social media and the study also reveals that this fear is firmly attached to their lack of knowledge of these new channels of communicat- ion and their primary areas of use which indicates that skilled employees plays a vi- tal role with their use of social media in their communication process.

Joker och forumspelspedagog : yrkestillvaro i variation

By means of text creation I approach, reflect upon and try a number of aspects of my own professional existence as a joker in forum theatre and as a forum play pedagogue.This essay is structured like the days of a week and it specifically relates three problematic situations: first, a Monday containing a case of discrimination during the performance, then, a glimpse from a Wednesday when I failed to use the time with enough consideration of our common work and, finally, a Thursday when I was professionally questioned.These three situations are described thoroughly and then they are tried by me. This is carried out partly by reasoning, partly by using for example sociological, pedagogical and above all philosophical texts in order to widen my understanding of my existence as joker and forum play pedagogue. When writing this essay I really realized the importance of taking the reactions of the spec-tators into consideration. I have had the opportunity to develop thoughts about the way in which reflection is created and thoughts about different layers of reflection. I have also pondered over the way in which I distinguish between forum play and therapy as a forum play pedagogue.

"Some things you can?t really learn through training courses? -En studie om globalt ledarskap i kinesisk och svensk kontext

In recent years more countries have started to blur out their national boundaries to create andrely on international collaborations. China is one of the fastest growing markets in the worldand play an important role on export and import of commodities across the globe. ManySwedish companies have more business collaborations with China than ever. Differencesbetween the cultures can lead to many difficulties for both the employees and the employer.There is both a challenge and a necessityto find ways to communicate, and to get moreknowledge in how to follow and lead people from different background and perspectives. Theaim of this study is to investigate how leaders through their leadership deal with contextualdifferences between China and Sweden and which effect these differences can have.

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