

2973 Uppsatser om The ordinary world - Sida 66 av 199

Civiliserade nordbor och primitiva främlingar : En kritisk diskursanalys av journal- och förfilm i folkhemmets Sverige

This essay examines a small selection of Swedish newsreel and documentary short films, primarily travelogues, produced shortly before and after the second world war. The general aim is to expose differences in the representation of ?The Other? and the ?ethnic Swede? by applying a critical discourse analysis. The purpose is to illuminate how the material positions the latter as the norm and then contextualize this with xenophobic currents that had developed up until the middle of the twentieth century. Theoretical and methodological framework is drawn from the field of cultural studies as well as the nonfiction film.

Religiösa Avatarer : Turister i sakraliserade virtuella världar

Sammanfattning Är virtuella världar sakraliserade?Virtuella är sakraliserade i jämförelse med vår sekulariserade värd och jag hade inte förväntat mig ett så stort utbud av religion i onlinespel. I och med min forskning anser jag att Final Fantasy XI och World of Warcraft i största grad är sakraliserade virtuella världar där människor världen över antar rollen som så kallade ?cyberpiligrims? och ge sig ut på ett äventyr för att upptäcka sin identitet och utforska sig själva. I spelen förekommer religiösa föreställningar och de är en plats där man kan konstruera sin andlighet liksom på övriga Internet.

Bildernas byggstenar : En studie om pixlar och vektorers egenskaper i form av digitala material

With a new digital world that runs parallel with our physical one, we are also facing a new type of architecture and new materials that this new architecture is built on. In this thesis I examine pixels and vectors, two of the digital materials used to create pictures. By approaching them as digital materials, I have mapped their different qualities, when and where one or the other is more or less applicable and the reason behind it. My main research question asked was the following: Are the (digital) materials challenged outside their primary fields of application, and in that case, in which way? With this question in mind, I carried out a semiotic picture analysis on four pictures, later on dividing them into four different categories, based on their different qualities and their ability to deliver information.

Lean filosofi ? fem steg till ordning och reda på arbetsplatsen : Lean philosophy ? five steps to get the workplace in order

Part 1 of 2  ? Lean philosophy ? five steps to get the workplace in order?Part one deals with the theory of what Lean and 5S are.Lean is a long-term approach that involves a quest to become the best on the market by increasing employee engagement, eliminate waste and focus on the right things.5S is a method of order in a system. Businesses around the world are using these 5S which stands for sort, straighten, shine, standardize and sustain. Part 2 of 2 ? Lean philosophy ? five steps to get the workplace in order?Part 2 deals with the practical about 5S and a short summery about the company Wibax AB where the degree thesis took place.Wibax has a a project which involves using 5S in practice and create order in the in preparation lab and in the control room.By finding a solution to this mess reduces the time that was previously spent on searching equipment. Instead of search, the workers can do the real work..

Natur som kultur : och betydelsen av dess berättelser

Is there such a thing as unadulterated nature? All that surrounds us is culturally modified by man somewhere along our past. But culture is only a fictitious conception itself, created in an attempt to break the world into controllable objects.So in what do we find culture? In everything? In the objects or the stories they embrace? Who chooses what?s worth saving and how to save? Choosing what is culture is made from personal, ingrained dichotomies of what?s important and what is not. A selective eye creates a distorted truth, which could have unintentional long-term effects.This thesis will give a historical account of the archaeological discipline?s development in tending to our cultural heritage.

Med kejsaren som referens : En studie om kejsarkultens påverkan på den skandinaviska aristokratins uppkomst och utveckling

During the three first centuries A.D the cult to roman emperor was practiced over the absolute majority of the known world. It was based on the idea of the deified ruler, where religion was used as a way of legitimizing a social position of an absolute few. It arrived from below but was promoted and spread from above as a way of governmental control. During the same period of time did a new aristocratic social group emerge in remote Scandinavia that eagerly sought new ways to identify themselves and their newly found social standing. With a base consisting of an economic surplus they wanted to create an acceptance for their new way of life and thus in doing so change the very foundation and core beliefs of their own society.The central theme of this study is the cultural exchange that took place between these two cultural spheres and mainly of the effect that the cult to the roman emperor had on the emergence and identification process of the Scandinavian aristocracy..

Äldres matval

BakgrundAllt fler blir allt äldre. I takt med sociala och ekonomiska framsteg ökar människors livslängd - en utveckling som antas fortgå under de närmsta decennierna (World Health organization, 2013). En ökad medellivslängd är ett tecken på en positiv samhällsutveckling i form av effektivare sjukvård och förbättrade levnadsförhållanden (Agahi, Lagergren, Thorslund & Wånell, 2005). En befolkning som blir allt äldre innebär dock även en ökad incidens av kroniska, livsstilsrelaterade sjukdomar som högt blodtryck, diabetes typ II och benskörhet (World Health Organization, 2013). För förebyggande av dessa sjukdomar är bra kosthållning genom hela livet av avsevärd betydelse (Livsmedelsverket, 2009), och så är även forskning kring vad, hur och när människor väljer att äta (Bellisle, 2003; Renner, Sproesser, Strohbach & Schupp, 2012).SyfteVårt syfte är att undersöka vilka de övervägande skälen till äldres matval är.

