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Villken funktion fyller en studiecirkel om smärta?-en pilotstudie

BACKGROUND: The nurse profession is nursing care and that includes leading and educate co-worker. In north-east Skåne a nurse started a study circle about pain for nursing staff at housing for elderly. AIM: The aim of this study was to understand the nursing staffs understanding about the study circle as a resource for their work with analgesia among elderly after participating in the same. METHOD: A qualitative approach was used and collecting data was done by a semi-structured focus group interview and two individual semi-structured interviews. The data was analysed by content analyses.

Jag var rädd för att lämna honom

This case-study examines the correlation between young men and democratic instability in group discussions with two analyzing methods in one. One part of the method used is deliberative democracy which aims to explain how democracy works within the frames of discussion in ordinary citizens groups. In this study the citizens is upper level secondary school students. The other part of the method used is the theory pulled by many scholars lately, the demographic impact on democracy. With these two combined in one this study compare the theory of young men as more active in political violence and as a destabilising factor of democracy on country-level with the results of the study in deliberative democracy in small group discussions.

Hur elever läser - En jämförande studie av gymnasieelevers lässtrategier i biologi och engelska; How students read - A comparative study of high school students? reading strategies in Biology and English

The purpose of this study was to identify reading strategies used by high school students when reading textbooks and school-related material. Any differences in reading strategies between Biology and English were also of importance. A study sample of 62 students from three different high schools in Sweden participated in the study and were asked to fill out a survey questionnaire. Eight students from this sample were also interviewed. The findings of this study show that students use a number of different reading strategies of which metacognitive and sociocultural factors play a crucial part.

Metoder för att undersöka effekterna av naturvårdshänsynen i skogsbruket efter den nya skogsvårdslagen

In 1994 a new Forestry Act was accepted in Sweden. One of its aims was to raise the consideration for preservation of biodiversity. Since this happened over 15 years ago there is now an interest in analyzing if the law has been effective in its purpose. In this study methods suitable for analysis are being investigated. The study contents a pilot study of methods for five parameters that can validate if the law has been followed.

Utvärdering av övervakningssystem för att upptäcka skogsbränder : En kostnadsnyttoanalys för Sveriges län

The aim with the study is to find key factors relating to internal marketing and to improve the process between the operating organization and its customers. A qualitative study is carried out within an organization active in the Swedish healthcare. The qualitative approach is carried out by collecting empirical data through observations, personal interviews and group interviews.The Physiotherapy Clinic at the Karolinska University Hospital is in the focus of the empirical study. The study locates existing differences in perceptions and comes up with recommendations for actions to improve the process of organisations within the Swedish healthcare and their customers. The study's results are that internal marketing can bring a lot to service-selling organizations and that the organizations internal conditions are as important as the external ones.Communication appears to be a key factor for an organization that has applied internal marketing.

Expropriation i teori och preaktik : En studie om Expropriationslagen och dess tillämpning

The most important conclusion of this study is that the negotiations between the parties ends when conflicts arise from property owners, and with this the time will be extended and be more costly. During the study it has been shown that good communication is the key to an effective and successful negotiation between the parties.The purpose of this study is to investigate how the practical procedure under expropriation is in relation to the legal text, in other words, describe and analyze the procedure for expropriation under current rules but also to explain how it operated in practice. This is to get a picture of how the process works and what effects it receives.Three methods were used for the study. A literature review for understanding how expropriation relates according to the law. A case study from an ongoing expropriation in Sundsvall municipality, and an interview with seven affected interested parties from the expropriation.Reviewed literature describes how the application of the Expropriation Act must go to as well as other research on the topic.

Plåt som plåt? : En studie om materialvalets inverkan på tillagningsprocessen

AbstractThis study focuses on three generations of Kurdish women's view on honor. The study is a qualitative research based on three individual interviews. The aim of this study is to examine how three generations of immigrant women from a culture of honor is influenced over time by the majority culture and its values together with how these women affect each other mutually both consciously and unconsciously within the family. The study is based on two questions: What does"honor" mean to the three generations of women who are Muslim and Kurdish? Did these three generations of women?s idea of honor change over time as they have lived in Sweden? Results of this study have shown that the concept of honor has its focus on the woman's body, sexuality and chastity.

