

1130 Uppsatser om The Federal Funds Rate - Sida 8 av 76

Medical Care : En jämförelse mellan kursinnehållet och dess utförande i Sverige och i Danmark som leder till ett internationellt certifikat i Medical Care

This thesis has been done at the powder department (GH) at AB Sandvik Coromant in Gimo. With a rheometer measurements has been made on raw materials and powder blends. The focus of this report has been to find correlations between raw material powders and press data, comparisons have also been made between raw materials and powder blends.The rheometer can show information of how a powder act in flow conditions, together with air and with pressure. Analyses has been done comparing the rheometer data with press parameters (for example: rejected orders, weight variations and the compaction pressure) with the goal to find correlations between the powders flow properties and the powders compaction in production.The measurements and analyses have been showing that the powder flow properties depends on the powders composition and that properties like flow rate, aeration and permeability varies between powder blends and batches of the same powder sort. It seems to exist a correlation between the pressure force and the flow rate of a raw material.

Dygnsvariation av metanemission från en anlagd våtmark

The aim of the study was to investigate if methane emission in a constructed wetland changed in a diurnal pattern correlating to temperature, humidity or light conditions. The gas measurements were carried out with a static chamber technique. The wetland (in Nykvarn outside of Linköping, Sweden) takes care of wastewater to reduce the nitrogen loads. Measurements were carried out at three different occasions in the summer of 1998 on two sites in the wetland. One site was close to the inflow, inhabited by Lemnaceae, and another site was located further downstream inhabited by the emergent macrophyte Typha latifolia.

Faderskapsanalys av tallfrö från Västerhus fröplantage : Skillnaden i pollenkontaminering mellan öppen pollinering och pollinering inom ett avgränsat system

In this study, pollen contamination (measured by the number of seeds pollinated by pollen not belonging to any of the clones on the seed orchard) is compared between open pollination and isolated pollination environments in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seed orchard called Västerhus, located outside Önsköldsvik. In this seed orchard a tent experiment is taking place. Skogforsk has built six large tents covering 12-14 trees with each tent. Fertilization patterns were compared between one tree in a tent with a supplementation of pollen from five clones not represented in the tent and another tree of the same clone subject to open pollination outside the tents. By using DNA markers the paternity was determined for 48 seeds from each tree.

Faderskapsanalys av tallfrö från Västerhus fröplantage : Skillnad i pollenkontaminering mellan öppen pollinering och pollinering inom ett avgränsat system

In this study, pollen contamination (measured by the number of seeds pollinated by pollen not belonging to any of the clones on the seed orchard) is compared between open pollination and isolated pollination environments in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seed orchard called Västerhus, located outside Önsköldsvik. In this seed orchard a tent experiment is taking place. Skogforsk has built six large tents covering 12-14 trees with each tent. Fertilization patterns were compared between one tree in a tent with a supplementation of pollen from five clones not represented in the tent and another tree of the same clone subject to open pollination outside the tents. By using DNA markers the paternity was determined for 48 seeds from each tree.

Den ekonomiska lönsamheten för solvärme i Sverige

The sun is an endless energy source and the heat it produces can be used to heatup our homes. This technology is relatively old and was introduced in the late70-s. There are two kinds of solar collectors that are most frequently used todayand these are plain solar collectors and vacuum solar collectors. The plain solarcollectors are the once that are used the most but the vacuum solar collectorshave increased more as a percentage the last couple of years.The biggest question asked regarding an investment in solar heating is if theplant is economically profitable. This question has no direct answer because itis dependent on a couple of prerequisites.

Hedging Core and Non-Core Risks: Evidence from Forestry and Paper Industry

A great number of empirical researches show that hedging is associated with higher firm value, particularly hedging interest rate and exchange rate. However, there is no clear support for value-added risk management hypothesis in the case of producers of commodities. Moreover, according to Shrand and Unal (1997), there are two types of risks, core business risks (or core risk) and homogeneous risks (or non core risks), which are based on a firm's comparative advantages with respects to the source of risk. Firm can earn economic profits for bearing core risks in which it has a comparative information advantage. Firm earn a zero economic rents for bearing non-core risks, where it has no advantage information than its competitors.

Skatteplanering vs. den optimala kapitaliseringsgraden

This thesis deals with the legislative problem of thin and thick capitalization of subsidiary companies situated abroad. This kind of companies are often used for tax planning purposes, as means for transferring company profit from a high tax state to a low tax state. Today, the legislative flora around the world mainly focuses on the question"how low/high can the capitalization level of the company be, before thin/thick capitalization can be considered to be at hand?". Instead, this thesis raises the question"how far from the optimal capitalization rate is a probable capitalization level for a company, and can this be an alternative approach to legislation?".

Styrr?ntans olika effekt p? bostadsmarknaden - En komparativ studie om hur bostadspriserna p?verkas olika av r?ntef?r?ndringar i stora och sm? st?der.

This quantitative study aims to investigate whether there is a difference in the effect of the policy rate on the price per square meter for condominiums between small and large cities in Sweden. The study encompasses a total of seven Swedish municipalities, of which three located in large cities and four in small cities. Data regarding housing sales and additional variables have been collected for all municipalities, and the price per square meter is the dependent variable in the regressions performed on the dataset, which constitutes the empirical basis of the study. The aim is further to contribute to an increased understanding of how the effect of the policy rate might differ between Swedish cities and why. The results of the study show significant differences in how the policy rate affects the price per square meter in a small city compared to a large city, with the effect being greater in the latter.

