

1130 Uppsatser om The Federal Funds Rate - Sida 61 av 76

Reducering av kassationer på Cloetta Fazer AB

This master?s thesis was performed during the fall of 2006 at Cloetta Fazer AB in Ljungsbro. Cloetta Fazer is the market leader in Scandinavia of manufacturing confectionary and chocolates. The purpose of the project has been to identify causes that impact the quantity of waste in production as well as a cost/benefit analysis of the solutions that can reduce the problem of production waste.The work includes four production lines that are individually designed depending on what kind of product that are produced on the line. By using qualitative and quantitative methods such as focus groups, interviews and observations data has been collected.

Innovativ utmatningsteknik : Mediumstor bulkförvaringslösning

This master thesis was done for a company called BRUKS which is active in woodprocessing,bio-energy and bulk material handling industry. The idea for the master thesis wasto develop a new reclaiming method for silos where wood chips are being stored. A mediumsegment of between 1000 ? 5000 m3was defined as the segment with the most sales potential.Two different concepts were produced, one for new constructions and one for rebuildingalready existing silos.In the beginning of the master thesis a lot of time was spent on visiting different BRUKSoffices and customers to get an overview of the industry and the product. This informationwas the basis when the idea generating phase began.

Reducering av produktionstryck i A-linan : Förflyttning av produkt

In the production of pulp, paper and cardboard, a large amount of water is used daily. The water has to be purified in the internal purifying plant before it reaches the receiving body of water. In the biological purifying stage at the Stora Enso Skoghall mill, an aerated basin is used where the microorganisms, using oxygen, oxidize the organic material to carbon dioxide. The air is pumped from the bottom of the basin and the oxygen can then be transported from the air bubbles to the water through diffusion. The problem with aeration of waste water from the forest industry is that wood residues, such as fatty acids, are making the transport of oxygen in water more difficult.

Produktion av Pyrolysolja från kvistrejekt

Fast pyrolysis is a method for converting biomass into three energy rich products: char, gas and bio-oil, where the latter is most interesting.  Pyrolysis is an endothermic process where biomass is heated in an anaerobic environment and, with the right operating conditions, up to 80 %wt bio-oil can be extracted. Key parameters for fast pyrolysis are: stable reactor temperature (~500°C), short residue time for gas in the reactor (<2 s) and a very high heating rate for the biomass. Today there are several different process solutions for fast pyrolysis, where fluidized beds and rotating cones are most developed. Bio-oil has compared to fossil oil: lower heating value, low pH and also polymerizes with time. Because of this upgrading is desirable for increasing competitiveness.

Migration losses of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts at a hydropower station area in River Åbyälven, Northern Sweden : passage fates at a reservoir, a power house and a bypass structure

A large number of rivers in northern Sweden have hydropower developments that cause negative effects on both up- and downstream migrations of anadromous species like Atlantic salmon. So far, most attention has focused on the hindrances of adult fish during their upstream spawning migration. However, since turbines in power stations cause losses on downstream passing fish, the focus on negative effects on smolts has increased. The aim of this study was to compare three different causes of losses of salmon smolts passing downstream through a power station area in the flow-controlled River Åbyälven in northern Sweden.A total of 61 wild salmon smolts were caught and radio-tagged in the River Åbyälven during their downstream migration in June 2009. The salmon smolts were released at three locations, 1.1 km upstream from the power station, in the turbine intake and in the upper part of a fishway, acting both for up- and downstream fish passage.

Line?extensions; A longitudinal study concerning effects on brand equity

Thesis purposeThe study aims to examine the effects vertical and horizontal line extensions might have on the total parent brand equity in terms of strength and its baseline product regarding of market share, loyalty and penetration under an elapsed period of time. The study aims to investigate a number of actual conducted line extensions effect on the above mentioned aspects of Kellers (1993) definition of brand strength as a part of the total brand equity. MethodologyThe effect of a number of line extensions of the parent brands and the baseline products is being examined in terms of market share, loyalty rate, cannibalization and market penetration. The thesis is focused on the correlations between these different parameters during a certain elapsed time ratio in order to test our theoretically routed hypothesizes in a deductive manner. Occasional correlations are derived from an indexation of data collected from the Gfk database.

Effektiva återkopplingsverktyg för elanvändning : En studie som syftar till att identifiera utvecklingsmöjligheter för att uppnå ett mer hållbart energisystem år 2030

Feedback tools support electricity users within the Swedish residential sector to increase their knowledge of electricity and the electricity market as well as to become more aware of their electricity consumption, which in turn encourages a reduction and an increased flexibility of electricity use. The primary aim of this study is to identify and analyse how existing feedback tools can be improved, to ensure that they contribute efficiently to the achievement of the EU objectives congruent with a more sustainable energy system in 2030, emphasizing: greenhouse gas reduction, increased energy efficiency and an increased share of renewable energy. In order to reach the primary aim of this study, existing feedback tools have been identified and mapped and interviews with feedback tools providers have been conducted. The study is limited to three research areas: the practical functions of feedback tools, available technology and the use of feedback tools.The use of more efficient feedback tools will provide an increased success rate for energy management, which includes both behavioural changes and energy efficiency. According to the results from the interviews conducted for this study, an increased use and user frequency is important to utilise the energy management potential.

