

55 Uppsatser om The Outsider - Sida 2 av 4

DEN ANDREIdentitetskonstruktioner i förhållande till skolnormen : - Vuxnas berättelser om sin tidigare skolgång

AbstractWe decided to explore former school pupils? experiences of not conforming to the norm. Earlier studies have focused on the children as ?the problem?.  We see this as worrying, especially since there is very little research focusing on the pupils? own experiences. The children?s own perspective needs to be brought to the fore.

Outsiders i Gus Van Sants filmer : En tematisk auteurstudie

In this paper I have examined how the structure of society affects the characters in the movies of Gus Van Sant, and what there is that characterizes Van Sant as an auteur. I have also looked at the thematics and how the characters develop throughout from his first movie Mala Noche (US 1985) until one of his latest Milk (US 2008). Van Sant is open with his Homosexuality and those perspectives are of major importance for this study. He presents how his characters try to live a normal life in a society that is not made for them. I have chosen to analyze five different movies.

Man kan ju inte gå klädd hursomhelst : En studie om hur högstadietjejers identitet

To understand students, their world and what makes them act in a certain way or how they form groups in school is a very important part of a teachers work. You get a better understanding for the students behavior by having knowledge about how they look uponthemselves and other students, to prevent prejudice and tendenses to bullying and beeing an ?outsider?. Clothes and fashion are often a big part of the students identity buliding and how they look upon themselves and get looked at by others.We have chosed to exeminate this phenomenon among girls since they are often more exposed by the media for example and with unreasonable beautyideals and other external factors that many girls try to live up to in todays society.We have made a survey regarding the usage of clothes and fashion in the making of an identety with totally fiftyeight girls in the ninth grade on two different public schools in Haninge and Tyresö municipality..

Interkulturell samlevnadsundervisning? : En textanalytisk undersökning av två läromaterial inom sex- och samlevnadsområdet.

This paper is intending to examine the intercultural aspects of two teaching aids used in Swedish schools today. How does the material take the students prerequisite in consideration? Is every student included in the material in order with the standpoint and laws in the Swedish school system? And if they are not, who is The Outsider in this occasion? With intercultural pedagogy lies the idea that everyone is unique and that teachers has an opportunity to develop and make student grow mentally. Intercultural endeavor is to learn to accept our differences and see them as assets instead. The theory?s used in this paper in mostly the postcolonial theory with its dividing between "us" and "the others"..

Invandrare, kulturmöte och bibliotek

The main aim of this paper is to illurninate how a group of immigrants meet the publiclibrary in Sweden. I have chosen to discuss Iranian immigrants' meeting with the publiclibrary in Borås. The investigation (qualitative interviews and inquiries) has taken placein the public library of Borås and partly in a local library with high density of immigrants.A theoretical perspective deals with the case study of dual marginality, where theconception of the "Marginal Man" or "The Outsider" is central. I have indicated how theprevious authors have considered this problem, to live on the verge between twodifferent cultures and how individuals react on it.The interviews and inquiries answered by Iranian immigrants are the most importantmaterial in this investigation and the result of them is connected to the theoreticalperspective and a discussion, what it means for the public library..

Insider Trading in the Swedish Stock Market ? Does it generate abnormal returns?

The purpose of the study is to investigate whether insiders generate an abnormal return compared with other investors on the Swedish Stock Market. This abnormal return is defined as the cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR). The other purpose is to investigate whether it would be profitable for ?outsiders? to mimic the transactions of insider trades. The results indicate several significant abnormal returns on insider trades, especially on buy transactions.

Integration, assimilation eller segregation? -en undersökning av integrationspolitiken i Landskrona

In this thesis I discuss and analyze the integration policy of the community Landskrona, if they have any at all and how they in that case use it in their daily work to counteract the obvious problems with segregation, racism and negative attitudes towards people with other ethnic background than Swedish.During the second half of the 20th century Sweden has received a lot of immigrants who built our country and contributed to the rich variety of people we see today. Landskrona was one of the towns who received a lot according to its size, and with the economic crisis in the 1990s it was easy to blame the immigrants for our own deteriorated situation.Today Landskrona is working for an implementation of integration policies in all institutions and organizations to make it a matter of course just like equality. It is not the ethnic background that is the problem; it is being an outsider and economically segregated that lead to resistance of the society. The community is prioritizing the four areas job for everyone, living, education and culture..

Du måste prata noga! : om ett barns kommunikativa svårigheter

My essay is written from a basis of one of my own experiences were a child is perceived by us pedagogues as lonely and introverted, as well as having trouble socialising because of, what we can see, difficulties making himself understood verbally. I want to highlight how I as a pedagogue can respond to and strengthen children who are outside but still with the group, in a certain sense. I want to reflect on how we can deepen our understanding of these children and how we can facilitate for children who do not follow the norms of society when it comes to communication. I will analyse and draw conclusions with the help of theorists such as Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotskij and interpretations of these, but also look at it from a sociopsychological perspective as the interactions between people and environments play a large and distinctive role in preschool. The purpose of this essay is to enlighten how different we can see and experience situations in preschool.

