

6417 Uppsatser om The childŽs point of view - Sida 37 av 428

Barnsjuksköterskans upplevda erfarenheter av att samtala med förÀldrar till överviktiga barn.

 Like adult obesity, childhood obesity prevalence is rising, especially in the Western World.As many as 20 ? 25 percent of the ten years old children are overweight in Sweden. It isimportant to early identify overweight, since overweight could lead into diabetes, mentalsuffering, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.The aim of this study was to describe how nurses experience and perceive the conversationwith parents of overweight children. A qualitative method with a content analysis has beenused. Six nurses working in child health centre have been interviewed.The result shows that the conversation between the nurse and the parents of an overweightchild can be very difficult.

Matematikmöjligheter : En studie i en Sydafrikansk skola

The purpose of this report is to find out how we can work with learners on the basis of their opportunities in mathematics. I also want to look into, how one views this question in other cultures that are different from our own. I have, in order to reach my purpose, looked on what literature there is on this matter. I have also made three interviews in a township in South Africa. The result I got from my survey was that the teachers I interviewed had a similar point of view on the teaching of mathematic as we have in Sweden.

Barns delaktighet och inflytande i den pedagogiska dokumentationen i förskolan

The purpose of this study is to find out what the educators idea of educational documentations in ratio to childrens inclusion and impact in pre-school are, together with the child's own perception of the concepts of documentation. We proceeded from the following issues: What are the significance of educational work according to the teachers? What is the teachers idea of a childs impact and inclusion in educational documentation? In what way do the children have influence over, and inclusion in educational documentation? What are the childrens feelings of the documentations? In order to find answers to our questions, we used qualitative examinations consisting of seven educators and seven children from various pre-schools in Stockholm, and thereby, we have analyzed our results. As our theoretical frame, we used ourselves of Vygotskijs and SÀljö's sociocultural perspective that is about "progress and learning", which is achieved by interaction and cooperation in a social context. The result shows that the aim of educational documentation is to reveal the childs development and learning, and also to involve the parents by putting up documents on the wall.

Working Model of the Child Interview. Pilotstudie för att pröva metodens anvÀndbarhet pÄ svenska förÀldrar

Working Model of the Child Interview (WMCI) Àr en metod utformad för att bedöma och klassificera förÀldrars förmÄga till omvÄrdnad utifrÄn beskrivningar av förÀlderns subjektiva upplevelse av och relationen till sitt barn. FörÀldrars inre representation av omvÄrdnad har visat samband med barnets förmÄga att skapa en trygg anknytningsrelation. WMCI har visat stor anvÀndbarhet bÄde i forskningssammanhang och i klinisk verksamhet men Àr tidigare inte prövad i Sverige. Syftet med denna pilotstudie Àr att pröva metodens anvÀndbarhet pÄ en svensk population. Tretton förÀldrar, sex pappor och sju mammor, som Àr förstagÄngsförÀldrar till fullgÄngna och för tidigt födda barn har intervjuats med WMCI.

Mest utlÄnade bilderböcker utifrÄn genusperspektiv

The society in which we live is controlled by various kinds of rules, both written and unwritten. These rules tell us not only how we should act as humans but also how we should act as women and men. Adults teach their children the rules of the society in various ways, but they also act as model figures. Children are influenced by conscious and unconscious actions and also by activities performed by the adults. Furthermore, adults write children?s books which bring the essential content into children?s lives.

Inkarnationens ontologi : En studie av Wolfhart Pannenbergs kristologi i belysning av uppenbarelse som historia

Summary in EnglishThe purpose of this essay has been to examine the Christology of Wolfhart Pannenberg, and especially his interpretation of the belief in Jesus as true God and true man. The consequences for his ontology and his view of the incarnation are also focused upon.Fundamental features in the Christology of Pannenberg demand a closer examination in this connection. First, christological method regarding which a certain development can be shown from the early to the late writings of Pannenberg. According to my view, the later Pannenberg is more balanced in his way of describing the christological movements "from above" and "from below" and how these movements complement each other. In contradistinction to his mature Systematic Theology, in Jesus, God and Man from the 1960s he was more categorically an advocate of the from-below-perspective.Secondly, Pannenberg risks his entire Christology claiming the historicity of the resurrection.

Beslutsfattande vid anbudsgivning hos svenska byggentreprenörer

This thesis examines the tendering process from the point of view of Swedish building contractors. The purpose with the study is to chart the decision process for the contractors during the tendering process. The study is designed as a survey study. This made it possible to reach a wide base of respondents, not letting such factors as geography being an issue. The survey itself was characterised by a very high response rate compared to other similar studies. The result from this study shows that former experience from similar projects, current workload and the clients economic condition are very important factors for both whether or not the contractor will bid for a project as well as the cost estimation and tendering price. Former experience from similar projects is also an important factor for the determination of the indirect costs.

Osedliga verser och smutsiga barn : BarnavÄrdens praktik och begreppsanvÀndning under 1929-1937

Social work is a profession where documentation about people?s behavior and life circumstances is common. In the beginning of the essay we ask ourselves, if these descriptions about people can be problematic? To explore this, we studied social documentation, from the past. We used a historical source because history can help usunderstand the social work that is being conducted today.

