

10029 Uppsatser om Texture-based rendering - Sida 13 av 669

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av möten med patienter från olika kulturer : En litteraturbaserad studie

Background: Sweden is one of many countries which have a long history of immigration during the past decades. Each yearSweden receives numerous immigrants from different parts of the world, which has madeSweden to a multi-culture country.Aim: The aim was to describe nurses? experiences of encounters with patients from different cultures.Method: A literature-based study based on qualitative research, nine scientific articles were performed.Result: The analysis of the data resulted in four themes such as; insufficient communication, family members as a link to the patient, unfamiliar situation, and attentive to the patients? vulnerability with seven subthemes.Conclusion: For a well functioning encounter between nurse and patient from different cultures, a prerequisite is that the nurses establish a relationship based on good communication with the patient and relatives. This can prevent inequality, suffering based on lack of nursing, violation and misunderstandings..

Kundlönsamhet: en fallstudie av handelsföretaget Wiberger

The aim of this thesis is to examine the customer profitability in a wholesale company. A case study of Eugen Wiberger AB has been conducted. Firstly the authors have examined the current perception of the company regarding their customer profitability and the results of their calculation of the customer profitability. Secondly an Activity-Based Costing analysis has been performed and has been compared to the perception in the case company. The conclusions are that the smaller customers are the least profitable, and in some cases unprofitable, whereas the larger customers are profitable.

Samspelet mellan naturbaserade arbetssätt och specialpedagogik: En kritisk studie

AbstractThis essay aims to problematize and illuminate the connection between special-education and nature-based activities. With a theoretical ground that is based upon a sociocultural perspective I consider the information from the field. Through a qualitative and critical perspective I performed individual interviews with five pupils from the sixth school-year in the Swedish elementary-school. I also performed Focus-group interviews with two educators and three teachers in the same school-form. By a Hermeneutical working-method I have found out that the informants in my survey have a common experience that activities performed in nature has a positive effect on learning.

Är ungdomstjänst gynnsam?

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the sentences handed down to young offenders can be considered fair. We wanted to take an in-depth look at the penalties to understand how they work. To clarify our purpose, we used the following questions: How does organizing sanctions work in practice? What support services are offered to the young? What can be done to ensure sentences are as favorable as possible for young people? The empirical material is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with six social workers from two different municipalities. We also made use of previous research in the field as a reference tool.

Ljussättning av det lilla trädgårdsrummet :

Sammanfattning Eftsom kalla Sverige blir mörkt ganska tidigt på kvällen på höst, vinter och vår ville jag se hur man kunde förlänga användandet av det lilla trädgårdsrummet både i tid på dygnet och i tid på säsongen. Jag tycker att ljussättning är en viktig del av gestaltningen, belysningen gör trädgården levande. Mitt syfte med arbetet var att skaffa mig grundläggande kunskap om ljussättning och ljuskällor, för att sedan skissa på koncept för det lilla trädgårdsrummet. För att lyckas med detta behövde jag ta reda vad ljus är och hur det fungerar. Ljuset har många olika egenskaper, t ex olika våglängder, och färger.

Adaptive Capacity through Complex Adaptive System

Problem: The corrugated board industry is highly affected by customer uncertainty, various demands and short delivery times. In combination with a complex multi-step production process managers have to be able to identify bottle-necks and gain knowledge and understanding of how different changes in process will affect the production output. <br/><br/>Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is twofold, (1) to examine applicability of complexity theory through agent-based modelling on a production process (2) to identify improvement areas in order to increase the production output at SKS production site in Eslöv, by modelling and simulating the production process through an agent-based model. <br/><br/>Method: The chosen method of this study is a combination of a case study and a complex system approach. The empirical data was collected through interviews, observation and document studies which were analysed through an agent-based simulation model.

Hemlöshet, inte bara ett storstadsfenomen? : - En kvalitativ studie av hemlöshet i en mellanstor kommun.

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze homelessness in a medium-sized municipality from an organizational perspective. Some of the central questions in this study are: How is the cause of homelessness explained? How do different actors in the community address, prevent and combat homelessness? Who is responsible for the homelessness?This study is based on four semi-structured interviews with organizations that work with homelessness. The analysis is based on problem definition theory.The result of this study shows that homelessness is a problem in this medium-sized municipality even if it is not a big one and that it is often closely combined with substance abuse. The responsibility for the homeless is on the homeless themselves and the social service because that causes is, according to this study, individual based.  .

Enkätundersökning om rådgivningen kring skogsbruksplaner utförda av Norra Skogsägarna

This rapport is based on a survey that was sent to 196 randomly selected forest owners, who during 2013 ordered a forest management plan from Norra Skogsägarna. The purpose was to examine how forest owners experienced advice given by an inspector based on their forest management plan..

