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En korporativ sjöfartspolitisk utkik? : En fallstudie av tillkomsten av TAP-avtalet, och skapandet av en globalt anpassad marknad.

The thesis examines the crisis that the Swedish-flagged merchant marine underwent in the 1990s, that resulted in a narrow market for the Swedish-flagged fleet. In order to save the industry, the TAP- agreement was created, consisting of three parties, government- market and interest organizations.  Purpose in this thesis, is to exam how the TAP-agreement was carried out in relation to the parties, and how it correlates in relation to how the global political economy affected the Swedish maritime politics. Two questions are presented. Is the TAP agreement an expression of Swedish corporatism?  Which aspect of Global Political Economy is characteristic for the TAP agreement? A case study is preformed in three steps. The different parties of the TAP-agreement have been interviewed.  A comparative study of two Swedish crises has been performed, in order to establish the correlation between them, in regards to corporatism.  A survey, with the aim to pinpoint which aspect of Global Political Economy is characteristic of the TAP agreement. Findings in this thesis are that the TAP-agreement was designed through corporatism, and that the most important aspect of all, the Swedish flag was worth saving, for all parties. .

Arbetslöshetsförsäkringen och individen : en studie om krav, skyldigheter och hänsyn ur perspektivet geografisk rörlighet

This paper describes the rules of the Swedish unemployment insurance as regards the demands on the individual, the obligation posed on the individual based on these demands and the considerations taken by the law regarding the specific situation and personal circumstances of the individual. Special attention is paid to the demand to be available to the labour market and what is considered suitable employment from the viewpoint of geographical mobility. This paper treats ?Arbetslinjen? (Everyone able to work, thereby contributing to his/her own and others' support, shall have the opportunity to do so.), and the amendments of ALF, the law (1997:238) about unemployment insurance, that became active between 1/1 2007 and 1/1 2008, since many alterations were introduced in this period.The result illustrates the demands posed on the individual for him/her to be entitled to unemployment benefit, and the far-reaching demands posed on the unemployed for him/her to be considered available to the labour market from the viewpoint of geographical mobility. The result also shows some of the specific situations and personal circumstances of the individual taken into consideration, but since the amendments are as recent as 1.5 years, the list can not be considered complete, as practice is limited in this field.This paper also treats the Official Employment Agency's monitoring function of the unemployed's willingness to work, and the effect of the regulations not being followed as strictly as per the letter of the law by the Employment Agency officers, leading to insecurity regarding the rights of the individual..

Biblioteket och svenska för invandrare: en undersökning av folkbibliotekets funktion i andraspråksinlärning

The purpose of this master's thesis is to find out what support students of Swedish for Immigrants (sfi) think they get from the public library during their study of the Swedish language. One important aspect in this essay is to examine whether the library can meet the need of Swedish-speaking meeting places where the sfi-students can practise their new language. The method used in this study is qualitative interviews. Nine sfi-students, one sfiteacher and one librarian have been interviewed. A sociocultural perspective on learning has served as a theoretical starting point.

Integration från ord till handling : En undersökning av integrationens betydelser inom sociologi, politik och praktiskt arbete

This study deals with the concept of ?integration?. Starting from the concept of reality as socially and linguistically constructed, it is an attempt to see how lingual constructions and perceptions affect the official structures of society and vice versa. The main purpose is to compare the different meanings integration has in a sociological context and in a political one. Further, the purpose is to see how the relationship between the sociological and political concepts affects the integrational work in the Swedish County Administrative Boards, and which consequences these effects might have.

Maskulinitetskonstruktion inom svensk kommunal räddningstjänst : En studie kring föreställningar om kvinnliga brandmän och brandmän med utländsk bakgrund

This essay is a qualitative study about Swedish fire-fighters´ ideas of women and people from other ethnic backgrounds than Swedish. The problem in focus is why there are difficulties for those groups of people to be employed in the Swedish fire service. Can there be ideas of these groups which are not favourable for them? And if this is the case, can those ideas be explained by gender theory about construction of masculinity? The purpose is to investigate whether the absence of women and people from other ethnic backgrounds can be explained by the fire-fighters´ ideas of those groups. The study consisted of a one day observation and four one hour long interviews with fire-fighters from different positions within the Swedish fire service.

Det glömda vanvettet i lokalpressen, NWT 1914-1918 : En undersökning av Nya Wermlands-Tidningens hållning till de tre huvudaktörerna i det första världskriget

I have in this essay looked at what stand NWT took to the three leading countries in The First World War, Germany, France and England, and if it changed during the course of the war.I worked based on the theory that NWT, as a politically conservative newspaper was pro-Germany, which also showed to be true.I have look at the official stand, what is shown in the published material, what stand that the newspaper showed outwards. The result shows that NWT held a neutral stand during the war being loyal to the conservative government. At the end of the war the papers sympathies for Germany are shown more openly in its political material..

Hur socialarbetaren uppfattar sin yrkesroll : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetaren inom ekonomiskt bistånd upplever sitt arbetssätt utifrån ett maktperspektiv

This study is intended to study how the social worker in financial assistance relates to the social workers exercise of its authority, regarding the Social Services Act and the Administrative Procedures Act. In concerning how the social worker treats and handles the cases of their clients, but also what significancethe organization's policies and goals have on the social worker?s role and the formation of their professional identity. To answer these questions the study chose a qualitative approach. Because the purpose of this study is to investigate the social worker?s personal beliefs about their way of conducting social work.

