

3629 Uppsatser om The cultural policy of Gustaf III - Sida 5 av 242

Ett salt i kulturdebatten : Mångbottnade berättelser om Stockholms stadsteater

Stockholms stadsteater (Stockholm?s city theatre) is a public theatre in Stockholm, Sweden. During the last ten years, the theatre has increased its audience by 40 percent, has been called a ?success story? by culture politicians in Stockholm as well as others in the cultural field, and is today the largest theatre in the Nordic countries. At the same time, there is a recurring debate, primarily in the national morning papers? culture sections, concerning Stockholms stadsteater.

Kulturarv som livsvärden : En kritisk undersökning av kulturarvsbegreppet

This critical examination of the concept of cultural heritage is based on an overall phenomenological approach, with focus on Alfred Schütz?s further development of Edmund Husserl?s idea of the lifeworld. With strong emphasis on the subjective and intersubjective dimensions, the concept of cultural heritage is contextualized, analysed and criticized from different aspects for the purpose of enriching the discourse of cultural heritage.A literature based methodology is used, including a hermeneutic analysis of theoretical texts in the field of cultural heritage studies and the new Swedish Culture Environmental Law (?Kulturmiljölagen?) and related bills. Qualitative interviews deal with people?s notions about the concepts of culture, cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage.

Till för medmänniskan Om medmänsklighet utifrån Martin Buber och Gustaf Wingren

This is a study of humanity about the meetings we have with one another. I write about this subject out of the perspective of Martin Buber and Gustaf Wingren. As I enter this area and begin the writing a few questions are being developed, such as:? Why do we as humans have the need to meet each other?? ?What happens with us when the meeting is absent?? ?What does it mean to love your fellow man or woman?? ?What helps or destroys our possibilities to meet each other?? Buber talks about Me and You and the aim of the meeting we have with each other. When we meet each other it generates a responsibility against each other.

Etiken och rummet : - om det sociala arbetets etik i rumsliga sammanhang

In Sweden there is an integration policy and a policy for national minorities. The integration policy aims to integrate newly arrived immigrants (nyanlända invandrare), whereas the minority policy aims to maintain and strengthen the rights of the national minorities. The national minorities are though, at times, included into the integration policy, even though they hold a minority status in Sweden. This paper aims to, through discourse analysis, investigate the research question: ?how is the content of integration referred to, when it is related to immigrants, contra when it is related to national minorities?.

"Att äta elefanten i småbitar" - Om den svenska regeringens feminism

After the last election Sweden has got a government that claims to be feminist. This thesis discusses whether the change of labels has also brought along policy formulated in a feminist way, arguing that the way policy is expressed affects how people see a certain problem. Three policy proposals are analysed, and in only one case the government seems to have been influenced by feminist ideas. The other proposals partly support claims made by new institutionalism that norms and routines in an organisation work to resist policy change, but also shows that feminist ideas are resisted more actively. The fact that so called policy entrepreneurs was present in the policy process at a certain period in time, probably counts for one explanation to the exceptional policy.

Vem ska integreras och hur? En diskursanalys kring hur integration konstrueras då den kopplas till invandrare kontra då den kopplas till nationella minoritetsgrupper

In Sweden there is an integration policy and a policy for national minorities. The integration policy aims to integrate newly arrived immigrants (nyanlända invandrare), whereas the minority policy aims to maintain and strengthen the rights of the national minorities. The national minorities are though, at times, included into the integration policy, even though they hold a minority status in Sweden. This paper aims to, through discourse analysis, investigate the research question: ?how is the content of integration referred to, when it is related to immigrants, contra when it is related to national minorities?.

IT-säkerhetspolicy ? efterlevs den av anställda?

ABSTRACT The main purpose of IT security policies is to protect companies against intrusion and unwanted spread of information. Statistics show that IT related crimes tend to increase and because of that it is important, from the company?s side of view, to be well prepared. The IT security policy is an important part of that preparation. A lot of the crimes related to IT can be deduced indirectly to employees at the companies where the crime takes place.

Den korta armen : En studie i mångfald och armlängdsavstånd i kultursamverkansmodellen

The name of the study means ?The short arm - a study in diversity and arm?s length in the cultural collaboration model?. Right now there is a reform in the Swedish cultural administration where the responsibility for handing out state funds and grants to cultural organizations is changing from the state government to the local regional governments. The purpose of this study is to map the organisational changes caused by the reform and investigate how this affects the regional policies concerning cultural diversity and the arm?s length principle.

USA:s förändrade Europapolitik USA: EU-politik sedan kalla krigets slut. En utrikespolitisk förändring i stil eller substans?

