

20911 Uppsatser om Textbook-study - Sida 23 av 1395

Svenska institutionella investerares uppfattning om icke-revisionstjänsters påverkan på revisorns oberoende

This study is a semi-­structured, qualitative depth-­interview study investigating Swedish institutional investors' perception of the fact that companies purchase non-­audit services from its signing auditor and if they see this as a threat to auditor independence. The study focuses on independence in appearance rather than independence in fact. The study is based on the current media debate on auditor independence and aims to provide a deeper insight to enlighten legislators how users of audited financial information look at the problem. The study builds on agency theory's notion that there is an information asymmetry between management and shareholders, which the auditor is to reduce. The results show that Swedish institutional investors perceive that there is a threat to auditor independence when companies buy non­-audit services from its signing auditor.

Banbrytande formgivning i Sveriges textilindustri En studie om Astrid Sampes m?nsterproduktion

The main focus of this study are the textile prints created by Astrid Sampe (1909-2002). Her fabrics can tell us more about her than a biography ever could. They can reveal how we experience patterns, why we are attracted to them and how our preferences can evolve over time. This study examines four different patterns, and the thesis aims to define Sampe and her textile prints using three different theories and a formal aesthetic analysis. Modernistic and postmodernism theories are relevant when explaining the period where the fabrics were created and how Sampe's ideas were conceived during her lifetime.

Förstå musikens tecken : Multimodala, semiotiska resurser i musikteori

This study is made in order to see how music teachers pedagogic design their teaching from a semiotic design theoretical perspective. A survey was done in a study to see how the music college students experienced their music theory teaching. This was followed by an observation of two different music theory teachers teaching music theory and with subsequent interviews. One teacher taught music theory at a swedish non-compulsory School of Arts, Kulturskola, and the other music teacher taught at an independent adult education college. The study's questionnaire, observation and interview revealed patterns of teaching, probably largely due to the teaching tradition.

Ungas datoranvändning finns det några könsskillnader?

The purpose of this study was to examine if there are gender differences in computer use among the young. Our aim was to find out in what respects boys and girls differ, if at all. The main method of investigation is a literature review. We have also made a complementary empirical study in a public library. The literature studied principally covers computer use at home and in school.

En känsla av att födas på nytt : - En studie baserad på sex bosniska flyktingars upplevelse av integration i det svenska samhället

The study involves six Bosnian refugees experience of integration into Swedish society.The purpose of this study is, through the use of a qualitative method, to get an understanding of what the integration process in the Swedish society has been like for six Bosnian refugees.. These refugees fled from the war in former Yugoslavia and came to Sweden between the years 1992-1995. The country who was once called Yugoslavia is currently divided into six republics comprising, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia, with its provinces, Vojvodina and Kosovo. The main focus of the study has been in the respondent?s thoughts and experiences of integration into Swedish society.

Från blogginlägg till nyhet : ???????En kvantitativ studie om hur journalister använder sociala nätverk för att hitta nyheter

The aim of our study was to examine how Swedish journalists use the three social networks Facebook, Twitter and blogs to find news. We wanted to study which group of journalists that were using these networks most frequently and why. We also wanted to find out which of the three networks they use the most.We made a questionnaire which we sent out by e-mail to 400 Swedish journalists. 215 of them participated in our study.We analyzed the results of the responses from the questionnaire and discussed patterns and relations between them.The study establishes that the majority of the respondents believe that the networks are very useful and effective in their work.Our results show that out of the three social networks the journalists who participated in our study prefer to use blogs as sources in their line of work, as they are full of information from individuals and contain unique facts and stories.Alongside the results we discussed how social networks might be used in the future of journalism. Most of the respondents are aware of the possibility that they may need to increase the usage of them eventually, and that they will be an important part of the journalistic work process in the future. .

Barns inflytande i förskolan : En studie om lärares arbete i Nepal

The focus of this study is children´s influence and participation. This is an important part of preschool, according to the Swedish curriculum (Skolverket, 2010). Hoping to see another perspective of working with children´s influence and participation, my study took place in Nepal. The method used for this study is qualitative interviews. The interviews are made with teachers with insight in preschools in Nepal.