Turkiet vänder blickarna mot öster : -en fallstudie av Turkiets utrikespolitiska förändring gentemot Mellanöstern

AbstractTurkey has emerged as a major actor in the Middle East over the last decade, since the ruling party AKP came to power in 2002. Turkey is now playing a mediation role in regional conflicts and has been speaking out loudly on sensitive issues such as the Iranian nuclear program and the Palestinian- Israeli conflict. Furthermore, Turkey has established close ties with the Arab world which has suffered the relationship with its long-time ally Israel. This new presence in Middle East has been criticized by Turkey's allies in west. Critics argue that the country is about to abandon its former western relationship and strengthen their ties with the Arab world instead.This thesis has two main purposes.

Filmmusik : En grund djupdykning i filmmusikens värld

The future of Christianity is something that has been, and still is, discussed all over the world. Atthe first sight it can look like this religion, that has former been so big all over Europe, isdiminishing. More and more people are leaving the church and the church-benches are very seldomfilled. In our society it is the individual that is important and the moral life is changing. But, this donot still have to be the end of Christianity, which some people believe.

Entreprenörskap och programutveckling

I slutet av år 2005 blev en ny applikation utvecklad. Applikationen hade en innovativ potential att marknadsföras internationellt vilket ledde till att en patentansökan lämnades in och företaget Mobisma AB grundades. Den tekniska lösningen uppfyllde kraven för en patentansökan och hade nyhet, uppfinningshöjd och en industriell användbarhet. Avsikten med den här uppfinningen var att styra användarens frånvarustatus i en telefonväxel från sin mobiltelefon. Vid den här tidpunkten årsskiftet 2005/2006 var det unikt med applikationer för en mobiltelefon.

LCA av dricksvattendesinfektion : en jämförelse av klor och UV-ljus

Disinfection methods for drinking-water produced at the two water works of Stockholm Water Co are compared in this study. Three different nethods are compared; disinfection with chlorine gas, disinfection with sodium hypochlorite and disinfection with UV-light and monochloramine. The method used is Life cycle assessment, LCA. LCA is defined as the compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and potential environmental impact of a product system shroughout its life cycle. The environmental burden is compared for the three different disinfection methods.

Älmhults köping 1901 - 1970 : Från räls till IKEA

In the beginning of the 1860s, an important railway was built between Malmö and Stockholm. The railway became one of the most important projects that would influence the entire southern Sweden. The railway line was located to areas outside the ordinary routes and a number of communities were built up along its way.Älmhult was one of the communities that was built up due to the railway. In the beginning there were only a few farms and a station, but a community developed and the village grew. In 1901 the village became a small market town, which was an important event.

Kan dans ge unga kvinnor livskraft, styrka och självinsikt

The first main purpose of this essay is to describe the situation of young women today here in this part of the world concerning influences from commercial media.The second purpose with this essay is to investigate if dance could be used as a tool against all these sterotyped and superficial pictures and ideals in the industy of commersial media.With some questions I also want to get closer to the answer if dancing is a way for young women to get insight knowledge. I also describe women from dance history who experienced that dance filled them up with energy but also environment where there was oppression.This essay has a gender perspective.The methods are manly based on literature studies but information is also gathered from the Internet and from one film.My results are that dance is a very constructive way to give the young woman that force which is needed when meeting media pictures everywhere. It gives her self-confidence, body awareness, joy and strength in life..

Vårtor på mjölkkornas spenar :

The reason why I choose the subject ?Warts on teats of Dairy Cows? was because the herd I work with has big problems with skin-complaint on teats and udder. So I found it interesting to try to find the reason why the cows look like they do and even to find a way to relieve the trouble. The examine work included both a literature research, an experimental test, concerning a comparison of different teat sprays and also an inquiry-research about the occurrence of warts in practical herds in order to collect as much facts as possible. Three companies, selling different types of teat disinfectants, were willing to sponsor the teat dipping experiment. The aim of the experiment was to see if any special disinfectant had more pronounced healing effects on teat warts. The date for the experiment was 18th December 2004 to 22nd January 2005, which was going to be 5 weeks.The experiment was carried out in the herd of Ola and Eskil Carlsson in Fjärlöv, Hässleholm. The three compared teat spray chemicals were; Nova Viri Sun, Nardosept, and BlockadeTM. These chemicals were compared to one control group, which teats were treated with the ordinary chemical normally used in the herd, i.e.

Vägen till framgång : En studie om festivaler i Stockholm

The purpose of this paper is to examine how events can be successful and stay competitive.Festivals are a big part of the event world and it can be difficult to understand why certainfestivals are successful and others not. In this paper we have conducted a comparison betweentwo major festivals in Stockholm. Both of them reached success, but nevertheless one of themfailed, while the other one is still successful. With this comparison, it appeared that there aremany aspects that help a festival to reach success but also factors that can make a festival afailure. To conduct this study, a number of interviews have been carried through; these havelater been put in relation to different theories about festivals.

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