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Köper studenten köprekommendationen? : En studie om aktierekommendationer
Bakgrund: Aktierekommendationer är vanligt förekommande i finansiell media samtidigt som teorier säger att man inte systematiskt kan över- eller undervärdera en aktie. Trots detta visar studier att finansmarknaden influeras av aktierekommendationer då handeln ökar efter en annonsering, vilket innebär att de finansiella kunskaperna en student har lärt sig under sin utbildning inte påverkar lika starkt när den sedan väljer att följa en aktierekommendation.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar ekonomistudenters uppfattning av aktierekommendationer och hur stor påverkan valet av utbildningslinje har för hur studenten bedömer aktierekommendationer.Referensram: Referensramen kommer ge en förförståelse samt behandla de teorier som är väsentliga för att utreda studien. Referensramen innefattar prisbildning, EMH, behavioural finance, risk, kulturella influenser, utbildningens influenser och skolornas bakgrund.Metod: För att bäst kunna besvara och undersöka syftet genomförs studien som en förklarande surveyundersökning med en kvantitativ ansats. Undersökningen utförs genom en elektronisk enkät som skickas ut till studenter.Empiri: Det empiriska materialet består av enkätsvar från studenter från fyra olika ekonomiska utbildningslinjer som bearbetats med stistiska metoder.Slutsats: Valet av utbildningslinje påverkar studentens uppfattning om aktierekommendationer. De faktorer som påverkar är tron på den effektiva marknadshypotesen, studentens finansiella intresse, kön, riskbenägenhet, teoretisk kunskap samt kultur.
Etableringsstrategier för spannmål : en studie av investeringsbeslut i maskinsystem
In order to produce grain in an economically rational manner numerous decisions have to be made. One of these decisions is what tillage system to use. The cost of the tillage system is a large part of the total cost in grain production. Different tillage systems result in different distribution of fixed costs, operating costs and timeliness costs. The price of the produced grain and cost of inputs also affect the best way to produce grain.
De traditionella flygbolagens överlevnad på den skandinaviska marknaden : en studie om SAS Sverige
The traditional airlines exist on a market that is distinguished by an increasing competition. They are often partly or completely owned by the government and are characterized by slow decision making. Because of their existing structure and old business culture the traditional airlines find it hard to use price as a means of competition. Consequently the traditional airlines need to create loyalty amongst their customers. The purpose of this essay was to analyze and evaluate SAS long-term marketing strategies through a comparative study of the companies? management, employees and customers.
Rehabilitering av fotledsdistorsion för en effektiv återgång till idrott: en litteraturstudie
Fotledsdistorsion är bland den vanligast förekommande skadan inom idrotten, där symtom som smärta, svullnad och funktionell instabilitet oftast blir en följd av skadan. Beroende på hur allvarlig skadan är kan det innebära långa tidsperioder ifrån idrotten. Det finns olika rehabiliteringsmetoder efter fotledsdistorsion där oftast PRICE ingår. Syftet med studien var att granska den vetenskapliga litteraturen avseende effekterna av rehabiliteringen efter akut eller subakut fotledsdistorsion. Metod: En litteratursökning genomfördes i databaserna Academic Search Elite, CINAHL, PEDro och Pubmed, vilket resulterade i att 25 artiklar inkluderades.
En studie av olika ekonomiska modeller för mångbruk baserad på vindkraft
Today produces the wind power 2,5 TWh (TWh = terawatt hours) of Sweden?s total energy input of around 620 TWh. The Parliament has adopted a national planning objective where the wind-based electricity production will increase to 30 TWh in 2020. This requires that landowners will leas there land for wind power to wind energy companies. Such land leasing means that the landowner's business is considered to be a multiple-use.
