

2973 Uppsatser om The ordinary world - Sida 27 av 199

En återvunnen och återanvänd förskola : Hur barn lär sig betydelsen av återvinning och återanvändning

This thesis means to find out how preschool teachers are working to demonstrate the importance of recycling and reuse for children. My hope is to contribute knowledge about various practical methods to establish the idea of sustainable development in the operation. I have used the method of qualitative research and done semi-structured interviews with preschool teachers on certified green flag preschools. The questions I have asked for example concerned how the preschool teachers have worked with recycling and reuse, how much the children have been able to influence and if other didactic subjects are implicated. Six interviews were made and these are summarized in the result part.

Våldets väg : inställningar till våld och konflikt bland singalesiska buddhister

During the course of history, the world have come to see powerful nations rise and fall, religions spread and diminish ? and all too often there have been violent struggles between religious groups and secular forces, a fact that we still see in our world today. In the West, we often hear about the violent and fundamental dimensions of Islam. Buddhism is rarely a part of the equation in a western context, regarding violence. A common perception is the picture of Buddhism as a guardian of non-violent principles and values.

Vi och våra andra Om konstruktionen av de andra i svenska läromedel. En diskursanalys av fem samhällskunskapsböcker för högstadiet.

The purpose of this study is to examine to what extent the senior level Swedish school can be viewed as supporting, or counteracting, a colonial discourse that legitimizes global and national injustices. The study is executed through a discourse analysis of five textbooks in social science for senior level Swedish schools.Using elements from Foucault and Edward Said a theoretical framework is constructed, in which a colonial discourse is perceived as structured around four clusters of ideas, namely (i) the use of dichotomies, (ii) the concept of progress and civilization, (iii) the construction of -we- as synonymous with (ii), and (iv) the construction of -the others- as the opposite of (ii) and, therefore, the opposite of -us-.The results show that a colonial discourse is still highly present in the textbooks, in that the texts are structured around dichotomies such as tradition/modernity and democracy/dictatorship. Sweden and the Western world are perceived as closely associated with democracy, freedom, and modernity, whereas -the others- of the world are being associated with e.g. poverty, conflict, tradition, and ignorance. -The others- within Sweden, i.e.

Scania : Organisationens janusansikte

Inspiration for this work is from the argumentation, which is about following issue: ``If we are on a good way to leave the bureaucratization``.This paper is a study about Scania. Here I will find out at which level of bureaucratization Scania is ranked on. Scania is one of the leading producers of trucks in the world. It is acompany which works global and the analysis of Scania´s environment is as much as theanalysis of the company's internal organization..

Män, kvinnor och levande döda. : En kvalitativ analys av tv-serien The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead is a popular American tv-series set in the near future, or an alternative present. Society has fallen and colapsed into a more post-apocalyptic state. Till this date the seires has reached its third season, and each episode has several million viewers around the world. In this essay the author tries to see how the tv-series reprensatation of men and women looks like. Media, such as tv-series, acts as great source of inspiration when people tries to understand the world around them.

Sjuksköterskans uppfattning om livskvalitet

Background Satisfaction of life and wellbeing is shown to be important when the quality of life is to be understood. The nurse has a significant role in the care of the patient and in his/her experience of life. Aim The purpose of this study is to examine the quality of life, from a nurse perspective. Method The text analysis was carried out with qualified attempts, of a book, "Quality of life a challenge for the nurse" (in Swedish) by T. Rustoen, a nurse who also worked as a teacher in Norway.

Strategy and change stories at work - Translating ideal official stories into real case stories

When referring to the same event, people can have different assumptions. What is interesting to see is why these assumptions are different, why do people have different stories? Some of the reasons could be different levels of expectation, different communication channels or even different cultural backgrounds. We have analysed all these by having a case study within a company that has recently gone through a change management/strategy implementation process.The research reviewed in this paper originates in two different worlds. One world is a research world where stories come from textbooks and articles.

Vad styr svenska samers utbud av renkött?

Den svenska rennäringens primära inkomstkälla är försäljning av renkött. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka ett antal faktorers inverkan på utbudet av renkött. Metoden ordinary least square har använts för att göra en ekonometrisk studie baserad på statistik för åren 1980-2003. De faktorer som testats är total ersättning, vilken inkluderar avräkningspris samt kvantitetsbaserad subvention, och renstammens storlek. Resultaten i vår undersökning visar att total ersättning inte är signifikant på någon testad nivå, däremot fann vi att renstammens storlek hade positiv korrelation med utbudet på renkött.

