

7369 Uppsatser om The Theory of Counter Productivity - Sida 19 av 492

?Tolkien himself would be proud? - En studie av fansens deltagande i expanderanderingen av en fiktiv värld

This essay examines fans contributions in a transmedia culture. I examine how fans relate and use the fictional worlds in the creations of their own films. The study focusing on the use of graphical elements and character design in some fan films. The examination is done by using two intertextual theories. One of the theory is Lubomir Dolezel theory on transfictional relationships and the other one is Gérad Genette theory on the realtion in transtextuality.

Produktivitet vid stubblyftning :

Stump wood was used between 1850 and 1950 for production of tar and as firewood. In the 1950s the use decreased because of the introduction of the cheap fossil oil. In the 1970s stump wood became an interesting issue again as a raw material for the pulp industry. Stump lifting has today become a possible source for bioenergy. The objectives with this study were to investigate the productivity of stump lifting and stump extraction, and to analyse the economy.

Effekten av traktkil på det distala benets rörelsemönster hos travhäst :

Changing of the hoof angle is a common method for the treatment of many lameness-related conditions (Moyer 1980; Stashak 2002). Various studies in the literature have indicated different results of the effect of changing the hoof angle on the movement of the distal limb. Our study investigated the effect of raising the heel of the forelimbs by 10,7 mm on the movement of the distal limb. Horses trotted on a treadmill at several predetermined speeds. The kinematics of the distal limb was determined and variables including the extension of the fetlock joint were determined.

En analys av situational action theory. En forskningsöversikt

Klassisk kriminologisk forskning fokuserar på antingen individbaserade eller miljörelaterade förklaringar till brottsliga handlingar. Situational Action Theory avser att föra samman dessa två synsätt för att bilda en integrerad kriminologisk handlingsteori. Vad får Situational Action Theory för stöd i den kriminologiska forskningen? Vad finns för kritik? Och vad bör forskningen fokusera ytterligare på när det kommer till att testa teorin? Den forskning som finns tillgänglig och som jag presenterar i denna litteraturgenomgång visar att teorin får stöd i empirisk forskning. De flesta studier visar att teorin får bra stöd, några visar stöd för vissa delar av teorin medan andra delar av teorin inte får något stöd.

Ledarskapets samband med arbetstillfredsställelse

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and leadership style as well as participants' perceived leadership style and job satisfaction. Sixty-two participants answered a questionnaire containing 56 questions regarding perceived leadership style and job satisfaction. The leadership styles examined in the study was transformative, transactional and laissez-faire leadership. The results showed a relationship between transformational and transactional leadership and job satisfaction but not with laissez-faire leadership. The results also showed that employees experienced a laissez-faire leadership.

Så kan arbetsegenskaper påverka de anställdas arbetstillfredsställelse inom en svensk matgrossist

It exists today a widespread interest for employee satisfaction, much effort are used in companies to achieve job satisfaction within their employees. One theory that has received a great deal of publicity is Hackman & Oldhams Job characteristics model which addresses the question of how companies can provide job satisfaction through organizational change. The foundation of the theory is that five core job characteristics are responsible for creating job satisfaction. The purpose of this paper is to study these characteristics through the employees and their boss and to determine how they believe these characteristics to affect employee satisfaction. The paper focuses on a company located in a branch widely known for low employee satisfaction.

Socialarbetare : professionell medmänniska eller byråkrat?

The purpose of this study was to examine how social work professionals view their professional role and how they think about the concept of social work. I also wanted to investigate what they believe characterize a professional social work. For the purposes of this study, I chose a qualitative approach in which I interviewed five people linked to the social work. The theories which I have assumed in the analysis of the results are power theory, organization theory and professional theory. The results of this study show that the respondents believe that a professional social work is performed by someone who has training and experience in the field.

"I skolan var det svårare, speciellt på gymnasiet" : En kvalitativ fallstudie av en skolas syn på lesbiska och en lesbisks erfarenheter av skolan

The purpose of this essay is to highlight the conceptions that exist in school towards homosexuality. My overall essay questions are: What rules does the school have to apply concerning homosexuality? What approach do the professors have towards young lesbian women and kind of support is offered to the group? In order to answer these questions I interviewed a professor and a young lesbian female. One of the surveys that has been made, as a normative order, about heterosexuality in the last decade is known as queer theory.One of the theories that in surveys investigates homosexuality as a normative order is known as ?queer theory? and it is the one I decided to use in this essay.Inspired by feminist research, gay and lesbian studies and the poststructuralist theory, the queertheory focuses on some peoples way of organizing sexuality is privileged, sanctioned and is perceived as normal, while others are seen as deviant, abnormal and therefore unwelcome.

