388 Uppsatser om The Da Vinci Code - Sida 19 av 26
Barns delaktighet i fritidsaktiviteter : En beskrivande studie
BAKGRUND: Omvårdnad skall bedrivas holistiskt enligt International code of etics (ICN) trots detta bedrivs den till viss del naturvetenskapligt med fokus på den medicinska delen, som i sig är viktig. Tydliga riktlinjer för andlig omvårdnad saknas och forskningen är begränsad. SYFTE: Syftet med denna studie var att utifrån aktuell omvårdnadsforskning beskriva faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskors bemötande av frågor med existentiellt innehåll. METOD: Systematiskt litteraturstudie där sju artiklar och en avhandling ingick vilka var etiskt granskade. RESULTAT: Fyra kategorier identifierades, adekvat kompetens, tillåtande vårdmiljö, holistisk människosyn och reduktionistisk människosyn.
Modularisering : Modulbaserad arkitektur ? flexibel motormodulline
We have chosen to write our thesis within a transport company. The work was carried out at DHL activities in Uppsala. DHL is one of the leading transport companies worldwide. Our interest lies in more efficient and advanced transportation and terminals, as globalization and new trends require effective solutions.The aim of our work is to explain the need for information technology applications in road haulage and associated terminal operations. Furthermore, we analyses terminal and applied information technology.
CRL2ALF : En översättare från PowerPC till ALF
Realtidssystem ställer hårda krav på dess ingående mjukvaras temporala beteende. Programmen måste bete sig deterministiskt och ge svar inom satta tidsgränser. Med hårda krav följer större behov av verktyg att testa koden med. WCET (Worst Case Execution Time)-analys har som mål att finna en övre gräns för ett programs exekveringstid. SWEET (SWEdish Execution Time) är ett verktyg för WCET-analys utvecklat av en forskargrupp vid Mälardalens Högskola.PowerPC är en klassisk processorarkitektur som utvecklades av Apple, Motorola och IBM och släpptes 1991.
Barnets bästa : En studie av socialsekreterares tolkningar av barnets bästa och barnperspektivet i vårdnadsutredningar.
In Sweden the divorce rates has increased during the latter part of the 20th century. For many children it?s everyday life growing up with parents no longer living together. The Parental Code states that "The child's best interests must be central to any decision in custody, residence and access." But what does the child?s best interest really mean and how do we investigate it? We decided to investigate its meaning by interviewing social workers regarding their interpretations of the child's best interests from a family law perspective.
Förskolan, en arena för fysisk aktivitet! : Pedagogers uppfattningar av sitt arbete med fysisk aktivitet i förskolan
AbstractThe aim of this essay is to understand the view of man as a creature in the Norse culture by studying rituals and ritual actions in conjunction with homicide. The material on which the study is based is called the Icelandic sagas, which are important source of information to the Norse culture. To achieve the purpose, I used a qualitative content analysis and qualitative narrative analysis along with ritual theories based on Roy A Rappaport among others. The questions are for instance:- What ritual actions occur in connection with the homicide, according to the Icelandic sagas? - What are the differences in how individuals are treated in passages where the ritual actions in relation to homicide and homicide cases investigated and why?The results show four different types of ritual acts in relation to homicide.
Spin-Erik och hans vän : konsten att skriva musik för barn i förskoleålder
AbstractThe aim of this essay is to understand the view of man as a creature in the Norse culture by studying rituals and ritual actions in conjunction with homicide. The material on which the study is based is called the Icelandic sagas, which are important source of information to the Norse culture. To achieve the purpose, I used a qualitative content analysis and qualitative narrative analysis along with ritual theories based on Roy A Rappaport among others. The questions are for instance:- What ritual actions occur in connection with the homicide, according to the Icelandic sagas? - What are the differences in how individuals are treated in passages where the ritual actions in relation to homicide and homicide cases investigated and why?The results show four different types of ritual acts in relation to homicide.
Euthanasia: A Critical Analysis of the Physician's Role
Sometimes relatives have taken me on one side and told me they cannot bear it any more:"Isn't there something you can do to end it all?"More often requests for euthanasia have come from those who are ill. I remember visiting a man with lung cancer. He asked his wife to leave the room. As she closed the door he leaned over and grabbed my arm.
"Din sökning gav tyvärr inga träffar" : en kvalitativ enkätstudie om användares svårigheter med att söka noter i Statens musikbiblioteks onlinekatalog
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to study how well the online catalogue of The Music Library of Sweden works when ordinary users are searching for sheet music. The issues studied are: Why do the users fail to find the sheet music they are looking for? Do the users take advantage of the possibilities that the classification codes of the SAB system offer? If not, why?The source material of the study is 144 comments from a user questionnaire about the online catalogue and, in addition, the search log for one day (513 queries). The comments were sorted into seven groups depending on the type of information need, for example searches for certain instrumentation or genres and problems with spelling.
Kompetensförändring i Motiverande Samtal : en studie av Alkohollinjens telefonrådgivare under utbildning
Förändring i kompetens och samband mellan olika skattningsinstrument bedömdes hos blivande telefonrådgivare under en längre utbildning i Motiverande Samtal (MI). Fjorton personer med blandad bakgrund och erfarenhet inom hälso- och sjukvård utbildades för att arbeta på Alkohollinjen. De blivande rådgivarna erhöll sammanlagt åtta dagars MI-utbildning fördelade över nio månader. Olika skattningar gjordes för att följa rådgivarnas MI-kompetens. Fem samtal med fiktiva klienter (skådespelare) spelades in under utbildningens gång och kodades av oberoende kodare med Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity code (MITI).
