1039 Uppsatser om The Green Party - Sida 21 av 70
Intressemakt - Relationen mellan stat och intresseorganisationer i demokratiteoretisk belysning
Which general outlines are preferable in the relation between organizations and government? From normative theory and method I throw light upon this question by defining and comparing two different democratic standpoints. The substantial democratic standpoint focuses on political effectiveness and the procedural democratic standpoint focuses on equal representation. The normative discussion aims at comparing how well the different standpoints function in political praxis. Since the ambition is to discuss concrete praxis I have also chosen to analyse an extensive case of interest influence in Swedish politics empirically.
Negativ publicitet och ökade opinionssiffror: En studie om medias bevakning av Sverigedemokraterna
The study aims to show how the publicity surrounding the Sweden Democrats have been during November in 2012 when polls for the party rose. The method that has been used is quantitative content analysis and a total of 215 articles from tabloids Expressen and Aftonbladet are encoded. The period of the encoded material has been in November 2012 and the variables have been designed to answer how much publicity Sweden Democrats have received during that period, any topic that the articles touched on, the actors that have been cited, if players have received criticism or praise, how the party looked like and if certain words were used in the articles.The theories of the study are based on agenda setting, priming, ?The spiral of silence? and democratic role of the media. They concern, among other things, how media sets the agenda for what people think is important and how after being exposed to something, subconsciously creates a feedback about the phenomenon.The results show that the Sweden Democrats have received much negative publicity at a time when their poll numbers increase, which goes against the established truth that says that positive publicity is beneficial to the parties while the negative publicity is adverse..
NÄTVERKSMARKNADSFÖRING : Direkthandel med fokusering på home party
Marknadsföring är ett extremt brett begrepp och antalet metoder som finns att marknadsförasitt företag är enorma. I dagens samhälle utsätts vi för tusentals marknadsföringsbudskap ochde flesta sorterar vi bort automatiskt. Därför är det viktigt att kunna marknadsföra sig på ett såeffektivt sätt som möjligt. Det finns ingen marknadsföringsmetod som är bäst för alla företag,utan varje företag måste undersöka och prova vilken metod som passar för just det dem. Enform av marknadsföring som är effektiv kostnadsmässigt är nätverksmarknadsföring, där dethandlar om att människor blir återförsäljare för företaget och marknadsför företagetsprodukter samt rekryterar nya återförsäljare.
Utvecklingen av energieffektiv teknologi i svenska datorcenter
This thesis investigate how energy efficient measures has spread throughout the data centers in Sweden. These questions are put up against a theoretical use of such concepts such as green IT, technological evolution, large technical systems and knowledge dissemination. These theories are used to answer the questions that are encountered during the study, such as how green IT is approached, how big of a role environmental thinking has had in the evolvement of these new technologies. The study has been conducted in a longitudinal manner, it is an observation of the phenomenon that is data centers over a longer period of time. 23 non structured interviews spanning over 27.5 hours of recorded material have been conducted alongside a study of archived material.
Förortens utemiljöer : teorier, metoder och analyser för gestaltning av friytestruktur i gles förortsbebyggelse : exempel på arbetsmetoder för grönområdesanalyser och utvecklingsförslag för friytorna i Runby, Upplands Väsby
This paper constitiutes graduate work at the Swedish University of Agriculture Science, the Department of Urban and Rural Development, Ultuna. The main objective of this work has been, in part, using the municipality of Runby as an example, to test different inventory and analysis methods directed towards a sociotopic usage perspective. A secondary objective has been, based on knowledge obtained from current research results concerning the usage of green areas, to transfer the analysis results to a proposal for a free space planning over Runby.
People living in the countryside often have good access to nature as well as access to a garden of their own. In the city, however, there are considerably less people that have access to a private outdoor spaces so the parks become a type of public living room for all the inhabitants. Through the lack of private green spaces and through the anonymity of the city, an inviting atmosphere is created towards spending time in the park.
