

7369 Uppsatser om The Theory of Counter Productivity - Sida 55 av 492

"Alla kära feminister" : En diskursteoretisk analys av de feministiska antologierna Det heter feminism och F-ordet.

This thesis is a discourse theory analysis of two feminist anthologies - Det heter feminism! and F- ordet.  By analyzing these texts through the three categories feminism & feminists, gender equality & equality and sex/gender & sexuality I have raised questions about the feminist debate in Sweden in the 21st century.The discourse theory?s ideas of descriptions of reality and fixation of meaning lies as a foundation for this thesis. The concepts of social constructionism, post structuralism and essentialism/anti essentialism are central for the analysis as well as concepts connected to the three previously mentioned categories.The intention of this thesis is to describe and analyze a fraction of the Swedish feminist debate in the 21st century and discuss its meaning in a societal context. A number of conclusions were reached in the final discussion.

PReklam? : En kvantitativ studie som undersöker vad gymnasieelever i årskurs 3 förknippar med begreppet PR

 Background and aim: Media development and digitalization has expanded the PR industry's working area. More participants are on the media market and it is becoming more and more difficult to define what PR really is and what the PR agencies/departments really do. Is PR marketing, information, event marketing or maybe propaganda? We believe that the complexity to define the term PR can lead to a loss of critical approach to the business, especially among young people. Has the PR industry managed to eliminate their negative image among students in upper secondary school and what do they associate with PR today? The aim of this essay is to examine what a selection of students associate with the term PR and if they are critical to the PR industry or not.Method/Material: The method is a quantitative survey.

En studie av idrottslärarrollen i skolor med Waldorfpedagogik

AimThe aim has been to describe the goals and the pedagogic model concerning physical education in the Waldorfschool. Further purpose was to describe what the teachers focus on in there teaching roll about physical education. We have also chosen to give a picture of what other documents says about the teaching roll in booth the Waldorfschool and in the traditional municipal pedagogics. The Waldorfschool runs under Lpo 94 but they can also as other schools adapt and formulate there own curriculum after there pedagogic. That?s also why we have chosen to look at what the teachers says, about how they work and trying to achieve the goals of the curriculum in physical education.Framing of the questions? What does the teachers think affect and develop the teachingroll in the Waldorfschool?? How does literature describing the teachingroll/physical education roll in the Waldorfschool?? What does the teacher in physical education says achieve to, counter what the curriculum says about physical education in the Waldorfschool?? How does the teacher do to achieve the goals in the Lpo 94?MethodA literature research of relevant previous studies was made among others in the database Eric.Curriculum for the Waldorfschool and books about Waldorf pedagogics and the teaching roll has been studied.

Koordination i förändring : En balanserad historia om kunskapsintensiva företag

Background: The dependency on knowledge and competence today is more critical than earlier. Today, companies need to put more effort into identifying and filling knowledge gaps, which can be achieved through mergers and acquisitions. It is important that the companies succeed in coordinating their operations after this process of change. Out of a theoretical point of view it can be argued that companies need to balance between different coordination mechanisms that result in standardized and flexible coordination respectively. Purpose: The purpose of this Master Thesis is, in the context of a merger, to investigate and analyze which coordination mechanisms that are used in knowledge-intensive companies, how these coordination mechanisms are combined and what explains the chosen combination.

Vi behöver prata: en studie om kommunikationen om förväntningar i en nära relation

Detta examensarbete hade som syfte att undersöka hur förmedlingen av förväntningar ser ut i en nära relation. Frågeställningarna handlade om huruvida olika kommunikationsstilar hade någon påverkan och om det fanns skillnader mellan män och kvinnor, eller beroende på hur länge paren hade varit tillsammans, när det gällde förmedlingen av förväntningar i en relation. Social Exchange Theory (Thibaut & Kelley, 1959) har använts som grund för undersökningen eftersom den ger en tydlig förklaringsmodell över förväntningars inverkan på en relations tillfredställelsegrad. Metoden som användes var av kvantitativ art där enkäter var det instrument som tillämpades. Enkäterna fylldes i av 13 par som hade varit tillsammans i minst 6 månader.

Varför dela makten? En studie av consociationalism och Democratic Unionist Partys beslut att delta i regering på Nordirland.

On the 8th of May 2007 a local power-sharing goverment consisting of Sinn Fein and the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) was formed in Northern Ireland. The aim of this dissertation is to explore why the DUP, who in the past have opposed all forms of power-sharing decided to form a goverment and take active part in a power-sharing agreement. The study is based on a consociational theoretical framework developed by Arend Lijphart and further developed in a Northern Irish context by John McGarry and Brendan O'Leary. Using this theory the study seeks to understand the broad conditions surrounding the DUP's power-sharing. After a description of consociational theory and the road leading up to the Belfast Agreement,three possible explanations for power-sharing, based onconsociational theory are discussed.

Är etiska fondinvesteringar försvarbara : vad kostar etik?

Recently, the selections of ethical funds are increased; at the same time investors with social and moral preferences have increased in the capital market. There are currently debates on whether ethical funds perform better or worse than funds without ethical criteria. This also involves a vivid discussion on whether investors know about the consequences of investing in ethical funds. Therefore, this study involves theories about the rationality and decision theory, in addition to what mainly control the investment decisions. The study also discusses portfolio theory since this is one of the underlying theories behind fund management and its development.The purpose of this study is to explain if ethical limitations in the selection of securities affect risk and return in the fund portfolio.

