

782 Uppsatser om The male gaze - Sida 6 av 53

Mäns kroppsuppfattning: en kartläggning och reliabilitetsstudie

Man has through out times and in all cultures shaped their bodies to the existing bodily ideals. Men's bodily ideals had changed over the last thirty years to a more muscular, less bodyfat and more V-shaped body. Men and women focus their attention to different body parts. That is why there is a need for a questionnaire witch is specially designed for men. The purpose of this study was to deliniate the body image of men aged 20 to 30 years and to test the reliability of the questionnaire "Mäns kroppsuppfattning".

Jag är annorstädes - den unika rösten : Skapande av en subjektsposition i Unica Zürns Jasminmannen

This study analyses the german writer and artist Unica Zürn´s novel, The Man of Jasmine,1970 (Jasminmannen). Zürn was mostly active in the surrealist avantgarde in Paris during the 1950ies - and 60ies. The male surrealist images of women was polarised in to the godlike, child and the erotic, convulsive object. The mythologizied woman was the muse of men´s creativity. But still there were many women artists who participated in the movement, so clearly there was something in surrealism that attracted women.

Hägnutnyttjande hos Aldabrasköldpaddor (Geochelone gigantea) på Parken Zoo

Reptiles are animals than have been neglected in the research for all times. Some people have the opinion that these animals have fewer needs and demand less from their caretakers. The Aldabra Giant Tortoise lives on the Aldabra atoll outside the coast of Tanzania. The Aldabra tortoise population has varied throughout the years, but today the population is around 100.000 animals. The purpose of this study was to analyze the enclosure utilization of two Aldabra tortoises, a male and a female, at Parken Zoo in Eskilstuna, Sweden.

Good cop - bad cop? : - en jämförelse i ilska och aggression hos polisstudenter och universitetsstudenter

The main purpose of this study was to compare the levels of anger and aggression between male and female Police Academy students (N=106) and male university students (N=100), using 2 psychometric anger instruments; Novaco Anger Scale-1998-S (NAS-1998-S) and Aggression Questionnaire-S (AQ-S). Another aim was to examine if there was a difference in anger and aggression between male and female Police Academy students. Questionnaires were handed out to Police Academy students in Växjö and the result was compared to university students from a previous study by Lindqvist, Dåderman & Hellström (2003). Analyses using a series of Independent sample t-tests showed a significantly lower level of anger and aggression in the Police Academy sample. There were no significant difference in anger and aggression between males and females with the exception of two subscales of the NAS-1998-S and AQ-S; females scored significantly higher on NAS Arousal and males scored significantly higher on AQ Physical aggression..

Den paradoxala internkommunikationen : En studie om den interna förändringskommunikationens roll i ett gasellföretag

For some time researcher has focused their interest on how women are being treated in sports and what impact it has on the development of the sports movement. Researchers in the field have tried to clarify where the problem lies, if it is gender or sex. Are the differences between the sexes caused by how society portrays women or because women and men are built for different purposes. This research paper studied how women in the sports of snowboarding and freeskiing perceived their possibilities to practice their own sports. Furthermore, the study tried to answer if the problems are originated from the culture of the sports, what the possibilities and opportunities women had to make ?it? and what women think is the reason why there are so few female athletes in their sports.

Skillnader mellan manligt och kvinnligt? : Ett genusperspektiv på ledaregenskaper

AimThe purpose of this study is to investigate if there is any variance between masculine and feminine physical education teachers leadership.Are men more authoritarian than woman in their education? Do the influence of pupils have something to do with the gender of the teacher?s? Do the pupils respect masculine physical education teachers any different compound to feminine teachers?MethodWe have studied relevant literature that consider masculine and feminine leadership. The choice was to work with senior compulsory school. We choose the community of Botkyrka, through comfort choice. The criterion for the teachers were that they would have a swedish physical education and have been working at least for 4 years.

Påverkas ledarskap i en kvinnodominerad organisation av könsrollsstereotyper - En studie av skillnader i ledarskap mellan män och kvinnor i en kvinnodominerad organisation.

Research within gender and leadership has often focused on leaders in male dominated work areas, but quite recently interest has arise for examine leadership in female dominated work areas. This thesis analyzes possible differences connected to theories about gender stereotypes that may exist among male and female leaders within a female dominated organization. Further, possible underlying reasons to why or why not differences between genders might be found are investigated. The research question is addressed through a single embedded case study design at the Swedish public organization Försäkringskassan. The primary focus is middle managers, and twenty qualitative interviews were conducted with leaders and co-workers at two local offices and at the organizations headquarter.

