

2487 Uppsatser om The law that prohibits the purchase of sexual services - Sida 9 av 166

Service till alla? : Folkbibliotekens roll i de små och medelstora företagens informationsförsörjning - en granskning av tre företagsserviceprojekt

The purpose of this study is to examine and explain why three Swedish public libraries failedin their ambition to act as information services for small and medium-sized firms (SMF). To support this purpose two major assumptions are made:1) Public libraries who plan to run this kind of "business" must act with the same means as "professional" services.2) The service must be adjusted to the information needs of the customer.Based on these assumptions sixteen factors which are crucial to the "success" for this kind of service are presented.Applied to the information services of Lidkoping, Sölvesborg and Västervik, these factors reveal a number of shortcomings and mistakes made by the libraries.To understand this result these information services are seen as parts of a traditional Swedish public "library-thought". It is shown that, fundamental ideas in the way the public libraries are defined, like the responsibility to act in a neutral and democratic way, also characterised the three information services.These ideas together with the opinion of SMF as a "rational" information-consumer resulted in information services who did not meet the information-needs and information-behaviour of SMF..

RUT-en nödvändig lyx : A?ldre personers erfarenheter av och resonemang kring sitt anva?ndande av husha?llsna?ra tja?nster med rutavdrag

The aim of this thesis was to study elderly people?s experiences of and approach to their usage of home care services with tax deduction. The aim was also to describe how elderly people reason about their underlying motives of using home care service with tax deduction. The study is based on six qualitative interviews with people between the ages of 65 and 80, living in Nacka, Sweden. This thesis is a collaboration with Stiftelsen Stockholms la?ns A?ldrecentrum/ Stockholm Gerontology Center and part of their follow up study concerning simplified administration for elderly people applying for home care services in Nacka.

Biblioteksservice till barn med utländsk bakgrund - vilken service skulle kunna erbjudas på bibliotek i segregerade förorter

The aim of the paper is to examine how public libraries can develop their services for children with ethnic minority backgrounds as a user group. This is achieved through studying the conditions for library services provided for children aged 9-12 in this group by public libraries in suburbs densely populated with ethnic minorities. The paper uses both a literature review and empirical research on the community libraries in Rinkeby and Rosengård as well as the town library in Lund. Services potentially available to these groups are analysed and discussed in the later chapters. The overall conclusion is that those services provided for ethnic minority children are largely the same as those provided for in children library services in general.

Kända Varumärke - Större, Starkare, Säkrare

In todays high-technological society where the Internet plays a central role in our day-to-day life, many e-retailers are not able to attract customers to complete a transaction on their website. In order to succeed, many e-commerce sites must improve several safety aspects regarding online payment, in order to be perceived as a reliable and secured retailer. The purpose of this paper is to investigate if increment in various combinations and aspects in online payment will in fact improve the customer's perception of the e-retailer and result in completed transactions. In order to investigate this aspect, an experiment was conducted to be able to compare eight independent groups, that each had been exposed to a different security scenario on the online payment website of either a known or unknown retailer. Our results clearly prove that perceived security of the retailer's payment website increases willingness to purchase from the retailer.

E-handel: en studie om konsumenters köpbeteende vid köp av böcker online

The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding about consumer buying behaviour when purchasing books online. In order to acquire data for the study we used a questionnaire that 75 students where asked to respond. The respondents were students at the University of Technology in Luleå. Our findings suggest that the following factors are the most commonly cited reasons for deciding to complete the purchase: trust, perceived risk, price, convenience, design of the website and experience. The following factors are the most commonly cited rea-sons for deciding not to complete the purchase: trust, perceived risk, price and the design of the website.

GAP i efterfrågan : En undersökning om efterfrågan på miljövänliga transporter

Purpose: Corporations today see a greater responsibility towards society regarding the environmental impact of their actions, using available transportation options that are more eco-friendly can reduce this impact significantly. Martinsen and Björklund (2012) identifies a set of gaps between supply and demand of green logistics services. This paper aims to address what it is that affects the demand for these alternative solutions and what could be done to increase the usage of them, thereby decreasing this gap.Design/methodology/approach: A quantitative study with six Logistics Service Providers (LSP) and 24 companies that purchase transportation services, all operating in Sweden. Data is collected through semi-structured telephone interviews with people responsible for the purchasing of transports as well as key account managers within the service providing companies.Findings: Just as the LSP?s interviewed in this paper thought, the main focus of the transport buying companies are the costs.

Användandet av web services inom 24?timmarsmyndigheten

Regeringen har en vision att en given fråga skall besvaras med ett samlat svar från flera myndigheter. För att lyckas med detta måste myndigheterna samarbeta i en större utsträckning än vad som sker i dag. Speciellt viktigt är det att information kan utbytas mellan myndigheterna på ett effektivt sätt. För att lyckas med detta så har statskontoret gått ut med att web services är en teknik som kan användas. Om tekniken skall kunna användas ut fullt krävs att det finns ett gemensamt register.I det här arbetet används enkäter för att undersöka i vilken utsträckning web services användes inom myndigheterna i dag, samt för att undersöka myndigheternas inställning till tekniken.

