

20911 Uppsatser om Textbook-study - Sida 32 av 1395

Pain in the ass eller samhällets hjälte- En studie om lekmannaövervakares arbete

The aim of this study is to explore the effects of probation officers and their work. The following questions have been asked to come to a conclusion: How do probation officers view their work and the purpose of it? What are the effects of probation officers work? The approach of the study is of a qualitative nature and has been conducted by interviewing three officers of the correctional service system, three probation officers and two ex-criminals that have been on probation. The selection is based on a snowball type selection. To analyse the results of the study we have applied previous research and phenomenological theory to examine the experience of correctional service officers, probation officers and ex criminals.

En studie om elever i årskurs nio, identitet, ungdomskultur och prövandet av narkotika

The purpose of our study was to look at the connection between theories, research work and concepts when it comes to teenagers and the testing of drugs. The theories we have used are Erikssons development theory, psychoanalysis and labelling theory. Concepts that we focused on for our study were youthculture, the search for identity and the testing of drugs. We did this by asking students, in ninth grade, to fill in questionnaire and interviews.Teenagers find themselves in a confusing stage in life and in a search for their identities they test many different things. The youthculture can be a contributing factor to them testing drugs.

Har musik betydelse för studieresultat

The purpose of my study is to examine if the total study results differ between music classes and regular classes. Are there higher grades in music classes? If so, what are the causes for this? I chose to make an inquiry at two schools in different town districts, with music classes. At those schools I also collected data of pupils grades, and was informed by the principals and the music teachers about the activities. The number of respondents were ninety.The inquiry showed that the grades were markedly better in music classes, and that you can see great differences in well-being, parental engagement and ambition level, compared to regular classes.

Fair Trade - en studie över socialt ansvarstagande investeringar i terminer

This study investigates how the concept of Social Responsible Investment (SRI) can be applied to futures trading. More specifically, this study examines the possibility of creating a SRI-product for an investor, active in futures investments within commodities, energies and stock indices, and the content of such a product is suggested. We conducted a qualitative study, based on a number of interviews. The study suggests that investments in futures of specific assets are to be equated with investments directly in the underlying assets from a SRI point of view. Therefore, we analyzed the underlying assets of futures traded commodities, energies and stock indices, and used social screening, together with specific screening criteria, for the analysis.

Storytelling i Umeå : En studie av storytelling hos två turismrelaterade företag

The purpose of this study was to analyze two local tourism related organizations in Umeå and how they used the marketing method Storytelling. The aim of this study was to examine what kind of stories the tourism related organizations were using, what these stories said in a direct, or in-direct way and how the reception was of the stories and the destinations. A qualitative study in the form of a discourse analysis based on Laclau and Mouffe's view on discourse analysis was conducted. The results of this study shows that storytelling is more effective when it is incorporated in the whole destination/organization when it comes to tourism related organizations and destinations. It also shows that storytelling in itself isn't only an innocent and positive tool and can cause negative feelings if used wrongly for an organization/destination.

Vem gör vad - En fallstudie om federativ samverkan

This study aims to investigate how federations manage to balance the economies of scale through collaboration and autonomy. This is done through a case study on Länsförsäkringar. The lack of modern research on federations makes the federative structure an interesting field of study. Previous research has shown a general perception that an increased pressure on efficiency and economies of scale creates a stronger common unit that eventually creates an imbalance in the federation. It is therefore interesting to look at the balance, which exists between the member units and the common unit of a federation.

Vad är en framgångsrik kampanj? : En studie av branschens syn på PR- och reklamkampanjers effekter

This qualitative study examines how emergency people are framed in Swedish evening-, and local newspapers during the forest fire in Va?stmanland, Sweden 2014. The study also includes if there is any difference between the framing due to the location of the newspaper. The study is based on qualitative text analysis. The theoretical basis is representation, framing theory, media image, media logic and a few conceptions from crisis communication theory.

Samhällsplanering i Sverige under 50 år : -en genomgång av tidskriften PLAN

In 1989 the United States choose, after years of conflict, to carry out a military intervention in Panama, to remove Manuel Noriega, convicted for drug dealing and for threatening the lives of the Americans living in Panama. The aim of this study is to examine whether George H. W Bush?s arguments for the military intervention comply with the principles of the just war.The method chosen for this study is a qualitative literature study, based primarily on secondary data. It is a case study with two complementing theories, the theory of the just war and the world system theory.The result showed that the American intervention both can be justified and unjustified following the principles of the Just War Theory.