Projekt. En vanlig arbetsform.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the factors of children?s voluntarily reading in their spare time. We also want to know if the children choose non-fiction books for their voluntarily reading. The method as well as the empirical basis of this study is qualitative, with interviews of twenty-eight children in ages between 9 and 12 years. We conducted nine interviews with 3?4 children in each group.

En experimentell studie av vulkaniseringstidens och vulkaniseringshastighetens påverkan av värmeväxlarpackningar

A two-factor design of experiments done on GGAB for the identification of two selected factors influence on the length of the scattering of heat exchanger gaskets. The work consists of four parts: study, choice of survey method, the performance of investigation and analysis of the results. Chosen factors on the study are considered to be the most effecting of the length distribution of seals during the production of GGAB. The study is the first of its kind both in GGAB and in the rubber industry and has an experimental nature..

Service-Profit Chain : En Human Resource-modell för tre hotell i Örebro

AbstractThis study focuses on three generations of Kurdish women's view on honor. The study is a qualitative research based on three individual interviews. The aim of this study is to examine how three generations of immigrant women from a culture of honor is influenced over time by the majority culture and its values together with how these women affect each other mutually both consciously and unconsciously within the family. The study is based on two questions: What does"honor" mean to the three generations of women who are Muslim and Kurdish? Did these three generations of women?s idea of honor change over time as they have lived in Sweden? Results of this study have shown that the concept of honor has its focus on the woman's body, sexuality and chastity.

AS-bra arbetskraft : En studie om personer med Aspergers syndrom (AS) och arbete

The purpose of this study was to highlight the type of actions that can facilitate people with Asperger syndrome to get and keep a job in the regular labour market. Four interviews were done with people who have been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome and who got a job in the regular labour market. The study shows that efforts from society and friends at work have played a role when they had got their jobs and when they managed to keep it. The study shows that these efforts have strengthened their self-image and confidence. The study also shows that adaptations in the work, the ability to control over social contacts and the importance of having a job may have contributed to the respondents stayed in the workplace.

Hur påverkas ens uppväxt och vuxenliv av att man växt upp i ett familjehem? : en kvalitativ intervjustudie där fyra vuxna tidigare familjehemsplacerade reflekterar över de erfarenheter och upplevelser placeringen medfört

The purpose of this study was to give a picture of how some adults, who earlier was placed in foster homecare, experience that their childhood have affected them during their life. I also wanted to see how the relationship to the biological family has been and developed during the placement. The study has also purposed to receive a deeper knowledge of how it could be to grow up in foster care. To make the purpose of this study complete I chose to use qualitative interviews as a research method. Four adults who earlier were placed in foster homecare have participated in this study.

En bank, fem länder : En studie i Handelsbankens expatriaters kulturella anpassning

The purpose of this study is to describe how expatriates at Handelsbanken in France, Hong Kong, China, Russia and Singapore have adapted to the host culture. To illustrate how well they acculturated following seven factors have been chosen: Time, previous international experience, cultural distance, language, work environment, spouse acculturation and met expectations. The study was conducted through interviews with six expatriates and surveys answered by nine expatriates. Our study shows that the expatriates have experienced different lengths for cultural adaptation. The majority of the respondents indicated that it took up to six months before they adapted culturally.

Den skapande bildens betydelse för hälsan hos personer med depressions- och ångestsyndrom

The main objective of this study has been to explore how art therapists experience the visual art´s that can be used in the promotion of health among people with depression - and anxiety disorders. The concept of SOC- sense of coherence has been a central term and a link between imaging and SOC were identified in the study. The underlying method in the study was a qualitative form, where semi-structured interviews were used. Through a strategic- sample five female art therapist were contacted, who all came to participate in the study. The study is essentially based on hermeneutical method and the analysis of interview material has been analyst by using thematic analysis.

Kunskapssammanställning om behandlingsmetoder i ungdomsvården : En jämförande studie om tre metoder

The aim of this study is to describe and analyse the knowledge of three of the treatment methods used in youth welfare and this is accomplished through a knowledge review. This study contains an analysis of three different treatment methods described in eleven different peer reviewed articles. The articles are all internationally published between the years 2006 to 2012 and they are all effectiveness evaluations. The articles deal with treatment methods concerning Motivational interviewing (MI), Aggression Replacement Training (ART) and Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and these are three of the most common in youth welfare in Sweden. There is not much knowledge of Swedish conditions and that is why this study focuses on international research.

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