

9681 Uppsatser om The Swedish Official Milk Recording Scheme - Sida 9 av 646

Konsten att visa god smak ? En studie i sensorisk marknadsföring av kött.

The key elements of sourdough fermentation are the presence of active lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. Sourdough fermentation originates from the ancient Egypt. One theory concerning its onset states that a portion of bread dough was set aside to be baked at a later date and started to ferment spontaneously.Sourdough may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, mainly dominated by LAB and yeast. There are over 50 species of LAB that has been identified in various sourdoughs and more than 20 species of yeast. Sourdough fermentation has been shown to have various impacts on baked cereal good, most of which are attributed to LAB.This study addresses some effects of LAB from fermented milk products in sourdough and sourdough bread.

Lakrits och vin : En sensorisk studie om hur lakrits påverkar utvalda egenskaper i vin

The key elements of sourdough fermentation are the presence of active lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. Sourdough fermentation originates from the ancient Egypt. One theory concerning its onset states that a portion of bread dough was set aside to be baked at a later date and started to ferment spontaneously.Sourdough may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, mainly dominated by LAB and yeast. There are over 50 species of LAB that has been identified in various sourdoughs and more than 20 species of yeast. Sourdough fermentation has been shown to have various impacts on baked cereal good, most of which are attributed to LAB.This study addresses some effects of LAB from fermented milk products in sourdough and sourdough bread.

Frälsningssynen inom kristendomens tre inriktningar : En kvalitativ studie

According to the directives of Lgr11, learning about Christianity should be an important part of religious education in secondary school (7th-9th grade) in Sweden. A school teacher must therefore have good knowledge of the field and of different aspects of the beliefs of the various Christian traditions.This essay is about how salvation is conceived of by two members of the laity in each of three different Christian traditions: the Syriac Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of Sweden (which is Lutheran). As a theoretical perspective for my analysis, I have chosen the official views of salvation of these three churches. That is to say, views of the members of the laity have been compared with the official views of the respective churches. It is thus a very limited qualitative study aiming at finding out how the views of the laity conform to the official creed concerning salvation and whether there are any differences here between the churches.

Målinriktat jämställdhetsarbete : Forshaga kommun

AbstractAccording to 3 § in the Equal Opportunities Act should employer fulfil their commitment to their employees and work targeted for the equality in working life. In the report we account for 3?11 §§ Equal Opportunities Act, in purpose to show employer obligations to work actively work for equality between the sexes. This is the main focus of the article and the answer to one of our issue of law. We have also written about how equality work and how the Equal Opportunities Act has grown up, how it work in today?s society and the thoughts about the future.The growth of equality work, the Equal Opportunities Act and a short history are partially written from European law, the Swedish government official reports and in government bills.

Studie av introduktionen av NorFor Plan för foderstatsberäkning till mjölkkor i Sverige :

NorFor is a cooperative project between the consulting organisations owned by the farmers in the Nordic countries ? Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland. The project started in 2001 and the outcome, the system for ration calculation NorFor Plan and the model for evaluating the ration NorFor Evaluation, was completed in 2006. Along with NorFor Plan economical optimization are available and according to literature, the optimization will generate a 2 öre lower feed cost per kg milk, and thereby improve the profit for the farmer. The use of NorFor Plan in Sweden for feed optimization during spring 2008 has been very small. In this study eight herds in the middle of Sweden fed half the herd according to the classical system used in Sweden and the other half according to NorFor Plan system.

Avelsarbete med mjölkproducerande getter ? fokus på Norge och Frankrike

The main part of the goats in the world is located in developing countries, whereas active breeding programs are mainly restricted to Northern America and Europe. Goat milk can be processed to several products and goat cheese is the main product. An organized breeding program is carried out in France and Norway but is not present in Sweden. Important selection traits for milk producing goats include milk, protein and fat yield along with protein and fat content. Functional traits have been more important the past years and they have large economic importance for the farmers.

Hotellutcheckningens inverkan på gästens helhetsupplevelse

The key elements of sourdough fermentation are the presence of active lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. Sourdough fermentation originates from the ancient Egypt. One theory concerning its onset states that a portion of bread dough was set aside to be baked at a later date and started to ferment spontaneously.Sourdough may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, mainly dominated by LAB and yeast. There are over 50 species of LAB that has been identified in various sourdoughs and more than 20 species of yeast. Sourdough fermentation has been shown to have various impacts on baked cereal good, most of which are attributed to LAB.This study addresses some effects of LAB from fermented milk products in sourdough and sourdough bread.

En studie om de svenska riksdagspartiernas ställningstagande i EMU-frågan inför folkomröstningen år 2003

Based on widespread public debate prior to Swedish EMU-referendum 2003, the main purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyze the standpoint of the Swedish parliamentary parties in the EMU-issue, from perspektive of the following questions;1) What is the official standpoint of the parliamentary parties in the EMU-issue?2) What claimed effects of a Swedish EMU-membership or non-membership have the parties presented?3) What rifts can be found within the parties, in relation to their official standpoint in the EMU-issue?The Sweidish parliamentary parties´ standpoint in the EMU-issue will be analyze from the point of view of a number of current theories. These theories are basically democrazy theories that all have transnationalization and Europeanization as a common ground.The conclusions are, among others, that the parliamentary parties` standpoints in the EMU-issue are based on ideological values about whether or not a Swedish EMU-membership is good for Sweden. The Liberal Party, the Christian Democrats, the Moderate Party and the Social Party have a positive view on EMU and a deeper European integration, and basically value the economic efficency of the EMU higher than democratic decision making and a national currency and monetary policy. As for the EMU-critical parties such as the Centre Party, the Green Party and the Left Party, their view in the EMU-issue can be regarded as more nationalistic, since they say no to an exapanded financial cooperation.

