

14723 Uppsatser om The body as a social construction - Sida 43 av 982

Pedagogers inställning till it och media i förskolan- hot eller möjlighet

 Prostitution has been intensely debated in Sweden for nearly four decades. Two major investigations have so far been initiated by the government and numerous propositions have been put forward in the Swedish parliament resulting in the sexköpslag from 1999 that criminalizes purchase of sexual services. The law aims at punishing the buyer and protecting the women in prostitution, thus making it possible for women to be helped by various social interventions rather than punished. Swedish society has undergone major changes in these decades. Globalization, the internet and the membership in the EU have changed the Swedish society and influenced the discourse on prostitution.This paper has a twofold aim, on the one hand investigating if and how these changes have had an impact on the prostitution discourse in texts produced by the government and analyze how female and male sexuality in connection to prostitution is constructed.

Vem är du? : En studie om företags granskande av Facebook profiler

Title: Who are you? A study on companies reviewing of Facebook profiles.  Social media has opened up new possibilities in recruitment situations in forms of background checks on social networks such as facebook. Even though there are many advantages, there are few recruitment workers who choose to embrace the possibilities with social networking..

Spinnarfjärilens doft : En narratologisk läsning av Gabrielle Wittkops roman Le Nécrophile

The present BA thesis is an analysis and a close reading of the French author Gabrielle Wittkop's novel Le Nécrophile (1972). The analysis consists of two parts. The first part focuses on the story and can be described as an attempt to interpret the engine of the history. The second part of the analysis focuses on the narrative; how the story is told. Le Nécrophiles main motif is re-encoding the representation of death in art and literature, traditionally conceived as a beautiful female corpse.

Etiken och rummet : - om det sociala arbetets etik i rumsliga sammanhang

In Sweden there is an integration policy and a policy for national minorities. The integration policy aims to integrate newly arrived immigrants (nyanlända invandrare), whereas the minority policy aims to maintain and strengthen the rights of the national minorities. The national minorities are though, at times, included into the integration policy, even though they hold a minority status in Sweden. This paper aims to, through discourse analysis, investigate the research question: ?how is the content of integration referred to, when it is related to immigrants, contra when it is related to national minorities?.

Internationell tvistlösning inom immaterialrättens område : Utvecklingen av tvistlösningsmekanismer och dess genomslag

International conventions signifies international trade, which in itself would be ineffective if there were no dispute settlement mechanisms. This essay intends to examine how dispute settlement mechanisms between states have developed over the years and a large emphasis is placed on the World Trade Organizations (WTO) Dispute Settlement Body since it?s had great significance for the efficiency of international law. In order to show the need for dispute settlement mechanisms, a background to the conventions that have called for the development of the DSB is in order. This essay focuses on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), and the agreement that currently regulate intellectual property rights, Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), but also its connection to the DSB.

?Antingen f?r man sitta ensam och vara nykter och drogfri, och det ?r ju ingen som orkar det ?ver tid. Eller s? f?r vi skapa sammanhang d?r man kan g?ra p? ett annat s?tt? - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av sociala n?tver

This study examines the opinions of social workers regarding the social networks of people with a substance addiction. The intention was to get a more nuanced understanding of what characterizes a positive or negative social network, as well as which functions different types of social networks serve. Data were collected through qualitative interviews with seven social workers. More specifically the social workers were oriented towards working for social services with clients that struggle with substance abuse. The empirical material has been analyzed with a thematic analysis.

Klagomålshantering i den svenska bankbranschen

The production costs have steadily increased within the construction industry during the 21st century. Voices are raised meaning that the construction industry is too unsuccessful in making the production more efficient and to develop it?s way of working. One way to deal with the production costs is to minimise the waste, with waste meaning activities that doesn?t add value to the finished product.

Skjuvhållfasthet och deformationsegenskaper för Uppsalalera med CRS och standardödometer

Shear Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Uppsala Clay with CRS and Standard OedometerTyra Morell Bonin & Magdalena MählerTo see how much a clay compact under different pressure one can use several different methods and in this project, two methods were used, the Standard Oedometer and a CRS apparatus. A Standard Oedometer is a full-time manual device and the CRS apparatus is a modern electric and automatic device. The aim of the project was to see similarities and differences between the two methods and examine which method that were most reliable. This has been done with repeated laboratory tests and afterward evaluations. With this information one can get a picture of how the clay will behave and how it will deform in nature.

