

1130 Uppsatser om The Federal Funds Rate - Sida 35 av 76

Pass ? Througheffekten i svenska importpriser : en empirisk studie

I den här uppsatsen har jag undersökt hur pass-through effekten har förändrats i svenska importpriser på aggregerad nivå och i sju olika industrier. Pass-through effekten definieras som den procentuella förändringen i ett pris som kan härledas till en enprocentig växelkursförändring. Jag har använt rullande regressioner på två olika modeller för att estimera förändringar över tidsperioden 1980 ? 2003. Resultaten visar en nedgång i pass-through effekten i flertalet industrier både på kort och lång sikt.

"Jaha, nu har en halv miljon människor varit inne och tittat på fisken" : Journalisters tankar om att anpassa sig efter klick

Computational techniques have transformed the journalistic approach. Journalists now have the opportunity to integrate user-statistics from the news website with their work. Singer (2011) argues that journalists seem particularly afraid of items, which they perceive as trivial or otherwise unsavory, will prove popular - potentially creating management pressures to produce more of those stories. She describes this practice as ??traffic whoring??.

Mikroproduktion av solel i flerfamiljshus : Lönsamhetsanalys genom simulering av solcellsanläggningar och explorativ kundundersökning

This thesis is commissioned by the Swedish electricity trading company GodEl with the purpose of evaluate solar electricity in multi-family buildings in the Stockholm region. The prices of solar panels have dropped recently due to the advances in technology, but the installation rate in Sweden remains low. It is therefore interesting to study the  profitability of solar electricity today, and if it is profitable enough to install based on profitability alone and not simply due to environmental considerations. Therefore this thesis first studies the profitability of solar panels based on a simulation of electricity production and consumption for multi-family buildings this region. The study concludes that solar electricity can be profitable in the Stockholm region under certain conditions; all of which have to be favourable for profitable solar electricity.The thesis also studies the opinion of the company's costumers concerning solar electricity.

Implementation av webbsida för rekommendationssystem med användaruppbyggd databas

The goal of this project was to create a web-based, crowd-sourced, correlational database, that easily allowed users to submit objects and receive correlated objects as results. The webservice was created in the web development languages of HTML, CSS, PHP and Javscript, with MySQL to handle the database. Simultaneous development was kept in check with the aid of the source code management system GIT. Upon completion, the service contained several HTML-views, the ability to add and rate objects, a per-object dedicated page with information parsed from Wikipedia.org, and a view with objects ranked in accordance to the preferences specific to the current user. Roughly a month after the beginning of development, the website was publicly launched and promoted in order to collect data, and improvements were added to the website as needed.

Kategorisering av brandfarliga varor med parametern FIGRA

Rapporten handlar om hur olika brandfarliga varor skall kunna kategoriseras med hjälp av parametern FIGRA. Syftet med arbetet var att kunna undersöka om det gick att använda FIGRA i ett större användningsområde. FIGRA är en förkortning som står för FIre Growth RAte och som belyser olika produkters brandtillväxt. Olika försök har genomförts med standardgods, kartonger med en bestämd kontrollvolym, brandfarliga och icke brandfarliga varor. De brandfarliga varorna var lacknafta, Hammarlack och Karlsons universalklister.

Metodik för identifiering av T-stycke med risk för termisk utmattning

Thermal fatigue is a serious problem in todays power plants. A large amount of damages around the world circles around that subject. The damage can come from the mechanism of two flows mixing with different temperatures in a T-junction. It is a fundamental prerequisite that these T-junctions are frequently tested for damages. An amount of criterias steers the rate of testings.

Kronunionens återkomst : En empirisk underso?kning av konjunkturscykler, arbetskraftsro?rlighet och handelsintegration fo?r att avgo?ra mo?jligheten att info?ra en gemensam valuta i Norden

This paper is an assessment of whether the Nordic countries constitute an optimum currency area (OCA) or not. Hodrick Prescott-­?filtered data of real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and rate of employment are used to investigate the similarity of business cycles between the target countries through a series of correlation analysis with Sweden as the base reference country and also by using a linear regression model. Additionally there is an evaluation of trade volume and labour mobility between the countries. Our results indicate that Iceland had the least similar business cycles within the Nordic countries and that the area should therefore possibly comprise Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. .

Studie om pedagogers syn på lekens betydelse i undervisningen för den sociala utvecklingen av barn med autism

The aim of this study is to examine educationalists experiences of play as an educational toolin the work to promote the social development in children with autism.The relevant issue, for this study, is: In what way does an educationalist work with play withchildren with autism? What are the results of using play in the educational work? What arethe possibilities and what are the obstacles in using play in educational work?This study has been carried out as a study of literature in the field and qualitative interviewswith five educationalists that are working in a mid Swedish county.The result of the study shows that educationalists have a positive view of using play in theirwork and are using play in varying ways in their everyday work. Using play as a method intheir work always happens according to the ability and condition of the child. They (theeducationalists) think that play has great opportunity and advance as a method and gives thechildren joy, increase their sense of ability, the base for the social participation in play, andthe development of social skills.There is a certain hesitation among educationalists when it comes to using play as a methodfor children with autism , but the most of the educationalists consider play as promoting thesocial development although the development always will happen at the pace(rate)of thechild..

