

3901 Uppsatser om The stakeholder model - Sida 58 av 261

Animerad TV-vinjett : utsmyckning eller genre? En studie i animerad TV-vinjett

Today, the TV vignette is considered an embellishment to a TV program, despite its broad audiences and unique appearance. We wanted to find out if the television vignette has some common features and conventions but also find out how it relates to genre.We used a case study where we analyzed ten vignettes that we chose from certain criteria. We used a model based on image analysis that we modified to fit our needs. The main parts of each model consisted semiotics, imagery, dramaturgy and sound.We also made a couple of interviews with people who are active or used to work with vignettes. As a result we discovered that the television vignettes consist of certain conventions and that the vignette will not be considered as an independent genre, until the public has accepted it.

Nedbrytning av propylenglykol i uppsamlingssystem för avisningsvätskor : En studie utförd vid Stockholm Arlanda flygplats

Deicing fluids based on Propylene glycol are used at Stockholm Arlanda airport to remove or prevent ice on aircrafts. The high oxygen demand of propylene glycol can cause oxygen depletion in rivers downstream from the airport if not collected. Mass balance calculations made by Swedavia indicate that the actual amount of gathered propylene glycol is underestimated. Suspicions that propylene glycol is degraded in the stormwatersystem designed to collect deicingfluids, called the B-glycolsystem, have to be investigated in order to establish with certainty that no propylene glycol in other ways leaves the B-glycol system.The purpose of this study was to determine if degradation of propylene glycol is present in the B-glycol system and also to estimate the extent of the degradation. Propylene glycols high biological oxygen demand can cause oxygen depletion in waters downstream from Stockholm Arlanda airport if not collected.

Grazemore DSS för att optimera utnyttjandet av bete i mjölkproduktionen :

The aim of the study was to investigate if the Grazemore Decision Support System (DSS) is able to provide a grazing management strategy that gives a high utilisation of grazed grass in milk production in the north of Scandinavia. To do this, a grazing experiment was planed and performed during the summer 2005. Simulations in the DSS were run to get a suggestion of how the cows should graze, grazing calendar 1. Deviations and updates during the season resulted in the simulated grazing calendar 2. During the experiment, the actual milk yield was recorded twice weekly. The difference between actual and predicted milk yield by Grazemore DSS was analysed statistically with regression analysis and the mean square prediction error (MSPE) was estimated.

Monetära modellers prognosförmåga för den svenska kronans utveckling

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka två monetära modellers prognosförmåga för den svenska kronan. Detta är den första studie som utvärderar prognoser på den svenska kronan under rörlig växelkurs. Modellerna som används är ?flexible price monetary model? samt ?sticky price monetary model?. Modellerna jämförs dels med en random walk-modell, men även mot varandra för att kunna påvisa eventuella skillnader modellerna emellan.

Omvårdnadsdokumentation : granskning av omvårdnadsjournaler inom psykiatrisk slutenvård

Background Swedish nurses are required by law to document nursing care. Studies have proved scarce in nursing documentation with regard to written language, the nursing process and the nurse´s caring perspective. Educating nurses in using the VIPS model have improved nursing documentation. Few studies have included nursing documentation of psychiatric care.Aim The aim of this study was to describe nursing documentation within psychiatric care of inpatient settings.Method A quantitative, retrospective descriptive research design was applied. A total of 60 nursing journals from a psychiatric department of six wards were studied.

Att våga tro på elevers förmågor : Lärares erfrenheter av att arbeta med elevinflytande i grundsärskolan

This study analyzes 66 Swedish actively managed mutual funds investing in the Swedish stock market during the period 2005-2014. The purpose is through pooled data regressions analyze the relationship between both the mutual fund?s annual fee and risk-adjusted return to the fund?s characteristics. The characteristics of the study are the size of the fund's assets, age, if the fund is bank managed or not, Tracking Error, and standard deviation of return.By using the performance measures of CAPM, Fama and French 3-factor model, and Carhart?s 4-factor model monthly risk-adjusted returns are created for all funds over the period.

Grazemore DSS för att prediktera beteskvalitet för mjölkkor :

The aim of this study was to examine if the predictions of the herbage quality in the software Grazemore Decision Support System (DSS) gives a reliable ground for milk production in the north of Scandinavia. Pasture samples from one research farm (Umeå) and one organic farm (Nordingrå) was analysed on crude protein and organic matter digestibility. The results were statistically compared to the predicted values. Measured and predicted herbage mass was compared and a control if the predictions of milk production improved if the predicted input were replaced by the values from the analysis, was made. The concentration of crude protein was underestimated by the model on both farms and the relationship between actual and predicted values was poor. Mean Prediction Error (MPE) was 24% and 31% respectively.

