

14723 Uppsatser om The body as a social construction - Sida 36 av 982

Att effektivisera armeringsarbete : Från idé till genomförande

Most of today?s concrete structures that are built on site are mainly constructed in a traditional fashion with a lot of artisanal operations. One step towards industrializing the in-situ construction of concrete is to use prefabricated reinforcement. Through this method there can be a lot of savings when each bar doesn?t have to be placed and fixed separately on site.

Konstruktionen av Sverige och en svensk identitet : Diskursanalys av två läromedel i svenska som andraspråk

This essay is written in order to expose the construction of collective identity in textbooks for Swedish as a second language. To help visualize the process that shapes and categorize sub-jects based on a relational identity formation I assume mostly from Ernesto Laclau and Chan-tal Mouffe's discourse analysis theory frame. The paper called it as discourse theory. There are two textbooks in Swedish as a second language to be studied. Based on the textual materi-al found in the textbooks I perform a discourse analysis involving mainly focus on relational identity construction.

Konstruktion av ränndalskap CPD08

Our Bachelor?s Thesies has been performed in co-operation with Cellplast Direkt AB inLaholm. Our task was to develop a construction that cuts gussets to ceiling disposition as isused to isolation.Our goal with our construction was to increase the degree of automation so that theproductivity increased and also meet the market which is getting tougher and tougher due tothe future business cycle.Cellplast Direkt gave us free hands in order to enable new ideas. A pair different principleproposal was developed and prepared to a final structure.The Bachelor?s Thesies resulted in one PLC - governed machine with three engines that runthree different moves, wich does that the degree of automation increases and the risk forerrors decreases.We have developed a complete production bases to Cellplast Direkt and our hope is that thecompany comes to produce the machine in the future..

Inclusion Body Disease hos boa- och pytonorm : diagnostiska metoder

Inclusion body disease (IBD) affecting boas and pythons is a serious and common disease. Boas can be clinically healthy carriers, which makes control of the disease difficult. The causative agent has not yet been confidently identified, and therefore there are no serodiagnostic tests available. Today, histopathologic examination of tissue biopsies is the recommended antemortem diagnostic method, but there are several disadvantages. The objective of this study was to compare the sensitivity of two diagnostic methods ? liver biopsies and blood smears, and to evaluate ultrasoundguided needle biopsy of the liver.

Barnets bästa och lämpligt föräldraskap : En studie om hur barnets bästa kan konstrueras i förhållande till lämpligt föräldraskap i medgivandeutredningar vid internationell adoption

The aim of this study was to describe how the best interest of the child can be constructed in investigations concerning permission for international adopt, where adequate parenthood is investigated. Qualitative research interviews were used as method. Seven investigators from six different sections of the city of Stockholm were interviewed. The information was analysed on the basis of a sociological approach to law and social constructionism.The result showed that adequate parenthood is a condition in the interest of the child. Adequate parenthood is specified as the parent?s qualities and possibility to care for an adopted child.

Automatiserad laddning och plundring mellan magasin

This thesis has been carried out within the bachelor program for mechanical engineering at Karlstad University in collaboration with BAE Systems in Karlskoga. The purpose with this work was to design a mechanism and associated parts for loading and unloading of shots between primary and secondary magazine in BAE's new 40mm's ship gun.Parts designed or redesigned among other things a transfer mechanism for shot at loading and unloading, well as a hatch mechanism which makes the shots do not fall out of the primary magazine when making separate use. Various important details have been designed to maintain a good functionality of the mechanism.The construction work has mainly been carried out in the CAD software Solid Edge and its associated FEM module. The construction work has also been carried out on rough calculations for constructed details in order to ensure that they meet the stringent requirements of military use in tough marine environment. Two of the most critical parts of the structure where analyzed with the FEM module for estimating the stresses in the material at the applied load.The final design, which is a result of the thesis, meets the requirement specification and the set targets.

Betydelsen av social konsekvensbeskrivning : att sia om en hållbar framtid

Social hållbarhet är ett högaktuellt ämne. Delegationen för hållbara städer presenterade år 2012 sin slutrapport och bara ett år senare presenterade Malmökommissionen sin slutrapport för ett social hållbart Malmö. Syftet med uppsatsen är att bredda kunskapen om social konsekvensbeskrivning samt att undersöka dess potentiella effekt på social hållbarhet, eftersom det är av största vikt att hitta konkreta arbetssätt för att uppnå ökad social hållbarhet. Genom en litteraturstudie undersöks i uppsatsens första del vad begreppet social konsekvensbeskrivning har för bakgrund, varför det förespråkas, hur en metod för genomförande skulle kunna se ut samt vilka utmaningar som finns. I uppsatsens andra del studeras tre artiklar som utvärderat effekten av att utföra social konsekvensbeskrivning. Litteraturstudiet resulterar i slutsatsen att social konsekvensbeskrivning har stor effekt på social hållbarhet, på flera olika sätt. Trots att metoden medför en hel del komplexa frågor att förhålla sig till finns det därmed god anledning att utveckla arbetet med social konsekvensbeskrivning, för att vi tillsammans ska nå en mer socialt hållbar framtid..