Myror i brallan. -Hur gör lärare? : En enkätstudie bland verksamma lärare inom Stockholms län

Syftet är att undersöka hur lärare arbetar för att skapa en fungerande klassrumsmiljö för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter som går i normalstor klass, samt att undersöka hur skolor organiserar stödet för dessa elever. Dessutom vill vi undersöka vad lärare anser om inkluderande undervisning av elever med koncentrationssvårigheter i normalstor klass. Syftet är även att undersöka hur lärare värderar sina förmågor att kunskapsmässigt kunna stimulera dessa elever. Undersökningen är baserad på en enkätstudie som har genomförts i två kommuner inom Stockholms län. Av de 100 enkäter som skickades ut till lärare fick vi 63 respondenter.

Hur skiljer sig investeringsbedömningen mellan kommunala och privata fastighetsbolag?

This dissertation aims to explore how an investment appraisal differs depending on if it is conducted by a municipal or a private real estate company. Municipal and private real estate companies are not performing on totally equal terms in the property market. A municipal company in Sweden has a public service mission. The consequence due to that mission is that they have limited yield potential but on the other hand the right to certain subsidies. They are also limited by the law of public purchasing (in Swedish: Lag om offentlig upphandling) in the investment process.

Effekt av biotintillförsel på klövhälsan hos mjölkkor i lösdrift : ett kontrollerat fältförsök på tre gårdar

The Effects of dietary biotin supplementation on hoof health in Swedish dairy cows - a controlled cohort field study. The aim of the present degree project was to investigate the effects of biotin supplementation on hoof health in dairy cows. The experiment was performed as a controlled cohort study in three commercial farms in western Sweden from January 2002 to October 2002. The cows were all housed in cubicle systems with transponder concentrate feeding systems. Within each farm the cows were allocated to either biotin or control treatment. The biotin groups received 20 mg of biotin per cow and day, starting 14 days before expected calving.

Evaluation of preanalytic methods in order to shorten the processing time before identification of fungal microorganisms by the MALDI-TOF MS

Identification of fungi is based on macroscopic observations of morphology and microscopic characteristics. These conventional methods are time-consuming and requires expert knowledge. For the past years Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry has been used for routine bacterial identification in clinical laboratories but not yet in the same extension for fungi. In this study three preanalytic preparation methods for fungi were evaluated in order to shorten the processing time in routine laboratory performance.Clinically relevant strains (n=18) of molds and dermatophytes were cultivated on agar plates and prepared according to the different preparation methods for protein extraction. Each strain was analyzed in quadruplicate by the MALDI Biotyper and the database Filamentous Fungi Library 1.0.The results showed that the genus and species identification rates of the least time-consuming direct extraction method were 33% and 11% respectively.

En studie om konflikten mellan företags affärsstrategi och CSR-arbete i lågprishandeln

A wish for a higher standard of living has driven the rate of consumption in Sweden. Mainfocus in business is on a higher growth and profitability where some companies use a lowprice strategy to win competitive advantage. The positive consumption pattern spiral is oftendiscussed in media, while criticism is limited and often refers to the environment. In order toreduce our ecological footprint we should consume more sustainably. More and morecompanies implement CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in their business strategy tobecome more sustainable.

Skolbetygens betydelse vid rekrytering : En studie i hur arbetsgivare ser på skolbetygen vid mötet med en arbetssökande.

Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka hur stor vikt arbetsgivare lägger på en ansökandes skolbetyg, om det skiljer sig mellan olika skolbetyg och om olika branscher ser olika på betyg och vad de påvisar. För att ta reda på detta gjorde jag fem intervjuer med utvalda arbetsgivare inom olika branscher. Jag jämförde dem sedan med tidigare forskning och litteratur samt med läroplanen och vad den säger om vad betygen ska sättas på för att få en djupare förståelse för dels hur väl intervjuerna representerade det arbetsgivarna anser om skolbetyg och dels vad som skulle kunna utvecklas för att skapa en mer gynnsam användning av skolbetyg. Resultatet visade tydligt att arbetsgivare inte tittar nämnvärt på skolbetygen och görs det så handlar det om en allmän behörighet som yrkesrollen kräver. Inom mer akademiska yrken verkade arbetsgivaren ha en större medvetenhet om vad betygen visar men det använde sig ändå inte nämnvärt av dem.

Utbyte eller utveckling? En studie av fastighetsmäklares strategier för framtiden

This essay reviews the situation for real estate agencies within the Stockholm area. In this essay we assume that costumer loyalty is a requirement for survival on the competitive estate market. Two actors have been compared; A well known national Internet-based agency, Skandia Mäklarna, and a smaller local traditional agent Mäklarfirman Grönberg. These actors have been analyzed up on theories on loyalty, relationship marketing, service marketing, quality and involvement .The conclusion of the essay is that it is possible for small estate agencies to compeed with larger Internet based agencies by building loyal relationships with their customers. This can be achieved if the right strategic decisions are made.

Tidig postoperativ övervakning av smådjur : förekomst av standardiserade rutiner

Background. Anesthetic-related death in small animal anesthesia is about ten times more common than in human anesthesia. Recent research identifies the early postoperative period as particularly risky and highlights the need for regular and careful monitoring of the veterinary patient during this period. Objective. The aims of this study were to investigate whether there are standard procedures in terms of regulated routine patient observations and record-keeping during the early postoperative period at Swedish veterinary clinics, and if there are any guidelines for monitoring the veterinary patient during recovery. Methods. A small survey including ten Swedish veterinary clinics was carried out as well as a literature review. Results.

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