

374 Uppsatser om The Balanced Scorecard - Sida 22 av 25

Svenska sojabönor - finns marknadsmöjligheter?

The large-scale soy cultivation has negative consequences for the habitat of local populations because of the intensive use of pesticides and the destruction of rain forests and eco-systems. GM soya, varieties are often used. The majority of Swedish people, however, do not want GM products in their food. It will be hard in future to ensure GM free food, particularly foods that come from countries where GM crops are grown on a large scale. It is very difficult to avoid cross- contamination when both GM and non-GM crops are grown in the same area.

Smart konsumtion : unga vuxnas attityd till miljö- och rättvisemärkta produkter

We are more aware than ever about our impact on the common environment and the world's population. Consumption awareness can be one way to take social and environmental responsibility. This study aims to examine young adults' (19-30 years) attitudes toward consumption awareness in Sweden. Consumption awareness is treated in this study as the consumption of environmental and fair-trade labeled products that have been certified of a third party. The study is limited to everyday commodities, which in this case is groceries, household consumables and clothing.

En balanserad rapport? Om svenska medier i Egyptens andra revolution

This bachelor thesis is a critical study in which we are studying if the swedish reports of the so called ?second revolution? in Egypt have been objective. We have been studying this by using Jörgen Westerståhls objectivity model and we have chosen to investigate whether the reports have been objective balance-wise. The second revolution is a term which describes the protests and demonstrations that led to the military action in which the elected president Muhammad Mursi were forced to resign on the 4th of July, 2013The study includes articles from five leading Swedish newspapers, Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Göteborgs-Posten and Svenska Dagbladet. We have been studying all the articles that include the word ?Egypt?.

Energikartläggning av Försäkringskassans lokaler : rekommendationer för ett fortsatt energieffektiviseringsarbete

With new energy directives in place, the Swedish Social Service (SSS) stands beforethe challenge how to reduce the energy demand in its locales. It is a complex matter,as the locales are rented from various property owners and it becomes a question ofhow to reduce the operational electricity and influence the property owners to workmore with energy efficiency. This thesis takes a balanced research approach in threeparts. Firstly a qualitative part in form of interviews with personnel at the SSS and itsproperty owners, secondly a quantitative part of descriptive nature in form of energystatistics and thirdly a literature review of Energy Management (EM) Supply ChainManagement(SCM), Green Supply Chain Management(GSCM) and EnviromentalPerformance Indicators (EPI). This in order to be able to give normativerecommendations of how the SSS should act to reduce its energy consumption in itslocales and provide new insights on how EM, SCM, GSCM and EPI can be applied ineffect.

Hur bör unga hundar av storvuxna raser utfodras?

The dog is unique in the way that the adult weight can vary 100 folds between the different breeds. Despite this, most of the breeds reach adult size before two years of age. For the large-breed dogs this means a very rapid growth when some of them can have a weight gain of up to 150 times their birth weight. The most rapid growth occurs when the puppies are between three to six months old and that kind of rapid growth during such a short period of time makes these large-breed puppies very sensitive to deficits and excesses of energy, nutrients and minerals. Some examples can be excess of energy, excess or deficit of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus or deficits of protein. The rapid growth can also make the large-breed puppies predisposed to some diseases affecting the skeletal and joints.

Stress i arbetslivet - organisationsstrukturers påverkan på anställdas upplevda stress

The right to freedom of conscience is protected by international conventions and declarations of human rights that have been ratified by Sweden. Nationally, the issue of health professionals? right to freedom of conscience in the abortion care is not resolved by public inquiry. This has led to that Sweden has been notified to the European Committee of Social Rights on the grounds that the country is considered to be violating the Council of  Europe Resolution 1763 and that the proper question to be determined by regulations of the interests that are balanced, based on their legal value in relation to each other. Freedoms, rights and obligations conflict with each other.

A comparison of two certification schemes for dairy cow welfare in relation to resource-based, management-based and animal-based measures

Traditionally risk-based measures have been used to assess animal welfare in legislation and certification schemes. With increased knowledge and research, debate today tends to focus on and advocate the use of animal-based measures. However this is not a panacea for welfare and the most sound conclusion should be that assessment of animal welfare needs both. The aim of this thesis is to identify the points that need to be taken into consideration to find the optimal balance in the use of input and outcome measures according to the aim of the assessment and how these should be applied when designing a certification scheme? To answer this, a comparison of the use of resource-based, management-based and animal-based measures in two certification schemes for dairy cow welfare, Freedom Food (UK) and Svenskt Sigill (SWE), was made.

Beslutsfattande inom Produktutveckling : Kartläggning, analysering & vidareutveckling av PPM process på ett medtech företag

The number of ideas at innovative companies usually exceeds the amount of available human ormaterial recourses, this include ideas for development of new products. Since they are not able to doeverything they want to do they have to choose between ideas to develop new products. This includesthe decision on when to start, stop or kill a project as well as the thought process of prioritizing betweenongoing and potential projects.Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is an organizational process, with the purpose of systematicallyorganizing and running the activities that aim to evaluate, select and prioritize ideas and projects fordeveloping new products. PPM include four major goals to be fulfilled; Maximizing Value of thePortfolio, Achieving a Balanced Portfolio, Achieving a Strategic Alignment and Running the RightNumber of Projects.The purpose of the thesis was to develop a more visual and formal PPM process for the early stages inproduct development in one department at St Jude Medical AB, Sweden.The thesis was conducted by following a methodology known as Process Modules. The methodology isan approach for developing a PPM process that fits a specific company.

