

14723 Uppsatser om The body as a social construction - Sida 53 av 982

Produktionsoptimering av Kv. Hunden

For many years, there has been a housing shortage in Sweden. Many have been expecting a construction boom in the housing sector, but that has yet to arrive. With the current legislations and guidelines surrounding modern, energy efficient housing; production costs have increased dramatically in recent years. As a result, having a negative effect on housing production despite the high demand for homes.This exam work is carried out on a construction project of Sjötorpshus AB and its purpose is to evaluate how to optimise the construction process for the production of a new residential settlement, "Kv.Hunden", located in Katrineholm. In an interview with the company's MD, Pär Knutsson, four main issues were defined to focus on.

Variationen i användandet av IT-verktyget Trade : En fallstudie hos NCC

Companies that are facing the global market are put in to new challenges in order to streamline its business. One industry that has realized that changes are necessary is the construction industry, it is an industry witch is far behind the development of introducing information technology-tools systems in there business. It has shown there is a relation between high IT usage and high productivity, which is one of the reasons to why companies in the construction industry should purchase a business system especially for procurement. However, companies that have purchased a business system are facing difficulties in having their employees using it for its purpose. People react differently to changes and that?s why variations in quantities exist for usage of information technology-tools.

Social kompetens i skolan : En studie av lärares uppfattning av social kompetens

En empirisk undersökning av lärares uppfattning av begreppet social kompetens med syftet att synliggöra lärares uppfattningar av social kompetesn smat hur de arbetar med social kompetens i skolan. Uppsatsen tydliggör också vilka faktorer som är viktiga för utvecklingen av soacialr och emotionellt lärande som ämne i skolan. Den empiriska undersökningen bygger på nio lärarintervjuer utförda i årskurserna 4-9, med tonvilkten lagd på de högre årskurserna. Resultatet av studierna är att begreppet och arbetet med att utveckla social kompetens hos eleverns ärkomplext. Det finns många faktorer som inverkar på resultatet.

Kontrollbox för häftare A6102

This report describes the construction and development of a control box, which is a tool for testing and verifying a certain model of Rapid?s built in staplers (model A6102). Basically the function of the control box is to interpret any errors that may occur in the stapler and to make it possible to test fire the stapler.The control box should be able to communicate with the stapler using a specialized communication protocol. The different data such as errors, firmware etc. from the stapler is presented in plain language on a display.

Etnicitet, smärtupplevelse och smärtbehandling

Sverige börjar, precis som resten av världen, att bli alltmer mångkulturellt. Då smärta studeras ur ett etniskt perspektiv finns redan ett antagande att det finns ett samband mellan etnicitet och smärta. För att patienter från andra kulturer ska få adekvat smärtstillning är det viktigt att sjukvårdspersonal och då främst sjuksköterskan, har kunskap om skillnader mellan olika kulturer. Skillnader i behandling kan uppfattas som diskriminerande, men lika behandling för alla är kanske inte heller alltid rätt behandling. Då etnicitet är ett känsligt ämne att undersöka valdes systematisk litteraturstudie som metod.

Kroppar och sexualitet i staden : En socialpsykologisk skildring av den rumsliga kontextens betydelse för sexualitetens konstruktion

Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka den rumsliga konstruktionens betydelse för sexualiteten diskurs i det samtida. Uppsatsen står på en trefaldig grund. Ontologiskt i socialkonstruktionismen och dess syn på sexualiteten som konstruerad, epistemologiskt i den kritiska hermeneutiken dvs. syftet är att förklara och förstå och slutligen så vilar den på Foucault och hans syn på sexualiteten och diskurs. I nästföljande avsnitt dekonstrueras och presenteras det konstruerade samhället utifrån begrepp som kön, sexualitet, rum och kropp.

The Weight of Nature

There is an expression called ?grief of climate? that refers to feelings of powerlessness and heaviness related to the environmental problems of today. A feeling that every move we make has bad consequences for nature. This essay is an investigation of how art in general and jewellery art in particular can be a way of discussing and visualizing current environmental problems and the complex relationship between human and nature. I am discussing how artworks dealing with a dark and dystopian picture of the relation can be seen as the memento mori of our time.