Positiv särbehandling och kvotering

The purpose of the essay is to investigate SVT: s (Swedish Television) attitude to allocation of quotes and preferential treatment. In Sweden there is only one law, which allows preferential treatment ? the law of equal opportunities. This law prohibits discrimination between women and men. The profession of camera operator and editor have been viewed as masculine in accordance to heavy lifting and high technology, this considering being hindrance to women.

Gymnasieungdomars identifiering med den egna sexuella läggningen : Självkänsla, nära socialt stöd, ifrågasättande

Under ungdomsåren sker stora förändringar, både fysiskt och psykiskt. Utforskandet av sexualiteten blir mer aktuell och den sexuella identiteten och den sexuella läggningen kan genomgå förändringar. Viktiga aspekter för att identifiera sig med den sexuella läggningen anses av vissa forskare vara självkänsla, nära socialt stöd och ifrågasättande. Syftet med denna studie är att finna svar på hur mönster av dessa faktorer kan påverka den sexuella identiteten bland gymnasieungdomar. Studien genomfördes med en kvantitativ ansats.


Background: Throughout life, sexuality is a central aspect of being human and to experience a full and healthy. Several diseases and treatments can cause problems related to sexuality and sexual health. Despite this, research has shown that nurses, for various reasons choose not to take up the subject with their patients. Aim: The aim of this literature-based study was to illuminate nurses' experiences of talking with patients about sexuality and sexual health. Method: A literature-based study where both qualitative and quantitative studies, have been used.

Gränssnittsanalys av Video On Demand tjänster : En gränssnittsanalys av fyra stycken VOD-tjänster på fyra stycken plattformar

This paper works as an assignment from the Video On Demand Company Headweb, who wanted aninterface analysis of their own and their competitors VOD services. The purpose is to help Headwebwith their own interface by studying theirs and others interfaces and make an analysis on how theyfunction, how they look and how good the usability is with every service, with hope to findsomething that could make the VOD service of Headweb better.I have also studied how the interfaces of the VOD services look on different platforms, to see howthey are designed as a whole. This has been an expert analysis where I have studied the differentVOD-services by myself, without any external users.To find advantages and disadvantages with the services and their platforms, I have used differenttheories, models and design patterns to frame areas such as filmsearch, categorization, registrationand navigation. I have compared the VOD services with each other and drew conclusions for eacharea to see how the interfaces differ between the services, but also between platforms.My analysis has shown that all VOD services in this project have a very unique interface, eventhough they all have the same goal, to allow the user to control their viewing of film. They usevarious functions and structure and use their own page names and categorizations.

Vad påverkar valet av insats? : Om socialsekreterares bedömningar i missbruksärenden

The purpose of this essay was to investigate affecting factors concerning social workers in social services assessments with cases of abuse. We wanted to see if social workers in social services tend to make different assessments of the need of substance abusers care. Our survey was carried out as a vignettesurvey with complementary interviews as means to deepen the outcome results.Our survey showed that the included social workers in social services in some senses make different assessments when it comes to choice of effort put in for the client. We shed light on different factors and circumstances, which could bear meaning for the social workers in social services assessments. Examples of factors were the social workers in social services age, gender, working experience and attitude towards substance abusers..

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services vs. Citrix XenApp

Den här rapporten undersöker om gränsen mellan Terminal Services och Citrix XenApp har börjat suddas ut eller om man ännu kan dra en tydlig linje mellan dessa. Detta för att avgöra om organisationer som idag kör Windows Server 2003 med Citrix XenApp enbart klarar sig med de nya funktionerna i Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services och ändå uppfylla de krav och behov en organisation har. Arbetet genomfördes rent teoretiskt. För att avgöra likheter och skillnader mellan applikationerna, så användes till största delen ett ramverk. För att kunna få en bild av hur applikationerna tillämpas rent praktiskt, användes tidigare testar samt analyser.

Ålder vid sexual debut i Rwanda : En kvantitativ studie om sexuellt beteende bland kvinnor i Rwanda

SammanfattningDenna studie ämnar till att bredda kunskap kring sexual debut i Rwanda, där forskning i en afrikansk kontext kopplar tidig ålder vid sexual debut samt föräktenskapligt sex till ett riskfyllt sexuellt beteende. Eftersom att risken för ökat antal sex partners samt oskyddat sex stiger, vilket kan leda till oönskade effekter så som sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar och oönskade graviditeter. Rwanda är ett land som drabbats hårt av HIV spridning framförallt som en konsekvens av oskyddat samlag. Därför anser vi att en studie kring sexuellt beteende är ett viktigt område att belysa. Uppsatsen avser att studera vilka faktorer som kan tänkas ha ett samband med ålder vid sexual debut, kontrollerat för om första samlaget skedde innan äktenskapet eller efter.

Wilde ? Mannen som föll offer för den hegemoniska maskuliniteten : En begreppshistorisk analys av fem författares framställning av Wildes homosexualitet 

The aim of this study has been to examine six books about Oscar Wilde?s homosexuality during the years 1906 ? 2003. I have been analyzing their descriptions about his sexual orientation and compared them to each other to see the changes through time. In order to see some clear changes the main focus was to choose time differences between the books. It was clear that the earlier writers had negative opinions and thoughts about his sexual deviation the way they described it.

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