Sintidsutfodringens påverkan på kons hälsa : en studie av den upplevda förändringen efter införande av Keenans rådgivningssystem
This essay examines what some of the Swedish authorities? argument are for vegetation, what their grounds are for the arguments and why vegetation is important for the human health and experience. I have examined publications and reports from 6 different authorities on state- , regional and communal level. The authorities which publications I have studied are Boverket, Naturvårdsverket, Folkhälsoinstitutet, Miljödepartementet, Länsstyrelsen Skåne och Malmö Kommun. The publications has been analyzed by different themes; Children and young peoples influence of vegetation, Elderly and sick?s influence of vegetation, Human health, wellbeing and experience of vegetation, Vegetation at work, The influence of vegetation on stress and The effect of vegetation in the city.
Planering av vegeterat tak -växtlista samt utformningsförslag för förrådstak vid trädgårdsmästeriet i Universitetsparken, Mariestad
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design, 15 hp, 2015.
Litteratur och intervjustudie inom Green Production : Vad skiljer Lean Production från Green Production, hur uppfattas arbete med miljöförbättrande åtgärder och vilka problem kan uppstå vid implementering av ett grönt produktionssätt?
Följande rapport är resultatet av det examensarbete som utförts våren 2011 inom innovativ produktion/logistik vid Mälardalens Högskola. Examensarbete behandlar ämnet Green Production med fokus på skillnader mellan ett produktionssystem som bygger på Lean Production och ett som bygger på Green Production. Områden som berörs i rapporten är de verktyg som används i de olika produktionssystemen, hur arbetet med miljöförbättrande åtgärder kan se ut i praktiken samt vilka svårigheter som finns vid arbete med miljöförbättrande åtgärder i ett företag. Examensarbetet består av en litteraturstudie där aktuell litteratur studerats inom området samt en intervjustudie som genomförts med insatta inom miljöfrågor kopplat till produktion samt operatörer.Bakgrunden till examensarbetet grundar sig i att världen står inför en framtid där många utav de råmaterial som används idag vid produktion inte kommer att kunna nyttjas i framtiden. Detta i kombination med de miljöproblem som människan åsamkat, har bidragit till att många företag insett att miljöaspekter måste vara i åtanke genom hela produktionsprocessen.Den uppfattning som erhållits genom intervjustudierna är att det är viktigt för ett företag att visa att de arbetar med miljöförbättrande åtgärder.
Junilistan i europaparlamentsvalet 2004 : Ett mediedrama i tre akter
AbstractTitle: The Junilistan in the elections of the European Parliament in 2004 A media drama in three actsNumber of pages: 42Author: Kristiina RuutiTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies CUniversity: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityDate of submission: 2007-01-13, autumn term of 2006Purpose/Aim:The purpose of the essay is to examine the media coverage of the Swedish Junilistan in the elections of the European Parliament in Sweden 2004. My hypothesis is that the media coverage of the political party Junilistan was a media drama with elements of classical dramaturge.Material/Method:Qualitative content analyses of four Swedish newspapers from a narratological perspective.Main results:The media coverage of the political party Junilistan was a media drama with elements of classical dramaturge. The coverage became a drama with three acts. Diverse actors with different projects could be identified from the articles.Keywords:Narrative, election journalism, classic drama, mediadrama, actant, European parliament.
EN ANNAN RETORIK? Nationalistiska partiers anv?ndning av nationalistisk milj?- och klimatpolitik
Climate change is a phenomenon that know no boundaries. While focus on environment and
climate change has become highly prioritized, nationalism has spread across Europe.
Nationalism is by many considered to refuse action to combat climate change although some
argue that nationalism could combat global climate change. Previous research on how
nationalism is implemented in environment and climate politics has mainly focused on single
parties. The thesis therefore aims to give a broad approach and compare how nationalism is
used in environment and climate politics by analyzing 4 European parties with either ethnic or
civic nationalism and different roles in their party system. With a qualitative content analysis
on party programs and election manifestos the findings imply that parties use nationalism in
the climate and environment discourse in a variety of ways.