Bilprovningen : -Nytt lÀge pÄ en konkurrensutsatt marknad

The purpose of our study was to identify and present experiences encountered by parents with a child with diagnosis. Those narratives are made open for the public. Data has been collected through ten interviews with parents having children with a diagnosis. These interviews have also been complemented by interviews with one child and one youth. The parents and the children who have been interviewed, all have their own stories and experiences of how it is to live with a diagnosis in the family and for all families there are different diagnosis.

Hörapparaten : Det dolda hjÀlpmedlet?

This essay is about the history of the hearing aid in Sweden, from 1930s until today. The hearing aid as an apparatus is described, and views by the users are presented. Articles and interviews have been used as source material to answer the main questions. In the essay, people who have written the articles, and the ten users being interviewed, describe how hearing aids are used in everyday life, and how users interact with people in general and how the hearing care system treats users. Another question regards how users perceive their own hearing aids from an aesthetic perspective.

Det finns 10 sorters mÀnniskor - de som förstÄr och de som inte förstÄr. : LÀrares uppfattningar om matematik och matematiksvÄrigheter.

This report is an attempt to clarify how religious and non-religious views-of-life [livsÄskÄdningar] are created through the collaboration and opposition of religious and scientific elements/ideas. This with the hope of reaching a fruitful result related to the solution of world-view related conflicts, such as the ones existing between science and religion, on an individual and societal level.This is accomplished with the help of two assertions: (1) Mankind has a need to explain its existence and surroundings. (2) Religion and science has their origins in the same seed and aim to serve the same purpose, or function. Together these two assertions lay the theoretical foundations of this report which implies that all humans have an innate need of sustaining a stable world-view.The result of this report is that a final solution to world-view related conflicts are beyond reach as our mental and physical nature limits us. However there are strategies for minimizing world-view related conflicts effect on society..

Bemötandet av tvÄsprÄkiga barn efter inskolningen. :  Tre pedagogers arbetssÀtt & metoder. ? En kvalitativ studie med tvÄsprÄkiga barn inom mÄngkulturellt omrÄde

Thanks to preschool Bamse and the entire literature I have related to in my degree work I have both got an explanation for my question at issue, and a clearer insight for my main question "The treating of bilingual children after acclimatization". I have within the investigation chosen to study on the basis of the educationalists perspective on bilingual way of working. My question at issue on this investigation has been to see how a regular day of language development looks and how the group of children developed the Swedish language.The purpose with my degree work was to be able to get an insight in the educationalists way of working and methods and also to see how the educationalists treats bilingually individuals after the acclimatization. I have when it concerns choice of method and material collections assumed from a qualitative investigation and gathered the material with help from participation notices and interviews.Down here I will sum up the investigation in poles and describe the aspect the informants have pointed out under the interviews.Bilingually children?s develop the Swedish language with the educationalists by:Converse and communicate with the childName word and objectsUsing the body language at conversationsBuilding security in the group of childrenIntegrate the playing to a language development in the regular dayConfirm the child?s meaning at different connectionsCreate a god relation with the individualTake part of the mother tongue in the program to name single wordsGiving the individual the opportunity to express their thoughts freelyPlace the child at the center of attention among the group of childrenTake part of the parents experience with the mother tongueGiving space to create own imagination with the playing for the individualHave the language as an approachEven the theories mediate that the educationalists shall promote the work with bilingual children so that they control the purpose and see the meaning of activity.

"Jag brukade skoja och sÀga att de hade vuxit en skostorlek varje gÄng jag trÀffade barnen : " (Sagt av en pappa dÄ han beskrev hur sÀllan han sÄg sina barn)- En studie kring frihetsberövade pappor och deras barn.- An essay about incarcerated fathers and

ABSTRACTTo be a incarcerated parent and separated from your children can awake difficult thoughts and feelings of being powerless and burdened with debt. When it gives possibilities to maintain connections between the parent and child it can make a feeling of belonging and security. Children and families have long struggled with the difficulties created when a parent goes to prison. The aim with this essay has been to look into how fathers in prison, professionals from correctional institutions and social workers experiences of the connections between children and their incarcerated fathers. We reached our aim through interviews with fathers who had been incarcerated, professionals from correctional institutions, social workers and by literature studies.

Familjen & Döden : förÀldrars förhÄllningssÀtt till sina kvarvarande barn

The aim of this study was to explore the role of death in the Swedish family. How do parents and families cope with the loss of a child/sibling? How do the remaining children in a family fare after loss of sibling? The study was caused out partially through a selective review of the literature on children loss in families and partially through interviews with families who had experienced death of a child. The results were analysed with help of Family system theory, Emotional theory and with an Esoteric perspective. The findings of the study were that although families do eventually cope with the situation the majority is struggling to adjust.

Kostnadseffektiv svaveldioxidreduktion : en studie dÀr ett optimalt svenskt mÄl jÀmförs med ett internationellt mÄl

In Sweden the work of reducing acidification and its prime cause; emission and deposition of sulphur dioxide, has been going on for decades. Despite of all the work that has been done the positive progress in the acidified areas is slow. This is partly due to a long recovery time for the acidified areas but also because the reductions of emission and deposition of sulphur dioxide have not been large enough. Emissions of sulphur dioxide from land based source in Sweden are estimated to 34 000 tons in the year of 2010. During the same year, approximately 182 000 tons of sulphur dioxide will be deposited over the Swedish territory.

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