Sverige och Humanitära Interventioner - en kritisk granskning av den svenska regeringens ställningstagande till humanitära interventioner

The increasing importance of human rights within the international community over the past fifteen years has raised the issue of humanitarian intervention. This concept is a complex one, and in the debate surrounding this issue can be heard arguments from and within legal, political and ethical standpoints. There is not yet a unified definition or agreement as to the nature of humanitarian intervention but it is clear that it is an important issue internationally and it is therefore interesting to see how this has affected the debate within individual countries. This study will thus examine the international development surrounding humanitarian intervention in relation to the official position taken by the Swedish government. The developments and discussion surrounding humanitarian intervention internationally and two central difficulties within this concept, legality vs.

Den livsmedelshygieniska kvaliteten hos franska opastöriserade dessertostar :

This study was performed to investigate the bacteriological quality of French cheeses made from raw milk. Fifty cheeses of this type were purchased from Swedish retail premises. The methods described by the Nordic Committee on Food Analysis (NMKL) were used to determine the number of Enterobacteriaceae, presumptive Escherichia coli, coagulase positive staphylococci and Listeria monocytogenes. In 32 cheeses (64%) the number of bacteria mentioned above exceeded the determined maximum value. Thirty samples (60%) showed high counts of Enterobacteriaceae.

Förekomst och lokalisation av gingivala retraktioner hos patinter mellan 20-29 år som behandlas på Tandhygienistprogrammet i Kristianstad

ABSTRACTThe aim of the study was to examine the prevalence and the location as well as the registration of gingival recessions among patients between 20-29 years of age, who are treated on the Dental Hygienist Programme at the University of Kristianstad. The study was performed as a recording study, where the first page of the base record paper was examined. We examined 295 base records. The result showed that gingival recessions only were registered on 3 % (n=10). Most of the injuries, 53 % (n=157), had been registered as toothbrush trauma.

Hur oberoende är de enskilda juverdelarna hos en mjölkko?

Mastit är en sjukdom som leder till stora problem i svenska mjölkkobesättningar. De flesta mastiter är subkliniska inflammationer som ofta inte upptäcks på grund av avsaknaden av synliga sjukdomssymtom, men där SCC är förhöjt och mjölkkvaliteten försämrad precis som vid klinisk mastit. Detta leder till att mjölk med förändrad sammansättning och kvalitet levereras till mejerierna som därmed har sämre förutsättningar att framställa mejeriprodukter av hög kvalitet. Även lantbrukaren drabbas ekonomiskt, dels på grund av att ett förhöjt celltal inte ger maximalt betalt för mjölken och dels på grund av en minskad mjölkmängd då all mjölk från kor med konstaterad subklinisk mastit ofta kasseras. Vid mjölkning i automatiska mjölkningssystem finns möjlighet att separera mjölken på fjärdedelsnivå redan vid mjölkning, detta sker dock inte idag.

Är korta spenar ett problem i samband med mjölkning? :

In some herds it has been observed that extremely short teats have become a problem; with a negative influence on the milking performance. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate to what degree the quality of the teats and the milk in cows with short teats is affected as compared with cows with normal teat length and furthermore if the milking performance could be improved by using a liner adapted to short teats. This study was divided in two parts. In the first part, it was examined if there were any differences between short teats and teats with normal length with reference to the milking performance, udder emptying, teat treatment, milk quality, and udder health. 11 pairs of cows were used and in each pair of cows one cow had teats shorter than 40 mm while the other cow had teats longer than 50 mm.

The effect of abolishing milk quotas : a study of comparative advantages amongst European member states

The European Union provide 27 % of total volume raw milk produced in the world. This number is steadily decreasing due to that the world milk production increase is more rapid than EU production growth. The growing middle-class change the demand for food, a higher standard of living increase the demand of milk products as well as other various animal products. Since 1984 the EU milk quota has limited the supply from EU, but the quota will expire April 1st 2015. The European Milk Board expect that the removal of quotas will make the farm gate price decline.

The effect of a lowered light intensity at night on cow traffic and milk yield in automatic milking systems

Automatic milking systems (AMS) provide the opportunity for less manual labour and an increased milking frequency. But in order to reach an optimal milking frequency a well-functioning cow traffic is crucial. There are many factors affecting cow traffic but one factor that has not been studied thoroughly yet is the effect of different light intensities during the night, 22.00 h to 05.00 h. Therefore the aim of this study was to determine the effect of different light intensities during the night on number of selection gate passages (GP), milking frequency and milk yield. The study was conducted as a Latin square were three light intensities were applied: LOW (11 ± 3 lux), INT (33 ± 1 lux) and HIGH (74 ± 6 lux), in three different herds.

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