

7348 Uppsatser om The Theory of Counter Productivity - Sida 5 av 490

Landskapsarkitektur för folkhälsa : teorier och reflektioner kring utformning

The Swedish healthcare system is characterized by lack of resources and extensive hospital queues. In order to counter these difficulties the Lund University Hospital have introduced Lean Healthcare to the hospital organization. The purpose of this scientific paper is to study the relationship between the implementation of Lean Healthcare and the experienced motivation among the staff. This essay thereby intends to impart knowledge, which could be used on future implementations of Lean Healthcare at other hospitals. In order to fulfil the purpose of this essay a case study have been conducted at two wards at the Lund University Hospital in which qualitative research interviews have been the method chosen in order to gather data.

Att dra lärdomar av traumatiska händelser : en jämförande fallstudie om policyförändringar och lärandeprocesser avseende personskyddet i kölvattnet av morden på Olof Palme och Anna Lindh

Learning from traumatic events: a comparative case study of governmental close protection policies in the aftermath of the murder of Olof Palme and Anna LindhViolent and threatful crimes against politicians are as despicable as any other crime acts against citizen. However, if politicians are targeted solely due to their position ? the act can seriously damage the state and central government.This paper compares reports of government commissions and investigations which were initiated after the murder of Swedish prime minister Olof Palme in 1986 and secretary of state Anna Lindh in 2003. The purpose is to analyse and compare the conclusions and distinguish the main arguments that led to those conclusions and decipher similarities and differences through the lens of Tom Christensen?s instrumental perspective as well as Peter May?s social policy learning theory.

Motivation till förändring : hur sjukhuspersonal kan motiveras till att arbeta med Lean Healthcare

The Swedish healthcare system is characterized by lack of resources and extensive hospital queues. In order to counter these difficulties the Lund University Hospital have introduced Lean Healthcare to the hospital organization. The purpose of this scientific paper is to study the relationship between the implementation of Lean Healthcare and the experienced motivation among the staff. This essay thereby intends to impart knowledge, which could be used on future implementations of Lean Healthcare at other hospitals. In order to fulfil the purpose of this essay a case study have been conducted at two wards at the Lund University Hospital in which qualitative research interviews have been the method chosen in order to gather data.

?Bollen susade in i bortre gaveln? - En studie i rörelsekonstruktioner och produktivitet

This paper investigates the grammatical construction intransitive motionconstruction with GOAL as it is used in Swedish (Swe. intransitivrörelsekonstruktion med MÅL).I examine in which ways the construction is productive, i.e. thepossibility to use the construction with new verbs as well as withordinary motion verbs with new functions. The notion of productivity isbased on the construction?s type frequency and semantic openness(Goldberg 1995, 2006; Barðdal 2008; Bybee 2010).

Mjuka Värden - Det humana kapitalet.

The purpose of this essay is to analyse and evaluate human relations within organisations in purpose to achieve higher productivity. Both research objects gained interest in this essay due to how their own result should be effected and their own values but the writers also detected a little curiosity on how the competition handled these questions. The essay have progressed in the following steps: first the authors have tried to find a problem definition and a scientific ground to work from. After that an extensive literature study were done to be followed by an mapping of apparition on the human relations on Scania motorverkstads logistics department and Volvo Logistics by interviews of the people in charge in these organisations. To see whether there was a unanimous line of thoughts between the management and the employees the authors made questionnaires to the different department.

Anders Behring Breiviks idévärld : En innehållsanalys av counter jihadrörelsen

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta reda på vilken kunskap lärare har om undervisning i läsförståelse, hur lärare på lågstadiet beskriver sin undervisning men även hur läsundervisningen förändras efter att eleven knäckt läskoden och kommit igång med sin läsning. Det empiriska materialet består av insamlad data genom intervjuer med sex lågstadielärare. Studien är kvalitativ med en fenomenografisk metodansats men även inspirerad av fenomenolgin.Resultaten visar att lärarna har svårt att definiera och beskriva vad läsförståelse är. I lärarnas  yrkesspråk saknas många ord och begrepp för att tala om läsning och läsförståelse . Att döma av hur lärarna beskriver sin undervisning har de ingen tydlig struktur för arbetet med läsförståelse, även om de nämner ett antal olika arbetssätt, och det tycks inte finnas någon väl genomtänkt progression för elevens läsförståelseutveckling.

Rörsvetsning i konceptet Factory-in-a-Box

This Master of Science thesis was a part of Pharmadule Emtungas project to construct a mobile automated cell for welding of carbon steel pipe (Heating, Ventilation and Sanitation). Pharmadule Emtunga is using a modular building concept for building pharmaceutical factories. The modules contain these pipes. The goal of the thesis was to present concepts for technical solutions regarding welding methods and fixtures for the cell. Conceptual models for the cell were made with aid of CAD software.

