1139 Uppsatser om The acceptable price - Sida 58 av 76
Linjenätsutredning i Täby kommun.
The public transport network in Täby commune consists currently of two types of bus line of whichboth belong to the category of feeder lines. The first type terminates at Danderyds sjukhus and feedsto the subway whereas the second type terminates at Täby centrum and feeds to Roslagsbanan, asuburban narrow-gauge railway system in northern Stockholm. The trunk bus line that connectsgreater parts of the commune with Danderyd is the ring line 604 and goes both clockwise (604H) andcounterclockwise (604V). The main negative aspect of this structure is the complicity in incorporatingit timetable-wise with other bus lines that share the same route, such as through Enebyberg.The goal of this project is to investigate the possibilities of splitting ring line 604 and connecting theends to two different bus routes that terminate at Täby centrum today. Apart from easing thecoordination with other bus lines through Enebyberg, the extension also creates new directconnections from various areas in Täby to Danderyds sjukhus.
Aktieanalytikers förmåga att prognostisera aktiekurser : Påverkansfaktorer för träffsäkerheten
Bakgrund: Affärspressen publicerar dagligen rekommendationer och riktkurser från aktieanalytiker och dess analyser kan anses ligga till grund för investeringsbeslut hos såväl privata som institutionella investerare. Aktieanalytikers förmåga att prognostisera aktiekurser är ett outforskat område med endast ett fåtal publicerade studier på variabeln riktkurs. Tidigare studier fokuserar på att utvärdera träffsäkerheten i prognoserna men få av dessa bidrar till förståelse kring vad som påverkar prognosfelens storlek.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att analysera aktieanalytikers förmåga att prognostisera framtida aktiekurser.Genomförande: Studiens deduktiva ansats gör att resultat från tidigare studier ligger till grund för formulering av forskningsfrågor och utformning av tänkbara påverkansfaktorer för träffsäkerhet. Träffsäkerheten i riktkurserna analyseras via regressionsanalys där det absoluta prognosfelet är beroende variabel medan de formulerade påverkansfaktorerna är förklarande variabler. Vidare studeras en eventuell närvaro av överoptimism i prognoserna genom att undersöka fördelningen av det relativa prognosfelet via T-test.Resultat: Aktieanalytikers riktkurser påverkas av flertalet faktorer, där ett bolags storlek och beta uppvisar tydligast samband med träffsäkerheten.
Från profit till ansvar, ett företags anpassning till verkligheten : en studie av användandet av ekologisk bomull inom H&M
In the last years people has become more aware of issues regarding corporate social responsibility. This has led to a more thorough control of big multinational companies, which are often held account of violating social, ethical and environmental values. The term most often used for this is corporate social responsibility (CSR). H&M is a Swedish multinational company and the concept of H&M is fashion to a low price. The material most often used in producing clothes is cotton.
Utveckling av ett skogsbolags kontaktstrategi : en kvalitativ intervjustudie bland större privata virkesleverantörer
The supply of raw materials has always been an important issue in the Swedish Forest industry. Buying timber from local suppliers is important. To ensure raw materials to their industries the forest company must offer good prices and good business deals to their suppliers.
The aims with this work are to find out how the contact between private suppliers of raw materials and how the forest company can be developed.
To be able to do a complete study of the problems connecting with this subject a quality interview study has been done.
ALBA : Ett regionalt integrationsprojekt med goda förutsättningar?
AbstractEssay in Political Science, autumn 2010. ?ALBA ? A regional integration project with good conditions?? Autor: Anna Sjögren. Course: Political Science, C-level, Tutor: Sten Berglund An essential part of the political science research on regional integration has been about why states join economic unions and what forces drive the process of integration. This essay is a case study on the Latin American regional integration project called ALBA.
Utvärdering av befintliga passivhus : En byggnadsfysikalisk bedömning och mätningar om temperatur, och fukt analys på ytterväggarna
Energy price are on the way up to a high level that will not diminish in the future make us to focus more on the sustainable development for a better solution of residential houses. Passive house or low energy housing are one of the solution to make residential more environment friendly, in same time it´s a financial security using less energy, and saving money. The last 10 years in Germany and all around Europe the concept of passive house been developed, and people aim to know more about these concept that leading the market more attractive for passive houses. A passive house is a well designed building highly insulated and air tight with mechanical ventilated system for the whole building envelope that minimizes the use of energy for heating [1].The housing company Mimer has chosen to invest in low energy consumption in every new housing project. These future plan projects are decided to use less than 75 kwh per square meter annually in purchased energy [2].This thesis is about new constructed passive houses, and focuses on the evaluations of the temperature, and moisture condition for attic, external walls and joist.
Expansionsmaskiner istället för strypventiler - en effektivisering
In Uppsala CHP Plant, there are six pressure reducing valves to reduce the pressure from 15 to 3 bars, before six absorption heat pumps. During the process the energy is conserved but losses occur in form of exergy. The aim of this thesis is to reduce the losses of exergy. This can be done by letting turbines replace the pressure reducing valves.In this thesis an investigation has been done of the conditions today, the conditions after the change from pressure reducing valves to turbines and a comparison of three different types of turbine solutions. The three examined solutions are one turbine, several helical screw expanders and several small turbines in parallel with asynchronous generators.The six absorption heat pumps have been divided into two groups; one group of four and one group of two absorption heat pumps.
