1039 Uppsatser om The Green Party - Sida 29 av 70
First green kit : ett inredningsprojekt för det offentliga uterummet
Projektet omfattas av ett parkprojekt med analyser och gestaltning av grönstrukturer i Nynäshamns stad. Inriktningen är utformning av allmänna utrymmen i det offentliga uterummet med fokus att öka tillgängligheten och tillgången av grönytor och parker.Projektet syftar i att skapa värdefulla platser för ökad trygghet och trivsel. Målsättningen är också att visualisera en vision om rum för upplevelser och aktiviteter. Rum i vilka allmänheten frivilligt vistas om den fysiska miljön är god. Stadsrummet utgör en stor del av stadens identitet.
Biodiversitet av evertebrater på vegetativa tak
In a city sometimes conflicts arise between either to save the species-rich vacant lots where many species thrive, or to build new buildings. Green roofs can then serve as a refuge for plants and animals that have had their natural habitat destroyed or diminished. Today we know too little about green roofs contribution to the biodiversity in the cities. We also know very little about how various types of vegetation on roof can increase biodiversity and its ability to attract different species.The aim with this study was to examine how different types of vegetation on the roofs affect the biodiversity of the invertebrate and how species-composition and number of individuals differ between the roof- and groundlevel.This study has been carried out on Augustenborg Botanical Roof Gardens in Malmo, and in an area about 1.5 kilometers away from Augustenborg. Three different types of vegetation on the roof and ground floor were selected: sedum- ruderal and grass.
Inte var väl det så synd? Om församlingspedagogers syn på synd och hur de hanterar ämnet i barn- och konfirmandgrupper
The ambition of this paper is to study the construction of the categorization between ?us? and ?them? in a religious minority, represented by Jehovah?s Witnesses and a nationalist political party, represented by the Swedish Democrats. This will be done by a discursive psychology analysis of their official publications on each group?s website. By a deductive study using Henri Tajfel?s Social Identity Theory trying to disclose the psychological processes; social categorization, social identity, social comparison and psychological distinctiveness.
Miljöaspektens prioritering vid logistikplanering
Titel: Miljöaspektens prioritering vid logistikplanering
Författare: Viveca Freij och Olivia Idström Ekestolpe
Handledare: Björn Carlsson
Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i Företagsekonomi, 15 hp, VT 2013
Nyckelord: Stora företag i Sverige, miljöaspekten, logistikplanering, greenwash, grön marknadsföring, CSR och logistik.
Problemformulering: Hur prioriteras miljöaspekten hos stora företag i Sverige vid logistikplanering?
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utforska om och hur stora företag i Sverige tar hänsyn till miljön vid logistikplanering.
Metod: En kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med ett induktivt angreppssätt. Studien börjar med en intervju med ett transportbolag och följs av en tvärsnittsstudie som genomförs via telefonintervjuer med 33 av Sveriges största arbetsgivare.
Teoretisk referensram: Studien hanterar teorier inom grön marknadsföring, CSR, logistik och grön logistik. Teorier inom grön marknadsföring bidrar till att skapa förståelse om vilka fördelar som grön marknadsföring kan ge.
Varumärkets utveckling till strategisk resurs : varumärkesarbete i svenska statliga bolag
Today, Sweden has about forty companies owned by the government. These are active on markets with variable competition. Some have been given special areas of responsibility that in a practical notion make them monopolists. The period when most public companies where formed (and with that the following subjection to competition) during the nineties and early 2000's, forced the formerly protected businesses to act on the terms of the open market. Parallel to this development the brand has for the last twenty years evolved into something great strategic importance for the business, including the business-to-businesses (B2B).
Värnpliktens vara eller icke vara : En argumentationsanalys av riksdagsdebatten om försvarsproposition 2008/09:140, angående Svenska försvarsmaktens framtida personalförsörjning
Sweden's government says in the bill 2008/09: 140 that military service should be suspended and replaced with a system based on voluntary recruitment. In the essay, I will make an argument analysis of the parliamentary debate on the bill from the 12th of June 2009 with the following questions: On what is the different side?s argument based on? Are the arguments essentially and factually substantiated? Is there a clear political party tendency among the for-/counter arguments? The method is a "Pro et contra" analysis, a logical systematization of the arguments. The analysis will take start in the headline; Conscription should be suspended in favour of a voluntary system based on contract employed soldiers. The presentation of arguments in the analysis will be guided by the chronological order.
The rabbit as an animal model in dental implant research : with special reference to bone augmenting materials
Dental implants that are integrated into the jaw bones are widely used to replace lost teeth in human beings. Tooth-loss is often related to loss of the surrounding alveolar bone. This can make implant placement difficult and a bone substituting material may be required. The standard method is to use a bone graft harvested from the patient which requires additional surgery than that needed for implant placement. Limitations in the amount of bone that can be harvested also pose a problem.
En bild säger mer än tusen ord. En studie om hur unga tjejer och killar talar om droger
The aim of this study is to examine how young people look at and perceive drugs by studying how they discuss and reason about drugs. The essay's main interest is not whether young people use drugs or not. We are primarily interested in how young people talk about drugs. The questions that we want to get answered are:What are the beliefs that young people have about drugs, drug use and drug users? More specifically we seek answers to which images, symbols and attributes that young people links to drugs, drug use and drug users.What is important in young people's construction of beliefs about drugs and drug users? More specifically, which are the information sources and reference groups that young people assigns significance?We used focus group interviews as the research method.