Från "Zigenarfrågan" 1956 till "Romers rätt" 2010 : En studie om den strukturella diskrimineringen av romer i två statliga utredningar

This thesis will deal with the development of the situation of the Roma minority in the Swedish school system in the period between 1954 to 2010, based on two Swedish Government Official Reports of the group's situation in the Swedish schools. The study is done by the report Zigenarfrågan (SOU 1956:43) and with the report Romers rätt (SOU 2010:55). The report Romers rätt was written by the Delegation for Roma issues and gives an updated picture of the situation of Roma in the Swedish school system. The state investigation Zigenarfrågan, is also important as the latter resulted in the Roma children enrolled in Swedish schools. This work will look at the various governmental investigations by the theory used for analysis called ?structural discrimination theory?.

Om vikten av kvalitet. En studie av förändring i svensk hälso- och sjukvård.

The public health care sector has come under increasing pressure to cut down costs, maximize productivity and satisfy patients' needs during the 1990s and onwards. As a way of "getting more for less" quality management has been introduced. Originating in the private manufacturing industry, quality management has a strong focus on productivity and efficiency, aspects which are measured in quantitative terms. However, there are strong concerns that quality management is a means of speeding up the marketization of public health care by introducing core values much different from the ethic and medical norms that traditionally underpin health care organizations.This essay focuses on how quality management has been introduced to, and transformed by, public health care. A theoretical framework based on new institutionalism is constructed, and translation theories are used as a way of illustrating how the medical institutional environment, in fact, changes the concept of quality management.

Produktivitet och lönsamhet vid skörd av skogsbränsle i klen björkgallring :

The aim of the study was to compare productivity in first thinning of birch stands, when either energy- or pulpwood was harvested. The systems total profitability was also compared by including forwarding and chipping costs. A Gremo 950 HPVR harvester was used and the same driver was used under the entire study. During the pulpwood harvest a Logmax 4000b harvester head was used and a feller buncher head made by Silvatec was used during the energy wood harvest. Six study unit pairs were located in a birch dominated stand outside Ängelholm in Skåne.

Flödesanalys av plåtsammansättning : Strävan mot Just-In-Time och minskat slöseri

The Volvo Trucks plant in Umeå is a highy complex manufacturing facility where the same production line handles a variety of different models. This require flexible and agile processes with high quality standards. This thesis studies the flow of material through a production line and how Volvo can use their existing manufacturing monitoring system to optimize the flow of materials.The goal with the thesis is to identify eventual problems with the flow of materials and to deliver a few proposals on how the production line can improve its productivity. The theory of LEAN, Just-In-Time and Supply Chain Management serves as the scientific reference to this project. By analyzing the flow of material, performing interviews and observing the processes a few problems are identified.

Empiriska växelkursmodeller för den svenska kronan - Är det någon som fungerar?

The forecast ability of four well-known exchange rate models for theSwedish krona is tested in this thesis. The models that are tested arethe purchase power parity, the real interest differential model, thesticky-price model and a productivity model. In addition to thebenchmark, the random walk, they are also compared to each other.They are all tested on three different horizons one quarter, two quartersand four quarters. The mean squared forecast error criteria and thedirection of change criteria are used for evaluation of the forecastability. Only in a couple of cases are the forecast ability of thetheoretical based models significant better than the random walk..

När en norsk del av Danmark tillfogades Sverige : en ingång till att förstå bohuslänska identitetsföreställningar 1662-1668

This essay discusses the Nordic region Bohuslän the decade after it became "Swedish" in 1658, during what I call the region's "transition period". The wide cause of the study is to show how the traditional understanding of this state shift (and of state shifts in general) need to be problemized and understood in the light of the state conditions of Early Modern Europe. By examine court protocols from the local-court of Orust and Tjörn (one of five local courts in contemporary Bohuslän) and the local noble's writings to the Swedish parliament, a tricky mixture of references to different territories gets observed and analyzed.To approach the difficult identity problems, I have assistance in Peter Sahlins' conclusions from his study of the French-Spanish borderland during the same period. Especially helpful are his identity schemes by which he (inspired by the Norwegian anthropologist Fredrik Barth) supposes that each identity originates from a counter-identity. This study ends up in an attempt to reconstruct the landscape of identities and counter-identities found in the sources, according to professor Sahlins' schemes.

Bemötas som individ : En kvalitativ studie ur användarperspektiv av BUS-bibliotekets verksamhet

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the library for children and young people at Sahlgrenska university hospital in Sweden from a salutogenic perspective. The sociologist Aaron Antonovsky states that human health is benefited by the salutogenic perspective, since it stimulates our sense ofcoherence.The theoretical departure point is sense-making theory. The theory states that in order to move through life, humans are dependent on a sensemaking process. To make sense of our current situation, we need information. What kind of information depends on the individual and its context.

Kvalitet och ekonomi i utförandet av förstagallring baserat på olika gallrings- och underväxtröjningsprogram :

Stora Enso Skog has a long term contract regarding felling rights and silvicultural activities on forest owned by Bergvik Skog. In the autumn 2006, Bergvik Skog proposed a new thinning program, ?Bergvikgallring?. The new program implied an increased focus on extraction of smaller trees compared to the present thinning program, Stora Enso Skog?s ?Kvalitetsgallring?.

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