Klotter och skadegörelse : metoder och tekniker som förebygger klotter och skadegörelse i offentliga miljöer
The city?s public environments are meant to be perceived as safe and inviting areas to visit any time of the day. In recent decades the number of vandalism complaints has doubled and graffiti has become so common that it received a separate category in the crime statistics. With this type of impacts in the public environments the experience are precarious and a boring sight. It?s difficult to put a price tag on these types of crimes, the number of unreported cases suspected to be large.
Transportfo?rpackningar och marknadsfo?ring av frukt och gro?nt inom dagligvaruhandeln : en pilotstudie i Sverige och Tyskland
The logistic business Svenska Retursystem AB was founded by the Swedish retail sector in
the year 2000, and their introduction of a grey plastic crate to the supply chain for perishable
goods changed the situation for the swedish horticultural sector. The new system revealed
several challenges to be tackled by all actors, from the small family firm to the bigger
organisations. Whereas the initiative comes from the customer himself, from the horticultural
sector ?s point of view, a refusal of the new packing is a hard decision to take. It is however
interesting that a comparison between the two systems, shows in favour of the corrugated
board boxes, not only concerning environmental aspects but also for economical and
ergonomical reasons.
LCC-kalkyler i byggbranschen : förutsättningar och tolkning av resultat
Background:Life-cycle costing (LCC) is an investment calculation that takes intoaccount operating costs throughout the investee lifecycle. LCC calculations are mainly usedto evaluate investments that have no revenue side. Attempts to apply the LCC calculations forbuilding-related investments have occurred since the 1980s. Despite the advantages ofusing LCC calculations, use has not passed through in full. The main obstacles have beenidentified as a lack of relevant input data, and insufficient experience of workingwith LCC calculations.
Försäljning av närvärme :
To provide our company a new business opportunity I have in this essay examined the economical possibilities to sell energy.
I have chosen to do a case study on my own farm in this essay. The farm is focused to cropping and also have some properties for hire. The farm is situated in the village of Fjelie and that?s where the opportunity for selling heat are. Fjelie has about forty houses.
The idea is to build a plant where straw is being used as fuel.
"Synpunkter på EU-harmoniseringen av svensk upphovsrättslagstiftning". En uppsats om ändringarna i URL 2005, (Lag (1960:729) om upphovsrätt till litterära och konstnärliga verk) och hur de uppfattas av olika organisationer verksamma inom området.
Copyright is a part of the intellectual property rights. This ancient occurrence became during 19th century observed by the legislation. Great economical interests and values made it necessary to create rules concerning how the exploitation would take place. Several important conventions were created during this century. For example, the Parisconvention (1883) and the Bernconvention (1886).
Att redovisa eller Att inte redovisa, det är frågan! : en undersökning av hur intressentanalyser redovisas inom hållbarhetsredovisning
Den traditionella miljöredovisningens tid är förbi och hållbarhetsredovisning är något som blir allt vanligare i samhället. Olika ramverk och riktlinjer byggs upp och börjar användas av svenska företag samt organisationer.Intressentanalysen är en stor del av hållbarhetsredovisningen och olika ramverk förespråkar vad den bör innehålla och inte hur den ska presenteras.Syftet med vår uppsats är att beskriva och förklara hur företag, med omfattande hållbarhetsredovisningar som finns representerade i Price waterhouse Coopers rapport (2009), redovisar intressentanalyserna i sina hållbarhetsredovisningar.Uppsatsen bygger på granskningar, med hjälp av vår analysmodell, av samtliga företags hållbarhetsredovisning för att kunna fastställa hur företagen redovisar sin intressentanalys. För att sedan komplettera vår granskning görs det sju stycken intervjuer med företag som vår granskning visat vara intressanta.Resultatet av dokumentstudien visar att de företag vi granskar följer samtliga ramverket Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) riktlinjer när det gäller vad intressentanalysen innehåller. Trots detta visar vår studie att företagen redovisar GRI:s riktlinjer på olika sätt. Företagen redovisar riktlinjerna i allt från matriser till löpande text i hållbarhetsredovisningarna.
Mätning av träddelar och flis på Dåvamyran, Umeå energi :
The moisture content in 10 deliveries of tree parts and 10 deliveries of wood residues were measured with different methods to analyze the quality of procedure used at Dåvamyran today. At the same time a survey was made on the measure procedures used at heating plants in Sweden
The majority of the heating plants in Sweden use weight and moisture content as base for payment but at some plants only volume. The moisture content is usually estimated by drying wood chips in an oven but few plants a visual estimation is used. At few plants moisture content is estimated spectroscopicily. The techniques using near infra read light and other electromagnetic are still at a test stage.
The methods of measurement used today are quit unreliable for the individual deliveries and there is a risk for systematic mistakes.
Min stol, din stol : -Stolar som passar fler
This account deals with my degree in furniture design. The project was done in collaboration with the architect firm Byggnadskonst AB in a quest for the cafe chain "Vivels"Byggnadskonst AB?s mission was to make the interior of the cafe that Vivels is building in Larsberg Center on Lidingö. My assignment was to design chairs for the café. In the beginning I had even thought about designing a table, but as time past I focussed more and more on the chairs.