

3629 Uppsatser om The cultural policy of Gustaf III - Sida 53 av 242

Idéer om folkbiblioteket ? en idéanalys av ett urval kommunala biblioteksplaner

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine which ideas about the public library that appear in a selection of municipal library plans and to examine if these ideas are unanimous. The comprehensive questions are: Which ideas about the public library appear in each municipal library plan? How do the ideas agree in the different municipal library plans? The sub questions are: Which judgements of reality appear in the different library plans concerning each municipality and its library needs? How do the municipalities define the concept of development and future demands in the municipality on the basis of the judgements of reality? Which recommendations do the judgements of reality give and how is the plan of action that is established in each library plan justified? Which fundamental views of reality, i. e.

Som alla andra?

Syfte: Undersöka hur svenska journalister tycker att Sverigedemokraterna ska bevakas. Vi ville även veta hur vanligt förekommande det är med en särskild policy för SD och vilken inställning journalisterna har till sådana policys..

Socialt kapital, demokrati och inkomstskillnader: korrelationen mellan ekonomiska ojämlikheter och socialt kapital

Uppsatsen undersöker korrelationen mellan socialt kapital på en aggregerad samhällsnivå och storleken på den ekonomiska ojämlikheten. Borde ekonomisk policy ta hänsyn till de demokratiska effekterna av inkomstfördelning i välfärdssystemet? Teorier om socialt kapital från sociologi, statsvetenskap och nationalekonomi analyseras och aggregeras sedan till ett gemensamt teoretiskt ramverk för socialt kapital. Ramverket används sedan för att analysera hur väl demokratin fungerar. Data från World Values Survey, OECD och United Nations University används för att statistiskt mäta korrelationen mellan de två variablerna socialt kapital och ekonomisk ojämlikhet.

Miljöhänsyn vid offentlig upphandling :

One of the biggest challenges in the human history is to prevent environmental pollution. Everybody has an indirect or direct influence on the environment through his or her consumption. The stakeholders are not just interested in price and quality, they are also interested in the circumstances of production and how this affects the environment. By taking environmental concern in public procurement it is possible to speed up the environmental adjustment of services and products. Environmental awareness has become more and more self evident in the environmental work.

Strömmar av vatten och politik - en studie om policyprocesser och anpassning.

One of the distinguishing features of successful societies is the ability to adapt to change, bothsocial but also natural changes like climate change. Climate change is a complex, dynamic,non-linear process with a great deal of uncertainty concerning the time perspective, risks andconsequences. A combination of factors like climate change, geographical vulnerability, adensely populated and highly built up coast line along with factors like deficient handling ofsurface runoff and a large usage of ground water leads to an increasingly vulnerable society. Italso puts a greater pressure on the society to have preventive measures in place.The number of actors working with preparing society to the expected impacts of climatechange and variability is increasing. However more than half of Sweden?s municipalities donot consider changing climatic conditions when planning, and many times even allow theconstruction of new living areas in known climatically vulnerable areas.

Några grundskollärares uppfattningar om kulturell mångfald, värden och kunskap tolkade som ideologi

AbstractIn this study, the conceptions of a number of teachers in the Swedish primary and lower-secondary school about cultural pluralism, the values connected to this pluralism by the Curriculum for the Compulsory School System, the Pre-School Class and the Leisure-time Centre, Lpo 94, and the possibilities for pupils to gain knowledge about these values, were studied. The conceptions of the teachers were regarded and interpreted as ideology, since the study was made from a point of departure containing an assumption about how the content of the curriculum is of importance for the development of relations of power and dominance between different groups in society. The purpose of the study was to interpret the statements of a limited number of teachers about cultural pluralism, values and knowledge, regarding the ontological, axiological and epistemological assumptions and conceptions expressed therein. The empirical data of the study was gathered through qualitative interviews with eleven teachers working in six different primary and lower-secondary schools in the Mid-Sweden region. The conceptions expressed in the statements given by the respondents were categorized.