En studie av åkermarkspriserna i tre regioner år 1995 - 2009 : Sveriges åkermarkspriser, påverkande faktorer

Since Sweden joined the EU in 1995 there has been a noticeable increase in the value of arable land occurred. This paper is intended to study the inflation of farmland prices. In order to ascertain what affects the market prices so much since Sweden affiliated with the EU three regions has been selected for a detailed study on the subject. These three regions are selected because each of them represents different parts of the Swedish farmlands. The time period that has been examined is the year 1995 until 2009.The price raises in the three observed regions was overall fairly even at the end of the studied period.

Militära och civila uppfattningar om svenska militärer och deras medverkan i internationella insatser

With the starting point in UN peacekeeping operations, this essay investigates the participation of the Swedish armed forces and how the Swedish soldiers perceive their role in those operations. The aim of the study was to explore different perceptions about the Swedish soldiers in international operations. Partly from the Swedish soldiers perspective and how they perceived their own role as soldiers. Partly from the perspective of civilians, like Swedish aid workers, and how they perceive the Swedish soldiers. The third perspective was from a person with mixed experiences from both the military and the civilian work.

Det mångspråkiga biblioteket ? en studie av folkbibliotekens arbete med medieförsörjning på andra språk än svenska.

The underlying purpose of this study is to investigate how the libraries in Sweden organize and administrate the service of providing literature in other languages than Swedish. The study focuses on the central guiding principles that regulate the provision of multilingual literature and how these guidelines are implemented in to practice at the libraries. As the guidelines are closely connected to the official discourse in Sweden concerning policies targeted towards immigrants, the guidelines will be examined from a perspective of integration politics. To assemble data a survey has been conducted looking into factors such as how the libraries perceive the guidelines, how the libraries do business intelligence and user inquires to reach out to the users of the multilingual media, forms for statistics and method of working. The results points out that the libraries in their work with multilingual media are confronted with three tensions; the first tension is that between the libraries aim to promote equality and freedom for the individual and at the same time to fulfil certain collective interests and goals.

Global kapitalplacering men nationell bolagsstyrning?: En explorativ studie om valberedningsdeltagandet i svenska börsbolag med fokus på utländska institutionella ägare

[Abstract: This study examines the observed difference between Swedish and foreign owners when it comes to nominating committee participation. The background to the study is that foreign owners seem to participate in Swedish nominating committees to a lesser extent than their Swedish counterparts. The focus is on institutional owners and the companies studied are all listed companies who follow the Swedish code of corporate governance. Particular attention is paid to perceived differences in behavior that can be explained using the common corporate governance related theories of Exit, Voice and Loyalty as well as Agency Theory. These explanations are chiefly related to differences in attitudes regarding insider information, different knowledge levels regarding the purpose and workings of nominating committees of the Swedish kind as well as differences due to home market biases.].

Bland kockrockar och rock-kockar  - En retorisk analys av svenska matlagningsprogram

Aim: The purpose of this paper is to see if there has been a change over time in the performance and in the spoken word of the Swedish cooking programs. By testing the theory of intimization on the cooking programs I get the opportunity to see if the border between the private and the public have become clearer or more difficult to notice, and if the new language, the informal language as intimization entails, has been used in Swedish cooking programs since the 70s until today, or if there´s ever been a formal language in Swedish programs? Method/Material: I'm using a rhetorical approach that includes a three-step analysis. Analysing the context, means to persuade and performance. The empirical material I intend to analyze is Swedish cooking programs from the 70s until today, 2010.

Klasskildringar i samtida arbetarlitteratur. En idéanalytisk studie

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine the portrayals of class in four Swedish contemporary novels that have been mentioned as working class literature in the literary public sphere. During the 20th century, society has undergone vast changes due to globalization and technology development. The rise in standards of living for most people in the Western societies has led to changed consumption patterns. In consequence, there has been increased emphasis given to cultural rather than materialist explanations of social stratification.

Analys av studentpaketet hos de fyra storbankerna : Gapet mellan student och bank

Background: One of the largest direct selling companies Amway "AmericanWay", which has its foothold in the market economy by means of direct trade. This means that the marketing is in the form of a network made up of various individuals who work together to advertise the company on to various potential customers.Aim: The survey aims to study the factors that are affecting the company Amway's growth.Completion: The survey is based on analyzing the interviews. The authors have relied on the qualitative method, where they have focused on how growth has increased the company Amway.Results: The results of this study are that Amway gradually managed to establish themselves globally thanks to the quality of the products they sell in a functioning market. The study also shows that all member customers are satisfied with the goods they buy from ABO groups, and that Amway's structure is not based on a pyramid scheme..

Kommunalt klimatarbete - exempel från Strängnäs och Sala

 The aim of this essay was to examine the way preschool teachers and children converse during school meals, and also the way preschool teachers start and develop conversations during meals. The conversations were analyzed from the topic of conversation and the teachers' ways of using language acts such as questions, remarks, exhortations. The study was based on observations, tape recording and contact schedule. The result shows that the topic of conversation is significant for how involved teachers are in conversations during meals. The result also shows how conversations develop or end depending on what language acts teachers use.

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