Kvinnligt Ledarskap eller ledarskap på kvinnors villkor En fallstudie av föreställningar om ledarskap och genus i Womentor

The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions of leadership and gender issues circulat- ing in Womentor leadership development programme, and to have a discussion around what conse- quences they may have on participants' careers. To answer the question I have used a qualitative approach in the form of 10 interviews and non-participant observations. The theories in this study are based on gender and leadership issues.The problem which forms the basis of this study is the underrepresentation of women at senior posi- tions. A basic assumption in this study is that notions of gender and leadership affect the individual's ability to act. The circulating concepts identified in Womentor are: The leader who wants to be a manager, The leader who gets things done, The communicative leader, Change leader, The motiva- tional leader and The leader as a role model.

Synen på våldsamma män och orsakerna bakom våldet : En kvalitativ studie om behandlares syn på mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer

This study uses qualitative research consisting of six semi-structural interviews of treatment workers who, in various capacities, have worked with men who use violence against their female partners. The purpose has been to show what the treatment counselor understand to be the reasons behind the men?s violence, what kind of backgrounds and problems they believe these abusers have and, lastly, how they view the male abusers as clients. The empirical data was analyzed through four perspectives and explanatory models derived from the past thirty years of Scandinavian research on the reasons behind men?s violence against women.

Kön och arbete med ekonomiskt bistånd : sex socialsekreterares erfarenheter av arbetet med ungdomar som ansöker om och uppbär ekonomiskt bistånd

The purpose of the study is to explore how social workers work with youths that seek financial assistance and what importance gender plays in this process. The participants were six female social workers that work with financial assistance. They were interviewed and had to reflect over a case, where the client where either male or female. The results was analyzed and compared in relation to social constructive theory and gender theory. The study shows that social workers work in two parallel processes, when they decide about financial assistance and other help benefits, the formal and the intuitive.

Value Investing ur ett Genusperspektiv

In light of the current debate on gender equality and behavioral finance, the study aims to describe whether gender differences in financial stock picking can be explained by the different multiples found within the Value Investing Theory. Furthermore, the study aims to determine which of the four portfolios, value, growth, male or female, that has had the strongest return. The results suggest that there is an association between female and value stocks as well as between male and growth stocks. Out of the four portfolios, the value and female portfolio were on average the best performers with abnormal returns..

Attityder till kvinnligt och manligt ledarskap

The purpose of the study was to examine if preferred stereotypical leadership and gender could predict women?s employability to leading positions. The survey, which was selfconstructed containing a scenario module was conducted on co-workers (N=97) in the Vaxjo area. The result showed that the female candidate in the scenario was preferred as leader prior to the male candidate. However, there were no gender differences between the male and female participants? preferred stereotypical leadership.

Vaccination against boar taint - effect of restrictive and semi ad libitum feeding regime on production and behavior

Male piglets have been castrated for centuries to avoid contamination of their meat with boar taint, a strongly unpleasant odour that makes the meat inedible. Today boar taint can be prohib-ited by vaccination against gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) using Improvac®. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of vaccination on growth performance and behaviour of vaccinated male pigs compared to surgically castrated male pigs. The effect of two feeding regimes, restricted (SLU-norm) and semi ad libitum, was also included in the study. At birth, pigs (n=206) were randomly allocated to the two treatment groups; surgically castrated and vaccination.

Forget Prince Charming. I want a vampire in a shiny silver Volvo. : En studie av manlig sexualitet i två moderna vampyrromaner

The popularity of vampire novels has come and gone over the years. And the romantic novels seem more popular than ever before. The male vampire have taken the stereotyperole as a sexual object. But what is it that makes the male characters desirable?The vampire genre was developed from defining female vampires as sexual freeand liberal but with a punishment awaiting them.

Det första könet, dess ?Andra? och den tredje världen : västerländsk manlighet i reseskildringar

Travel literature and especially the ?adventure story? has excited young British boys for over two centuries. However, it has also been a vehicle for the assertion of male dominance and European supremacy. The story of a British man who goes to the colonies, performs some test which is essentially a test of his manliness, and whose compulsory victory marks the end of the book, has been a central myth in colonial masculinity.Through looking at three Anglo-Saxon male travel writers from the 20th century, this essay aims to study the different ways in which Western male identity is shaped against an Indian background. The novels analysed are Topee and Turban or Here and There in India by H.A.

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