2969 Uppsatser om The dimensions of power - Sida 16 av 198
Utveckling av 300 kg HD Lightlift för belysning och liknande laster
The company LightLift Esystems AB manufactures patented motorized lift systems for the illumination of halls with high ceilings. The company wants a new design for singular heavy lights in order to be more competitive.This project consists of the development of the new design under the requirements and specifications imposed by the company. The new design must support lights up to 300kg and keep the overall dimensions as low as possible without modifying the driving unit.This document contains all the designing steps followed to reach the final solution as well as the material selection, manufacturing process and assembly of all the parts that form it.The solution obtained shows to be very competitive with other alternative products, since this new design triples their maximum load capacity while the dimensions are very similar.In this context, the optical appearance was also very important to the company and so it was another main objective of this project. From an aesthetical point of view, the final solution proves to be very compact and versatile since it can either be hidden behind a false ceiling or covered by a plastic case that gives the design a very nice look.Finally, the solution achieved fulfils all the requirements and specification previously imposed. It is reliable, compact, cheap to manufacture, easy to assembly and it has a good optical appearance. .
Brukarperspektiv på vad som är hjälpande i relationen till professionella : En kunskapsöversikt
The relationship to professionals has proved to be a helping factor for personswith severe mental illness, but it is also a relationship characterised by anunbalanced power relation. The aim of this study was to compile and analyze theknowledge of what persons with severe mental illness themselves consider to behelping in the relationship to professionals, and to specifically analyse this from apower perspective. The analysis was conducted using Foucault?s ideas of powerand knowledge, and an empowerment perspective. The method used was anarrative review.
Inventering av värmelager för kraftvärmesystem
When a combined heat and power plant produces heat and power it often faces a deficit of heat load during the summer or other periods of time. This heat is often unnecessarily cooled away or the power production has to be reduced or shut off. If it is possible to store heat from periods with low heat demand to periods with high heat demand one can get many benefits. Among these benefits are: increased power production, decreased operation with partial load, uniformly distributed load.To be able to store heat in situations like this long-term thermal heat storages are needed. In this thesis five different types of stores are presented: rock cavern storage, tank storage, pit water storage, borehole storage and aquifer storage.
NATO:s luftkrig i Kosovo utifrån Wardens teorier
John A. Warden III is one the most mentioned air power theoretic of his time.He has written a number of theories concerning air power and the best way to use this to win wars.The author of this paper gives a short resume of what he consider are the central thoughts in John Warden´s theories. These thoughts result in four factors; Enemy as a system, centre of gravity, parallel attack/concentration and finally air superiority. These factors are then being used to inves-tigate if NATO used Wardens theories during the Kosovo war in 1999.The reason for the author to choose the Kosovo war specifically is due to the fact that NATO during the war only used air power as an instrument to get Serbia´s president Milosevic to the negotiation table but also the fact that this would turn out to be quite a challenge for NATO.The conclusion is that out of the four factors only one is traceable throughout the entire operation, and that is air superiority. Regarding the other three factors they can only be found in parts of the operation..
Att skapa fria, demokratiska och solidariska medborgare : En essä om att granska våra normer
This essay is about power, democracy, solidarity and equality in preschool. I examine three different situations to determine if I could have acted more sensibly in my interactions with the children. I portray: a ?children?s choice meeting? where children select an activity, a so-called emotional gathering and a dialogue at the lunch table about a popular movie that we plan to watch together afterwards. The purpose of this essay is to examine which norms and values form the basis of my actions, and if so, how these lead me to use my power to shape the children.I have chosen to use hermeneutic and norm-critical perspectives where I investigate and examine my norms and values and how I react and act, both consciously and unconsciously.
Vindfällning i naturliga och skapade bryn och kanter :
The aim of this work was to study if the edge of the forest is more resistant to heavy winds than the trees located further in from the edge, and how this edge effect changes between different types of tree species and site types.
The data was collected from an electric power line going from the north to the south of
Sweden. The mean value of the clearcutted area around the power line was 120 meters. The
main direction of the storm in January 2005 was west-southwest and thus the power line was a perfect place for gathering a large data set.
The main parameter studied was the damage frequency at the edge of the forest compared to
the trees located further in from the edge (up to 100 m from the power line). Tree species mixture, soil moisture class, soil type, topography, stand height, stand height of the stand on the other side of the power line and wind exposition was estimated.
The results showed a distinct edge effect. The edge of the forest had clearly lower damage frequency for all tree species.
A marked difference was observed between tree species and damage frequency.
Finansiering av vindkraft : fallstudie av Lau Vind AB
The wind power increase of Gotland as well as other parts of Sweden during the last ten year period has meant that this renewable energy source has increased its share over other fossil sources. The year of 2011 became the first when the wind power produced more energy than an average nuclear reactor. Now that wind power is in an expansive phase, the land issue will be of great interest. Land with good wind resources will be of interest to wind energy developers. The problems that this essay is based on are; how can landowners altering the economic conditions at a wind power establishment? What opportunities and obstacles exist for landowners who choose to set up wind power on their land? The purpose of this essay is to highlight the economic conditions that exist for landowners for the establishment of wind farms, with regard to compensation for the leasing and return on invested capital.
Frekvens och spanningsskalning i en inbyggd mikroprocessor; for att mojliggora implementationen av schemalaggning med stod for dynamisk frekvens- och spanningsreglering for energihantering.
