1039 Uppsatser om The Green Party - Sida 40 av 70
Bolivia kvinnorörelser och multietnisk stat
This thesis examines the possibility of Bolivian indigenous women?s social movements? getting their demands of a gender equal society fulfilled in the new state which was initiated in 2005 when Evo Morales became the first president representing the indigenous people of the country. By using a qualitative method I have showed that although the Bolivian indigenous women?s social movements? historically has been significant political actors for social change in the country, with representation at both regional and national level, Bolivian women are still subordinated in the social and political sphere. By applying a feminist intersectional perspective which takes its point of departure in a understanding of power as multidimensional, where gender, ethnicity and class are constitutive principals, multiculturalism theories and a social movements theory framework, I have found that even if institutional changes, that opened the system increased the indigenous women?s social movements political participation in Bolivia, power structures based on gender limited their possibilities to influence both socially and politically.
Cirkushallen i Alby :
Ad Astra är en cirkushall, högt beläget på en skogsbeklädd kulle ca 10 minuter från Alby centrum. Här samlas hela Cirkus Cirkörs verksamhet under ett tak: elever, lärare, administration och besökare.Promenadvägen från Albys tunnelbana leder fram till ett torg med den nya byggnaden som fond. Ett strikt grid av 58 stålpelare definierar ett uterum på byggnadens tak som sluttar upp mot en kopparkub bland träden. Här skapas möjligheter till allt från utomhusföreställningar till picknick i ett landskap som subtilt smälter samman med den bakomliggande skogen. Gränsen mellan natur och struktur suddas ut samtidigt som taket ger en oöverträffad utsikt över Alby och Albysjön.Internt är byggnaden tvådelad med en publik, öppen del och en sluten,flexibel hallösning.
Kundfokuserad miljökommunikation med CRM-system : En Fallstudie hos Green Cargo
BackgroundToday a common approach to solve a complicated problem is to assemble a temporary workforce in order to solve the problem by working together within a project. One of the difficulties with working in projects is to maintain the planned budget. Working hours and costs are often exceeded. Many companies presume that any certain project will succeed, a presumption that leads companies not to anticipate risks involved in a project. In companies today there is seldom time for evaluation or moderation of a project, in order to have time for evaluation there is a great need for an adequate planning of the project.IntentThe intention with this study is to create a model for planning, budgeting and evaluation of projects within consultancy companies.MethodWith the help of interviews and discussions within the group Hamnar och Byggkonstruktioner at Sweco has evidence to present a proposal on planning, budgeting and monitoring been developed.ResultsA model has been developed to ease for consultancy companies to plan, budget, monitor and evaluate projects.
Ekologisk dagvattenhantering på parkeringsytor : Lösningsförslag för Eurostop köpcentrum i Halmstad
Stormwater from trafficked areas often contains high pollution levels. In traditional stormwater management design, stormwater is first transported away through piped networks, and then in most cases passes through oil separators before finally reaching the recipients. While this traditional method removes certain pollutants from the stormwater, it does not reduce the total flow, as in the case of ecological stormwater management. In the ecological method the stormwater is not simply transported away, but is recirculated through infiltration, percolation, and detention. The aim of this study is to investigate possible advantages of ecological management designs, in contrast to traditional management.
Ökad återvinning i modebranschen : försörjningskedjans hinder och möjligheter inom produktutveckling
En ökad textilkonsumtion har lett fram till en problematik kring miljöpåverkan på grund av den ökade mängden använda textilier som ska hanteras efter produkternas död. För att ta till vara på de dyrbara resurser som har använts för att skapa textila produkter, har intresset för återvinning av textila fibrer ökat. Forskningen inom återvinning av bomullsfibrer har däremot inte kommit tillräckligt långt för att produktion av återvunna fibrer av hög kvalité ska kunna göras storskalig. Detta speciellt eftersom problem med exempelvis blandfibrer och separerbarhet försvårar arbetet. Det finns förändringar som kan göras av modeföretag i produktutvecklingsfasen redan idag, vilka kan underlätta återvinningsprocessen och syftar till att skapa ett slutet system i framtiden.
En man och hans ?pplen: en fallstudie av Carl Str?mbergs ?ppeltr?dg?rd
This bachelor?s thesis studies Carl Str?mbergs ?ppeltr?dg?rd, a private garden consisting of a large number of apple trees and varieties. The garden is located outside ?rebro, in N?rke, and is owned by a unit owner association whose goal is to preserve and determine the varieties. Through interviews, articles, site visits and documents from Carl Str?mberg, the purpose have been to get an understanding of who Carl Str?mberg was, how he collected the apple varieties and how that process was affected by the climate amongst apple growing and pomology during that time.
Att leda ideella - en studie på gruppledare i Stockholms län
Over the past thirty years the political parties in Sweden have lost five out of six members. In order to retain existing members leadership in these organizations has become increasingly important. The aim of this paper is to identify what group leaders for party groups within the municipal council believe are the driving forces that underlie the councillors' voluntary commitment, identify the group leaders' leadership style and identify whether there exist a relationship between these driving forces and the leadership style. The approach applied is qualitative consisting of twelve interviews with twelve group leaders from six different municipalities in Stockholm county. The theoretical framework of this paper includes the Volunteer Functions Inventory and the Full Range Leadership Theory.