Etiska fonder - ett etiskt dilemma?

Idag föreligger ett stort intresse för att placera i etiska fonder, men det råder delade meningar om vad en etisk fond innebär. Det finns ingen universell applicerbar kod utan det är upp till fondbolagen själva att definiera vad som är etiskt för dem. Det är således svårt att fastställa något entydigt begrepp för vad som kan anses vara etiskt eller inte då begreppet etik är såväl subjektivt och relativt samt varierar över tiden. Allt oftare uppdagas hur företag världen över kopplas till svåra missförhållanden eller är inblandade i oetiska verksamheter. Flera av dessa företag ägs indirekt av oss konsumenter genom våra pensionsmedel och privat sparande i fonder.

Analys av institutionell kapitalförvaltning: Stiftelserna som bildades ur de forna löntagarfonderna

This paper studies the research foundations created in 1994 from the former wage earners? funds out of a portfolio management point of view. Firstly it describes the seven largest foundations and their different portfolio management structures. Secondly it analyses the performance of these foundations measured as the intercept, Jensen?s a, in a linear regression of the excess returns of a portfolio versus a proxy for the market, as well as the Sharpe-ratio.

Verka utan att synas - eller bara osynlig? Kommunikatörens roll i den svenska a-kassan.

The purpose of the essay was to examine the role of the professional communicator in the Swedish Unemployment Funds. Focus was on measures carried out by the communicator to enhance and streamline communication and how the communicator supports their coworkers in their own communication role. In order to fulfill the purpose, two main questions were asked;? How do the communicators support and develop their coworkers communication role?? What to the communicators identify as challenges in their work in doing this?The theoretical base of the essay was Heide and Simonssons (2011) challenges for the professional communicator. The theory states that organizations communication processes are the foundation to its existence and development and that the professional communicator therefore needs a solid base with the possibility to monitor the whole organization.A questionnaire was sent to communicators in all Swedish Unemployment Funds and even though the non-response was rather considerable, the answers received was assessed sufficient to make an analysis.

Mervärdesskatt undantaget för förvaltning av investeringsfonder : Tillämpningssvårigheter avseende 3 kap. 9 § 3 st. 2 p. Mervärdesskattelagen medför rättsosäkerhet

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka metoder lärare använder vid undervisning för hållbar utveckling i grundskolans tidigare år. För att operationalisera begreppet hållbar utveckling i vår studie använde vi oss av fyra av de förmågor som presenteras i Inger Björneloos studie; förmågan att se helheter och sammanhang, förmågan att med inlevelse ha förståelse för andra människors livssituation, förmågan att se sin delaktighet och sitt ansvar samt förmågan att argumentera för olika ståndpunkter. Vi undersökte i vilken utsträckning relationen mellan lärares metodval och ett specifikt undervisningsinnehåll överensstämmer med de miljöundervisningstraditioner som växt fram i den svenska skolan. Studien bygger på en enkät som delades ut till lärare i en liten kommun i Sverige. För att analysera våra data använde vi oss till viss del av programmet IBM SPSS Statistics 22.Resultatet visade att det inte var några markanta skillnader gällande lärares metodval vid undervisning för hållbar utveckling.

Comparison between anesthesia with sufentanil-midazolam and sevoflurane in medetomidine premedicated rabbits undergoing ovariohysterectomy

Rabbits carry a high risk of anesthesia related death. This study was part of a project to develop a form of total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) with minimal effects on cardiac, respiratory and metabolic parameters. In the study, TIVA with sufentanil and midazolam (group TIVA, n=9) was compared with inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane (group SEVO, n=9) in female rabbits undergoing surgery (ovariehysterectomi). All rabbits were pre-medicated with medetomidin and carprofen before anesthesia induction. Anesthesia was induced with TIVA (2.3 ?g/ ml sufentanil, 0.45 mg/ ml midazolam) at a rate of 4 ml/ kg/ h and the mean induction dose was 0.4 ?g/ kg of sufentanil and 0.1mg/ kg of midazolam.

Kartläggning av skidinstruktörers hälsostatus : Generellt förekommande skador inom detta yrke

Good physical, psychological and social health is pursued both at work and at home. There is no current research into the health of ski instructors despite the physically demanding nature of skiing and high injury rate. The purpose of this study is to map out ski instructors physical and psychological health and see if there are common injuries amongst them. This study is a descriptive and correlating study including a survey of ten questions with self reported data from the instructors. Five ski schools from Sweden participated in the study and 86 surveys got sent out to the ski school directors.The result from this study shows that ski instructor´s physical, physiological, well being at work, stress level and self efficacy is good.

Förluster i olika ensileringssystem

In Sweden the climate makes it impossible to feed fresh herbage to cattle during many months of the year. During periods when preserved forage must be supplied it is important that this forage is stored in such a way that high quality is retained, both nutritionally and hygienically. Furthermore, it is essential that losses occurring when handling and storing the forage are kept as low as possible. This study compares storage in tower silos, bunker silos, big bags and bales,estimating dry matter losses as well as losses in metabolizable energy and crude protein that occur during storage. The results show that tower silos, bunker silos and big bags, the systems with the largest amount of forage and a long feed out period involve larger losses than bales, which are fed out immediately after being opened. As the feed out rate influences the losses, tower silos and bunker silos should be used during the period of the year when the feed out rate is as high as possible, i.e.

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