

779 Uppsatser om The 17th century - Sida 25 av 52

Administrativ styrning möter akademisk frihet Om Lunds universitets översättning av populära organisationsrecept

In a world of ?formal organizations?, which is constantly exposed for institutionalized super standards and ideas of a what a modern orgnization should be like, the pressure for changes are strong. This is the environment in which Lund University finds itself. Ideas in the beginning of the 21-century is concerning a stronger emfasis on steering, centralisation, re-hieriarchyzation, standardised processes and a new regulation concerning internal control. Through theories of new institutionalism, with conceptions as organizational identity and the expectations of adapting to new ideas, can you track the translation and adaptation that the ideas go through at the university- a decentralised organization where not only freedom has been a concept for the academic parts, but also for the administration.

Organisation och marknadsorientering av äldreomsorgen : En jämförelse mellan Sverige och Tyskland

Organisation and market orientation of elderly careThis comparative literature study is intended to describe how elderly care is organised and financed in Germany and Sweden. Furthermore, it analyses the degree of competition and market orientation in both countries' care systems. Important aspects in this context are the kinds of measurements which are used on the two markets and the question if there are quasimarkets.The theoretical backgrounds of the study are Esping-Andersen's "Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism" and Harold Wilensky's convergence theory. Esping-Andersen's theory describes Sweden as a social democratic and Germany as a conservative welfare regime which means that there are different conditions for the development of welfare. The use of Wilensky's theory shows that both welfare systems are converging since the end of the 20th century.

"Gå, Franciskus, och bygg upp min kyrka" : Om tiggarkonventens betydelse för skapandet av staden belyst genom urbaniseringen i södra Halland

This essay deals with the relationship between the mendicant movement and the urbanization during the thirteenth century. The aim has been to explore the significance of the Dominicansand the Franciscans for the creation of an urban landscape. This was made through the study of the urbanization process in southern Halland focusing on the town of Halmstad where the friars were established. The importance of the mendicants was also studied through their absence in the towns of Laholm and Falkenberg. To achieve this investigation in a contextual perspective material from different areas was used such as archaeology, history and history of science and ideas.

Sabina Spielrein i verklighet och fiktion : Kvinnorepresentationer i centrum för en studie av pjäsen Namn: Spielrein Sabina

This thesis discusses how a historic woman is represented on stage today. The woman in mind is Sabina Spielrein, and she is portrayed in a play called: Name: Spielrein Sabina. She was born in the late 19th century and made a significant impact on the development in psycho-analysis. Since her letters, diaries and fragments was found 1977, and later on in 1982, nu-merous of people have been fascinated regarding her life, especially with her relation to Jung and Freud. One of my arguments is that there could be another story to tell, as she is living in a context when women were organized and struggled for their rights on many levels.

Idén med idéhistoria : En studie av sakkunnigutlåtanden vid tillsättnings- och befordringsärenden i idéhistoria mellan 1985-2010

In my thesis, I set out to study academic peer reviews in the hope of clarifying the experts? views on what qualities and qualifications are desirable when appointing or promoting scholars within History of Science. I also investigate whether or not these views change over the years, as I have studied opinions written between 1980 and 2010. I use a qualitative method of analysis, in which I study what words in the peer reviews are used to describe certain values, and how these words relate to the historical and political background of History of Science in Sweden. My research indicates that academic experts are starting to adapt their opinions to the change in educational politics that has taken place during the second half of the 20th century.

European Union Politics ? en tidskrift och dess invisible college

Author Cocitation Analysis (ACA), multidimensional scaling (MDS) and Social Network Analysis (SNA), has been used to analyze and visualize the invisible college of the journal European Union Politics. The concept invisible college was first introduced in the fifteenth century, through the creation of the ?the Royal Society of London?, and it was reintroduced in the 1960:ies and the 1970:ies by scholars such as Price and Crane. It is said to have been interpreted in as many ways as there are authors who have used it. Here it has been used synonymously with the term citation network.

Hamlet på motorcyklar : En komparativ analys av TV-serien Sons of Anarchy och Shakespeares drama Hamlet

In 2008 Fox first aired its hit show Sons of Anarchy, a drama series about a Californian motorcycle club. The main thrust is about the club?s vice-president and his struggle to find his place in a life of violence. According to creator Kurt Sutter the series is partly based on Shakespeare?s 16th century drama Hamlet - Prince of Denmark, which causes the show to often be referred to as ?Hamlet on Harleys?.Focusing on the first two seasons of the series, this essay looks into the relationship between the two works of art.