Äldre personers upplevelser av delirium: En litteraturstudie

Delirium är vanligt bland äldre personer som vårdas på sjukhus. Att drabbas av delirium har ofta konsekvenser. Syftet med studien var att beskriva äldre personers upplevelse av delirium. Åtta kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades med hjälp av en manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys som resulterade i tre slutkategorier, att befinna sig i en skrämmande värld mellan dröm och verklighet, att känna sig som en outsider och få sin verklighet ifrågasatt, att finna trygghet i bekräftande relationer. Resultatet visade att många hade upplevet någon form av rädsla under deliriet och att allt det som upplevdes under deliriet kändes verkligt just då.

?Läser science fiction utan att skämmas?: Om kvinnors läsning av science fiction

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the female reader of science fiction literature, a genre by tradition dominated by men. Through qualitative interviews with seven female science fiction readers, the relation between the reading and the readers? lives, as well as their concepts of the science fiction genre and the community of science fiction readers, was examined. The main theoretical framework used for the analysis was Yvonne Hirdman?s gender theory, Judith Butler?s concept of identity and Louise M.

"Kuratorns roll? Grundtanken är väldigt positiv": en undersökning om sjuksköterskors syn på kuratorn i den medicinska organisationen

In this master thesis, which is made in a qualitative manner, we have as purpose to investigate the nurses' estimation of the hospital welfare officer. We find it interesting to take a closer look at their opinion, because of our earlier, bachelor thesis, based on the same subject, only then in the welfare officer´s perspective on themselves. We have interviewed ten nurses and our questions at issue were the following four: Where in the hospital´s hierarchy do the nurses place the welfare officer? In what way do the nurses look at themselves and on the fact that they are leagally authorized? How do the nurses define the welfare officer´s occupational sphere and his part of the medical care? Which opinion do the nurses have on the co-operation with the hospital welfare officer? The primary information, together with two maintheories and a collection of litterature on the subject have helped us to answer the four questions of issue. We have found that the results we see, in some ways are compareable to our first investigation.

Filmturism ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv -Wallanders betydelse för Ystad

Kompetenta ledare är en förutsättning för framgångsrikt företagande och ledarutveckling i organisationer bidrar på så sätt till utveckling av individer för organisationers bästa. Därmed kan ledarutveckling betraktas som ett viktigt strategiskt verktyg för att organisationer ska kunna utnyttja sina ledare på bästa möjliga sätt. Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att bidra till vidare forskning kring hur kompetensutveckling och socialisering sker i traineeprogram. Vi har valt att samla in vårt empiriska material genom kvalitativa intervjuer och undersökningen har utförts i form av en fallstudie av Lantmännens traineeprogram. Vårt resultat har visat att det finns en tydlig koppling mellan socialisering och effektiv kompetensutveckling i traineeprogram.

Katt bland hermelinerna - en undersökning om sjukhuskuratorns egen uppfattning om sin ställning i den medicinska organisationen

This bachelor thesis aimed to explore, in a qualitative manner, the relationship and the interaction between the hospital welfare officer and the rest of the nursing staff. We chose this subject because we wanted to explain the phenomena of being a medical outsider in the nursing team. Our questions at issue were the following three: How does the hospital welfare officer define his occupational sphere and how do the rest of the nursing staff define it, according to the welfare officer himself? Is the welfare officer's relation to his own professional role and to the rest of the nursing staff affected by where his office is placed - secluded from or within the clinic? How does the welfare officer himself value his profession in relation to the rest of the nursing crew? To answer these questions we interviewed eight welfare officers, placed in two different hospitals. We used three different theories to explain the primary information.

Kompetensutveckling genom socialisering? - En studie av traineeprogrammets roll och funktion

Kompetenta ledare är en förutsättning för framgångsrikt företagande och ledarutveckling i organisationer bidrar på så sätt till utveckling av individer för organisationers bästa. Därmed kan ledarutveckling betraktas som ett viktigt strategiskt verktyg för att organisationer ska kunna utnyttja sina ledare på bästa möjliga sätt. Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att bidra till vidare forskning kring hur kompetensutveckling och socialisering sker i traineeprogram. Vi har valt att samla in vårt empiriska material genom kvalitativa intervjuer och undersökningen har utförts i form av en fallstudie av Lantmännens traineeprogram. Vårt resultat har visat att det finns en tydlig koppling mellan socialisering och effektiv kompetensutveckling i traineeprogram.

Regionala organisationers potential i konfliktlösning - En komparativ fallstudie av ECOWAS och FN:s hantering av inbördeskriget i Sierra Leone

With the end of the Cold War the number of conflicts where the United Nations have intervened has increased dramatically. This has entailed a need for a burden-sharing between the UN and regional organizations regarding management of conflicts. The aim of this study is to make a comparative analysis of the effectiveness and the efficiency in the efforts undertaken by ECOWAS and the UN during the civil war in Sierra Leone, through using theories on conflict resolution and the advantages of regional organizations in conflict resolution.My conclusion is that both ECOWAS and the UN were quite successful in managing the conflict and had an impact on the resolution of the war, although both peace operations suffered from internal problems. ECOWAS was effective in managing the conflict and in its mediating efforts as an insider from the region. The UN was more efficient in managing to attain their goals.

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