Balanced Scorecard i svenska kommuner

Purpose: The purpose with our study is to accomplish a quantitative research of all municipalities in Sweden and see why they apply Balanced Scorecard. The study will also investigate the spread of Balanced Scorecard, even the benefits and how they use it. Method: In our study we have chosen a quantitative research. The study has been accomplished with a questionnaire survey which we sent to all of the Swedish municipalities. We have also done a literature study to get more knowledge about relevant theories.

Ekobyn, ett framtida koncept

Jönköping's municipality requested a diploma work witch would present the experiences, as arisen during the existence of the echo village Smeden.To recive information for the background, literature at the university library were searched at the database "Libris" with words like "echo village" and "ecological living".Data was retrieved from 28 questionnaires that were sent out to the inhabitants of the echo village Smeden. The questionnaires contained questions about experiences, opinions, ideas and thoughts about living in this echo village. The results were analyzed and presented by diagrams and tables and showed that the inhabitants where most unsatisfied with the sewer and the system of the toilet. In the opposite the inhabitants experienced that the remaining systems were in satisfactory and the majority of the inhabitants were very pleased with their living conditions.Conclusions of this study are that an echo village would be a suitable alternative to an ordinary living and that ecological living would be something that would work well even in the future. An important thing to remember is that the systems of the households must be easy for the inhabitants to maintain otherwise the environmental thinking would be in risk of failure if some don?t have the energy to manage this properly..

H.P. Lovecraft : Narratologisk analys av atmosfär och fasor

Even though the American author H.P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) has been praised as one of the most influential writers of horror literature in the 20th century, his style of writing has occasionally been criticized. Lovecraft was using a writing style based on strict scientific language, where the human condition and existence are irrelevant in the narrative. This includes less focus on character development and more on the importance of atmosphere and environments. I am presenting narratological analyzes of what is often considered to be three of Lovecraft?s ?greatest works?: ?The Call of Cthulhu?, At the Mountains of Madness, and ?The Shadow over Innsmouth.? These analyzes are used to highlight Lovecraft?s science-oriented language and narratological techniques, with the focus of studying what methods Lovecraft was using to give his works and his readers a sense of dread, hopelessness, and an alien atmosphere.

Den suicidala livsvärlden : texter om självmord på Internet

Suicidology deals a lot with taking into consideration significant symptoms, risk factors and establishing causal relationships which inevitably are very important for suicide prevention. But do we understand the suicide attempters better thereby? The aim with the study is to elucidate the meaning of the lived suicidal experience that is expressed by participants on an Internet forum. Ten participants' texts which concerned own suicidality were chosen out from this Internet forum and were analyzed and interpreted on the basis of a phenomenological hermeneutical method inspired by Ricoeur (1976). The result established twelve themes that with the aid of Heidegger (1993) and Derrida (1978, 1991) led to that the following conclusions could be drawn about the meaning of the suicidal lifeworld: suicidal concern and care in itself reduces the sense of identity, practical suicidal doing in itself reduces the world, sense of identity is more affected by the future than the present and the past, the death is escaped from through a calculating determination to have the death at one's disposal, inability to turn away from the death increases oscillating between states of emotions, the surrounding world's requirement to avoiding death becomes to a compulsion to isolate one self; and finally: to both feel anxiety in front of one self's own death and dread when escaping from it..

"Ett lika fritt folk bör äga lika rätt" : Om förändringarna i jordägandet i Öja socken före och efter 1789 och 1809/10

During the time between 1660-1680 the nobility in Sweden came to be a gigantic landowner with 65 % of the total amount of land, but only 20 years later they lost almost half of their possessions. The eighteenth century was on its way ? a period in history were ?ordinary? people started to question the nobility?s right to be excused from tax, at the same time as farmers and the ?middlegroup? started to appropriate more and more land from the nobility and the Crown.Through King Gustav III:s document of 1789, land became free to own to whoever it was ? except from the prime nobility?s land; but the Swedish Parliament followed the wind of change, and 1809/10 this land was also free to own. At the end of 1840, the nobility owned about 19 % of the land in Sweden, and the farmers and middlegroup owned 69 %. The tide had turned...But Öja parish showed a different development compered to the rest of Sweden.

Kost- och motionsvanors betydelse vid Diabetes Mellitus : En litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to describe the importance of diet and physical activity related to Diabetes Mellitus (diabetes). Method used was a descriptive literature study based on empirical studies. The study shows that diet, physical activity and lifestyle-changes are very important factors when it comes to preventing and treating of diabetes. By the right diet and physical activity the treatment with medications in some cases can be superfluous and people with the disease could live longer and be healthier during their lifetime. Nurses have the responsibility to educate, inform and make sure that the diabetic patient gets the best care as possible specially suited for this individual patient.

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