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Finns det grund för att lämna ideella föreningar utanför momsträsket? : Är undantaget i 4:8 mervärdesskattelagen konformt med mervärdesskattedirektivet?

Sports associations play a very important role in the Swedish civil society, and since the 1st of July 1987 they have been exempted from the duty to pay VAT. By introducing an sufficiently closely related. When the conflict of law exists, the directive will be accorded priority, which leads to the Swedish Sports Federation must examine and considerexemption for sports associations the income tax field and VAT field correlate and the legislative change resulted in more favorable pre-close solutions for all of Sweden's non- profit organizations.  In June 2008 the European Commission launched a process concerning Swedish infringement against EU-law, and with it the Swedish civil society, where all Swedish sports associations are included, is threatened. The European Commission wants to, among other things, force sports associations into the VAT system for the purpose of the VAT Directive to be achieved.

?Flykten till Sverige var en flykt till frihet och inte till destruktivitet av min identitet? : En studie om invandrarakademiker på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

The aim of this essay is to examine how educated immigrants from former Yugoslavia are experiencing the Swedish labor market and if they feel that there are factors that complicate their ability to establish themselves in the Swedish labor market. We have also examined whether and if so, how their status has changed in connotation with the move to Sweden. The method we have used is a qualitative interview study where we asked questions from a semi-structured interview guide. We chose to make use of both previous research and a number of analytical tools for using these to interpret inequality and discrimination that exist in the Swedish labor against educated immigrants. The results presented four factors that our respondents perceive contribute to difficulty in establishing themselves in the Swedish labor market, these are: contacts, name, validation and trainee post.

"De tycka emellertid av gammal vana att det smakar gott, och tro dessutom att det är bra för hälsan" : samiskt växtutnyttjande från 1600-talet fram till ca 1950

Meat and fish was the most important food for the Sami people in northern Scandinavia until the beginning of the 20th century. It is not so well known that the Sami people also used a lot of wild plants as food and medicine although that kind of food was relatively common among them until the end of the 19th century. The purpose of this master thesis has been to describe which plants the Sami people used in general and also which plants were the most commonly used, and when and how these plants were harvested. I also wanted to measure the quantities of Angelica archangelica and Rumex acestosa within traditional harvest sites. Furthermore I wanted to find out if the plant use differed among Sami groups geographically.

Meningen med mötet : En studie av det mellanmänskliga mötets betydelse för medarbetarnas meningsskapande process och relationer med ledaren

Essay in political science, C-level by Mikael GranathAutumn semester 2012, Tutor: Freddy Kjellström- Ideological convergence in Swedish party politics?- An analysis of ideologies of the Swedish Social Democratic party and the Swedish Moderateparty and their healthcare and health service policies between the years of 2002 and 2010.The main purpose of this study is to examine the truthfulness in the common perception thatthe Swedish moderate party and the Swedish social democratic party are increasingly sharingthe same political views - particularly between the years of 2002 and 2010. The main researchquestion is:?Did the Swedish Moderate party and the Swedish Social Democratic partyideologically position themselves closer in the year of 2002 than they did in 2010within the health care policy area?The research design chosen for this study can be labelled as a comparative case study wherethe two political parties party programs and election manifestos that were current in the yearof 2002 and 2010 are studied. This is done to give a better view of ideological change.

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i förskolan : language development approach in preschool

The purpose of this study was to investigate into the praxis based sociocultural tools that are utilized to enhance language development in early childhood education. Four pre-school teachers were involved in this study. Two were recruited from an independent pre-school "Maria Montessori", practicing the pedagogical philosophy developed by Maria Montessori. Two were from a public pre-school herein named "Kvasten", which has no official philosophy but where the teachers (like in many Swedish pre-schools) work in a general alignment with the principles of Reggio Emilia pedagogics. The theoretical fundament of the study lies in the general theories of language development and education of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotskij, and the comparative element mainly concerns the variations in pedagogical praxis between the two pre-schools, and the way the teachers reason about language development.

"Sour Milk" Corporate Branding under Surrogate Boycotts - the case of Arla Foods in the Muhammad Crisis

Surrogate boycotts are highly threatening for corporations in terms of both economical cost and image damage. All corporations are due to our globalized environment and increased stakeholder fragmentation gradually more risking to become victims of surrogate boycotts, which of nature is hard if not impossible to predict and prevent. Corporations are generally recommended to build clear and strong corporate identities, which should be reflected in their most important stakeholders, as this will secure minimum damage on the corporate image. Even a surrogate boycott situation can have positive effects on corporations, especially in terms of image, as such situation increases the brand involvement and thereby make it possible for corporations to connect with important stakeholders on an emotional level. .

Aktivitet som sjukdomsmarkör på kalvar i gruppsystem :

Since long, Sweden has had exceptionally low calf mortality compared to most other countries. The tradition has been to keep calves in individual pens. With increasing number of cows per herd there is now a larger interest in more efficient and economical group systems for housing calves. However it has been noticed that bigger herds have more health problems and higher calf mortality than smaller herds. The early signs of disease are harder to detect when the animals are not fed manually.