Fast Service in Fast Fashion-En kvantitativ studie av kundrespons till självserviceteknik i fast fashion

The success of self-service technology in retail grocery stores cannot be ignored, and the fact is that every other grocery store in Sweden has implemented the self-scanning or self-checkout systems. The trend is that the technique is spreading into other markets with potential to increase productivity for companies and enhance the service for customers. Fast fashion is one branch that is left untouched by the development in payment processes, and despite the leading companies extensive focus on fast service, the concept of self-service technology has not yet been tested. This paper undertake a quantitative, experimental approach to the issue and examines the effect self-checkout would have on Fast fashion- customers. By presenting a scenario with and without self- checkout and afterwards asked about the respondents experience, we can provide the marketing world with new insights.

Motivation till ideellt arbete inom olika idrottsföreningar

För att undersöka vad som motiverar människor att arbeta ideellt inom idrottsföreningar med Self-Determination theory och Functional approach som grund, samt om det råder någon skillnad beroende på ålder och antal timmar människor lägger på sitt ideella engagemang, skickades en enkät ut till ideellt engagerade i fyra olika idrottsföreningar. Av de 125 deltagarnas resultat visade det sig att de yngre deltagarna i högre grad motiverades av karriärfunktion i Functional approach. Kontrollerad motivation från Self-Determination theory var vanligare bland dem som spenderade över tre timmar på det ideella arbetet. Gemensamt för deltagarna var att de i störst grad drevs av autonom motivation från Self-Determination theory, det vill säga den inre viljan att göra något. Detta tyder på att det var självutvecklande, egenvinnande motiv som motiverade denna studies deltagare till ideellt arbete..

Det händer bara andra, det händer inte mig. Tre unga tjejers upplevelser av att ha levt i misshandelsförhållanden

Today several things point to the fact that many young women are being abused and sexual harassed. Despite that there is no knowledge about how the girls handle the violence or how the battering affects them. For that reason the purpose of this study is to describe and give a picture of some girl?s experiences of being battered of men they have or have had a relationship with. In focus is also how these girls identities are affected of the battering.

"En människa är det". En queerdidaktisk analys av Jessica Schiefauers "Pojkarna" och dess möjligheter för arbete med likabehandling i skolan

This text aims to examine how teaching in literature can contribute to the schools work with creating an antidiscriminating environment. When it comes to the Swedish schools antidiscrimination plans, this essay focuses especially on those sections that concerns pupils and student right to their own gender identity and expression.The main theories in this examination are Judith Butler?s theory on gender and performativity, queer theory defined by Fanny Ambjörnsson and theories concerning adolescent psychology with focus on the adolescent identity and it?s forming. Together with Mikhail Bakhtin?s carnival theory the text examines how Jessica Schiefauer?s novel Pojkarna (The Boys; 2012) describes a young adolescent girl?s journey to finding and forming her own gender and sexual identity.

Samverkan i BoDa-enheter : En kvalitativ studie kring personer med funktionsnedsättning

Title: Collaboration in BoDa-units. A qualitative study about collaboration regarding people with disabilities. The purpose of this thesis was to internally examine the cooperation between different professions in municipal BoDa-units. By doing a qualitative study using focus-group-interviews in three municipalities, we were able to examine the personnel?s experience of cooperation issues and opportunities in BoDa-units.

Produktionsutveckling av bastuaggregatsavdelning

To invent an optimized product is a complicated process. This process is only half of the work. It is equally important to develop a production system that can produce the product in an  efficient and ergonomic way.After several evaluations of conceptual and detailed drawings a final idea has come to light.The idea intends, to the maximum extent, utilize the facility in a more efficient way through moving assembly lines and stations closer to the flock section and the stock for complete products. To make the production better, stations are placed in more logical places given the assignment they are supposed to accomplish. This improves the material flow radically.

Organisationers beslutsprocesser vid komplexa problem : En studie av företag och deras beslutsprocesser vid hanteringen av Stockholmsförsöket avseende tjänstebilar

This paper investigates decision-making under uncertainty and complexity. The focus point of the study was to investigate how organizations in Stockholm has come to a decisions on how to manage the trial implementation of a congestion tax in terms of their company cars. The study was conducted as a survey with complementary interviews with the decision makers in change of congestion tax problem. The aim of the study was to gain an understanding for the decision making processes, and how and why the companies decided as they did. The theory on which we based our study emanated from both systems theory and business economic theory on decision making.

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