Data och metodik för utbytesberäkning - en studie på Medelpads Skogsförvaltning
To manage the industry?s need of wood assortments in a optimal and cost effective way the forest companies need to have knowledge of the actual standing volume and the yield of the planned clear cuts. The mean volume of the trunk is also important since it is important for the contractors prices. Today the total volume are estimated either with Näslund (1940) or Brandels (1990) functions of volumes, and the yield is estimated with Rune Ollas (1980) function for trunks and stands. The purpose of this study has been to answer the following questions: How good is the yield forecast with data collected with currently used methods? How well can the yield forecasts became with data collected according to the instructions? How well can the yield forecast be with data collected according to the instruction and calculated with the program Aptan for theoretical bucking? The study has been initiated and financed by SCA Skog AB.The material consisted of a number of randomly selected objects ready for clear cut.
Tilläggsisolering - lönsamt enligt en livscykelkostnadsmodell?
It is found that the properties of the record years of 1965-1975 is leaking a lot of energy andthese properties are facing a major energy efficiency. From the energy aspect, the facade isafflicted with poor thermal insulation which is a big problem. To address this problem addinginsulation is a good alternative to reduce overall energy consumption of a building. Thewindows on these buildings are also a problem from the energy point of view. Therefore,there are many reasons considered for energy upgrading.
Vad påverkar en aktieanalystillförlitlighet? : En kvantitativ studie om relationen mellan tillförlitligheteni en aktieanalys och dess innehåll.
A debate in finance is whether a random investment gives the same return as carefully choose and valuing an amount of shares to invest in. Stock valuating Stock valuation is often done by fundamental valuation models, based on the company's underlying character, which tries to put a correct price on the stock. Today there are several different valuation models that can be used for this purpose. Since valuation models are only mathematical, equity research is underpinned by more subjective assessments about the company and its future.The purpose with this thesis is to describe which valuation models that are used by professional stock analysts, but also to see if the reliability on the equity research is affected by the used model to valuing the company. Furthermore, we want to see if the job that?s been done to understand the company, measured by the equity research quality, impact the reliability on the equity research.In this thesis, we have, to achieve our purpose, conducted a quantitative content analysis of 164 equity research done by professional analysts at firms listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. With basis in previous research, we have developed a method for determining the valuation model that is used in the equity research, the reliability on the equity research and a framework for assessing the quality of the equity research.In the theoretical framework the valuation models involved in our study are described, previous research on the reliability on the equity research and their practical use.
In the year of 2005 the international standard IAS 40 came in to use in Sweden, this lead to an opportunity for the corporations to choose either to evaluate their investment properties according to the historical cost accounting principal. The model contains the obtaining price with reduction for the planned writing off. The alternative that IAS40 offers is the fairvalue principal, which evaluate the investment properties by consideration of the income versus outcome and surrounding factors for every accounting periodSince the fairvalue is buildt on numbers the corporations them self choose what to publish and for how long the value depreciation should be lasting before it should be taken up as an unrealized value change in the reporting material. This means that there is a big chance that the evaluation can be distortedSince we just recently have had strong cyclical variation and are on our way from an excess boom into a weak economic climate, this will be the first study performed about fair value in a weak economic climate since the adoption of IAS40.The purpose of the essay is to find out how well the booked value of investment properties owned by corporations listed on the Swedish stock market accord with the fairvalue that the market and the Swedish property index indicates on. To be able to test this connection we gathered information from the corporation?s annual reports which we compiled to see how the market comprehends.
OTEC för Tarawa
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, OTEC, a technology using the temperature difference between cold deep seawater and warm surface water, can extract the work in the form of electricity. OTEC gives also synergies of drinkable fresh water. The temperature difference has an impact on the efficiency of the technology, which means that the feasibility of OTEC is geographically limited. The project intends to explore the possibility of replacing the atoll Tarawa?s present electricity generation with an OTEC plant and to explore synergies. In the present situation all of Tarawa?s electricity is generated by fossil fuels.
Det energisnåla isoleringsmaterialet
This bachelor essay is divided into two parts, the first being a construction of a single-familyhouse and the second an in-depth study of five different isolation materials, analysed from anenergy perspective.The first part, the construction of the single-family house, has been created from knowledgeacquired during three years of studying at KTH Royal institute of Technology in Stockholm, inthe program Architecture and the Built Environment. The constructed house is a one-floorhouse of 137m2with façade plaster, situated in Borlänge, Sweden. The house has a wooden framewhich is built on a on sight cast concrete foundation, on the ground. The house?s roof is a gableroof, which has an angle of 24 degrees.
