

5970 Uppsatser om The quality of learning in mathematics and learning in mathematics - Sida 12 av 398

Matematikundervisning i internationella miljöer : En studie av arbetet med att överbrygga skillnader i matematikundervisningen

This study investigates the difficulties that may arise for students as a consequence of differences that exist in mathematics education between different educational systems. The questions asked are when and why difficulties as a consequence of differences in writing or types of student problems may arise and in which way teachers and students attend to these difficulties. The focus is thus on the written parts of mathematics education and the questions are asked within the frame of general upper secondary education.In order to answer these questions, a sociocultural perspective based mainly on Sfard?s (2006) participationist theories together with Vygotsky?s (1999) general theories on development and learning is used. An important analytic tool is the discourse concept which in this context means a type of communication that brings some people together while excluding others from the communication.

Bedömning- en viktig uppgift för läraren : Hur fyra lärare beskriver sitt arbete med bedömning i skolans yngre åldrar

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the primary school, from the teacher?s perspective. There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and about the purposes of assessment for a long time. But there is a paucity of research on what teachers believe about. This study examined primary teachers? beliefs on major purposes of assessment.Assessment is the process of gathering and interpreting information about students? learning.

Hur kan learning study utveckla lärarens undervisning? : En studie om hur några lärare arbetar med learning study i sin undervisning

Arbetet är en studie kring hur några lärare i årskurs 4 arbetar med learning study. Flera studier påvisar att teorier och forskning om lärande och undervisning endast når fram till lärarna i begränsad utsträckning. Learning study är en metod för forskning och syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur några lärares sätt att undervisa förändras efter att man arbetat med learning study i sin undervisning.För att kunna ta reda på hur lärare arbetar med learning study så har lärare från olika skolor intervjuats samt att professor Ference Marton har intervjuats för att ta del av hans kunskaper.Resultatet från intervjuerna är att lärarna i studien idag oftare använder variation och skillnader i sin undervisning samt att lärarna i första hand fokuserar på vad som ska läras..

Fader Vår : om fäder med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar

Most studies on parenthood and learning difficulties focus on mother and child, and very little is know about fathers with learning difficulties. Moreover, people with learning difficulties are rarely asked to tell their own narratives. The aim of the current study is to identify the role of the father in families where one or both of the parents have learning difficulties. Laws and regulations concerning the rights of people with learning difficulties in Sweden are accounted for and the he social support system for all parents in Sweden are described .The empirical study is a qualitative phenomenological interview study, inspired by narrative traditions, and describes how fathers with learning difficulties experience these support systems. The main data are two life stories of fathers with learning difficulties and one observation in a family.The findings suggest that although Sweden has a highly regarded disability policy and social support system, and even though fathers with learning difficulties are assured equal rights as members of the society and as parents by the Act of Human Rights, they are not treated equal but still faces structural inequalities.

Livslångt lärande - från vaggan til graven : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärarnas föreställningar om det livslånga lärandet

Aim of this work was to determine teachers' ideas about how to encourage lifelong learning in primary school in year 3, so that students can continue learning throughout life. To get answers to my purpose, I used the following questions: What are the teachers' perceptions of the concept of lifelong learning? What are the main aspects teachers emerged as important in education, to encourage students to lifelong learning? Is there potential barriers to teachers for the promotion by the term of lifelong learning?The method used, is qualitative interviews and as a starting point I used the hermeneutic approach. Theoretical part included Ziehes modernity theory of learning and Vygotsky socio-cultural perspective.The results revealed that lifelong learning is interpreted on the basis of active teachers in many varied ways. Teachers' perceptions of the concept of lifelong learning have been very varied.

Matematik och ingenjören : Utveckling av en aktivitet för att öka elevers motivation för matematik

This thesis primarily includes a study on whether companies can develop a mathematical activity that supports students' motivation in mathematics. The work was done together with Midroc Electro, a company that pays attention to the difficulty of recruiting and therefore was interested in investigating how the business world would be able to contribute.The thesis can be divided into three stages. The first part comprised by a exploration into research on student motivation regarding mathematics as well as numerous interviews with engineers to see how the research findings did fit with Midroc Electros reality. In these studies it became clear that the student who aims for a profession whose education or work requires math belongs to the group of students who primarily manage their studies in mathematics, that is, those that have the greatest motivation to work hard and complete their studies.Research information and interviews were compared and resulted in the thesis second part, Midroc Challenge. An activity where students primarily came to learn about the engineering profession and secondly how mathematics can be used in the engineering profession.

Lär man sig något av idrottsundervisningen? : En studie om gymnasieelevers lärande i Idrott och hälsa A

The purpose of this essay was to study what students at the upper secondary levels thought that they learned in physical education and if there were differences between girls and boys learning. The purpose was also to study different factors that could affect the learning and to show how curriculum and prior research relate to the students learning. In this essay we used the three aspects of health that are mentioned in the description of physical education: the physical, the social and the psychic. The study was based on a quantitative research where 165 students answered questionnaires about their learning. Our research showed that the students did not get the knowledge that the A-course in physical education should provide and that the goals for the course were not accomplished.