Utanförskap i det klasslösa samhället. En analys av förståelsen av klass och social ojämlikhet i svensk politisk debatt
This study explores the notion of class and social inequality as expressed in the Swedish election campaign of 2006 and in the reception of the Swedish conservative party as a "worker's party". Inspired by Fairclough's critical discourse analysis I have carried through an investigation of the debate. My sources consists in a collection of articles, mainly leader columns and contributions to the debate, from a selected number of Swedish newspapers.I found that an explicit discussion about class, or use of the concept as such, was largely absent. In cases where the concept occurred it was often used in a purely descriptive sense or dismissed as outdated. Furthermore, I have drawn the conclusion that the traditional understanding of class is being challenged by a discourse which aims at establishing a new understanding of social inequality as lack of paid work.I take my point of departure in the belief that class continues to be one of the most important bases of social inequality.
Lika men olika : Sverigedemokraterna och Socialdemokraterna i svensk rikspress på nätet 2010
AbstractTitle: Similar but different ? Sweden Democrats and Swedish Social Democratic Party in Swedish newspapers online during 2010 (Lika men olika ? Sverigedemokraterna och Socialdemokraterna i svensk rikspress på nätet 2010).Number of pages: 35 (40 including enclosures)Author: Magnus MjöhagenTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication studies CPeriod: Autumn 2010University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information and Media, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/aim: To discover any possible difference between the media report concerning The Sweden Democrats and the Swedish Social Democratic Party in Swedish news press.Material/method: A quantitative content analysis has been made with 64 articles from the homepages of the four biggest news papers in Sweden: Aftonbladet.se, Expressen.se, DN.se (Dagens Nyheter) and SvD.se (Svenska Dagbladet). The analysis focused on four themes: 1) framing in the articles, 2) impersonation in the articles, 3) the democratic task of journalism and 4) the expectations of journalism in an election campaign.Main results: The main results showed that the difference between the two parties either was nonexistent or very small. The articles were sometimes framed in specific ways, but a big amount of the articles were not framed. Impersonation occurred in about half of the cases, concerning both parties.
Den nya vågen : En undersökning av den moderna nationalismen i Europa med fokus på Österrikiska frihetspartiet.
The aim of this study is to provide an investigation of an ?old? political phenomenon that over the recent years has enjoyed a considerable revival across Europe. This study about nationalism is mainly based on empirical second hand source material from literature and articles providing us with both a historical as well as a contemporary insight in this ideology. This study shows us the complexity and the difficulties that the academia is facing regarding nationalism due to the dynamic nature of the ideology, in the sense that it simply means different things to different peoples in different cultures across different points in time. The study is conducted by using a phenomenological, qualitative and inductive method of gathering and interpreting information. A handful of books have formed the foundation through the gathering of relevant empirical information, along with articles from both scientific publications as well as the mainstream media. The data have been studied and laid out to make key points regarding nationalism and the theory behind it clear for the reader.
"Som politiker ska man vara noga med att inte lägga sig i"- Om politisk påverkan i socialt arbete
This study is about the perception of politics in social work. The aim of the study was to seehow people working with social work in municipalities describe their perception of how politicsaffect their work. The study was conducted in two municipalities in middle Sweden,which had a transfer of power in the 2006 election. Six people; two social workers, two executivedirectors and two politicians was interviewed about their perceptions about politics, ifthe ideological direction of the municipal matters, and how politics effect social work and theorganization. As analyze method organizational theory with focus on change and power wereused.
Från ansökarland till medlemsstat. -En studie av Polens förhandlingsprestation under EU-utvidgningsförhandlingarna
In May 2004 the European Union enlarged from 15 to 25 member states and it was the biggest enlargement since the foundation. Two years earlier Poland, as one of the new member states, finished four years of accession negotiations with the EU.This study focus on the case of Poland and how the accession negotiations with EU were conducted. According to the theoretical framework of asymmetric negotiations Poland was said to be a weak party and the EU was considered a strong party in the enlargement negotiations.The aim of the thesis is to examine Poland's negotiation performance and determine what Polish failure and success in the accession negotiations depends on. The research contains a illustration of the motives for enlargement, the negotiation process and structure, attitudes and behaviour and finally results of negotiations in specific areas.The study concludes that Poland's negotiation performance was influenced by the Polish negotiation team's unpleasant attitude, confused organizational structure, lack of coalition partners and the strong will to become a member state, in both positive and negative ways. Finally, Poland was most successful in negotiations that concerned specific issues which were of great importance for Poland but less prioritized by the EU..