This thesis aims to describe and characterise the foreign policy change the United States has experienced towards Europe. This thesis claims that the United States is presenting a more supportive attitude today towards the development of the European Union. This more positive attitude has developed during successive U.S. administrations and has become visible since the end of the Cold War.Washington is today less ambiguous and less ambivalent towards the integration of Europe. The United States appreciate that a common foreign- and security policy in Europe is in accordance with American interests.

Brandskyddsindex Visby innerstad

The aim for the project was to develop a risk analyse tool for measuring the fire safety level in Cultural Heritage buildings of Visby, Gotland. In 1995 Visby were taken into the Unesco:s World Heritage List with the explanation ?Visby is an outstanding example of a Northern European walled Hanseatic town which has in a unique way preserved its townscape and its extremely valuable buildings? One of the demands for the tool was that it should be easy to use and result into a ranking level in examined buildings. The user of the tool is recommended to be personnel in the fire department. To develop the tool a Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) method was used.

Det Nya Ryssland : En inblick över Rysslands utrikespolitik under 2000-talet.

Title: Det nya Ryssland - En inblick over Rysslands utrikespolitik under 2000-taletAuthor: Tim Balder and Jens KindhLinnaeus UniversityDepartment of Political ScienceAutumn term 2011The purpose of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of how the Russian foreign policy is, how it is conducted and how it may develop in the future. To do that, we are going to try to answer the following questions:What characterizes Russia's official foreign policy?What theories are there for the Russian foreign policy?How can the various theories explain the Russian foreign policy actions at the international level?Our theory is to try explaining how the Russian foreign policy is continuing its development during the 21st century through three theories known as the Western liberalism, Pragmatic nationalism and Fundamental nationalism. Furthermore, to explain Russia's foreign policy and their behaviour, we are going to use the two foreign policy doctrines from 2000 and 2008. In addition, books and articles will also be used to explain how Russia's foreign policy is conducted and developed..

Berättelsens betydelse för en plats symbolvärde och turism : Gustaf Fröding och Selma Lagerlöf som en del av Värmlands identitet

Denna studie har för avsikt att fokusera på den äldre litteraturen som en resurs för en turistisk verksamhet i Värmland. Studiens syfte och frågeställningar ämnar undersöka om den äldre litteraturen som kulturarv används som en resurs för en turistisk verksamhet, hur den iså fall är uppbyggd och om/hur man arbetar för att upprätthålla verksamheten. Studien kommer också att undersöka vilken betydelse litteraturen har för Värmlands symbolvärde och identitet, då litteraturen representeras av Gustaf Fröding och Selma Lagerlöf i denna studie. Jag undrar fortsättningsvis om litteraturen som symbol och identitet av Värmland används i ett marknadsföringssyfte. Avslutningsvis kommer uppsatsen fokusera på den värmländskalitteraturturismens eventuella problem och möjligheter för att undersöka dess varaktighet i framtiden.

Effektivisering av en produktionslinje för designade trägolv vid Kährs

AB Gustaf Kährs grundades 1857 i Nybro och 1947 blev Kährs först med att få patent på ett trägolv. Enligt Kährs är deras affärsidé att erbjuda miljövänliga och högkvalitativa trägolv för privata, offentliga och kommersiella miljöer. Under de senare åren har marknaden för robustare och mer formgivna trägolv vuxit. Därför har Kährs på kort tid byggt upp en ny linje för designprodukter. Det finns ett behov av att utvärdera och analysera linjen ur ett produktionstekniskt perspektiv med hjälp av olika LEAN verktyg.

En bortglömd guldålder? ? Tillgängliggörande av tidig svensk film till en bredare publik

Early Swedish films from the 1910?s and 1920?s are not only an important part of Sweden?s cultural heritage, but also an important part of the international film heritage. This period is often refereed to as the golden age of Swedish film history. Despite this fact, the possibility to watch Swedish films from this period is very small and the main purpose of this thesis is to examine why the availability of these films has such low priority in the Swedish film policy and at the Swedish Film Institute. With the use of policy analysis, I study governmental policies and policies from the Swedish Film Institute for early Swedish films and seek to identify the policy problem and its different parts.

Förändrad syn på svensk militär alliansfrihet? : En studie om svensk neutralitetspolitik mellan 1990-2008

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine how the Swedish policy of neutrality has changed between the years 1990-2008. The research method used for this essay has been comparative case study, which strives to answer four research questions. Two of these questions are: Which specific occurrences have been fundamental in changing the Swedish policy of neutrality? How have the Swedish policy of neutrality and the policy of non-alignment changed between the years 1990-2008? The theoretical frame work of this study consists of Europeanization as a comprehensive theoretical perspective. In order to explain the Swedish act regarding the policy of neutrality, Logic of Consequences and Logic of appropriateness are used.

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