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Den dolda marknadsföringen : -En kvantitativ studie om ambienta dofters inverkan på kunders beteende i en klädbutik.

Context: Congruent ambient scents are not used extensively in marketing and there is only some research in this area within the Swedish retail. Moreover, there are not many studies that show how ambient scents influence customer behavior in a Swedish clothing store.Purpose: Examine and analyze which of the ambient scent vanilla and white orchid that suite and can provide a signature fragrance to the clothing store Kompaniet in Kalmar. The purpose of this study is therefore to compare how these scents affect the customers? behavior in the servicescape.Method: A deductive research strategy with an experimental design. The experiment was performed in Kompaniet in Kalmar.Theory: Our theoretical framework consists of sensory marketing, male and female shopping behavior, the sense of smell and ambient scent in the servicescape atmospherics.Results: Here we present a presentation of Kompaniets servicescape.

Ännu en genusanalys? En granskning av hur kvinnor och män framställs i islam och hinduism.

The aim of this Bachelor essay is to examine the portrayal of women and men constructed in two textbooks aimed for religious studies. The aim is also to examine how the image relates to the curriculum directives on gender equality. The theory consists of gender theory based on work by Catharina Raudvere, Jeanette Sky and Yvonne Hirdman. Previous research on gender and textbooks has shown that male perspective often dominates and that the female perspective is insertions in the rest of the text.?Genustrappan? (gender stairs) are used as analysis method.

"Har jag verkligen valt rätt, det var bara killar" : - en studie om elever som gjort ett könsotraditionellt gymnasieval

For centuries, the human body has been used as a mean to project the norms, moral values and aesthetic preferences that exist throughout society. It has been controlled through constrictive fashion, family and social virtues and through how we perceive gender and sexuality. This essay strives to show, not only how the body and the aesthetic values coexist, but also how they work together and influence each other, with the body as the aesthetic medium. To do this, Michel Foucault?s writings of sexuality and his theories on morality and discipline, as well as Judith Butler?s works on normativity and performativity are being used.

Det handlar om tur: en kvalitativ studie av rättsprocessen vid kvinnofridsbrott

The purpose of this essay was to examine the experience of the judicial process concerning domestic violence from the perspectives of abused females and from some of the authorities and organisations which meet these women. The essay investigated several views of the judicial process in order to obtain a wide perspective. It responded to the following questions:- How are abused women treated by the authorities and organisations?- Are there enough resources and knowledge among the authorities and organisations?- Is there any collaboration between the authorities and organisations which the female meets in the judicial process and if so, how does it look like?- What does the aspect of security of person look like for the women which have been exposed to domestic violence?- What in the judicial process is important for the women's ability to move on in her life after experiences of violence in a relationship?This study was based on a qualitative method, where the interviews constituted of empirical material. The essay was based on interviews with two females who have experiences of violence in a relationship, two social workers from Kvinnojouren in Lund, two social workers from Kriscentrum in Lund, one lawyer, one prosecutor, one policeman and one social worker from Kvinnoforum in Lund.

Smärtbedöming inom ambulanssjukvården : Hur sjuksköterskor bedömer patientens och vilka faktorer som påverkar bedömningen

Background: The majority of patients requiring medical attention experience some degree of pain. The nurses´ assessment of pain is crucial in reducing the patients suffering in a proper and timely manner. Previous studies have shown that the treatment of pain in a emergency situation is poorly managed. The patients´ pain experience is often under assessed and undertreated which leads to increased suffering for the patient. This results in higher costs for the health care system due to prolonged hospitalization.

SIMMA MED HAJAR ? en studie av kvinnliga journalisters arbetssituation i Kapstaden ur ett genusperspektiv

Authors: Sofia Eriksson and Malin Wändahl Title: To swim with sharks --? a qualitative study of female journalists work situation in Cape Town due to gender Level: Bachelor of Journalism. Autumn 2013 Location: University of Gothenburg Although the distribution of sex in the South African media houses is equal, research shows that the work conditions for women and men are unequal. Therefore, we have studied how the situation looks like beyond the statistics. The aim of our thesis is to examine, due to gender, how female journalists in Cape Town experience and cope with their work situation in a profession traditionally dominated by men.

Hur hanteras vildsvinets (Sus scrofa) populationstillväxt i Sverige idag?

The wild boar was reintroduced to Sweden in the 1970´s from enclosures that they had escaped from and by a government decision in 1988 they were considered a part of the natural fauna again. The purpose with this report is to examine the effects of the wild boars? reintroduction both on their welfare and on other aspects, such as how their population growth affects Sweden. This was done by gathering information from scientific literature and by performing three interviews. Another purpose is to briefly overlook live trapping and other common regulation methods.

Kvinnor, giv akt! En studie av uttryck f?r genusstrukturer och sk?tsamhetsideal i tidskriften Morgonbris under f?rsta v?rldskriget.

This thesis explores how the Swedish magazine Morgonbris depicted women's new roles in the workforce during World War I and whether these depictions challenged or upheld contemporary gender structures. The study addresses two main questions, how Morgonbris portrayed women's new roles in the workforce and how this portrayal challenged or upheld contemporary gender structures. And also how the magazine integrated the ideal of respectability to engage and mobilize female workers, analyzed through Ronny Ambj?rnsson's descriptions of respectability ideals. Using Hirdman's gender system theory, which examines the maintenance of gender power structures through separation and hierarchy, and Ambj?rnsson's work on respectability ideals, the study employs a qualitative content analysis of articles from Morgonbris during the war years. By identifying and analyzing expressions of class and respectability ideals, the research uncovers strategies used to engage and mobilize female workers. The results show that Morgonbris portrayed women's entry into traditionally male-dominated labor sectors as a significant shift that challenged established gender roles.

