

3254 Uppsatser om Test. - Sida 52 av 217

Applikationsutveckling med nätverkstrafikfunktioner : En jämförelse av tre mobilplattformar avseende nätverkstrafikfunktioner

The objective of this study was to examine three common mobile phoneplatforms in relation to their network traffic features. The platforms to beexamined are Android, iOS 5 and Windows Phone. After the investigation wascompleted a prototype application was implemented in order to demonstratethese features in the most suitable platform. The application will function as atelephone call exchanger. In addition, the application must also send the userstatistic to a Web server, accept contacts from a Web server, as well as having aspecial administration part in which the userstatistc can be presented.


Bakgrund: Self-efficacy, en persons tilltro till sin förmåga, är en faktor som påverkar hälsobeteenden såsom fysisk aktivitet. Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale mäter denna egenskap genom självskattning, men har inte utvärderats för personer med schizofreni.Syfte: Att omarbeta Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale för personer med schizofreni.Metod: Deskriptiv design med psykometrisk prövning av den omarbetade Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale. Första delen av studien bestod av fokusgrupper med patienter och personal på en psykiatrisk öppenvårdsmottagning för patienter med psykossjukdom. Utifrån resultatet av dessa utvecklades Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale ? Schizophrenia Version.

Objektdetektering i SAR- och IR-bilder

This report treats detection in IR-pictures taken from airplanes over the ground. The detection is divided in two parts. First there is a detection with filterkernels with the task to point on targets and objects that look like targets. The second part is a discriminator that demands more calculations and has the task to sort out the false alarms from the discriminator. Both the detector and the discriminator contain thresholds thats been trained from trainingsets of data.

Horisontalstabilisering av höghus i trä: Utredning av de vinkelräta skivornas inverkan på bärförmågan vid horisontalstabilisering

Syftet med detta arbete är att visa att det inte bara är det skivor parallellt vindriktningen som påverkar stabiliseringen utan även de vinkelrät vindriktningen. Byggnaden som kommer att studeras är ett av två stycken åttavåningshus utanför Stockholm. Båda husen är likadana och består av nedersta våningen i betong och resterande sju våningar i trä. Detta är ett husbyggnadsprojekt som görs utav Lindbäcks Bygg AB i Piteå.Genom detta arbete ska stabiliseringen i den vinkelräta riktningen undersökas mer hur den samverkar med den parallella. Det ska visas genom beräkningar där vindstabilisering genom skivverkan beräknas som vanligt, parallellt vindriktningen, och därefter även ta med skivorna vinkelrätt vindriktningen.

Investigating the bond between research dogs and a familiar person and validation of the Ainsworth's Strange Situation Procedure (ASSP)

In the dog-human relationship humans are the ones who provide the dog with safety and comfort. Ainsworth's Strange Situation Procedure (ASSP), which was originally developed in humans to study the relationship between mothers and infants, has been modified to investigate the emotional bond research dogs have to a familiar person. Twelve research dogs were tested to investigate whether the dogs performed any behaviours indicating a secure-base effect, such as more exploration and play in the presence of a familiar person and proximity-seeking behaviours when this person is or has been absent. In the ASSP the dog enters a room with a familiar person, is introduced to a stranger, is left alone for a short period of time and experiences moments of separation and reunion. A second variation of the ASSP was added where the familiar person was replaced by another, to the dog, unfamiliar person.

Variationer i normal språklig förmåga hos vuxna jämfört med neural aktivitet

Since the brain is an important prerequisite for human language there is a great interest to gain more knowledge about healthy brain activity during language mediated communication. This study examines variations in high level language ability relating to demographic factors like gender and age and relates language ability to neural activity.Eighteen individuals in ages between 22 and 64 were included and divided into groups in relation to gender and age. The material used to assess language ability was derived from Testbatteri för Bedömning av Subtila Språkstörningar (Laakso, Brunnegård, Hartelius & Ahlsén, 2000), Swedish Lexical Decision Test (Almkvist, Adveen, Henning & Tallberg, 2007) and a reading test (Högskoleprovet). The results were correlated with measured brain activity using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and language paradigms. ANOVA was applied to discover possible demographic variances in language ability as well as in brain activity.The results showed no significant differences in language ability.

Miljöutredning : ett fastställande av betydande miljöaspekter samt lagar och krav som rör Skaraterminalen Spedition AB

The ability to tackle NP-hard problems has been greatly extended by the introduction of Metaheuristics (see Blum & Roli (2003)) for a summary of most Metaheuristics, general problem-independent optimisation algorithms extending the hill-climbing local search approach to escape local minima. One of these algorithms is Iterated Local Search (ILS) (Lourenco et al., 2002; Stützle, 1999a, p. 25ff), a recent easy to implement but powerful algorithm with results comparable or superior to other state-of-the-art methods for many combinatorial optimisation problems, among them the Traveling Salesman (TSP) and Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP). ILS iteratively samples local minima by modifying the current local minimum and restartinga local search porcedure on this modified solution. This thesis will show how ILS can be implemented for MSA.

Upplysning enligt IAS 36 : En kvantitativ fallstudie av två branscher

Background: Goodwill has been a hot and debated topic for a longer period of time. Researchers have debated how goodwill should be accounted for and have not come to a solution. In 2005 IFRS standards came which meant that goodwill no longer will be amortized according to plan, but to be put through a yearly impairment Test.Problem: A number of disclosure requirements in the financial reports have been made in an effort to avoid companies to account for goodwill differently. Apparently there still is a problem of how companies account for goodwill and there are several studies in the subject. But no one has studied how it is between two different industries, which make this study interesting to execute.Purpose/questions: This study have the purpose to investigate how the industries day to day wares and health care regards the disclosure requirements for goodwill by the impairment tests.

