

6417 Uppsatser om The childŽs point of view - Sida 39 av 428

Diskurs och dissonans : "den Samme" och "den Andre" i Mary Shelleys Frankenstein ; or, the Modern Prometheus

This essay ? Discourse and Dissonance ? deals with Mary Shelley?s gothic novel Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus (1818). The focal point is the construction of ?Them and Us?, as defined by scholars such as Stuart Hall, viewed in terms of the following categories: race, gender and family, class, and sexuality. Rather than applying an outside perspective, e.g.

Att genom fiktion skildra en verklighet : En kvalitativ studie i hur maktstruktrurer beskrivs i BBC:s tv-serie The Hour

The objective of this study was to investigate how power relationships between journalists and politicians were shown in the fictional BBC tv-series ?The Hour?. We wanted to investigate how these power structures is narrated by the producers of the series and what impact the narration could have to the audiance of the 21th century.We choose to analyse a total of 12 scenes from all of the six episodes, which are all set in Britain during the beginning of the Suez Canal crisis in the 1950?s, all seen from a BBC editorial point of view.In our analysis we chose to use two different kind of methods, the first one was a situation analysis and the second one a text analysis. The situation method was useful to get a perception of the relations between the participants .The text analysis we used to analyse what was said in the tv-series and to interpret underlying motives.The fictional form necessitated a personalization of power structures, in the sense that each and every power was represented by a single character; political power was for instance represented by the character of Angus McCain.

ModersmÄlsstöd i förskola : En intervjustudie om modersmÄlsstöd pÄ tre förskoleavdelningar i ett mÄngkulturellt omrÄde

The purpose of this study was to broaden knowledge about how native language support works in three pre-schools departments in a multicultural area. The questions were how native support works in the current pre-schools departments, which language development methods and forms used by educators to work with native language support, and if they experience any difficulties. I used interviews as a research method, with three child-care and one preschool teacher.The results showed that all departments on both of the pre-schools have native language support with a permanent bilingual staff, outside the ordinary activity. The mother tongue is also spoken in the everyday activities in two of the departments. The third department is only spoken native language with their children if they do not understand what they say in Swedish, or if they are sad.The concrete material is lifted up as a good and important tool in all three language groups, because verbal language is not always enough for all children to understand.

Att arbeta barnorienterat : En kvalitativ studie om Maria Montessoris och Reggio Emilias arbetssÀtt

AbstractSeveral of researchers have reflected that the school ought to be developed to a learning organization. A method as proceed from such a perspective and should be able to match a local child- and educations administration is problembased school development. To investigate in which ways a child- and educations administration prosecute a problem based learning inside the organization a case study was used as research strategy. The question this report gives answer to is:In what/which way works a child- and educations administration in a rural district with a method to fulfil a problembased learning.To collect empiric data a canvassing inquiry was accomplished among the child- and educations administrations group of management. According to the research result it can declares that there are good conditions for the organization to prosecute problem based school development, but there is yet a great deal to do before itÂŽs can be said totally fulfilled.

Den lyssnande demokratin - En studie av kommunalpolitikers syn pÄ den svenska demokratin

Local politicians are key actors in the democratic system and their ideas concerning democracy plays a central role in local democratic politics. The study's point of departure is the notion that local politicians are dependent of coherence between practice and theory concerning democracy and in the study of their ideas we acquire knowledge about the democratic practice.This study examines the local politicians? view of Swedish democracy and explores the logic of the discourse that makes statements concerning democracy possible. Twenty local politicians have been interviewed and from the material a discourse have been established through the use of formulation of problems and cause, nodal points and chains of analogy which is compared with democratic ideals.The study comes to the conclusion that a hegemonic discourse exists, in which central nodal points are representative and listening. The idea of the representative system is hegemonic and is based in the liberal democratic ideal although the view of the citizens rather can be traced to the radical, communitarian and deliberative ideal.

Hemmet, kvinnan och moralen : I Malmö stads barnavÄrdsutredningar 1930-1936

This study, a narrative analysis of it, deals with the term, home, its importance and the use of it by Child welfare investigators in the city of Malmö between the years 1930-1936. Commonly used and acknowledged, home stood for security and order while the term, street, had just the opposite meaning. Living in the countryside symbolized health and sensibility, while city life was considered to be cramped, dirty and immoral. The responsibility of achieving the liberals and conservatives ideal of a sunny, clean and orderly home was given to the woman of the house, as was the task of keeping the home morally correct, and providing the necessary atmosphere for proper upbringing of the children. Consequently, the basis of theory, using Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in regards to the conflicts between the upper and lower classes, and even theories of Jane Lewis of womanŽs connection to home and family, have been the grounds for the study.

Vad Àr mÀnsklig utveckling? : En studie av teorier om "Human Development"

This study analyzes the political view of criminality and crime politics in three political parties in the Swedish parliament, Socialdemokraterna, Folkpartiet and Moderaterna. The study seeks to describe which kind of view these parties present on the criminality in our society. The material for this study is the ideologies that the parties descend from which are, socialism, liberalism and conservatism, the political programs of these three parties have also been studied as well as the parties proposals, political documents in the Swedish parliament. The current public debate shows that the crime politics is an attractive question and the parties may seem to have similar proposals on how to lower the criminality in our society. The theory that has been used to describe the results of the study is ?actors and structures? and the results are related to this theory as well as the theory has been used as an instrument to explain and sort the material and the results.The results of the study show that the parties are different in their views on criminality as a problem in our society.