Katterna på Kattstallet i Åkeshov : vilka katter är det som insjuknar?

The aim of this study was to see if there is any group of cats that are at greater risk to get sick and/or be euthanized during their stay at a cat shelter with no-kill policy. The study was conducted at Åkeshov cat rescue center in Sweden and cats that entered the center between the 1th of June 2010 and the 31th of December 2011 was used in the study. This study focused on factors regarding gender, origin, level of socialization, incubation period and the proportion of euthanized cats. In this study, the kind of illness weren?t taken into account. This study showed that the gender of the cat didn´t affect the risk for illness.

Att leva med bröstcancer. En litteraturstudie om kvinnors syn på bröstcancer och uppfattning om det sociala stödet

This study describes how the women lived with breast cancer. The purpose with this study was to describe the womens' view on the disease and the understanding they hade on the social support they were depended on. The method was a study of literature with article reviews according to Polit et al., 2001. As theoretical frame of reference we choose Carnevalis model, Everyday life -Functional state of health. The result showed that the following four groups were formed: Support, positive and negative support off nursing staff and significant others.

Korruption & korruptionsförebyggande åtgärder på kommunal nivå : -En studie över förtroendevaldas åsikter

This study aims to map the opinions and attitudes of lokal elected officials regarding corruption and corruption preventing measures. The study also attempt to determine weather opinions differ based on the interviewed party political affiliations. The study material of the thesis is therefore largely based on interviews with elected representatives from the municipalities; Älmhult, Lessebo and Tingsryd.  .

Vaka över barnen - En studie kring barns och pedagogers tankar om tillsyn av den fria leken.

This survey is about pre-school teacher?s supervision over children?s play. In an earlier study children expressed that they had places they called their own. In those places where they were in charge the adults were not welcome unless they were invited by the children. This aroused our interest to do a survey about children?s influence over their playing time.

Kapitalbudgeteringsmetoder : ? En studie av användandet av kapitalbudgeteringsmetoder hos internationellt verksamma företag

This study presents a survey of the capital budgeting methods used in investment decisions by selected Swedish firms. The study has a qualitative approach where the main goal is to increase the understanding of why firms use ?incorrect? capital budgeting methods like the payback method despite the well known fact that it is one of the most faulty methods, according to literature in business finance (Brealey. Myers). The study has specially researched the impact of company?s size, investments size, ownership structure, branch traditions and political risks influence on firms capital budgeting..

Att sjunga och intonera i grupp. Om en metod med målet att få en sångensemble att förbättra sin intonation

The aim of this study is to examine the collection One Thousand and One Nights (also: The Arabian Nights) from a european perspective, by comparing different european translations. The study focuses on three translations into Swedish from different periods of time and how the tales have changed in the translation process - depending on the prevailing line of approach and Western perceptions of Eastern standards. The thesis of the study is that Eastern culture, from a Western perspective, has been seen as exotic and different but not as a high literary culture and that this view has affected the translations into european languages. The study shows, among other things, that Western culture is many times considered normative in the translations and that the translators often give their own voices a prominent role, also that common Western notions of the East affects the translations.The word ?orientalism? is used frequently in the study and it refers primarily to the image of the Orient as it is described in Edward Saids' book Orientalism: as a Western construction whose main purpose is to strengthen its own conception of the Orient and thereby strengthen the Western identity as better than the Orient.

Att möta de osynliga : En kvalitativ studie om killar med självskadebeteende

Author: Madeleine Ahlström and Hanna PuontiTitle: To meet the invisible population - A qualitative study of men with deliberate self-injury [Att möta de osynliga - En kvalitativ studie om killar med självskadebeteende]Supervisor: Anders ÖstnäsAssessor: Jan Petersson This study aims to provide a picture of the underlying causes why men deliberately hurt themselves. It also aims to provide a picture revolving how men self-harm and what the direct effects are from their self-harm. The study describes their behaviour and how the behaviour has evolved over time. There is also a focus in the study to illustrate how society´s operative approach towards men makes their self-harm invisible, and make them an invisible population that neither the scientists nor the general population chooses to see. Self-injury is strongly associated with girls and their way of harming themselves.

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