

1130 Uppsatser om The Federal Funds Rate - Sida 57 av 76

Intensivvårdsjuksköterskans uppfattning om andningsfrekvensens betydelse som vitalparameter

Bakgrund: Varje år drabbas 30 000 personer av stroke i Sverige. En stroke kan orsaka bestående skada på hjärnvävnaden. Sjukdomen är en vanlig orsak till funktionsnedsättning och står för flest vårddagar på svenska sjukhus. Rehabilitering syftar till att återställa förlorad funktion och ska bygga på respekt och värdighet för individen. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa hur personer som har drabbats av stroke erfar sin livssituation.Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturstudie baserad på fem självbiografier genomfördes. Dataanalysen gjordes utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundman (2004).Resultat: Tre kategorier framkom: upplevelse av en förändrad kropp, möta världen med nya förutsättningar och omgivningens betydelse för att känna välbefinnande.

Etisk fondförvaltning - en studie av fem svenska fondbolag

Allt fler privata och institutionella investerare väljer att placera pengar i etiska fonder. Fondbolag världen över erbjuder sina kunder att investera i fonder som går i enighet med sina egna moraliska värderingar. Redan under 1700-talet kom idén om att investera etiskt. Syftet med denna typ av ekonomisk förvaltning har dock förändrats något de senaste decennierna. Idag råder det inget tvivel om att åsikter går isär om vilka bolag som bör få ingå i en etisk fond.Den tidigare forskningen visar att fondförvaltarna främst använder sig av två metoder när de avgör vilka bolag som skall ingå i de etiska fonderna.

Övervakning vid allmän anestesi och stående ingrepp på häst

The purpose of this literature study was to describe techniques for monitoring general anesthesia and standing chemical restraint in the horse. A number of various techniques and devices related to e.g. blood pressure measurement, blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry are defined, and finally their clinical relevance and reliability are discussed. The equine patient is generally far more exposed to anesthesia-related risks than other smaller species. Complications such as hypotension and hypercapnia are commonly seen during general anesthesia. Thus, close monitoring is essentially performed by the veterinary nurse, whom is responsible for monitoring the anesthetized patient.

Privata markägares attityder och inställningar till föryngringsfrågor :

Even though Sweden is a small country which has a low rate of inhabitants is it one of the worlds leading nations of exporting products from the forest industries. The Importance of a sustainable use of the Swedish forests has been known for many years. In 1903 the first law of forestry were establish. Today the National Board of Forestry carry out inventories of regeneration result. The result of the latest inventory showed that especially the non-industrial private forest owners did not full fill the regeneration work after a clear cut.

Taggade bibliotek ? en studie av adoptionen av RFID på svenska folkbibliotek

The purpose of our research was to examine whether the acceptance and diffusion of RFID technology among the employees at public libraries in Sweden, follow the classic diffusion of innovation model. RFID or Radio Frequency Identification, is a technology that uses radio frequency and microchip technology to track items, in our case, library books and other library materials. Diffusion is the process by which, in our case, the RFID technology is adopted by the library staff. The purpose of this study was to examine what factors influenced the acceptance and adoption of RFID among the library staff. We used Everett Rogers' Diffusion of innovation theory as our framework.

Kirunametoden-Jämförelse emot en konventionell injusteringsmetod

AbstractWith increasing population and increasing demands for comfort and thus an increase in energy demand, it is necessary to examine various energy-efficiency measures. This work deals with the ability to control the flow through the heating system to achieve the desired comfort with as little energy as possibleA heating system contains of different parts, roughly speaking, you can divide it to three main components: Heat source, Distribution and Heat emitters. All components are working together to bring heat to the building. What is examined in this report are different ways of adjusting the flow and supply temperature and how it affects comfort and energy use in a building.At today ?s date the conventional method is to use a high flow through the heating system, which affects pressure drop and cooling of the fluid.

Etnisk strukturell diskriminering i arbetslivet : när ditt namn väger tyngre än dina meriter.

The situation on the Swedish labour market is different in opportunities whether you are a native Swede or someone who has a foreign background. People with foreign backgrounds tend to have lower wages, higher rate of unemployment and often have temporary employment contracts. There is a conception that the Swedish culture is the standard and other foreign cultures are abnormal and different. The purpose of this study has been to investigate why there is discrimination on the labour market against ethnic minorities and how the Swedish history has contributed to the structural ethnic discrimination that we are struggling with. I have been using the right dogmatic method and a social science perspective as complement in order to answer the purpose.