Minimizing power consumption is a critical part of many embedded design projects. Thechallenge is to limit the power consumption of the system and at the same time providesatisfactory service to the user. With regards to microprocessors, the main way of limiting powerconsumption during program execution is to adjust the frequency and the voltage at which theprocessor operates.To enable the implementation of real-time scheduling with support for dynamic voltage andfrequency scaling, an exhaustive study of the Freescale i.MX31 embedded microprocessor isperformed. Specifically, the power consumption relationship to all relevant frequency andvoltage settings is investigated. In addition, to enable frequency and voltage scaling in a real-timeenvironment, a complete timing analysis of proposed voltage and frequency scaling methods isperformed and their suitability for use in real-time systems is evaluated.To integrate voltage and frequency scaling capability into OSE RTOS, a software module hasbeen developed for this operating system.
Hopp hos patienter i palliativ vård : En deduktiv litteraturstudie med modellen de 6 S:en som utgångpunkt
Background: In previous studies on the subject hope it has been revealed that hope is an important condition for the experience of health, quality of life and well-being. In the literature hope is described as a great support in life that is vital for a person's life and for how the person manages to become afflicted with a fatal disease. Within palliative care the 6S: s is a person-centered model for care that is directed towards the promotion of patient´s participation, relief from suffering and enablement of well-being and support of the patient and his or her family members. Aim: To describe how patients find hope in their situation in palliative care, and to examine whether there is an interaction between the different dimensions of 6 S: s model and with patients' experiences of hope. Methods: This degree project is literature study.
Det är ju ändå vi som bestämmer i slutändan : En intervjuundersökning om socialarbetarens dubbla roll och makten som följer
The background of this paper is the dual role that the social worker can have, of beeing both supportive and controlling in the meeting with clients. It is also about the power the social worker can have, how they handle the power in their profession and how they remain to it in the relationship with the client. The study is qualitative and built on interviews with eight social workers that work in different areas in the social services. We have chosen to see this dual role as if the social workers have to, in their daily work, handle the roles as one authority role and one supportive role towards the client.The purpose of this study is to understand how the dual role as the social worker has in the profession, as a helper and a authority, is expressed in the work and relationship with the client. We have turned this purpose into two questions: How do social workers with authority remain to the dual roles of the profession? How do the social workers describe and understand power?We don´t want to generalize in this study, we want to give an example of the social workers own experiences about the dual role.
Har forskningen om internationella relationer någon praktisk betydelse? : En studie om idémakt i utrikespolitik
The aim of this paper is to get a deeper understanding if research about international relations has any practical meaning. The main focal point is about the importance of the scholar idea soft power, and its meaning on foreign policy actions through expressions. A quantity and quality method is used. The point of the main theory that concerns international relations takes a rationalistic perspective, and expands it to the notion that ides can have an impact on policy outcomes. Three different types of research utilization can be traced to determine in which way an idea is getting implemented.
En välfärdsstat i förändring. Friskolans intåg.
The main aim of this study is to examine the development policies of Sweden and the European Union from a postcolonial perspective. Sweden and the European Union are increasingly coming to be viewed as normative powers rather than military powers. So how does the colonial past of the western societies affect the policies of today? Are there any signs of the power structures of the past, and if so, how are these power structures manifested in the development policies of today? Since both Sweden and the European Union have come to be viewed as normative powers they are compared with each other to highlight their similarities and differences. The results of the study shows that both Sweden and the European Union can be seen as carriers of western values and interests.
Konstf?rst?relse/F?rst?relsekonster: En unders?kning av konstruktiv ikonoklasm som konstn?rlig process
Building on the concept of constructive iconoclasm as a creational force of iconicity, this thesis examines how the contemporary iconoclastic discourse is related to artistic process.
Studies have shown that the performative act of destroying art that is an historical phenomenon is highly present within the contemporary art discourse today. Due to the many dimensions of contemporary art, the ways in which iconoclastic deeds appear may differ from the historical narrative. While iconoclasm and iconicity are being reciprocal processes that can only exist in relation to each other and their context, there are signs that the destructive act itself is being recontextualized by contemporary artists. Guided by the framework of Norman Fairclough?s critical discourse analysis, the thesis examines the processes of conceptual and constructive art destruction by analyzing the discourses of two case studies situated in the contemporary art market.
Innovativt Drivpaket för Rullstol
This is a thesis for a Bachelor Degree Project, performed in the subject MechanicalEngineering. The students Roger Malmberg and Simon Hagberg have carried out adesign project on behalf of the recently established company J&D Assisting systems,located in Halmstad.The project consisted in developing J&D's first prototype of a power assisting solutionfor wheelchairs. A power assisted wheelchair combines human power, which is deliveredby the arms through the pushrims, with electrical motors, which are powered by a battery.The power assisted wheelchair is aimed at customers, who have used a regularwheelchair for a long time, but who have become weaker or just need additional powerwhen driving uphill. This kind of wheelchair will provide additional power for users,which will spare their wrists, elbow and shoulders. The product is torque sensor free andinstead it relies on the velocity.
Den fördelade makten i vardagsrummet: : En kritisk diskursanalys av PR-konsulters tal om sociala medier som kommunikationskanal.
The purpose of this study was set against the background that social media today are used as an platform for companies to communicate with their customers, as well as communicate their brand. Therefore it was interesting to examine this phenomenenon through a critical point of view and try to put light on the different forms of power that is produced on this arena.The overall aim of this study was to examine how PR-consultants talk about social media as a communication channel. The empirical data consisted of five interviews with PR-consultants on five different PR-agencies. The theoretical framework was based on a social constructional perspective and Foucault?s theory of power.