Upphovsrättens sammanställningsskydd och sui generis-skyddet för databaser. En adekvat skyddsnivå på bekostnad av informationsfriheten?

Collections, compilations and databases currently stand under a solid intellectual property protection in Sweden. This legal protection is partly a product of the old Nordic ?catalogue-rule? seen in the former 49 § of the Swedish copyright act (upphovsrättslagen) but was further extended by the implementation of the EU directive on the legal protection of databases 96/9/EG and the new sui generis-right. Since major values are represented digitally combined with the fact that Internet serves as the main provider for information a strong legal protection for databases must be carefully crafted. When crafting this kind of legal protection the right to freedom of information is balanced against the database producers? interests of property protection as well as social and public interests such as increased innovation.

Att inte såga av den gren man sitter på : En studie av styrning i interorganisatoriska samarbeten

Background: Despite the time and money invested in relationships with other companies, it is a fact that many of them fail. Considering this, remarkably little research has been done regarding how inter-organisational relationships are controlled, given that control can function as a solution to the problems involved with collaboration, which arise since such a relation exists in the interface between organisational boundaries, where the companies? often conflicting interests and points of view meet. If one part is stronger than the other in a relationship, the weaker however tends to give way for the stronger?s will.

Förälder och pedagog : En essä om när personliga erfarenheter träder in i yrkesrollen

In the essay, the balance between being an educator and a mother of a child with autism is explored in respect to how the roles might influence the actions of a pre-school teacher. Writing is used as a method of reflection, it gives the teacher a chance to take a step back and view her practical experiences from a novel perspective; conclusions are recounted throughout the teachers narrative. The essay is based on the following questions; which problems might arise in the meeting with parents such as Adams where there is a suspicion of autism for the child? Which advantages/disadvantages might the teacher?s personal experience of autism have for the role as educator? How would the dual roles as educator and mother of an autistic child best be balanced in the future?The essay highlights special educational and parent perspectives on the matter of autism. Professor of pedagogy Claes Nilholm, specializes in special needs education.

Smartphones, Användare och Estetik : En Användbarhetsstudie

The Ericsson R380 is a so-called smartphone, combining an advanced mobile phone with a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). To evaluate the usability of the Ericsson R380 and benchmark it against the Nokia 9110 Communicator and the Motorola A6188 Accompli, a repeated measurements experiment was performed. 18 subjects (10 men and 8 women) with no previous experience of any of the interfaces participated. Half of the subjects had extensive experience from using Ericsson mobile phones and half of the subjects had extensive experience from using Nokia mobile phones. A set of 9 tasks to be solved on each interface was presented to the subjects.

Öppen och kollaborativ innovation : - Erfarenheter från sex företag -

This master of science thesis intends to examine how the established innovation theoriesinteracts with the social and cultural phenomena arising from the reduction in communicationcosts as a result of the development of the internet.The aim is to present a knowledge inventory of attitudes to and experiences of an openapproach, with emphasis on collaborative innovation, in product and service developmentdriven companies in different fields. The studied theories and the empirical results forms thebasis for an analysis of how companies can benefit from the diversified knowledge that existsoutside their borders as well as an exploration of the potential for this kind of knowledgeexchange to act as a catalyst for innovation.The theoretical part of the study is based essentially on two tracks: (1) innovation theories witha focus onopen innovation and user innovation, and (2) a broad review of how theories ofdiversified knowledgeand collective intelligence has become possible to apply in an innovationcontext. The empirical part of the study is based on material obtained from semi-structuredinterviews with respondents from six companies.The results show that companies have implemented unstructured innovation initiatives withoutany formal links to the structured product development processes, which are part of thecompanies core activities. The main conclusions include the following insights: There is a needfor structured links between the unstructured initiatives and the core activities, which makes itpossible to take promising ideas to market. The companies also have to lose some control of theunstructured initiatives; consequently it is impossible to pinpoint what the outcome will be.

?Vilka faktorer kan påverka försäljningsmålet inom kartong- och pappersindustrin? : ? En fallstudie på Korsnäs AB

AbstractCompanies in the Swedish process industry has for a long time spent a lot of capital in high-tech development, which have given them increased ability to compete with high quality and excellent technical knowledge, which has given them greater opportunities to grow on the market. But it?s not enough to achieve success with new products and service; it must also be consistent what market wants and preferably something exceptional. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that are predominantly success factors and how they may affect the sales target of a new product, in this case Frövi White. Another objective of the study was to examine how Korsnäs Frövi communicates and transforms information as requests and demands from customers into refined material. To obtain relevant information to the study several interviews with respondents from most of the value chain in Korsnäs Frövi has been carry out.

Bibblan svarar ? ett tecken i tiden : En virtuell referenstjänst ur ett postmodernt perspektiv

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine the virtual reference service Ask the Library [Bibblan svarar] from a postmodern perspective. Ask the Library is a Swedish online reference service that is run by the country?s public libraries. The postmodern theories of Jean-François Lyotard are used to study how information is managed and transmitted within the service.

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