Corporate Social Responsibility?s betydelse för varumärkeskapital inom telekommunikationsbranschen

Abstract  The purpose of my study is to see how pedagogues describe their work with language stimulation in preschool. My study is a case study. Through qualitative interviews and observations with three pedagogues I want to se how it works in preschool.     My research question was:How do the pedagogues describe their work procedure with language stimulation?  My result of this study is that language stimulation always is included in all preschool activities.

kommunikationsträning till närtsående till personer med Parkinsons sjukdom - en pilotstudie

The study explored how a model for conversation partner trainingworked for family members of people with Parkinson's disease. Participants inthe study were three dyads consisting of persons with PD and their carers. Thepurpose of the study consisted in finding out whether the participantsexperienced a change in communication after the intervention, and in findingout if this potential change could be observed in the conversation. The resultsshowed that 4/6 participants experienced an improvement in communicationafter the intervention. This improvement was however not observed in theconversation.

Lika men ändå olika ? revisorns nätverk i stora byråer

Auditing demands knowledge in many diverse areas. To be able to provide all this knowledge it is necessary for the auditor to have access to persons with special skills. Through these contacts the auditor builds up a business network that brings support in the daily work. Our purpose with this study is to find out how auditor?s network in big auditing firms is organized and to show how they use their network.

Bibliotekarier och sjuksköterskor i samarbete med patientinformation : En intervjuundersökning vid sjukhusbiblioteket på Mölndals sjukhus

A qualitative study about collaboration between librarians and nurses in the supplying of consumer health information (CHI) at The Hospital Library of The Mölndal Hospital in Mölndalnear Gothenburg, Sweden.The staff were interviewed about how their work is affected by the collaboration between thetwo occupational groups. The purpose of the study is to find out if there exists a strugglebetween the groups about the influence on and the control over the handling of this kind ofinformation. Despite some problems with the permission to do as many interviews as needed,the study shows some positive effects with the collaboration. The study gives a short backgroundto the development of CHI services in USA, the UK, Denmark and Sweden. Fourfurther CHI service centres in Sweden are shortly presented and one member of each staffwas interviewed by telephone..

Volontärarbete : -God gärning eller hobbyverksamhet?

The purpose of this study is to use a qualitative approach to highlight the western involvement in Thai orphanages and, on basis of Western moral development workers and volunteers, enlighten how Western colonial heritage can be recreated in the humanitarian economic aid.The study is based on the recent tsunami disaster in 2004 which led to a huge voluntary effort by Western volunteers and organizations who wanted to rebuild the country. Now, seven years after the disaster, the country has recovered well and thanks to a strong turism, and industrial growth, the country has now reached the position of a middle income country with regional power.The study presents a selection of previous ressearch in the area from different critical perspectives. It is a field study based on qualitative interviews with six informants that highlights the individual engagment in humanitarian assistance. Theories based on Post-colonialism and globalization have been used in order to analyze and reach the result of this study..

Intern Marknadsföring - Kommunicera Mera, Kommunicera med Flera : Inom den Svenska Sjukvården

The aim with the study is to find key factors relating to internal marketing and to improve the process between the operating organization and its customers. A qualitative study is carried out within an organization active in the Swedish healthcare. The qualitative approach is carried out by collecting empirical data through observations, personal interviews and group interviews.The Physiotherapy Clinic at the Karolinska University Hospital is in the focus of the empirical study. The study locates existing differences in perceptions and comes up with recommendations for actions to improve the process of organisations within the Swedish healthcare and their customers. The study's results are that internal marketing can bring a lot to service-selling organizations and that the organizations internal conditions are as important as the external ones.Communication appears to be a key factor for an organization that has applied internal marketing.

Förståelsen av interkulturell pedagogik : En studie om förståelsen före detta Södertörnstudenter har gällande den interkulturella pedagogiken och om de använder den i arbetslivet

The purpose of this study is through a teacher perspective gain insight to the knowledge former Sodertorn teacher students possess of intercultural pedagogy and if they use it at work. The studies main perspective is the intercultural perspective, which has been the study's lead perspective. This study also made use out of a sociocultural perspective as it fits with the intercultural perspective and puts its mark in the study.This study has used interviews for data collection. Five former Sodertorn teacher students were interviewed, the interview participants work as teachers. These five teachers? experiences and statements were the focus of this study, the teachers had to demonstrate their intercultural skills and how they use these skills in their classroom.

Identitetsskapande på Instagram : En observationsstudie om visuell självpresentation från ett genusperspektiv

  The use of social media has increased in recent years and has become a part of everyday life.  Through  the  use  of  social  media  grows  new  opportunities   for  constructing  ones identity, this enables individuals  to selective self-presentation.  The social media trend has gone from largely consisting of a linguistic communication  to become directed towards a more visual form of communication,  this encourages individuals to be more visual in their self-presentation.  This study aims to create an understanding  of how individuals  present their  identity  through  visual  self-presentation,  more  precisely  via  Instagram.  Previous research  has  shown  differences  between  men's  and  women's  use  of  social  media.

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