Framkomlighetsanalys med hjälp av en digital terrängmodell och kartdata

Driveability analysis of terrain data offers an important technique for decision support for all kinds of movements in the terrain. The work described in this report uses a high resolution digital terrain model generated from the laser radar data and further processed by the Category Viewer program, and information from the Real Estate Map. Properties of features found in a filtering process are calculated and compared with a set of rules in a knowledge base to get a driveability cost. This cost is then visualized in a graphical user interface. An evaluation of what driveability is and what it is affected by is performed, and a general cost function is developed, which can be used even if not all relevant information is available.

Virtuella vävnadsobjekt för medicinska träningsapplikationer

This Master thesis discusses the development of a virtual human soft tissue object for use in exercise applications of various medical procedures.The soft tissue object to be developed shall look like, feel like and behave as living human tissue. It shall give the user a realistic feeling of weight, softness and roughness, and shall behave in a correct way for exercise purposes. The soft tissue model is to be used in a three dimensional stereo graphic environment with haptic feedback. A prototype for practicing the procedure of inserting a catheter is built. The prototype is used to evaluate the potential of the virtual environment for medical exercise applications, and to assess the realism and usability of the soft tissue object.

Rutavdraget för läxhjälp : En studie av regeringens interventionslogik och nyckelpersoners uppfattningar i Linköpings kommun

The main purpose of our paper is to reconstruct the intervention logic of the Swedish government's proposal to introduce a tax deduction for homework help. Furthermore, we also intend to outline the perceived impacts of this tax deduction in the municipality of Linköping. Our material consists of the government bill regarding the tax deduction, the parliamentary debate which preceded it as well as interviews with key people in the municipality of Linköping. In our study and in the light of Matthew Clarke?s theory of neo-liberalism within education policy, we also ask ourselves if the intervention logic behind the tax deduction and its perceived effects can be seen as a manifestation of neo-liberalism.

Med ordet som verktyg - En studie om dialogen som påverkansverktyg för institutionella ägare

Socially Responsible Investments (SRI) and Active Ownership have become increasingly important concepts when it comes to the corporate governance of investors today. Institutional owners highlight the importance of engaging in dialogue, in their pursuit to influence the companies to become sustainable. However, stakeholders and academia are requesting more insight into the workings of these dialogues, concerning their purpose, design and function. This study attempts to increase the existing knowledge of dialogue as a tool for active engagement, used by institutional investors in Sweden. The performed study is based on interviews with five public and private Swedish institutional investors, an SRI consultant firm as well as representatives from two NGOs.

Veckorevyn.com: En studie utifrån maktrelationer i bloggens värld

Abstract Title: Veckorevyn.com. A study from power relations in the world of blogs Author: Klara Sigfridsson Department for Media and Cultural Studies, Malmö Högskola Tutor: Kristoffer Gansing This is a report that aims to research upon Fairclough´s Critical discourse analysis to emphasise the power relationship between professional bloggers and former amateur bloggers at the fashion-entertainment web page Veckorevyn.com. Professional bloggers as they appear in the research object and their power within the Media seem to be a subject that is very relevant these days. This paper will look at different factors that make professional bloggers popular and as an example on their responsibility as a role model. However, amateur bloggers do have an importance in this discussion as they are more and more competing with the professionals.

En studie av elitidrottsflickors emotionella reaktioner i samband med skada och rehabilitering

Syftet var att undersöka vilka psykologiska och emotionella reaktioner som förekom i samband med idrottsskada. Vad som gjorde att en ung idrottsflicka kommer tillbaka till idrotten och vad som får henne att följa rehabiliteringsplanen efter en allvarligt idrottsskada.?Cognitive appraisal model? (Wiese-Bjornstal et al. 1998) har använts som teoretisk model för en djupintervjustudie med fyra 17-18 års elitidrottsflickor i lagbollspelen fotboll och handboll. Deltagarna intervjuades 3 gånger.

Affektmedvetenhet och stress : En sambandsstudie utifrån en integrerad stressmodell med affektsystemet som brygga mellan psyke och soma

A unified model of stress and affect consciousness was proposed. The connection between affect consciousness and perceived stress was studied. Teachers (n = 19) were interviewed using Monsens affect interview, followed one month later by a questionnaire containing Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S, STAI-T) and Twenty Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20).Statistical analysis showed no connections between level of total affect consciousness and perceived stress. Though there were some indications of a negative relationship between affect consciousness and trait anxiety. There were also indications, using a complementary analysis, of a connection between level of affect consciousness on the subscale distress in the interview and perceived stress.

Relatinoship Building and Management - Aligning the Advertising Agency-Client Relationship

Title: Relationship building and management ? Aligning the Advertising Agency-Client Relationship Seminar date: 2006-01-13 Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration 10 Swedish credits. Authors: Ryan Eriksson, Louise Hagströmer, Peter Irinarchos. Advisors: Christer Kedström, Catharina Norén. Keywords: Relationship building and management, Transaction cost, Network theory, Resource based theory and Advertising agency.

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