Investeringsuppföljningar : - En fallstudie på Volvo Construction Equipment i Braås

Titel: Investeringsuppföljningar ? En fallstudie på Volvo Construction Equipment i BraåsSeminariedatum: 2011-06-01Ämne/kurs: 2FE13E:3Författare: Aleksandar Stamenkovic och Donald BergströmHandledare: Anders JerrelingExaminator: Fredrik KarlssonNyckelord: Post-audits, Capital Budgeting, Investments, Performance Evaluations, ROI, RI, AARRSyfte: Syftet med detta ämnesfördjupande arbete är att förklara de problem som uppstår när avsaknad av investeringsuppföljning föreligger, samt att förklara för hur rutiner av uppföljningar kan organiseras.Metod: Valet föll på att göra en kvalitativ fallstudie gällande Volvo Construction Equipment i Braås. Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer har utförts med fyra stycken respondenter på anläggningen. Detta ämnesfördjupande arbete har utförts enligt en deduktiv metod och en diskussion förs angående arbetets validitet och reliabilitet.Teori: Den teoretiska referensramen behandlar relevant teori gällande investeringar och uppföljning, vidare behandlas även kortfattat de metoder som används för att bedöma investeringars lönsamhet på Volvo Construction Equipment i Braås.Empiri: Det empiriska avsnittet redovisar data från de semistrukturerade intervjuerna som fördes med personal på anläggningen i Braås. Dessa bestod av ekonomichefen, controllern samt två projektledare.Slutsats: Resultaten som presenteras behandlar komplexiteten med att följa upp investeringar enligt dess faktiska kassaflöden och förkastar därmed en sådan uppföljning för Volvo Construction Equipment i Bråas.

Samverkan mellan lärare och socialsekreterare : En kvalitativ studie i två kommuner

The intension of this study is to investigate the interaction between teachers and social workers in two diffrent countys. The study is focused on how teachers act upon suspicions when there are children at risk and what kind of support the teacher gets from social workers. Another importent question is if the teachers know what kind of rules regarding to confidentiality and if it would be better for the pupils if there were no confidentiality.To get answers to my questions, i have interviewed teachers and social workers in both countys.In this study I assume that the power has three dimensions and that there are four levels of interaction.Due to the law about confidentiality the social worker has the power over the teachers. Because the law about confidentiality it is difficult for teachers and social workers to interact.If the teacher want help from social services, she or he must call the social worker because the social worker will not call the teacher. If the social worker want to help the teacher and give her advice, the social worker can do that without breaking confidentiality.

Att mäta fattigdomsbekämpning - En studie av social performance-rapportering inom mikrofinans

This study has a double purpose. First, it explores and maps out the use of quantitative key indicators in social performance reporting within a microfinance portfolio. This was done on behalf of Storebrand Asset Management, who would like to aggregate and report the social results of their microfinance investments to their customers. The study concludes that the extent of social reporting and types of indicators used varies, meaning that it is hard to aggregate data for use in further reporting. Thus, the work towards the goal of social reporting has only just begun.

Constructing Costs

The economic analysis of building contracts is an unexplored field within Law and Economics. This paper makes an attempt to cast some light over the subject and encourage to more research within the field. The main purpose has been to describe why the actual price in a public construction project often turns out to be higher than the contract price and offer a way of handle that risk. In the paper a model is set up that shows an optimal contract given expectations on actual price and gaps in contracts. Cost increases for the buyer can mainly be explained by two situations.

Könsatypiska studieval : En intervjustudie med tjejer på Byggprogrammet

Abstract This essay is about girls that have chosen a gender atypical education on a gymnasia level. Since we are living in a society that is still today gender segregated in both working life as well as educational area, we find it interesting that it still exist an paradox which leads us to the question ?why? those girls and boys, woman and man choose so differently. We are not aiming towards study how many girls that have chosen a gender atypical education but rather how these girls that are on the construction program in one of Stockholm?s gymnasium have deliberated and what it is that has influenced them.

Vändbord : Lokal Logistik

This thesis has been carried out within the bachelor program for mechanical engineering at Karlstad University in collaboration with BAE Systems in Karlskoga. The purpose with this work was to design a mechanism and associated parts for loading and unloading of shots between primary and secondary magazine in BAE's new 40mm's ship gun.Parts designed or redesigned among other things a transfer mechanism for shot at loading and unloading, well as a hatch mechanism which makes the shots do not fall out of the primary magazine when making separate use. Various important details have been designed to maintain a good functionality of the mechanism.The construction work has mainly been carried out in the CAD software Solid Edge and its associated FEM module. The construction work has also been carried out on rough calculations for constructed details in order to ensure that they meet the stringent requirements of military use in tough marine environment. Two of the most critical parts of the structure where analyzed with the FEM module for estimating the stresses in the material at the applied load.The final design, which is a result of the thesis, meets the requirement specification and the set targets.

Gymnasieelevers attityder till det rådande skönhetsidealet : en kvantitativ studie

The purpose of the study was to inquire into pupils? attitude towards the current beauty ideal from a gender- and an ethnicity perspective. The study was based on a quantitative survey among 116 young students about prevailing beauty ideal from two different schools in the Stockholm area. The result showed that the students are partially characterized by the stereotyped images of women and men but that there are tendencies towards another view especially among the girls. It is however clear that appearance still is important.

Etableringsbodar - köpa kontra hyra : Studie för NCC Construction Karlsta

Examensarbetet är gjort för NCC Construction AB i Karlstad, all indata är baserad på NCCs tidigare projekt i Värmland. De flesta byggentreprenörer hyr sina etableringsbodar med vetskapen om att det kostar mer än att investera i bodar, men utan studier på att det är lönsammare att köpa bodarna. Studien är gjord på Cramos energieffektiva bodar. Energiförbrukningen för produktion av en byggnad uppgår till 15 % av byggnadens livscykel, vilket leder till stora kostnader. En stor del av energin i produktionsskedet går till etableringsbodarna, undersökningar har gjorts på bodar för att få fram en energieffektiv bod och därmed har utgifterna på etableringarna minskat. Det finns ytterligare ett sätt att spara pengar på gällande etableringen och det är att äga sina etableringsbodar.

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