BARA MATEMATIK? : En empirisk studie om matematiksvårigheter och dess orsaker

SvenskaDetta är en kvalitativ studie som är baserad på semistrukturerade intervjuer. Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på hur två matematiklärare och en specialpedagog ser på/beskriver matematik­svårigheter och hur de arbetar med elevernas matematiksvårigheter som de upp­täcker hos sina elever. Jag är väldigt intresserad av att höra vilka matematik­svårigheter och orsaker till matematiksvårigheter lärarna ser hos sina elever samt lära mig hur skolan och lärarna jobbar med dessa svårigheter hos eleverna. Samtliga informanter hade samma svar på mina forskningsfrågor. I resultaten av hela min studie har jag kommit fram till att orsaker till elevernas matematiksvårigheter bland annat är: dåliga baskunskaper, låga baskunskaper förståelse av positionssystem samt begrepp.

Analys av lärarsajten lektion.se

The main purpose of this study is to get an increased knowledge of the content on the Swedish website lektion.se. The study wants to find out if the content can relate to the syllabus for Swedish and the sociocultural view of learning. The questions it aims to answer are how the content of lessons in Swedish in grade 1-5 is related to the syllabus for Swedish and the sociocultural view of learning. This has been a study of text from lessons taken from the website. The study has been made with support from qualitative and quantitative analysis of text.

Hur arbetar lärare med laborativ matematik? : En kvalitativ studie om hur fyra lärare arbetar främstmed avseende på laborativa inslag i undervisningen igrundskolan

The objective of this research is to unveil how respective teacher consider about the laboratory working methods in mathematics. The research even includes answers to questions such as, what approaches and attitudes the teachers have and the methods they use when instructing their students when teaching mathematics, what the materials used by the teachers are and how important working creatively is to help the students develop their logical thinking. I also looked into issues that can help understand how and why teachers use laboratory mathematics for students in young ages. As a conclusion the research showed that the teachers aim to the goal that includes helping the students understand mathematics, strengthen their logical thinking and creativity.In the method section qualitative data was used, which contained four interviews with different pedagogues that daily interact with students in elementary school. The reasons for using the method of qualitative data was to help me deeper understand and answer the specific questions I had to the pedagogues and to even compare how different pedagogues differ in their approaches and methods.

Förskolans estetik : Pedagogers syn på estetik i förskolan

This examination paper defines how educators work with esthetic, and esthetic learning in pre-school. I have done research by interviewing four pedagogues. The result shows that the pedagogues does work with esthetic and practice esthetic learning processes, but their work shift. Some pedagoues practice strong esthetic and some practice more modest esthetic. Some of the pedagogues are more aware than other of the esthetics influens of the childrens life long learning.

Grönskans roll i framtidens stad : En stad i förändring

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the primary school, from the teacher?s perspective. There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and about the purposes of assessment for a long time. But there is a paucity of research on what teachers believe about. This study examined primary teachers? beliefs on major purposes of assessment.Assessment is the process of gathering and interpreting information about students? learning.

Byggnadsminnesmärkta trädgårdar och parker ? lagar och stöd för att skyddavårt gröna kulturarv

SvenskaDetta är en kvalitativ studie som är baserad på semistrukturerade intervjuer. Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på hur två matematiklärare och en specialpedagog ser på/beskriver matematik­svårigheter och hur de arbetar med elevernas matematiksvårigheter som de upp­täcker hos sina elever. Jag är väldigt intresserad av att höra vilka matematik­svårigheter och orsaker till matematiksvårigheter lärarna ser hos sina elever samt lära mig hur skolan och lärarna jobbar med dessa svårigheter hos eleverna. Samtliga informanter hade samma svar på mina forskningsfrågor. I resultaten av hela min studie har jag kommit fram till att orsaker till elevernas matematiksvårigheter bland annat är: dåliga baskunskaper, låga baskunskaper förståelse av positionssystem samt begrepp.

Strategier för lärande : Lärares förståelse och användning av strategier i språkundervisning i årskurserna 4-6

This research paper has the aim of examining Swedish and Australian teachers? knowledge base and use of learning strategies in their language classes. After conducting qualitative interviews, the interviewees? answers are tabled to corresponding descriptions of how strategies are communicated in current curricula of the two countries. The answers confirm that teachers? understanding of learning strategies partly agree with previous research on strategies.

Skolans utformning, ett hinder för lärares eget lärande? : En studie av den fysiska arbetsmiljöns påverkan på lärares eget lärande

This essay is written about how the physical environment affects teachers? own learning. The purpose is to see how the teachers? work is affected by various factors, such as the uses and placement of the teachers? offices, common room, or any other places where a meeting may occur. The survey was conducted using both interviews and observations of the teacher?s office.

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