ERP-system i små och medelstora företag : Möjligheter och problem
Date May 28, 2009Level Bachelor thesis in Business Administration/Information TechnologyAuthors Jennie Andersson, Niklas Fridell, Visar HoxhaTutor Marie MörndalDepartment HSTTitle ERP-solutions in small to medium sized enterprises ? possibilities and problemsSummary ERP-solutions have penetrated the market for SME: s, offering the same advantages larger enterprises have enjoyed for years. For a significantly cheaper price, SME: s can nowadays acquire ERP-solutions and become more effective and increase their profit. The authors have examined five SME: s in both the production and service company segment and have come to the conclusion that an ERP-solution would indeed benefit these companies in many levels but also induce certain obstacles the examined companies must overcome, both financial and organizational.Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to examine if and how SME: s can become more efficient and developed and increase their profit by implementing an ERP-solution. Further, the purpose is to discuss which conditions that exists for the examined SME: s in order to implement an ERP-solution.Method The thesis consists of a qualitative research where the authors have interviewed either the owner or employees at management level by using semi-structured interviews.
Ramadaneffekten? : En systematisk prisavvikelse på muslimska marknader
Bakgrund: Den heliga fastemånaden Ramadan innebär stora omställningar i cirka en och en halv miljard muslimers liv. Detta har, med bakgrund i den effektiva marknadshypotesen, föranlett flera olika undersökningar av eventuellt återkommande prisavvikelser i samband med Ramadan, en så kallad Ramadaneffekt. Tidigare studier visar dock på något motstridiga resultat vilket gör att vidare forskning inom området är motiverad. De till viss del förändrade livsvillkor som Ramadan innebär har i tidigare studier använts som förklaringsvariabler, något som dock kan ifrågasättas och undersökas vidare med utgångspunkt i Behavioral finance.Syfte: Denna studie ämnar undersöka om det existerar någon Ramadaneffekt på 17 olika muslimska aktiemarknader samt att kritiskt granska tidigare studier inom området och förklaringsvärdet i fastans fysiska och psykiska påverkan vid en eventuell Ramadaneffekt.Genomförande: Studien är av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ karaktär med huvudsaklig tyngdpunkt i statistiska analyser av studiens datamaterial. Regressionsanalys med dummyvariabler utgör den statistiska metoden och resultatet analyseras genom att applicera Behavioral finance till dokumentstudien för att försöka förklara de statistiska resultaten.Slutsats: Studien finner att endast den pakistanska aktiemarknaden uppvisar en signifikant prisavvikelse under Ramadan.
GPS- & GIS-användning i drivningsprocessen hos Stora Enso SKog AB :
GPS (Global Positioning system) and GIS (Geographical information system) has been used for planning and inventory in the forest sector for more than ten years. The last years the development has come to equip harvesters and forwarders with GPS and GIS (GIT).
The goal with this study was to reach a basis for decision, how Stora Enso Skog should continue its investment in GPS and GIS in harvesters and forwarders. To reach this basis for decision, possible advantages and benefits, disadvantages and problems in the harvesting process was evaluated. The study was made as an interview study with four harvesting managers and ten machine teams. To secure the quality of the results an interview questionnaire was made before the interviews were done.
The results showed that GIT will make the harvesting managers work easier.
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, OTEC, a technology using the temperature difference between cold deep seawater and warm surface water, can extract the work in the form of electricity. OTEC gives also synergies of drinkable fresh water. The temperature difference has an impact on the efficiency of the technology, which means that the feasibility of OTEC is geographically limited. The project intends to explore the possibility of replacing the atoll Tarawa?s present electricity generation with an OTEC plant and to explore synergies. In the present situation all of Tarawa?s electricity is generated by fossil fuels.