

7369 Uppsatser om The Theory of Counter Productivity - Sida 29 av 492

Breast cancer stem cells : evidence and contradictory views

This literature study aims to examine the existence of cancer stem cells in breast cancer. The cancer stem cell theory states that there is a hierarchical organization within a tumour, in which a small subpopulation of the cells can initiate new tumours and maintain tumour growth whilst the bulk of the tumour cannot. These tumour initiating cells have shown to possess many characteristics similar to those of adult stem cells, which is why they are often referred to as cancer stem cells. Both cell types have the capacity of asymmetric division and have shown to possess mechanisms of resistance to both apoptosis and cancer drugs. The cancer stem cell theory elucidates many biological aspects such as the heterogeneity of tumours and the relapse of many cancers after what appeared to be successful treatments.

Skillnader och likheter gällande mobbning mellan flickor och pojkar i en monoetnisk- och multietnisk skola

The purpose of this study is to explore the differences and similarities regarding the causes of and approaches to bullying among a number of girls and boys in third grade in two schools. One of the schools is in a mono-ethnic area and the other in a multi-ethnic.The purpose isto compare the results between the schools and the questions proposed are:What is the reason for the bullying?What are the differences and similarities in existing opinions on the practice of bullying?What are the differences and similarities of students' opinions on bullying in a mono-ethnic and in a multi-ethnic school?I have chosen to use gender and ethnicity theories and the study was conducted through qualitative group interviews. The results have shown that boys' explanations for bullying are more aggressive than girls, although approaches to bullying were more related with violence among boys. The multi-ethnic school uses more direct bullying compared to the mono-ethnic school where indirect bullying occurred more often.

De nya politiska kommunikationskanalerna : en studie i sociala mediers betydelse inför riksdagsvalet 2010

Aim: To investigate how three of the biggest political parties in Sweden made use of socialmedia in the election campaign in 2010, and to get a picture of how the parties perceive therole of social media in political communication today and in the future.Method: The research is conducted through personal interviews and qualitative textualanalysis.Theory: The theory that the study is based on is Habermas theory of the public sphereMain results: Social media is today an excellent channel for communication and informationbetween politicians and voters, and they will probably become increasingly important inpolitical communication in the future. So far, they are only an addition to the traditional mediaand are in no way substituted for them. Internet and some social media is an excellent forumfor political debate and opinion-former..

Bloggar som kommunikation : inom förskolan, skolan och fritidshem

Parents today can be very stressed at the drop off and pick up of their children, this leads to that they sometimes miss important information that is pinned to the walls for example. Papers has the ability to disappear, a blog collects all in one place. Today, almost everything is digitized.This study has examined what a blog is and how schools and preschools can use it. The blog is used as a communication site for the preschools and school. This exam graduate work is made of three blog analysis, the analysis is made to see if the blogs can help the preschool and school to communicate wiht the parents.The theory I have decided to use in this study is the sociocultural theory.

Facebök : En studie om förflyttning mellan nätverk

Aim: The aim of this study is to understand why people have changed their preferred community over time. What are the main factors when changing to a new one?Method/material: The method has consisted of personal interviews with six different people in the ages between 20-22 and of different gender. The main material that has been used in this essay is the theory of Uses and Gratifications as explained by Denis McQuail, the theory of Convergence culture by Henry Jenkins and the theory about Communites of Practice by Etienne Wenger.Main results: This study shows a heavy affection that the use of communities often centers round the people around the community, rather than the functions that the communities themselves provides. Having people that you know on the community you choose is a vital part for people or at least having the support of other people and changing to another community at the same time.

Implementering av forskningsprojektioner om havsnivåhöjning i kommunal planering : Gränsorganisationer som redskap vid riskkommunikation mellan forskning och praktik

Climate change and the sea level rise that it contributes to is an ever more pressing issue for costal municipalities around the world. Today there is a great deal of scientific reports and projections on what these changes could entail. However, resent studies on south Swedish costal municipalities have shown great discrepancies when it comes to how these scientific projections are implemented in the municipal planning and adaptation strategies. In an effort to understand the underlying reasons for this lack of concurrence, this paper has applied Rolf Lidskogs theory of the hetrogenity of science. The theory gives an explanation to the complications in the science-policy interface, by describing complicating factors in the communication between these actors.

Populism som kommunikationsstrategi i Svensk politik

In Jan Jagers and Stefaan Walgrave theory about populism as a political communication-style they claim that one can find this in the rhetoric of political parties. In their study of Belgian politics they found that the extreme-right party Vlaams Block has embraced this populism to a larger extent than other parties. Based on this theory this thesis aims at finding populism as a communication-style in three different Swedish political parties with the purpose to see if the extreme-right party ?The Sweden Democrats? will show populism to a larger extent than other parties, as was the case in the Belgian study.Based on Jagers and Walgraves operational definition of populism as a political communication-style this thesis applies it to the rhetoric of three different parties being ?The Social Democratic Party?, ?The Moderate Party? and ?The Sweden Democrats?. This is done in order to be able to clarify on the one hand if their theory is applicable to the Swedish case and on the other hand to what extent populism as a communication-style exists in Swedish political rhetoric.The method for this thesis has been a qualitative text analysis since and leads to the result that Jagers and Walgraves theory of populism as a communication-style is applicable to the Swedish case and that ?The Sweden Democrats? to a larger extent uses this political communication style, than the two other parties..

