

14691 Uppsatser om The body as a social construction - Sida 6 av 980

Rösten och kroppen - En studie av några sångpedagogers syn på användande av kroppen i sångundervisningen

Syftet med denna studie är att få mer kunskap om hur man kan använda kroppen i sångundervisning. Jag undersöker vad ett urval av sångpedagoger anser om förhållandet mellan röstorganet och resten av kroppen och hur de tillämpar det praktiskt i sin undervisning. Metoden jag använder mig av är en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning och resultatet visar bland annat att pedagogerna använder kroppen i sångundervisningen genom övningar med rörelser, olika muskelspänning och avslappning. Några av slutsatserna är att det är viktigt med balans mellan anspänning och avspänning, att använda rätt sorts muskler och rörelser samt att använda dessa på rätt sätt.The purpose of this study is to get more knowledge of how you can use the body in voice-training. I examine what a selection of singing-teachers think about the connection between the vocal organ and the body and how they use that knowledge in their teaching.

Vattnet i vår kropp : Förskolebarns tankar om vattnet innom oss

AbstractThis study deals with preschool children's ideas about water in our body. Ten children with the age of four to five were interviewed individually, the interviews were qualitative. The children were also asked to draw their answers and answer questions about a picture that represented the excretory system. The results of my study show that children did not have any knowledge about the water being vital for us. Preschool children had no knowledge of why it is important to drink water.

kropp som kropp. Tankar och resonemang kring kroppsliga perspektiv i skolan.

It was the purpose of the present study to explore thoughts and lines of reasonings concerning body perspectives in school. Based on students at a secondary school and on analyses of the curricula of the school, I reason about how we see the human being and the importance of it in school. In the introduction I start out from observations and highlight the body as a communicative channel leading up to the issue of students? basic view of man as integrated or devided in body and soul. A study of twelve interviews of students shows that thoughts about the two perspectives had not been identified until now but that a great deal of interest existed for discussion on this subject.

Om kroppen i knoppen : En undersökning om pedagogers synsätt på undervisning om människokroppen i förskolan

AbstractThe aim is to find out the teachers´ different point of views regarding what and why it´s important to teach children about the human body and in what way educationists can teach this knowledge. Seven teachers are asked, through qualitative interviews, about their point of views on teaching the human body in pre-school.The teachers don`t seem to reflect upon the subject, which shows that a development of knowledge needs within the area.Fist of all the children´s spontaneous questions direct what the educationists talk about with the children. The most frequently mentioned questions are about the circulation of the blood and the digestion organs. The teachers think it´s important that the children get knowledge about the human body in order to get a better opinion of their own bodies and themselves. It´s also important because this is the basis of other kind of knowledge, for instance the knowledge about animals..

Eurytmi och lärande : Pedagoger och eurytmisters syn på relationen mellan eurytmi och lärande bland förskolebarn

This is a study on how eurythmists/educators describe the relationship between the practice of eurythmy and learning in young children. I wanted to find out what concepts these eurythmists/educators use when speaking of learning in relation to eurythmy. In addition I would also like to explore what eurythmists and educators think that children learn when practicing eurythmy. The method of this study is interviews with two educated Waldorf teachers, as well as two educated and practicing eurythmists, in a fenomenological interview setting with open questions. The theories of Merleau-Ponty, on the phenomenological body, has been used when analyzing the interview material - that is; through the understanding of a physical learning in these theories on the phenomenological body I have tried to understand and analyze the interview material.

Äldres upplevelser av internet för sociala aktiviteter

Introduction: Basic Body Awereness Therapy (BBAT) is a treatment developed to treat different kinds of psychiatric diagnoses, but also to prevent the emergence of any other unhealthy conditions. The treatment is aimed to increase the body control and conscious breathing but also requires mental awareness.Aim: The aim of this study is to, based on social cognitive theory, describe patients' experiences of BBAT performed as group therapy.Method: The study design was qualitative with an inductive approach. Five people were interviewed after a BBAT group treatment in primary care. The data was collected by individual interviews with semi-structured questions and the interviews were analysed by qualitative content analysis.Result/Conclusion: The participants experienced increased body awareness and implemented BBAT strategies even though the treatment frequency was insufficient. BBAT was described as helpful used to regulate intensity level, stress management and facilitate breathing.

Kriminalitet sätter mannen på prov ? En studie av identitetsskapande i romanen Snabba Cash.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how representations of identity construction are performed through the characters in the novel Snabba Cash by author Jens Lapidus. I examine what means the characters are using, and how the identity construction processes are related to the idea of modern society. For a theoretical background I use sociologist Anthony Giddens? theories regarding modernity and self-identity, to study general identity construction.