Fria Kriget och Gerillakrigföriing : - en kategorisering

To be able to research the chain of development and its causes within military doctrines you need to describe the change and categorize it to make it understandable.This essays intent is to categorize a phenomenon within the Swedish doctrine to make it available for further research about doctrinal development. The categories are found in two of the great theorists on guerrilla warfare due to the subjects? resemblance to guerrilla tactics and its means.The phenomenon that is to be researched is directly translated as ?the free war? which basically means the use of irregular warfare behind the enemy lines. The description of ?the free war?, by whom and when it is used, are the factors that have changed during the second half of the 20th century, and have therefore been placed into different categories.

Vattensänkningar : en analys av orsaker och effekter

There are records of lowering of the water level in a lot of the Swedish lakes from the middleof the 1700th century. The aim was gaining more areable land to meet the needs of more foodto support the expanding population. In areas with top soil which contents of clay or loam asin the southwest of Scania in southern Sweden this was proven to be a successful wayexpanding the total outcome of the harvest.The studied area in the northeast of Scania, though, consists of morain with a lot of mires -much less nutritious conditions. When the water level is lowered the atmosphere gets accessto the peat. The dissolving of the organic matter that has been suppressed by the lack ofoxygene below water level continues.

Barnvårdsnämnden i Kalmar : och deras syn på vanvårdade barn mellan 1911-1918

In the beginning of the twentieth century in Sweden the laboring class grew and became more established. This entailed both a change in housing conditions and the design of the social policies. The purpose of this study is to show how the Child Welfare Committee in Kalmar conducted its work during 1911-1918. The aim is to show on what grounds they made their decisions and how the interaction between the committee and the families functioned in practice. This will be accomplished by giving examples from the protocols written by Kalmar?s Child Welfare Committee.

Elektrifiering av jordbruksmaskin : Direktkoppling till solföljare och elnät

The agricultural sector is currently highly dependent on fossil fuels, with diesel beingmost prominent. There are however both historical and modern alternatives thathave not been subject to enough evaluation to disregard them as suitable alternative.This report aims to theoretically investigate the feasibility of converting aconventional diesel driven tractor to run on electricity, delivered via a cableconnected to either the main power grid or on-site electric production, such asphotovoltaic. Delivering electricity to the machine via a cable is a method withhistorical roots in the early 20th century and in the present day mining industry.The economic and technological potential of the technique are evaluated, along withthe examination of several different motor powers, voltages, losses and constructionideas. The report finds the technique to be both possible as well as long termeconomically and environmentally beneficial. To realise this method however, somedeviations from the present methods of agricultural farming must be made,considering the more advanced driving patterns, the limited mobility and therequirement for extra driver awareness.

Att mäta bibliotek: en studie av två biblioteks verksamhetsberättelser.

During the late twentieth century, political and societal changes gave rise to an increased interest in performance evaluation in public organizations. This development also affected libraries in the public sector. The main concern for this master thesis is performance measurement in libraries. In this study two different types of libraries are investigated, one public and the other academic. My aim is to find out if and how performance measurement appears in the libraries annual activity reports.

Är Kinas upphovsrättslag förenlig med TRIPS-avtalet?

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, China has captivated global attention due to its astonishing economic growth. This development has resulted in an enormous growth in foreign direct investments, as well as the country?s new role aseconomic super power. When joining the World Trade Organization in 2001, China agreed to adhere to the minimum requirements of the organization?s several multilateral agreements.

Att vilja men inte kunna. Böcker och bibliotek i Filippinerna.

The history of books and libraries in the Philippines starts after the arrival of the Spaniards in 1521. During the Spanish era, most of the libraries were established through the religious orders to support their own religious mission. The Americans came in the beginning of the 20th century and have had a decisive influence on the education system and the development of libraries in the Philippines. For the analysis, I have used the models of Michael H. Harris and Magnus Torstensson in their studies of library development.

Att utkräva ansvar - en analys av Vattenfalls verksamhet i Tyskland

With the expansion onto the international market almost a decade ago, Swedish energy corporation Vattenfall began it's breaking and burning of coal on German soil. Criticism aimed at Vattenfall peaked in the mid 2000s with the revelation of large quantities of carbon dioxide emissions and the re-location of villages and graveyards in German states Brandenburg and Saxony. The purpose of this thesis is to show where the responsibility for these activities lie. By analyzing the history of, and the political debate surrounding, Vattenfall, I will show that the prevailing policies of right- as well as left-wing parties in the 20th century were all, regarding this matter, market oriented. I will also show that these market promoting policies made possible a situation where the transparancy of, and state control over, Vattenfall were close to eliminated.

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