Criterias´s for soft Innovation : Visionen om att standardisera kriterier som höjer innovationsklimatet

Denna studie syftar till att ta reda på vilka element som höjer det innovativa klimatet i företag och organisationer. Utifrån dessa element har författarna skapat kriterier som heter ?Soft innovation?. Visionen är att framtiden skulle kunna standardisera dessa kriterier. En abduktiv metod har använts.

Criteria´s for soft innovation : visionen om att standardisera kriterier som höjer innovationsklimatet

Denna studie syftar till att ta reda på vilka element som höjer det innovativa klimatet i företag och organisationer. Utifrån dessa element har författarna skapat kriterier som heter ?Soft innovation?. Visionen är att framtiden skulle kunna standardisera dessa kriterier. En abduktiv metod har använts.

Intranät : Upplever intranätanvändaren sig som mer produktiv?

För det första konstaterade jag att det är väldigt svårt att mäta produktivitetsförändringar inom IT-området. Trots svårtigheterna att mäta förändringar var det en som uttryckligen lyckats åstadkomma mer under arbetstiden eftersom intranätet medfört att han kunnat byta ut restimmar mot arbetstimmar. Dessutom kom jag fram till att alla respondenter erhåller mer information än vad de behöver till sina respektive arbetsuppgifter. Situationen är mest akut för människor som är ute och reser mycket, och därför inte har en daglig kontakt till intranätet. Många av intranätanvändarna väljer hellre att ta avstånd från intranätet än att riskera att drabbas av för mycket information.Det är inte många av intranätanvändarna som sitter och letar efter information.

Säkerhetsservice/Fixartjänst En fallstudie om en implementeringsprocess som befäster de klassiska könsrollerna

Fighting against accidents with elderly involved have come to be one of the west world's greatest challenges together with the climate changes and epidemics, and in order to fight against these accidents SDF Centre, Gothenburg appointed a man to the post as a caretaker.The aim of this master thesis is to analyse whether the implementation process and the systematic work correspond with Vedungs implementation theory and also put forward arguments for and against a masculine entrance into promotion old-age care; if it strengthens or is a take-off from the classical sexual roles.The thesis main theory is Evert Vedungs theory of implementation, which is constituted of eight factors which facilitates an implementation process. In order to theorise the sexual roles I have appropriated a gender perspective, constituted of multiple researchers and authors.The conclusion I have received through the qualitative interviews carried out with actors involved in the implementation process, is that the security services implementation correspond well with Vedungs implementation theory, hence the implementation has proceeded efficiently. The classical sexual roles is on one hand strengthened through a masculine possession of the security service, and on the other hand can the masculine entrance in the old-age care entail that more men apply for promotion old-age care work..

Att missa målet - en studie av kommunal målstyrning ur ett demokratiperspektiv

The aim of this study is to illuminate and discuss a case of political steering, specifically Managment-By-Objectives (MBO) in Swedish municipalities, from a democratic perspective. The essay examines a discrepancy between MBO in the Swedish municipalities and democratic theory.To fulfil the aim of the study one leading politician and one leading civil servant from five municipalities have been interviewed on this matter. This material is discussed in the light of a democratic theory constructed specifically for this essay. The democratic theory consists of three main democratic values in the democratic process: debate, transparence and the ability to demand political accountability.The main conclusion is that there is a contradiction in the use of MBO and the democratic values of debate, transparence and the ability to demand political accountability. MBO has resulted in a lack of debate and transparency and furthermore, it has made it increasingly more difficult to demand political accountability..

Centrala logistiska faktorer i en förädlingskedja för massproduktion av träpellets : Fallstudie på Kopparfors Pelletsfabrik

This examination work aims to describe how a supply chain around the biggest pellets factory in Sweden will be configured in a logistic perspective. The plant and associated infrastructure are in the building phase and will have production start on the 2 November 2009. The key question that is set in this examination work is to recognize the logistic processes which are essential for an effective flow of materials and information that link the source of supply with the ultimate customer. In order to get the answer, a flowcharting of these supply chain processes is required for understanding the pipeline activities such as input and storage of raw material, the production system and the output of pellets to the customers. The basis for this supply chain map is a model-based representation of these logistic processes and activities that are involved around the pellets factory.

Models of Service Marketing - A Study on the Marketing Functions of Project Workers in Knowledge-Intensive Companies

The purpose of my study is to question the model service marketing triangle and propose an alternative ways of looking at service marketing. The study is based on a deep, qualitative research. In the research of the material an abductive approach has been used. The primary information sources are interviews with project workers, which are being analyzed together with the theoretical background in part argumentations in the course of the thesis. In the last chapter they are unified.

Djur i särskilt boende : - en undersökning av ledningens medvetenhet och beredskap kring samt hantering av djur i särskilt boende i en kommun.

Today older people?s health and life quality are current topics of conversation in society. The number of old people is increasing and their health is deteriorating, that is why there is a need of new ways of meeting their necessities. In this study we have tried to illustrate heads of districts reasoning concerning pets? significance for old people in special housing.

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