I dansen förhåller sig min kropp och mitt beslut magiskt till varandra : En fenomenologiskt orienterad studie av danspedagogens praktik

This essay is an attempt to portray and explain my work as a dance pedagogue as well as an epistemological overview of the skills and knowledge I use when I teach. The study is phenomenologically oriented and the examples used are from the years when I was teaching at the University College of Dance in Stockholm. The primary objective of the study was to illustrate the practical knowledge of my teaching by examining what lies in the mind and gaze of the dance pedagogue while teaching.Having finished my essay I realize that it has come to be primarily about the body. How the knowledge that is imprinted in my body can only be conveyed when I have a student to teach and how I feel that the intermediary of knowledge occurs. Other recurrent themes are the relations of thought and consciousness to the body.

Alla är vi lika men ändå olika. Ett mönsterprojekt inspirerat av kroppen

Sweden has a great tradition of pattern in both wallpapers and fabric, where colours and shape matters a lot for the customer. I have through my examination project tried to expand the views and find new alternatives and shapes for the obvious pattern traditions. I have therefore worked with what could be on the verge of attractive or repelling. To create a curiosity of what is considered to be commercial. From the prospective of the body organs I have created physical patterns for fabric and wallpapers.

Ageism: A literature review

Background: The studies analyzed have shown among other things that ageism appears to be an overlooked category in intersectionality studies, elderly is offered care in worse conditions than non-elderly and stereotypes restrict elderlys social space to act. The gray tsunami is approaching but studies show that large gaps separate different agegroups. Aims: The study discuss how scientists reason about ageism towards elderly in a social science discussion. Method: A literature review was conducted in which fifteen articles were analyzed. The database used, is the librariescatalog Summon, at Malmö University. The articles was compiled in themes to give dilated clarity in ageisms complexity towards elderly. The results are being discussed on the basis of terror management theory, gerotranscendence and social identitity theory. Results: Elderlys relation to society's expectations about aging can affect a self/body-dualism, a split.

Klimatpåverkan vid vägbyggnad -beroende av vald konstruktion

It?s a fact that the climate is affected by the vehicle that runs on the worlds roads. But theconstruction of the road itself is rarely thought of as a climate threat. Svevia and the Swedish roadadministration have opposite views of how the construction of roads should be carried thru. It?sthe difference between those two construction methods that is the base in our thesis.The amount of energy use or the emissions are not analyzed for neither the Swedish roadadministrations nor Svevias construction models.

L?gkonjukturens p?verkan inom byggf?retag

The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of how medium-sized construction companies adapt and how they choose to reorganize their operations in relation to the recession. The study has as its theoretical starting point theories about organizational learning, the impact of the economy on construction companies and strategies for dealing with recessions. The method used to conduct the study was semi-structured interviews with representatives from 15 different construction companies. The results of the study show that they used several strategies to adapt and reorganize the business in accordance with the recession. Some construction companies had to make cost savings as a result of the recession.

O-vikt-igt? : - Vikt- och Kroppsuppfattningens Påverkan på Social Ångest Över Tid

Många drabbas av social ångest. Vikt och kroppsuppfattning relaterar till social ångest men sambandet behöver tydliggöras. Syftet med studien var att se hur mycket av variationen i social ångest över tid som kan förklaras av vikt-, och kroppsrelaterade mått, samt undersöka könsskillnader. Studien var longitudinell och baserades på en enkätundersökning vid två insamlingstillfällen med ett års mellanrum (N=361). Resultatet visade att upplevd övervikt, felaktigt upplevd övervikt, kön och kroppsnöjdhet tillsammans förklarade 7 % av variationen i social ångest över tid.

Vädrets påverkan på byggarbetsplatsen

This exam report contains studies about how the weather affects the construction site from a planning and productivity perspective. In 1960?s the contractors started to build during the winter, since then the demands to obtain a good construction has been higher on both the contractor and then promoter.In this report you will see how the different actors at the construction site handle the weather problems. By several interviews of the actors at the construction site there have been opinions about the weather situation which has been collected. To get a wide perspective of the problem, field studies from four different construction sites been made.Weather statistics over Halmstad is a mayor part of this report.

Identitetens transparenta gränser : Iscensättning av identitet, begär och kroppslighet inom sociala medier.

The aim for this master thesis is to create an understanding of the intersubjective processes of how individuals are experimenting with their identities in social media and the consequences for the identity and embodiment. The thesis is completed with the help of discourse analysis and a starting point in four complementary theories. Central to the implementation of the analysis is the concept of diffraction. Therefore the thesis is, which is reflected in the choice of theoretical approaches and methods, critical to many aspects of classical philosophy of science and method. The empirical material is based on interviews.

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