Storängen Söderköping- en visualisering av blivande ägarlägenheter på Storängen i Söderköping

På Storängen i Söderköping bygger Bygg GG i Norrköping i samarbete med G Gunnarsons Fastighets AB ett hus innehållande 14 ägarlägenheter. Då försäljningen av lägenheterna startade innan huset var färdigt bestod den största delen av säljunderlaget av ritningar och skisser.Syftet med examensarbetet var att utföra en visualisering av det blivande husets yttre i form av en digital 3d-modell samt att visa hur några av de blivande lägenheterna skulle komma att se ut. Då många av lägenheterna i huset liknar varandra togs beslutet att visualisera tre av husets lägenheter.Rapporten beskriver hur arbetet med att ta fram visualiseringen genomförts. Den ger även en inblick i visualiseringsprocessen samt de programvaror som använts för projektet.Projektet kan delas in i två delar. En exteriör del och en interiör del.I den exteriöra delen byggdes en 3d-modell av huset i 3d-programmet Google SketchUp som är ett lättanvänt program för att skapa digitala skisser och 3d-modeller.

Framtidens elbilar utmanar nutidens elnät : Påverkan av ett ökat antal elbilar på ett halländskt elnät

The challenges facing low voltage grids are rising as an increasing number of domestic houses transition from fossil fueled heating to electricity based heating. Several environmental goals and visions have the same transition from fossil based power to electricity based power in mind for the transportation sector. One of the most important tools for this transformation is widely regarded to be the electric vehicle. With the demands of the electric vehicle pressuring the power grid, several questions arise regarding the growth of the electric vehicle market and what repercussions it may have on the grid. This paper focuses on a typical low voltage grid in southern Sweden and what effects a growing electric vehicle market may have on it. Through computer-assisted simulations based on several future scenarios regarding the EV market, this paper finds that few modifications and reinforcements are needed on this particular grid within the next 10 to 15 years.

Har socialdemokraternas ideologi förändrats? : En uppsats om Socialdemokraternas partiprogram 1960-2001

This study aims to map the opinions and attitudes of lokal elected officials regarding corruption and corruption preventing measures. The study also attempt to determine weather opinions differ based on the interviewed party political affiliations. The study material of the thesis is therefore largely based on interviews with elected representatives from the municipalities; Älmhult, Lessebo and Tingsryd.  .

En intressant gemenskap - En analys av begreppet intressegemenskap i ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna

The establishment of loan-based structures within a group of associated enterprises with the purpose of lowering the group's taxes by using deductible interest payments to transfer money has become increasingly popular in Sweden during the past few years. The legislator has therefore implemented new laws which restrict the amount of interest payments that are deductible within a group of associated enterprises. As a consequence the definition of associated enterprises has become of high importance. The definition has been criticized and is perceived by many as vague and difficult to interpret. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the definition of associated enterprises in Swedish tax law with the aim of clarifying its scope and meaning.

Generation Y - Vad händer när individualisterna tar över

Background: At this present moment, one of the largest changes in the Swedish employment market is occurring, as the people born in the 1940's are retiring. The Generation Y, people born in the 1980's, will enter. Will this have an affect on motivation and leadership, and in that case, in what way Aim: The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether or not Generation Y (born in the 1980's) has an effect on the perceptions on how to lead and motivate employees. Based on research and our empirical results from qualitative interviews at one of Sweden's largest banks, our research questions are:1. Are executives' and employees' perceptions regarding Generation Y in line with previous research 2.

En illustrativ tolkning av Carl-Einar Häckner i form av en webbmiljö

This project is a study in how to represent the Swedish magician and variety artist Carl-Einar Häckner in a web-based environment. With a starting point focusing on illustration I wanted to produce a web environment that would function as a prototype for a webpage. My personal aim was to explore and gain new experiences from working in a digital interactive environment. I wanted to use animation and illustration to create an atmosphere and communicate emotions, and in the end find out a way of how to integrate that with a more text based content. The project is a personal project based on my interpretation of the work of Carl-Einar Häckner and an effort to translate Häckners expression and the emotions he evokes in his variety shows into image..

Proveniensprincipen i den verksamhetsbaserade arkivredovisningen

In this essay I seek to examine how the Principle of Provenance can be discerned in the new activity-based wayof establishing an archival description. In which terms do authors of reports and works about archival descriptionspeak about provenance. Do they at all?In order to do so I have studied the history of the Principle of Provenance and what is to be its future ? theregulation from the Swedish National Archives, RA-FS 2008:4. I have also read the referrel that was sent out toSwedish authorities, universities and other archival institutions.

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