Sexuella relationer och äktenskap : En kvalitativ studie av uppfattningar kring föräktenskapligt sex och äktenskap hos svenskkyrkliga präster verksamma inom Växjö stift
AbstractThe aim of this essay is to understand the view of man as a creature in the Norse culture by studying rituals and ritual actions in conjunction with homicide. The material on which the study is based is called the Icelandic sagas, which are important source of information to the Norse culture. To achieve the purpose, I used a qualitative content analysis and qualitative narrative analysis along with ritual theories based on Roy A Rappaport among others. The questions are for instance:- What ritual actions occur in connection with the homicide, according to the Icelandic sagas? - What are the differences in how individuals are treated in passages where the ritual actions in relation to homicide and homicide cases investigated and why?The results show four different types of ritual acts in relation to homicide.
Ändrad användning av stationshus : fallet Ormaryds station ? ett stationshus med betydande kulturvärden
Acquiring a former station building can mean that the property owners must familiarize themselves with a lot of planning and building regulations. After the new Planning and Building Act code into force in 2011, the responsibility lie on the developer to ensure laws and regulations. Based on the regulatory framework that is available occurs sometimes balance issues, between care requirements and building codes. The station building in Ormaryd was acquired in 2009 by two individuals who intended to accommodate office and retail space in the building. In doing so a new local plan of the area was established, including regulations on how the building could be used. By including road safety and noise, the risk was not considered appropriate to use the station building for housing.
Människosyn Offer Ritualer Dråp : En studie av rituella handlingar i isländska sagor
AbstractThe aim of this essay is to understand the view of man as a creature in the Norse culture by studying rituals and ritual actions in conjunction with homicide. The material on which the study is based is called the Icelandic sagas, which are important source of information to the Norse culture. To achieve the purpose, I used a qualitative content analysis and qualitative narrative analysis along with ritual theories based on Roy A Rappaport among others. The questions are for instance:- What ritual actions occur in connection with the homicide, according to the Icelandic sagas? - What are the differences in how individuals are treated in passages where the ritual actions in relation to homicide and homicide cases investigated and why?The results show four different types of ritual acts in relation to homicide.
Parallel Registration of Ships
In present there is no Swedish legislation regulating bareboat registration of Swedish ships. Despite this absence however shipowners with vessels already registered in the Swedish Vessel Register do not hesitate to take advantage of the positive aspects of bareboat registration and thereby allowing the registration of their ships in another State as well. The fact that there is a lack of legislation in this area has left a legal loophole resulting in Swedish ships being registered in a second State without any regulation providing options or protection for the different parties involved. With this as a background, the main objective of this thesis is to analyze parallel registration of ships, its consequences and the future of dual registration in Sweden. To fulfil this objective another aim is to impart a collected legal and economical presentation of the problems that may occur when a bareboat chartered vessel is registered in two different States simultaneously.
Förutsättningarna för ett parallellt generation IV system vid svensk nybyggnation av kärnkraft.
A new build in the Swedish nuclear power system would entail increased re-quirements for the proposed repository, which is adapted after the reactors of today. With a fast reactor, capable of burning nuclear waste, operating in parallel with the light water reactors, the increased requirements on the repository could be reduced.In this thesis, simulations of a light water reactor and a fast reactor have been performed by using the Monte Carlo code Serpent to investigate the changes in the fuel inventory. The light water reactor in the study is a boiling water reactor and the fast reactor of the type sodium-cooled fast reactor and they have been used for three different operation scenarios.By studying the fuel composition and the results from the simulations of the three scenarios conclusions can be drawn. Conclusions regarding the change of the fuel inventory and decay heat in Clab as well as the interim storage facility and in the repository. Depending on the operation alternative the changes dif-fered significantly and especially regarding the mass of burned actinides for different fuels in the fast reactor.The lowest increase of fuel assemblies was meet when using 50 years old fuel with 20MWd/kg U burnout and 2,0 % enrichment for start up of the fast reactor and 30 years old fuel assemblies with 50MWd/kg U burnout and 4,7 % enrichment for the further operation of the reactor.The increase of the number of fuel assemblies was 3174, which is equivalent to 641tons of heavy metal.
KodrostningEn genomgang av det norska systemet
Code voting", eller kodrostning, benamner system som mojliggor saker rostning viaosakra uppkopplingar och datorer. Hur dessa specikationer uppnas varierar mellanolika implementationer men innefattar alltid nagon form av kryptering. Vanligtforekommande ar ocksa utnyttjandet av en separat saker kanal for distribution avrostningsalternativ och eventuella kvittokoder.Kodrostning kan anvandas i situationer dar man vill underlatta for personen somska rosta (rostningen kan exempelvis ske genom en PC) samtidigt som man fortfarandevill garantera sekretess och dataintegritet. Systemen kan motivera sin korrekthetgenom transparens dar systemarkitekturen ihop med matematiska egenskaper ikrypteringen forsakrar att rostningen gar ratt till. Mojliga anvandningsomraden forkodrostning innefattar opinionsundersokningar dar personen skulle kunna meddelasin rost via sin dator istallet for att behova avsloja sitt val for en person via telefon.Kodrostning kan och har aven anvants i riktiga politiska val.