Torrefaction of biomass : a comparative and kinetic study of thermal decomposition for Norway spruce stump, poplar and fuel tree chips

Stump biomass is energy rich and stump harvesting for use as fuel become more and more interesting in Sweden. Swedish Forest Agency (2009) has estimated that stump harvesting in Sweden would respond to an annual energy supply of 57 TWh/year. However, stump has not been recognized as a bioenergy resource in Sweden. Suitable methods for pre-treatment of stump are probably of great importance to make it accepted as fuel. It is therefore rewarding to carry out an investigation in this area for stump. This report represents results from a diploma project, which was aimed to develop a fixed bed reactor for experimental study of biomass torrefaction, followed by TG analysis and kinetic modelling employing Ozawa method and different kinetic models including one-step and three-pseudo-component models.

Människan bakom sjukdomen : En litteraturöversikt om vårdpersonalens attityder gentemot personer med HIV/AIDS

Background: HIV/AIDS has existed officially for more than 35 years and is now seen as a global epidemic. The disease has claimed many victims and there is no indication showing decrease of the mortality rate. The disease is currently incurable, but antiretroviral drugs have good effect at slowing down the process. The persons who live with the disease are exposed to stigma and, sometimes, negative attitudes. The negative attitudes could affect the person?s willingness carry through the test.

Livspusslet. En studie om stress och hälsa hos vårdpersonal

To increase the understanding of how individuals total life situation affects their stress level and health has lately more frequently been discussed in different contexts. Furthermore, it is important to have knowledge of power structures that exist under given circumstances in a society to get an increased understanding of how to structure the health promoting work to get the highest possible benefits. People?s work life is essential to their health, since we spend a lot of time at work. The aim of this study was to find out which factors that relate to nursing staff?s health and stress level from a general perspective.

Likviditetspremiens vara eller icke vara - Om likviditetspremiens existens på Stockholmsbörsen

Background: Operating on the stock market is associated with risks. If a particular asset is not traded with the same frequency as the average market asset, this particular asset is exposed to a liquidity risk. It means that the investor might not be able to sell the asset at a desired time without incurring expensive transaction costs. The query is whether or not the investor is compensated with a liquidity premium for bearing the extra risk. Earlier studies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange have failed to prove that there is a relation between stock return and liquidity.

Den globala uppvärmningen : vad kommer att hända med morgondagens värld?

Mankind faces a serious threat. Its activities, for example the burning of fossil fuels, have led to an enhancement of the greenhouse effect - something that has given rise to a global warming. The climate is becoming warmer, a change that has important effects on the nature as well as for humans and their society. Sea level rising, extreme temperatures are becoming more common, glaciers and other ice caps melt and storms becomes more intense when they appear. The main cause is the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere - carbon dioxide in particular.

Säg det! : En undersökning om hur rektor kan synliggöra lärares undervisningsförmågor likväl som läraren kan synliggöra elevens lärande ? en parallellprocess

-------------------------- 4AbstractThis study is a qualitative case study in order to delineate how visible learning processes in the classroom. The study draws its theory from researcher John Hattie's findings about effective teaching. Data collection is taken from a class in grade 2 in a medium-sized Swedish municipality. The result demonstrates how the communication takes place in the classroom based on the teacher's strategies and planning in relation to pupils' interests and their own initiative. Is there a mutual feedback between teachers and students while teaching? From five perspectives, and the definition of what visible learning is all about, the results shows many good examples of excellent teaching.

En livsviktig utveckling : en reviewstudie om hjärt- lungräddning (HLR)

AimThe aim of this study was to find out how the research that has changed CPR training developed from a historical perspective. The question at issue was: When the recommendations for chest compressions/ventilation, defibrillator and education have been changed, what kind of research led to the development?MethodTo fulfill the aim of this study we chose a review process. First we read the international guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) published by the American Heart Association (AHA), from year 1980 until year 2010. Secondly we chose the most important changes that had been made within the issues we had selected, then we examined the research that had supported these issues.

Effekter av höggallring i flerskiktad skog : beståndsutveckling i ett fältförsök med Naturkultur

Det övergripande syftet med denna studie var att jämföra volymtillväxten i skog skött enligt principen Naturkultur, genom olika starka höggallringar, med skog skött enligt traditionellt trakthyggesbruk. För att besvara frågeställningarna hur volymtillväxt och inväxning skiljer sig mellan de olika behandlingarna utfördes en fältinventering, under sommaren 2012, av ett försök anlagt 1990-91. Försökslokalen var belägen i Åliden, 64ºN 20ºE, cirka 35 kilometer norr om Umeå. Försöket var anlagt i en sydvästsluttning 155 meter över havet och var tänkt att representera Västerbottens kustland. Försöket i Åliden ingick i en serie om tolv block med fyra behandlingar per block. Behandlingarna var dels två naturkulturbehandlingar där skog lämnats (Gles och Tät), en naturkulturbehandling där 90 procent av skogen avverkats och en behandling enligt traditionellt trakthyggesbruk (Kal och Kont).

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