En privatisering av arbetsskadeförsäkringen
The main purpose of this thesis is to analyse the possibilities and problems facing a privatised work injury insurance. This discussion includes the element of premium differentiation. Todays´ Swedish social insurance system is ineffectively formed. The costs have dramatically increased during the 1990´s. The Swedish government is now looking for ways to improve the efficiency of the system.
Rätt man eller kvinna på Rätt plats : En kvalitativ studie om jämställdhet
Citizenship is fundamental for participation in a democracy. It gives us rights but also responsibilities in the state that we are citizens of. Citizenship provides us with the opportunity to vote in order to influence who should govern us. However, not all living in a state are citizens. Some individuals are not included in the political life of the state.In recent years, there has been a rise of nationalist political parties in Europe.
en litteraturstudie om musikterapi som behandlingsform : hur musikterapi kan stimulera och utveckla motoriken hos gravt funktionshindrade barn och ungdomar med retts syndrom och cp skada
University of VäxjöSchool of Social SciencesBachelor Thesis in Political ScienceTitle: ?Sverigedemokraternas valframgångar 2006 ? En ulv i fårakläder??Author: Emma Haraldsson and Åsa NeuschützTutor: Emil UddhammarThe aim of this study is to explain Sverigedemokraterna?s electoral success in 2006 and the essay assumes that some form of change has occurred. To study this change two hypotheses have been constructed. The first hypothesis concerns the change within Sverigedemokraterna and the second hypothesis concerns the change of the Swedish voters attitudes.Kirchheimers catch-all theory is used to explain the change in Sverigedemokraterna. The catch-all theory states that parties have to change their structure to maximise the number of votes.
Tillämpning av ett medium : kvalitativ pilotstudie av två generationers användning av iPad
This study aims to investigate and describe the direction of the ideological development of the Swedish gymnastics association Gymniska Förbundet. Between 1928 and 1932, this organization transformed from a purely gymnastic and cultural association into an influential platform for the production of Swedish nationalist ideology. Based on theories of National Socialism?s formation within modern society, the analysis focus on the conditions regulating Gymniska Förbundets relation to modernity. Thus the study examines the association?s ideas in relationship to the concept of modernity.
Hållbarhetsredovisning i svenska företag: - utveckling, trender och drivkrafter
This study aims to investigate development and reasons behind sustainability reporting in large Swedish companies. By examining 15 companies? environmental and sustainability reports between the years 2000 and 2008, data was collected on matters such as frequency, scope and design. Identified trends were to a large extent in line with previous studies on international development; sustainability reporting is growing in several aspects. The authors have found one major reason for this development to be increasing requirements and expectations from stakeholders and a need for companies to legitimize their actions.
En undersökning av politisk marknadsföring i Sverige: Samordning av budskap mellan kommunal och nationell nivå i svenska politiska partier
Political marketing has changed the way political parties internationally behave in relation to the voters. The purpose of this study was to investigate how political marketing is conducted on a local level in Swedish political parties, and how the local and national level of the political parties coordinate the message they send out to the voters. An explorative study was performed by interviewing experts in the field in the form of politicians on both a local and a national level. Initially the local parties' methods were investigated, followed by a second stage where we researched the link between parties on the local and the national level. Marketing of parties on a local level turned out to a large extent to follow traditional methods.
Trädgårdsterapi- kan det hjälpa? : en kunskapsöversikt om trädgårdsterapins roll vid tillfrisknande från stressrelaterad ohälsa
Syftet med vår studie var att studera trädgårdsterapins roll i människors tillfrisknande från stressrelaterad ohälsa. Studiens frågeställningar var: (1) vilka faktorer beskrivs som stressreducerande i natur och trädgård? (2) på vilket sätt kan personer med stressrelaterad ohälsa bli hjälpta genom trädgårdsterapi? För att besvara våra frågeställningar användes en kvalitativ metod med hjälp av en kunskapsöversikt. Våra analysverktyg har varit KASAM och Coping.Slutsatsen av studien är att trädgård och natur kan stärka återhämtningsprocessen för människor med stressrelaterad ohälsa. Trädgård och natur kan bidra med stressreducerande faktorer som gör att återhämtningen påskyndas och stärks, såsom att hitta lugn, känna trygghet och få utrymme för reflektion.
Kampen om Din Världsbild - En Diskursanalys av Ekelunddebatten från Sydsvenska Dagbladets Kultursidor
AbstractDue to the success of the Populist Party Sverigedemokraterna in the Swedish election of 2006, the daily paper Sydsvenska Dagbladet published a number of columns written by well-known academics, writers and debaters. Their aim was to address the question of why this happened in the election and what it is in the Swedish society today that brought forward these trends. The first and the last word was given to the writer Fredrik Ekelund, and therefore the debate was named Ekelunddebatten.The debaters are fighting to present their view of the world as the only option when categorizing different societal groups and appointing themselves as group representatives. My aim is to unravel these different conceptions of the world and to do this I use the Dicourse Analysis as a method. I discuss the results with Critical Discourse Theory as a theoretical base and also from the view of the current societal discourses: the working class discourse, the multicultural discourse and the discourse of political correctness.I mainly observe four different conceptions of the world with different posing of problems.