Crossbreeding in dairy cattle

The aim of this literature review is to give an overview of the differences between pure- and crossbreeding systems. Crossbreeding is a mating system with individuals of different lines or breeds. It is one of several breeding strategies in dairy production used to increase the economic profit. The use of crossbreeding increases due to changes in the dairy market and an increase of inbreeding among purebred Holstein. The main benefit of crossbreeding is heterosis, which is the improvement in genetic level in a hybrid offspring above the average of the parent breeds.

Förändrad syn på svensk militär alliansfrihet? : En studie om svensk neutralitetspolitik mellan 1990-2008

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine how the Swedish policy of neutrality has changed between the years 1990-2008. The research method used for this essay has been comparative case study, which strives to answer four research questions. Two of these questions are: Which specific occurrences have been fundamental in changing the Swedish policy of neutrality? How have the Swedish policy of neutrality and the policy of non-alignment changed between the years 1990-2008? The theoretical frame work of this study consists of Europeanization as a comprehensive theoretical perspective. In order to explain the Swedish act regarding the policy of neutrality, Logic of Consequences and Logic of appropriateness are used.

Ledare 'Lagom' i Konfucianismens Korea: En analys av svårigheter för svenska företag i Sydkorea

The purpose of this study is to analyze the handling of difficulties encountered by Swedish managers in Swedish subsidiaries in South Korea. By identifying the most common and possibly most manageable difficulties specific to the market we categorized them into three different groups; external difficulties, internal difficulties and difficulties related to the leadership. Depending on where in the environment and in relation to which stakeholder the difficulties originate the managing process comes to be supported through sometimes contradictory theories. Our study implies that the proper handling is crucial to satisfy local expectations which are critical for survival of Swedish companies. It also implies that the leadership skills acquired by the Swedish managers combined with the level of acceptance for foreign managers among the Korean coworkers affect how influential the manager?s ambitions are.

"Bok för bok förändras Guatemala" : En studie av förutsättningar och effekter i ett biblioteksbiståndsprojekt

The main purpose of this Master´s thesis, is to describe and discuss what constitutes the library collaboration between The Swedish Royal Library and the National Library of Guatemala, but also to analyse which effects the support has for public library work in Guatemala. The data consists of interviews and direct-observations during 2 months of fieldwork in Guatemala, Central America. The analysis is based on literature studies combined with the answers from the respondents and other results from the field work. We have found above all three factors to be of importance in the constitution of the collaboration between the National Library in Guatemala and the Swedish Royal Library: the Swedish library discourse, the Swedish aid discourse and the relationship between the people involved with the project. The library discourse in Sweden and in Guatemala emphasizes different aspects of the work.

Lära för livet? : Svenskämnet ur ett elevperspektiv

The purpose of this study is to explore students? perceptions and experiences of the school-subject Swedish. Ten qualitative interviews with students in school year nine have been carried out and the results of these interviews constitute the basis of this study. The result shows that students have a straight-forward attitude towards Swedish as a school-subject. The students identify skills such as reading, writing and speaking, and work in school mainly concerns perfecting these skills. The students think of Swedish as a subject with a clear purpose and find it important and useful. The result also shows that the students want grading for the purpose of further motivation.

Attityder till kvinnomisshandel : Attityden till kvinnomisshandel i dagens multikulturella Sverige

Domestic violence against women is a widespread problem around the world, this study aims to investigate Swedish men?s attitudes towards this problem. To investigate this I have done a historic overview of the political attitude change and I interviewed two ethnic Swedish men and two men with a foreign background, this because to get a fair representation of our multicultural society. The results and conclusions is that the attitude haven?t changed that much over the years, it is mostly the latest decades that politicians and the medial debate have acknowledge the imbalance of power between the genders and that the patriarchy is a major factor towards this attitude.The interviewed showed that the men with foreign background had a tendency to have more traditionally attitude towards women then the Swedish men..

Systematiskt kvalitetsarbete på förskolan : Hur förskollärarna uppfattar och hanterar det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet

Systematic quality work in preschool ? How preschool teachers thinking and working with systematic quality work The purpose of this study was to investigate how Swedish preschool teachers thinking and working with systematic quality work. All Swedish preschools are required to work systematically with quality. This involves several steps that follow each other in a specific order. It includes following up, documenting and evaluating preschool activities.

Förvaltningsfastigheter : Den globala finans krisens påverkan på svenska börsnoterade fastighetsbolagens nedskrivningar

Introduction and background: The 1990s crisis and the global financial crisis year 2008 shows the same indications that the property market was affected negative. The Swedish Property companies had a difficult time on the market when the crisis led to decreased property trade and financing problems for the Property companies. The Swedish property companies became less attractive on the market and contributed to a drop in prices on investment property.Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to examine if there is any relation between the Swedish Property companies impairments on their investment property and the global financial crisis year 2008.Method: The essay is based on a quantitative study where we examined Swedish Property companies? annual reports. We answered our questions and our purpose from the empirical data that we collected from the annual reports.Conclusions: The study resulted in that we found a correlation between the Swedish Property companies? impairments on their investment properties and the global financial crisis year 2008.

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