Politiskt deltagande : Finns det institutionella förutsättningar i Karlstad kommun föratt ta tillvara de medborgarförslag som lämnas in?

? Does Karlstad municipality have adequate institutional conditions to make the best use ofthe citizens? proposals??The purpose with the thesis is to investigate if citizens? proposals lead to a broader politicalinfluence. To answer that, I have done a case study about how Karlstad municipal administers citizens? proposals. The research assignment is: Does Karlstad municipal have adequate institutional conditions to make the best use of the citizens? proposals? The perspective is a democracy perspective and the theory is institutional theory and policy process theory.A selection of citizens? proposals that have arrived to Karlstad municipal between 2008 and 2010 have been studied in detail to analyze how the proposals have been administered and if it matters how the proposals are phrased.

Om leken i nödvändigheten

This study aims to examine play as a phenomena from a phenomenological approach. This I do by discussing a dominant approach to play, an perspective which is reproduced in the context of pre-school and in where the play and learning is in single focus. Using alternative perspective on play, mainly by Gadamer and Bakthtins philosophical thoughts about the feast or the carnival, contents differ significantly from educational or developmental psychology perspectives. I open up for an understanding of what play as ontology can be understood as, and thereby enable second readings. I illustrate this thought by an empirical example from a pre-school context which where created alongside with the children in the study.

Svalövs flyktingenhets arbete för nyanlända invandrare - en utvärdering med brukar- och intressentfokus

The following report is a constructive responsive evaluation of Svalövs communes unit for newly arrived refugees based on a qualitative user- and stakeholder model. The main purpose is to evaluate the units? quality from a user and stakeholder perspective. The main findings are that the users and stakeholders are satisfied with the quality of the units? services but request further social and structural participation.

Hur riktlinjer påverkar gräsrotsbyråkrater : En kvalitativ studie om biståndshandläggare inom äldreomsorgen

The aim of this study was to examine care managers and how they understand and use their discretion. We used a qualitative method and the data was gathered by semi-structured interviews. We interviewed eight care managers in four different municipalities in southern Sweden. The theoretical approach we used was Michael Lipsky?s theory about street-level bureaucracy.

Nätverk och förebilder : en studie om betydelsen för entreprenöriella kvinnor

Background: Of those who start companies, only about 30 % are women. Women's companies also often have both fewer employees and lower turnover. Several efforts are therefore being made to try to influence and encourage more women to start businesses and to get them to expand. Two of these ventures are special network for women and about women entrepreneurs as role models, something that also the theories believe is very important for a more egalitarian business. While entrepreneurship is encouraged for growth in the community, it also has a male character, something that needs to be considered.Purpose: As both the EU and the Swedish government through measures such as Tillväxtverket, is investing large sums to promote networking and role models, we intended to analyze the importance of networking and role models for entrepreneurial women.

Barnaga - unga vuxnas attityder

The purpose of this study is to examine young adults', 18-19 years old, attitudes towards corporal punishment and with the help of social constructionism, grid-group theory and relevant concepts analyze the results and compare it with previous research. The research questions introduce various factors such as gender, origin and personal experiences of corporal punishment that may affect the attitudes. In order to fulfill the purpose and answer the research questions, a quantitative research method has been selected. There was 118 participants in the survey. The study was conducted by means of surveys in high schools in Örebro. Social constructionism made us realize how the community, perceptions and expectations might influence attitudes. Grid-group theory gave us an insight into how different family structures may explain why attitudes toward corporal punishment of children differ between individuals.

Optimala strategier för whist

Whist is one of the most played card games of the world. Though there have been many studies made in the field of game theory, whist is still somewhat of an unchartered territory. In this thesis some methods to obtain an optimal strategy for whist are discussed. Whist belongs to a group of games called logical games. For this group there exists algorithms which result in an optimal strategy.

Korrelationer mellan agility och unilateral och bilateral effektutveckling hos kvinnliga fotbollsspelare

Bakgrund: Unilateral benträning är ett relativt outforskat område inom träningsvetenskapen. Traditionellt genomförs fysträning för intermittenta idrotter bilateralt, trots att idrottens rörelser sker unilateralt. Det finns många studier som behandlar samband mellan agility och effektutveckling, men få som har undersökt skillnaden mellan unilateral och bilateral effektutveckling sett till agility.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om unilateral effektutveckling har en starkare korrelation med agility än vad bilateral effektutveckling och agility har hos kvinnliga fotbollsspelare i division 2.Metod: Kvinnliga fotbollsspelare (n=13, ålder 23 ± 4 år) utförde vertikalhopp med tilläggsbelastning på båda benen, vänster ben och höger ben på 20 kg, 30 kg, 40 kg samt för båda benen på 50 kg och T-test och Pro agility test. Effektutveckling i förhållande till kroppsvikten på båda benen (PBbw), vänster ben (PVbw) och höger ben (PHbw) analyserades och korrelerades sedan mot T-test (Ttest) och Pro agility test (Proagility).Resultat: Signifikanta korrelationer hittades mellan agility och både vänster unilateral (PVbw-Ttest, r = -0,578) och bilateral (PBbw-Ttest, r = -0,741; PBbw-Proagility, r = -0,555) effektutveckling, där korrelationen bilateralt var starkast. Ingen signifikant korrelation hittades mellan höger ben och agility.Konklusion: Bilateral effektutveckling hade en starkare korrelation med agility än vad unilateral effektutveckling och agility hade hos kvinnliga fotbollsspelare i division 2..

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