3109 Uppsatser om The human body. - Sida 57 av 208
Att existera i ögonblicket -Töj, en textil sittmöbel
This project started with an exploration of geometric shapes and textile materials. It resulted in a chair made out of textile bands with different elasticity. The surface for sitting is flat when the chair is not used, and changes in the moment you sit down and gets a new shape. A piece of furniture that adapts to each individual. The chair emphasizes the important relationship between human and product as the person using it becomes a part of the chair for a moment..
Zoonotic respiratory infections and great ape conservation - an emerging challenge
The conservation of great apes faces many challenges, one of which is the threat of infectious disease outbreaks. Zoonotic transmission of respiratory diseases from humans to wild great apes has recently been confirmed. Since respiratory disease is one of the major causes of
death in both gorillas and chimpanzees, this gives reason for major concern.
Little is known about the risks of disease transmission from humans to great apes in natural environments, and there is a need for systematic risk evaluation. Researchers, conservation staff and tourists spend time in very close proximity of wild great apes, sometimes during
long time periods, which poses a potential risk of disease spillover. However, the presence of researchers and tourists has been shown to decrease the risk of poaching, making the matter increasingly complex.
Cartesiansk existentialism eller existentiell cartesianism? : En komparativ studie om sambanden mellan Sartre och Alquié
This essay is a comparative analysis with focus on Jean-Paul Sartre´s existentialism and Ferdinand Alquié´s cartesianism. They both represented the French philosophy of conscience in the early and mid 1900s. Because of that, they had similar ideas concerning the human conscience and freedom of the mind. But how did they come to those conclusions? And in which cases did they differ from one and other?.
S:t Andreas. Våldet i Lund ? förekomst av övervåld
This essay contains a study of the traces of trauma on the osteological material from St.Andre in Lund, which were fund durning an excavation in the year 2002, as well as a study of the age and sex distribution of this material. The propose of the essay is to discuss the occurrence of the violence in a urban environment..
Upplevelser av att leva med diabetes : En litteraturöversikt
Bakgrund: En ökad medveten närvaro kring måltiden och ätandet genom mindful eating har i ny forskning visat sig vara en effektiv metod för att minska en rad olika sjukdomar och hälsorelaterade problem samt bidra till gynnsamma hälsoeffekter. Trots detta finns få studier genomförda i en svensk kontext.Syfte: Undersöka och beskriva graden av mindful eating hos en grupp individer på sociala medier i förhållande till Body Mass Index och demografiska variabler.Metod: Deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie med en kvantitativ ansats. Ett tidigare utvecklat instrument, Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ), översattes och distribuerades som en webbaserad enkätundersökning. Respondenterna rekryterades under en veckas tid genom ett snöbollsurval på det sociala nätverket Facebook. Inklusionskriterierna var att deltagarna skulle behärska det svenska språket, vara mellan 20-65 år och användare av Facebook.
Kosmetikaföretagens jakt efter männen : en fallstudie av The Body Shop och Make Up Store
SummaryThe purpose of this thesis is to examine what effect the IFRS 2 has on earnings, equity, financial strength and return on equity for listed Swedish companies with active stock option plans. The purpose is further to investigate the companies? attitudes towards IFRS 2 and to find out if companies tend to deviate from stock option plans due to the changed accounting rules. We also want to examine the view of IFRS 2 from an auditor?s perspective.We have used a deductive approach and a mix of quantitative and qualitative research methods with a view to get a completely clear picture within the field of study.
Munproblem och dess eventuella relation till body mass index hos patienter som genomgått stamcellstransplantation : uppföljning upp till ett år efter stamcellstransplantation
Patienter med maligna blodsjukdomar kan få munproblem som kan medföra en sårig munslemhinna, detta kan leda till att bakterier kommer in i cirkulationen vilket i sin tur kan orsaka livshotande infektioner (Dickson & Porter, 2006). Att upprätthålla ett gott näringstillstånd är gynnsamt för tillfrisknandet vid cancersjukdom (Cunningham& Bell, 2000). På grund av munproblem och dess eventuella orsak till ett försämrat näringstillstånd studeras munproblem, BMI och åtgärder i uppsatsen. Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att via journaler från patienter som genomgått stamcellstransplantation (SCT) beskriva munproblem och body mass index (BMI) året efter SCT, eventuell relation mellan munproblem och BMI samt vilka åtgärder som dokumenterats vid munproblem. Resultatet baseras på en granskning av 20 (14 män och 6 kvinnor) patientjournaler från patienter som genomgått SCT på grund av olika maligna blodssjukdomar.
Verifieringsplattform i SystemVerilog
Our task was to create a virtual test bench for verifying memory addresses in our commissioning body?s models. The purpose with the testbench was that it should be created in such a way that it would be easy to change the device under test without any major changes in the testbench.To solve the problem that the testbench had to be able to verify different devices we had to create a general enviroment for how the testbench had to be composed. By doing an analysis of which com-ponents that are usually included in a testbench and which components that were necessary in our project we came up with a generall enviroment for the testbench. Our result was a testbench with the follwing basic functions:* Read from a file that contains read and write operations to the Device Under Test (DUT).* Apply the stimulus to the device* Read the results from the device* Compare the results with wanted values* Generate a log file which contains information about the simulation result..