"Barn Àr speciella" : Ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vÄrda sjuka och skadade barn

 The aim of this study was to explore Swedish ambulance nurses experiences in caring for sick or wounded children.Method: A qualitative interview study with a descriptive/ explorative design. The sample consists of 10 ambulance nurses, both men and women, with varying years within ambulance service. Trough unstructured questions the data was collected. The data was analyzed with qualitative content analysis.Results: Compared to previous published studies the results of this study shows a broader perspective on ambulance nurses experiences in caring for sick or wounded children. The experiences were focused on following five categories:o The character of the alarm o The organization of the work o The specific in the meeting and treating of a child in an ambulance o Children who dies or suffer from a trauma o To work in an ambulance and at the same time being a parent Conclusion: It is always special to take care of a sick or wounded child.

?Det spelar ingen roll om de letar efter Nalle Puh eller Hitler? ? Barnbibliotekariers syn pÄ och hantering av medier som innehÄller Àmnen med en kontroversiell karaktÀr.

The aim of the study has been to find out children?s librarians? views on and management of media that contains topics with a controversial nature and also to find out how this affects the public library as a democratic institution. We have conducted the study by interviewing six children?s librarians. By using Vestheim?s terms value rationality and instrumental rationality, we have been categorizing the answers from our informants and thus identified two different points of view.

Den avvÀpnade arbetstidsfrÄgan. En analys av synen pÄ arbetstidsfrÄgan inom LO 1945-1967.

The object of interest in this essay is the issue of reducing work hours and how that issue was handled in the Trade Union Confederation (LO). In previous research the struggle for shorter work hours has been viewed as a struggle between trade union and employers? organizations. The previous research has had difficulties in explaining LOs part in this struggle, their actions have not been the expected. LO had not played an active part in the struggle for shorter work hours and the previous research has not been able to given a satisfying explanation for this.

Allt som finns kvar : Om personarkiv hos förÀldrar som förlorat smÄ barn

The object of this two years master's thesis has been to study a specific genre of personal archives by examiningthe archives of nine parents who have lost one or several infants. Using internet-based methods, (e-mail, Skypeand digital photographs), I have conducted qualitative research using a general interview guide technique. Usingresearch from archival theory as well as other fields, my material has been arranged and analysed according tothemes and recurring thoughts picked up from my informants during the interviews.My main theoretical aid has been that the role of parent who has lost a child is the starting point for the creationof the personal archives. Another important theory is my definition of the term ?document? as not dependent onmedium and format, but on usage: if an object has been used as a part of an archive, it is a document.

Smarta prefabmoduler för smÄhus i betong

This report examines the possibility of developing a modular system for concrete homes that cancontribute to greater diversity of today's market. The issue was whether it ? from a competitive pointof view ? is possible to produce smart prefab modules that customers themselves can combine to avilla. The report addresses the question how the modules and wall panels should be designed for thegreatest variety of floor plans.With regard to what is asked of the customer interviews where held for the purpose ofunderstanding concrete's popularity and elements of high value in their homes today. The answersfrom the interviews laid ground for four prototype homes which were made to demonstrate how theelements can be combined to achieve different types of houses..

Augmented Reality i mobiltelefonen : En kunskapssammanstÀllning med trafikinriktning

This master thesis is about Augmented Reality (AR), a phenomenon that has existed since the mid-fifties but only recently has become available for the general public. This report is a knowledge compilation about AR, focusing on AR in cell phones and the use of the technology in traffic related situations.AR is usually described as adding a digital layer of information onto the real world. There are different technologies to make virtual images; in cell phones sensor-based and camera-based technologies are the most common ones.In this report, the market of AR applications for cell phones has been investigated. Three use cases have also been investigated in order to get more knowledge about the designers' thoughts and visions.In order to analyze the technology and the applications in a broader and more scientific perspective, two theories has been used: Situation Awareness (SA) and the Service Dominant Logic (SDL). These theories seem useful when reflecting on the Swedish road administrations vision, and to investigate what the applications and the AR technology can contribute to the traffic domain.The conclusions of this thesis are that:- AR can be applied on most of the human senses, but augmenting by visualization is most common.- The market for cell phone applications is growing rapidly: AR applications are relatively new but on the rise.

Upplevelser hos socialsekreterare som arbetar med barn och unga inom myndighetsutövning : - En studie av kritiska incidenter

AbstractWorking with child and youth welfare is one of the most difficult challenges a social worker might face in the field of social work. Those who work with child and youth welfare are more exposed to stress and burnout than other comparable human service occupations. Research links the prevalence of stress and burnout to several key variables, such as demographics, working conditions and personality factors. In contrast, even though social workers in this field face many negative work-related problems they report a high job satisfaction. The aim of this study is to examine how uplifting and straining experiences affect social workers, who work with child and youth welfare, through the use of The Critical Incident Technique and interviews.

Beskrivning och rendering av kurvade backspeglar

Driving simulators are a very important part of the research that is done at VTI. Enhancing the realism and creating a better driving experience in the simulators are very important and an ongoing work process for the engineers and researchers who work with the simulators. This project has been done as a part of this developing process and the purpose is to enhance the realism of the rear-view mirrors.Simulating realistic rear-view mirrors has been demanded, not only from the researchers at VTI, but also from car and truck manufacturers. To achieve a realistic mirror view a method to measure and parameterize real mirrors has been developed. The code for the existing graphics system has also been redone to be able to handle the new types of mirrors introduced..

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