Andlighet och religiositet på Fryshuset : en inblick i en senmodern och global förändringskontext

The aim of this study is to investigate the components of religion and spirituality in the specific context of "Fryshuset" ? a multicultural and glocal arena. Against the backdrop of contemporary researchers such as Heelas and Woodhead and their hypothesis about the "spiritual revolution" and a "new spirituality", as well as the postmodern discussion about "the return of God", this study discusses how religious change can be understood in the context of Fryshuset.The theoretical point of departure is taken in a hermeneutical method where Fleck´s theory about "thought-collective" and Gidden´s theory about the "duality of structure" are used in order to understand and describe the dialectical relationship between individual and social structure.The method used in this study is qualitative. The interviews are made of six individuals representing different social projects at Fryshuset.By analyzing the material from the field study through theories on religious change, three areas are identified:"The subjective turn"Religion and spiritualityA Cosmopolitan interpretation of life The result of this study is that the religiosity among the interviewed can be described through Taylor?s understanding of the "subjective turn".


The Swedish governments goal for the public health is to operate for a society with good conditions to be healthy. Many people today are very conscious about their health, at the same time alcohol is a recurring element in many day-to-day situations. IOGT-NTO is an organization that is working towards making sobriety to be the rule rather than the exception. This work is linked together by the organizations communication, which is a vital part to be able to present a unified view outward. In order to do that, it is particularly important that there are common goals and strategies to work towards.

"Man ska vara rädd om instrumenten" : En intervjustudie om tre förskollärares berättelser om sångsamling

In the preschool curriculum there is not much described when it comes to the subject of music. What is written about the aesthetic subjects is related to the overall learning moments, rather than separated into objectives for each subject. The learning includes, among other things, that the children will be offered a variety of cultural experiences. However, there is no explanation to what should be included in the use of music. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the function of preschool song circles, based on three preschool teachers' stories.

Proppen har gått : En analys av diskursen kring Kultursamverkansmodellen

This essay aims to map the ideas behind the Swedish cultural reform called Kultursamverkansmodellen, and how the ideas are forming a discourse. Furthermore it examines the social praxis on the three levels that constitutes the model. The three levels are the state, the region and culture creators/civil society. This is a qualitative study based on primary and secondary sources collected on the three levels. The theoretical frame of reference is based on institutional theory, on Michel Foucault?s lecture on The Discourse of Language, and on New Public Management.

Är medieplaner värda besväret? En studie av medieplaner och medieplanering på tre svenska folkbibliotek.

The aim of this study is to look closer at collection development and the use of collection development policies in Swedish public libraries, with the help of a few examples. Through interviews with three librarians in three different public libraries and an analysis of these libraries? collection development policies, the authors try to find out how the creation of collection development policies takes place in these libraries, how these librarians use the policy, how these policies have been followed up and revised, and also to see what the policies of these libraries include. The material of the study suggests that a lot of work is required to write the policies, and that the written policy itself is seldom used by the librarians. The interviewed librarians still find the policies useful because the writing of them gave a detailed understanding of what the collection of the library contains.

Vem har rätt till rättigheter? : En kritisk diskursanalys av regeringens migrationspolitik

This bachelor thesis is titled Who has Right to Rights ? a Critical Discourse Analysis of the Swedish Government?s Migration Politics and is written by Sofia Lindqvist within the discipline of International Relations.The thesis takes its departure in the paradox that irregular migrants in Sweden are given different rights depending on which state institution they face. Through its collaboration with the Environmental party, the Swedish government has made it possible for irregular migrants to access extended health care. At the same time, one of the main goals of the current migration policy is to make deportations more effective. This essay aims to explore if the Swedish migration policies are compatible with universal human rights standards.

Paradigmskiften inom Världsbanken - en bank i utveckling

Syftet med denna studie är att visa på hur två olika paradigmskiften inom Världsbanken påverkat dess policy..

Respekt - finns det? En litteraturstudie om hur betydelsefullt bemötande med respekt är för patienten med en annan kulturell bakgrund

A litereture review about how significant treatment with respect is for patients with another cultural backgraund.

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