Leder integration till priskonvergens - En analys av de europeiska bilmarknaderna

This study attempts to examine the existence and development of price differences in the car sector in Europe. The time period is between 1995, the year of the Swedish entrance in the European Union, and 2003. The study is based on data supplied by the European commission, on a bi-annual basis. Both price differences in general in the EU, and price differences between Sweden and other countries in the EU are examined. The theoretical law of one price is related to the economic integration of the EU and the car sector.

Reagera och agera: Styrka och snabbhet i den manuella responsen för emotionella stimuli

In this study I investigated whether the strength in the manual response for emotional and neutral stimulus search arrays can explain some of the difference in reaction times (RT:s) for emotional stimuli, or not. Earlier, perceptual, cognitive and attentional processes has mostly been used to explain the variance in RT:s. Thirtythree individuals were asked to, as fast as possible, detect a target picture among distractor pictures in 3 rows x 4 columns arranged search arrays. The pictures were categorized in fear relevant animals (snake, spider) and neutral animals (cat). The results showed, more correct responses for cat target.

Kyla i Nyköping och Motala : Kartläggning av kylapotential för Vattenfall Värm

The Swedish energy company Vattenfall is currently the owner of the district heatingsystems in Nyköping and Motala. To be able to also offer cooling solutions tocustomers are becoming more and more important. This report describes the resultsof an investigation of the cooling market in the two cities and the potential needs forcooling today and in the coming 20 years. The total potential for the coming 20 yearsis estimated to be roughly 17 MW for Nyköping and 9 MW for Motala.Two possible district cooling systems for each of the two city centers was modeledand a comparison was made between different cooling techniques namely absorptionand compressor chillers.Absorption chillers driven with district heating during the summer is one way ofincreasing the load in a combined heat and power plant and thereby the possibleelectricity generation. The cost of heat production must be low for absorption chillerto be able to compete as an alternative.

Extraterrestrisk och terrestrisk kromrik spinell i fanerozoiska kondenserade sediment

This study aims to assess the normal inflow of extraterrestrial chromite to Earth. The results from the investigationare compared to earlier studies of middle Ordovician Orthoceratite Limestone in which 1 - 3 extraterrestrial chromitegrains ( >63 ?Êm ) per kilogram limestone were found. These values have been interpreted as evidence of a twoorders of magnitude increase in the flux of extraterrestrial matter to Earth during a part of middle Ordovician.From an early Paleocene marine sedimentary sequence with known sedimentation rate in Zumaia, northernSpain, 90,5 kilogram of condensed limestone, dated to about 63 Ma, was sampled. The limestone was dissolved inhydrochloric- and hydrofluoric acid and the residue was sieved and searched for opaque minerals under the binocularmicroscope.

Varuutstyrslar, produktens form som kännetecken.

In the expansion rate of the national as well as the international market, the importance of trademark has been given a central matter. The definition of what can be considered a trademark has been widened. Today?s trademark law defines a trademark as something that can be graphically reproduced. Trademarks can there for contain names, words, numbers, letters or the shape of the goods itself or the packaging.

Fonders förvaltningsavgifter vs avkastning -Lönar det sig att betala lite mer eller är det bara dumdristigt?

Titel: Fonders förvaltningsavgifter vs avkastning ? Lönar det sig att betala lite mer eller är det bara dumdristigt?Seminariedatum: 2008-06-04Ämne/kurs: Magisteruppsats/ D-nivåFörfattare: Anna Asplund och Malin ElfvingHandledare: Stig WesterdahlNyckelord: Fonder, Förvaltningsavgifter, TKA, AvkastningSyfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det föreligger ett samband mellan fonders förvaltningsavgifter och dess avkastning samt om avkastningen och förvaltningsavgifterna skiljer sig mellan olika fondtyper.Metod: Studien bygger på en deduktiv forskningsansats eftersom vi utgår från befintliga begrepp och teorier. Då vi ville undersöka en stor population har vi använt oss av en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi. Studien grundar sig på åren 2004-2007. För att bestämma ett samband mellan de två variablerna förvaltningsavgift och avkastning har vi använt oss av regressionsanalyser.

Reporäntan och Sveriges banker : En eventstudie om reporäntan och dess förändringars påverkan på svenska bankers aktiekurser

Syfte: Uppsatsen syfte är att klargöra och analysera reporäntans ränteförändringars påverkan på aktiekurserna för samtliga svenska banker i large cap på Stockholmsbörsen.Metod: Kvantitativa händelsestudier har gjorts med deduktiv forskningsansats på fyra företag, samtliga noterade på Stockholmsbörsen. Den onormala avkastningen för de undersökta aktiekurserna har beräknats en dag före till en dag efter samtliga realiseringar av reporänteförändringar som skett mellan åren 2004 till 2015. Teori: Den teoretiska referensramen för studien består av den effektiva marknadshypotesen och överreaktionshypotesen.Slutsatser: Studien har påvisat att det råder signifikant samband mellan ränteförändringar och de studerade aktiernas avkastning vid realisering av ränteförändringarna..

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