Prefabricerade väggelement av hampabetong

Lime Hempcrete consists of lime, water and hemp and creates an insulating, sound-absorbing, lightweight and environmentally friendly material that can be used in wall, roof and floor structures (Bevan & Woolley 2008). This construction method is not yet developed in Sweden as there has been a ban on the cultivation of the hemp plant. This ban on the cultivation of hemp was removed in 2003, when the material got a boost. You can use it in many different ways and not just in the construction industry (Ahlsten, 2010).In this study we have investigated the possibility to produce prefabricated wall elements of LHC. We have also studied its mechanical properties and dehydration time.

Människovana grävlingar som testdjur för grythundar. En studie om hur grävlingars beteende och fysiologi påverkas av hundars aggressivitet

In Sweden live badgers are used in tests in order to train and prepare earth dogs for hunting underneath ground. This has for several years causeddebate concerning the welfare of the badgers. It is questioned whether the purpose of the dog training, i.e. to reduce injuries in both dogs and prey, is worth the suffering that is reflected on the badgers. The aim of this investigation was to study 1) stress levels in badgers when used in earth dog training, 2) if the stress load differs when the badgers are exposed to dogs with varying aggression levels (low, moderate, high).

Kommunikationseffektivitet och kommunikationsstrategier för L1- och L2-talare i referentiella problemlösningsuppgifter

This thesis examines and measures differences in effciency between L1- and L2 language use for solving referential problems. Quantitative measures used in the study were time and error frequency. Qualitative measures, such as how the tasks and the participants own performance were experienced, were measured by an post interview and two questionaires. Two different tasks, a sorting task and a construction task, in which each informant was given the role as a constructor or instructor, were used for data gathering. A total of 20 dyads, divided in two language groups (English and Swedish) participated in the study.

 Utvärdering av Revit Architecture :  Med hänsyn till Autocad Architecture

This Degree project summarizes how it is to work in the CAD program Revit Architecture. This was done because AQ Arkitekter in Eskilstuna is interested in how Revit works. Especially compared to AutoCad which is the software they are using today. Will their work become more efficient with the new software?The starting point was to find out how it is to work with Revit when you only used AutoCAD Architecture before.

Myten om nudlarna : Hur ser bilden av studenten ut?

This study is based on interviews with six students from Stockholm that have shared their feelings/opinions about how they experience their identity as a student. The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine how the identity of students is constructed but also how the post modern society affects the life that the students are living. With a higher demand on education and responsibility of making the right decisions, the student?s main concern is not only her studies, but also the goal to succeed in her life.

Möjligtvis stressad? En kvalitativ studie om stress på ekonomiskt bistånd, en enhet på Socialtjänsten

The purpose of this study was to examine and illustrate whether employed social workers, working with supplementary benefits at a social service office, felt stressed. If so was the case, we wanted to investigate if this stress that they felt had any effect on their clients. This study was based on eight qualitative interviews, of which four was with social workers and four was with clients. For a better understanding of our results we used Karasek & Theorells demand-control-support model.The study reveals that the social workers do feel stressed, but they only do so in periods. They declare that they would like to have more time for their work assignments, the meetings with the clients in particulate.

Intäktsredovisning i svenska byggföretag -En studie kring IFRIC 15 och IASB:s föreslagna standard och dess påverkan på intäktsredovisningen i tre svenska byggföretag

One of the most crucial entries in the financial statements is revenue. Despite the importanceof revenue a lot of mistakes are made concerning this entry because of the extensive room forjudgements. Especially in the construction companies where a lot of differences exist due tothe fact that different standards are used for similar business transactions.The research concerning IFRIC 15 and the new upcoming standard for revenue recognition isnot very extensive. Studies including both IFRIC 15 and the new standard are even morelimited. Therefore this study aims to compare the effects of IFRIC 15 and the new upcomingstandard for revenue recognition, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, in three Swedishconstruction companies.

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