Grupprogramvara eller inte Grupprogramvara : aspekter på implementation och användning av IT-stöd i omogna nätverksorganisationer

The ability to tackle NP-hard problems has been greatly extended by the introduction of Metaheuristics (see Blum & Roli (2003)) for a summary of most Metaheuristics, general problem-independent optimisation algorithms extending the hill-climbing local search approach to escape local minima. One of these algorithms is Iterated Local Search (ILS) (Lourenco et al., 2002; Stützle, 1999a, p. 25ff), a recent easy to implement but powerful algorithm with results comparable or superior to other state-of-the-art methods for many combinatorial optimisation problems, among them the Traveling Salesman (TSP) and Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP). ILS iteratively samples local minima by modifying the current local minimum and restartinga local search porcedure on this modified solution. This thesis will show how ILS can be implemented for MSA.

Effektivare internrevision av miljö-, kvalitets- och arbetsmiljöledningssystem hos Skanska Sverige i Göteborg

The ability to tackle NP-hard problems has been greatly extended by the introduction of Metaheuristics (see Blum & Roli (2003)) for a summary of most Metaheuristics, general problem-independent optimisation algorithms extending the hill-climbing local search approach to escape local minima. One of these algorithms is Iterated Local Search (ILS) (Lourenco et al., 2002; Stützle, 1999a, p. 25ff), a recent easy to implement but powerful algorithm with results comparable or superior to other state-of-the-art methods for many combinatorial optimisation problems, among them the Traveling Salesman (TSP) and Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP). ILS iteratively samples local minima by modifying the current local minimum and restartinga local search porcedure on this modified solution. This thesis will show how ILS can be implemented for MSA.

Internetbankers användbarhet : en kvalitativ användaranalys av Föreningssparbankens och Skandiabankens Internetbanker

The ability to tackle NP-hard problems has been greatly extended by the introduction of Metaheuristics (see Blum & Roli (2003)) for a summary of most Metaheuristics, general problem-independent optimisation algorithms extending the hill-climbing local search approach to escape local minima. One of these algorithms is Iterated Local Search (ILS) (Lourenco et al., 2002; Stützle, 1999a, p. 25ff), a recent easy to implement but powerful algorithm with results comparable or superior to other state-of-the-art methods for many combinatorial optimisation problems, among them the Traveling Salesman (TSP) and Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP). ILS iteratively samples local minima by modifying the current local minimum and restartinga local search porcedure on this modified solution. This thesis will show how ILS can be implemented for MSA.

Stenmjöl eller naturgrus i betong : En jämförande studie

 The objective of this thesis is to examine the difference in workability in fresh concrete, when crushed fine aggregate replaces natural gravel. The shape of the fine aggregate,  packing and flow of six crushed material and three natural materials will be determined by easy studies, the results will be compared with a slump cone Test..

E-tjänster i kommunala verksamheter : Risker och hot för e-tjänster i Ljungby kommun

The existence for companies today consists of constant challenges with customers that want more individual products with high quality as quickly as possible. For a company to be able to have a short delivery time, it must also have a short production time. This makes streamlining and improvement of processes a big part of a company?s workThis thesis has been carried out together with the company Lasermax Roll Systems AB, a world-leading manufacturer of feeding, finishing and monitoring systems for high-speed digital printers. They manufacture their products according to the assembling for costumer order principle.The purpose with this thesis is to map and analyze, the assembling process and the test process at Lasermax Roll Systems AB.

Socialt stöd och psykisk hälsa : Gymnasieelevers självskattade psykiska hälsa och socialt stöd från lärare och klasskamrater

Inledning: Gymnasieelever som upplever ett starkt socialt stöd från lärare och klasskamrater rapporterar i högre utsträckning en positiv psykisk hälsa. Under flera decennier har svenska skolungdomars psykiska hälsa försämrats och socialt stöd från lärare och klasskamrater är viktigt för att stävja den nedåtgående trenden. Metod: 243 gymnasielever mellan 17-20 år (M=17.91) besvarade en enkät om upplevt socialt stöd, emotionella symtom, generell stress, kamratproblem, psykosomatik och välmående i skolan. Svaren analyserades i SPSS genom Kruskal-Wallis H-test, Mann-Whitney U-test, det icke-parametriska post-hoc testet av Siegel och Castellan (1988) samt Rosenthals (1984), ekvation för effektstorlek. Resultat: De elever som upplevde ett högt socialt stöd rapporterade i högre utsträckning en positiv psykisk hälsa.Dessutom, beroende på om det var socialt stöd från lärare eller klasskamrater varierar kopplingens styrka till de fem aspekterna av psykisk hälsa.

Enbensknäböj före och efter uttröttning ? ett test för att identifiera löpare med avvikande rörelsemönster?

SyfteSyftet med studien var att bedöma rörelseutförandet under testet enbensknäböj hos en grupp elit/subelit långdistanslöpare och om, och i så fall hur rörelseutförandet påverkas av uttröttning. Syftet var också att undersöka om det förelåg ett samband mellan subjektiv bedömning vid enbensknäböj och ledvinklar kalkylerade vid tredimensionell (3D) rörelseanalys.MetodTio löpare från löparklubb utförde enbensknäböj. Vid testet poängsattes rörelseutförandet enligt en bedömningsskala samtidigt som 3D kinematisk data inhämtades via datorbaserad 3D rörelseanalys. Tjugosex markörer placerades bilateralt på anatomiska landmärken på bäcken, lår, underben och fot. Därefter sprang försökspersonerna 15 minuter på ett löpband enligt ett utmattningsprotokoll.

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