Tick burden in neonatal roe deer (Capreolus capreolus): the role of age, weight, hind foot length, and vegetation and habitat on bed sites

This thesis deal with tick burden on roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) fawns, in relation to age, weight, hind foot length, and as well as to vegetation and habitat on bed sites. Roe deer fawns (N = 25) were captured from May 27 to June 27. Samples of ticks were collected and tick burden were estimated. Of all sampled ticks the nymphs and adults were Ixodes ricinus, while the larvae were not identified. 4.4 % of the sampled ticks were larvae, 55.0 % nymphs, 26.8 % adult females, and 13.8 % adult males.

Kan supplementering med omega 3 förbättra syreupptagningsförmågan hos idrottare?

AbstractTitle: Does supplementation with omega 3 improve oxygen uptake among athletes?Author: Jonna Gustafsson and Maria Bohlin Nygren Supervisor: Frode Slinde Examiner: Ingrid Larsson Programme: Programme in dietetics, 180/240 hp Type of paper: Bachelor?s thesis in clinical nutrition, 15 hp Date: May 26, 2015Background: Previous research has shown that omega 3 fatty acids may improve cardiovascular functions by decreased aggregation and increased red blood cell deformability. This produces an increased blood flow and could have a potential effect on oxygen uptake. Optimal aerobic capacity is a determinant factor of performance within endurance exercise.Objective: To compile scientific research of the possibility that omega 3 supplementation could improve oxygen uptake among athletes.Search strategy: The literature research is based on searches in PubMed and Scopus with the terms ?Physical Endurance?, ?Oxygen Consumption?, ?Fatty Acids Omega 3?, ?Dietary Supplements?, ?Exercise?, ?Fatty Acids Essential?, ?Docosahexaenoic Acids?, ?Eicosanoic Acids?, ?Fish Oils?, ?oxygen consumption?, ?maximal oxygen consumption?, ?VO2 max?, ?athlete?, ?omega-3 supplementation?, ?physical endurance?, ??-3?, ?omega-3?, ?Maximal Aerobic Power?, ?Oxygen Uptake?, ?VO2? and ?Maximal Aerobic Capacity?.Selection criteria: Randomized controlled trials (RCT) with an intervention of omega 3-supplementation during three weeks or more were included.

Genusperspektiv på missbruk : En kritisk diskursanalys av socialsekreterares föreställningar om kvinnligt och manligt missbruk

Inom det vetenskapliga fältet för kvinnligt och manligt missbruk beskrivs ofta att kvinnan har andra och mer komplexa behov än mannen. Mannen och hans sociala situation, problematik och behov har generellt beskrivits som norm. Socialsekreterare grundar sina bedömningar och beslut på föreställningar om vad kvinnor och män har för specifika behov. Dessa föreställningar produceras och reproduceras genom rådande diskurser som verkar inom denna specifika sociala domän. Denna studie undersöker vilka centrala diskurser som kan identifieras i socialsekreterares föreställningar om kvinnligt och manligt missbruk, samt hur dessa verkar och reproduceras samt vad det kan få för implikationer för den sociala praktiken.

Ghettoiserade Vampyrer. En studie av barnvampyrlitteratur och dess betydelse för vampyrlitteraturgenren

AbstractMaster?s Thesis in Comparative literatureTitle: Ghettoiserade Vampyrer. En studie av barnvampyrlitteratur och dess betydelse för vampyrlitteraturgenren (Ghettoized Vampires. A study of children?s vampire literature and its significance for the vampire literature genre)Writer: Peter KostenniemiDepartment of Literature, History of Ideas and ReligionSupervisor: Anna NordenstamExaminer: Yvonne LefflerKey Words: Vampire literature, children?s literature, Der kleine Vampir, Nattens BørnIn vampire literature research the focus usually lies on adult and, to some extent, young adult fiction.

Think global, act local!? : Hur ett svenskt företag går till väga för att skapa ett enhetligt budskap i olika kulturer

An uncountable number of companies are present in foreign markets as a result of what we commonly choose to call globalization. This is especially true for Swedish companies traditionally operating on small markets. A company that is about to establish on a new market is faced not only with possibilities but also with challenges and risks. Researchers have found that companies that establish on foreign markets will have to deal with competitors on the national as well as on the global market, and therefore need consider how they globalize their brands. In addition to this, a brand can only reach international success if its message is coherent within and across every single market.

Myten om jämställdhet : En kvalitativ studie om hur det svenska rättsväsendet befäster en ojämlikhet mellan könen

The purpose of this paper is to examine the law regarding gross violations of women and its application in the Swedish legal system. We have investigated how the legal system takes into account a holistic perspective of the vulnerable situation of women in the investigation and assessment and the extent to which psychological violence in the form of verbal abuse, threats and harassment attention. We also wanted to find out how the law's design may contribute to difficulties in the implementation and interpretation of it. In this study, we used a qualitative research approach when we decided to conduct an interview with a police officer and a textual analysis of four cases from the district court. Interview questions were semi-structured in order to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon.

Fetisch, mode, performativitet : en studie av relationen mellan kropp och estetik

For centuries, the human body has been used as a mean to project the norms, moral values and aesthetic preferences that exist throughout society. It has been controlled through constrictive fashion, family and social virtues and through how we perceive gender and sexuality. This essay strives to show, not only how the body and the aesthetic values coexist, but also how they work together and influence each other, with the body as the aesthetic medium. To do this, Michel Foucault?s writings of sexuality and his theories on morality and discipline, as well as Judith Butler?s works on normativity and performativity are being used.

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