Dagvattenhantering i den täta staden
This thesis adresses the subject of stormwater management and the problematic with stormwatermanagment and landuse in the compact city. The thesis research different solutions in stormwater managment and how to implement them in the context of the compact city. And at the same time preserve and make good recreaational places and keep quality green land per capita. The thesis also analyses risks and problems that could effect the environment with focus on stormwater managment and hov to minimize these problematic factors an create a good environment. In an urban context where the water has a natrual place, and is used as a asset.
Hur ?vi? konstruerar ?vi? : En deduktiv diskurspsykologisk studie av vi-dem konstruktioner utifrån social identitetsteori
The ambition of this paper is to study the construction of the categorization between ?us? and ?them? in a religious minority, represented by Jehovah?s Witnesses and a nationalist political party, represented by the Swedish Democrats. This will be done by a discursive psychology analysis of their official publications on each group?s website. By a deductive study using Henri Tajfel?s Social Identity Theory trying to disclose the psychological processes; social categorization, social identity, social comparison and psychological distinctiveness.
Vertikala Trädgårdar : ett grönt verktyg i planeringen av framtida urbana miljöer
In present time, more and more people move into cities. Densification of cities as planning policy together with an intensive urbanization, makes urban planners face with the contradictory task of creating a city that is both dense and green. Façade vegetation has been used for centuries, mainly in the form of various climbing plants that with or without supportive structures have spread over facades to give a green impression to the environment. The development of new technology today allows urban planners to use greenery integrated with façades. Vertical gardens offer a larger variety of plants, and at the same time takes advantage of the technological benefits of vegetation in city planning.
Testdriven utveckling för mobila applikationer/Android
Android is one of the leading software platforms for the new generation of smartphones. The market for applications is growing rapidly. So to be able to compete with such large competition the applications need a solid and stable development methodology. Therefore have we created an application based on a test-driven development, to investigate if the methodology was applicable on the Android platform. The conclusion is that Android?s suitability for test-driven development is dependent on the application that is being developed and if difficulties concerning the testing framework can be avoided.
När tågen slutat gå : förvandling av övergiven räls till publikt promenad- och parkstråk
Abandoned and unused railway structures often possess
great potential if they are reclaimed and reused for new
purposes. The thesis focuses on the global trend of
restoring and revitalizing these areas, converting them
into park areas, rail trails and green corridors in the city
landscape, while preserving their ecological, social, esthetic and historic values.
These rail areas were often abandoned when industries
moved out from the cities, either to industrial areas or
abroad. The use of railways for transporting industrial
goods was also replaced to a large extent my motorized
road vehicles in the mid 20th century, leaving the rails
under-utilized. Because of their location and intrinsic
values, they can be reused for important functions, such
as green areas in the city environment, providing space for
recreational activities and exercise and social meetings and
I have closely investigated the three park areas High Line in New York, Promenade Plantée in Paris and Schöneberger
Südgelände in Berlin, which have all gone through this
transformation in recent years. I have summarized my
conclusions in three key concepts to consider: design for
social values, preserve the architectural history, and leave
room for future evolution.
The final part of my work is a design program for an
abandoned railways area in Stockholm: Eriksdal railway
vem är journalisten : en samtalsanalytisk studie av partiledarintervjuer med fokus på journalistikens ideologi
Who is the journalist, a conversation analysis of interviews with party leaders during the 2006 election period, focus on the ideology of journalismÖrebro University, Department of Humanities, Media- and Communication studies, C-studySupervisor: Mats EkströmAuthor: Erica HellstrandIn contemporary society the media is part of the politics, or maybe, politics is part of the media. Whatever the case, they are important to each other, the media play a conclusive role in the connect between politics and citizens, and thus, results of election. The relation between the media and politics should continuously be studied and discussed in the continuously changing modern society.This paper examines the practice of news journalism in interviews with swedish party leaders during the 2006 election period. Focusing on how the ideology of journalism and the professional identity of journalists affect the practice the researcher hopes to contribute to the further understanding of the area. Steven E.
?Man kan säga att det var en bra grej till slut? ? En kvalitativ studie om ungdomars upplevelser i ungdomsprojekt Green Team
Antalet arbetslösa ungdomar är stort i dagens samhälle. Det finns många åtgärder som bedrivs av landets kommuner som riktar sig till unga arbetslösa socialbidragstagare, men det finns för lite kunskap om dessas innehåll och resultat, samt om hur deltagandet i dessa åtgärder upplevs av ungdomarna själva.Syftet med denna studie är att få en ökad förståelse för vilka komponenter som deltagare iungdomsprojekt anser vara viktiga och varför. Vi vände oss till deltagare i projektet Green Team,som riktades mot långtidsarbetslösa ungdomar mellan 21 ? 25 år och som finansierades avstadsdelen Angered. Projektets syfte var att höja ungdomarnas sociala kompetens för att underlätta deras etablering på arbetsmarknaden.