Sociala medier : Marknadsföring och innehåll

The purpose of this study is to highlight the opportunities of using social media as a communicative tool to attract and engage customers on different social media platforms. In recent years social media has become an important way for business to communicate with people both national and global. The idea behind this thesis was found when we saw different approaches of how companies used social media as a marketing tool. Through a qualitative approach we did eight interviews with six different companies and two social media consults which have given us a basis of what companies really want to achieve with social media. With these interviews we were able to analyze and discuss the abilities to interact with people and how companies distribute content that engage users and increase their credibility to the company..

Projektplanering med visuell metodik i byggbranschen

Examensarbetet utfördes på NCC Halmstad under våren 2010. Syftet med examensarbetet var att klargöra vad visuell metodik kan tillföra byggbranschen och hur det upplevs av personer som utför byggprojektArbetet innefattar en kvalitativ och en litteraturstudie. Den kvalitativa studien genomfördes med hjälp av sju intervjuer inom Region Syd med personer som arbetat med den visuella metoden NCC Projektplanering. Intervjuerna har ägt rum för att ta reda på hur den visuella metodiken fungerar i praktiken.Litteraturstudien innefattar en utredning av begreppen Lean, Lean Production, Lean Construction, Last Planner och NCC Projektplanering. Den röda tråden från Lean till NCC Projektplanering är att genom ständigt förbättringsarbete skapa engagemang och ökad delaktighet.Den generella uppfattningen av NCC Projektplanering är positiv, dock varierar uppfattningen av metoden efter aktörernas inställning.

"Det är som en glaskupa runt hela prostitutionsstråket - vistas man där är allt tillåtet". En narrativ analys av två socialarbetares berättelser.

This essay focuses on two social workers talking about their working field in the prostitution area in a Swedish city. The study aims to investigate how the social workers talk about their field and clients that are in it through the use of narrative analysis. Furthermore we discuss the complications with qualitative interviews, narrative analysis from a feminist theoretical and methodological point of view. The study is based on an interview with the two social workers. The result reveals only tendencies rather than a general "truth".

Dialogens betydelse för företag : Hur företag bör agera och uppträda när de marknadsför sig i sociala medier

The purpose of my study is to give a good picture of what social media really is and how companies can make use of it, in their marketing strategy. It gets more important for every day that companies fully understand how social media works and how to act in the new digital channels. To be an updated marketer today, you need to fully understand social media and how it can be implemented in the company marketing strategy. This study gives you a snapshot over todays situation in the area of social media marketing.I have interviewed four different persons, who I believe have a great competence and are highly qualified for this kind of study. All of the interviewed persons work with social media marketing at a daily basis.

Undersökning av processparametrar för optimering av sol-gelprocessen för produktion av kärnbränsle

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

Den tvetydiga regimen - En studie om den iranska regimens natur

The aim of this study is to get a better understanding of the Iranian regime. My theory is that the Iranian regime is a semi-dictatorship, based on the soul fact that semi-competetive elections take place. The main question this thesis tries to answer is what characterizes the political construction of the Iranian regime and by what means does it implement its political goals. In trying to answer this question the case of Iran is applied to four specific typologies being, semi-dictatorship, military rule, single party rule and personal rule. The aim has not been to categorically analyze if the Iranian regime matches one typology or the other perfectly, as this is seldom the case when it comes to typologies.After analysis of the four typologies, the conclusion is that the Iranian regime utilizes semi-competitive elections to give a guise of democracy, as is in line with a semi-dictatorship.

Värdig ett vapen : en analys och tolkning av Birkas vapengravars gravgåvor och kontext

The aim of this thesis is to interpret and discuss the weapon-graves of Viking Age Birka. The weapon-grave phenomenon is deemed differential in relation to the rest of the grave-material of the site, and thus the questions that motivate the thesis is: who was buried with weapons and why? Further questions arise regarding the social aspects of individuals who were buriedalong with weapons. The theoretical approach will be to evaluate any differences in 'social class', 'social age' and 'gender' between the weapon-grave contexts. By conducting qualitativeand quantified analysis of the grave-goods, this thesis adresses both overall and detailed patterns in correlation and constellations between weapons, other grave-goods and terms of burial..

Effekten av Social Ångest och Självfokusering på Attributionsstil och Impressionsbildning

Studerade effekten av social ångest och självfokusering på attributionsstil och impressionsbildning. En 2 (uppmätt hög/låg social ångest) x 2 (manipulerad hög/låg självfokusering) design användes. Deltagarna var 68 studenter, 56 kvinnor och 12 män. För attributionsstil användes separata skalor för bra och dåliga händelser. För impressionsbildning användes en positiv och en negativ skala.

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