Kompetens och Evidens : inom boendestöd socialpsykiatri i Värmland och Dalsland
Syftet med studien var att kartlägga vilka förutsättningar boendestödjare i Värmland och Dalsland har att hantera sina arbetsuppgifter utifrån kompetens och evidens. Vi använde oss av en kvantitativ metod och gruppenkäter för att kunna göra denna kartläggning. Studien riktade sig till enhetschefer inom socialpsykiatrin samt dess personal som jobbar inom boendestöd mot brukare med egen bostad. Två enkäter gjordes varav den ena riktades mot enhetscheferna och den andra mot personal. Totalt tillfrågades 23 kommuner att delta i studien och av de svarade 17 kommuner på enkäterna vilket ger en svarsfrekvens på 74 %.
Beroende- och missbruksmönster gällander alkohol och droger hos män och kvinnor : En litteraturstudie
Bakgrund: En ökad medveten närvaro kring måltiden och ätandet genom mindful eating har i ny forskning visat sig vara en effektiv metod för att minska en rad olika sjukdomar och hälsorelaterade problem samt bidra till gynnsamma hälsoeffekter. Trots detta finns få studier genomförda i en svensk kontext.Syfte: Undersöka och beskriva graden av mindful eating hos en grupp individer på sociala medier i förhållande till Body Mass Index och demografiska variabler.Metod: Deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie med en kvantitativ ansats. Ett tidigare utvecklat instrument, Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ), översattes och distribuerades som en webbaserad enkätundersökning. Respondenterna rekryterades under en veckas tid genom ett snöbollsurval på det sociala nätverket Facebook. Inklusionskriterierna var att deltagarna skulle behärska det svenska språket, vara mellan 20-65 år och användare av Facebook.
Lönsamma erbjudanden : Hur tjänsteerbjudanden och dess kunder formas av Optional Framing
ABSTRACT Title: Lucrative dealsHow service offers and its clients is forms by Optional Framing Level: Bachelor, Business AdministrationAuthor: Gabriel Krogius, Mikaela SörensenSupervisor: Jonas Kågström, department of economicsDate: 2013, AugustIntroduction: That the human mind may be directed by how an offer is designed is not news. However, what is new in the following thesis is whether a person is affected in the case of a service rather than, as previously research, a physical product. Does a person find it harder to separate with something rather than to add an option?Aim: The aim for this thesis is to examine how Optional Framing has affection on service offerings/companies, and in this case on real estate brokerage services. Is it, as earlier, when the human can form her own offer, the final price ends up higher when she is about to add options than removing them?Method: The thesis emanates to achieve earlier results where the difference in this case is that our thesis is targeting service offerings.
Effekter av högt kaliumintag på magnesiumbalansen hos mjölkkor :
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the body and it participates in many essential processes, such as energy metabolism and protein synthezis. Magnesium deficiency in cattle may occur when they are let out for pasture in the spring, and is associated with tetany, known as grass staggers. A high yielding dairy cow often loses more magnesium daily in the milk than she has available in the body, and magnesium thereby needs to be provided in the feed to prevent the cow from being affected by deficiency symptoms.
The uptake of magnesium is mainly located to the rumen and is not regulated by hormones. The surplus is excreted in the urine by the kidneys.
Human Resources Business Partner : Diskrepansen mellan rollens krav och den organisatoriska verkligheten
Personalarbetet har sedan det introducerades i organisationer präglats av ett skiftande fokus och en otydlig ansvarsfördelning. Detta har resulterat i att personalchefers arbetsroll saknar tydliga gränser och ofta slits mellan att vara operativ och strategisk. Tidigare forskning visar att organisationsstrukturen skapar olika hinder och möjligheter för arbetsrollen och dess inflytande i organisationen. Samtidigt saknar personalchefer ofta den makt och prestige som traditionellt sätt finns i en chefsroll, vilket ytterligare bidrar till att skapa en komplexitet i arbetsrollen. Syftet med studien är att utifrån intervjuer med fem decentraliserat organiserade personalchefer skapa kunskap om hur personalchefer upplever sin arbetsroll och sitt inflytande i organisationen.
Yoga i Sverige : En komparativ studie av tidsskriften Sökaren mellan åren 1964-1974 och 1998-2008.
This study examines how yoga is presented in a Swedish journal called Sökaren. Sweden is often presented as one of the most secular states in the world, and for that reason it is interesting to examine the Swedish way of religiosity by looking, in this case, at the depiction of yoga. I compare two periods of time, the first one from 1964 to 1974 and the latter from 1998 to 2008. I will thereby be able to examine tendencies and changes in the presentation of yoga. For a further understanding of the context around the elected periods this study introduces religiosity in Swedish society, such as Christianity and the New Age movement.
Hästar som utför vävning
The horse is an animal that often becomes humanized. Despite domestication, the horse still has a need to interact with other horses, be able to move for the most of the day, and being able to graze. If these needs cannot be fulfilled, the horse can be negatively affected and develop abnormal behaviours. An example of abnormal behaviours is weaving; the horse performs a swinging motion in the front area of the body during a long time. This literature review aims to investigate how different stabling forms (box/stall) affect the incidence of weaving, and also how this behaviour can be prevented or limited.