

45 Uppsatser om Terrorist - Sida 1 av 3

Ledningsstrukturer inom terroristorganisationer - En fallstudie om ISIS

Since events of September 11 and the subsequent conflicts surrounding the event, the war against terrorism has been constantly present. It has been used several methods and strategies to address these threats, including a method current in use, the targeting method. The method refers to use few but precise attacks to knock out key functions within these organizations, mostly individuals in the higher command and control structures within these organizations. The effectiveness of the method has been put in question when the majority of the Terrorist organizations continue their strife, in some cases even increasing its intensity. The purpose of this study is to investigate which role the higher command plays in these organizations ability to wage war.

Terroristorganisationer : En studie om terroristorganisationers mål, fiender, medel och organisationssätt.

The aim with this study is to achieve an increased understanding and knowledge about Terrorist groups. The factors that the study come to be focused around is the groups' objectives, their organization, which enemies they have and with which means that they use for there terrorism. In order to respond to this aim the four different Terrorist groups, Colombian revolutionary armed forces (FARC), Baskien - our native country and our freedom (ETA), red Army fraction (RAF) and al Qaida is studied.To achieve the aim of this study the methods qualitative text analysis and comparative method is being used. It is designed also within the framework of this study a categorization model that is used as method in order to do a division of the studied groups based on their objective, enemies, organization and means. The model is also constructed to be used in order to analyze others Terrorist groups than these current groups.The result of the study is presented in the categorization model on page 32 in the essay..

Terrorism som medel för politiska mål? : En komparativ studie mellan nationell och internationell terrorism

Terrorism. A word that makes you think about different situations throughout the last decade that has passed. However, in this particular thesis the purpose is to examine both national and international terrorism from a Clausewitzian theory. The main point is to examine whether any of these types of terrorisms can fit in to this theory and as examples in this study are the Terrorist organizations ETA and al-Qaida. The questions to be answered in this paper are if their aims can be explained as political and how far are they ready to go to have their way? Furthermore, the reason for this paper is to find an understanding for why the Terrorist organizations act as they do.The result of this comparative study is that both Terrorist organizations fit in to the theory because their goals can be seen as political and therefore can their aims justify their actions.

De grundläggande förmågornas inverkan på militära och polisiära anti-terrorist operationer

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om de grundläggande förmågorna är relevanta även i en anti-Terrorist operation, då förmågorna hittills varit ett begrepp inom mellanstatliga konflikter. För att besvara detta används två frågeställningar:? Är de grundläggande förmågorna relevanta för denna typ av operationer?? Vilken eller vilka av de grundläggande förmågorna låg till grund för framgång/misslyckande i operationen?Studien genomförs som en jämförande fallstudie där fyra operationer av militär och polisiär karaktär analyseras utifrån de grundläggande förmågorna. Data erhålls genom textanalys av historiska skildringar som avhandlar respektive operation.Resultatet av studien visar att de grundläggande förmågorna är relevanta för anti-Terrorist operationer och tillämpningen av dem kan bestämma utfallet av operationen. De förmågor som låg till grund för en lyckad eller misslyckad operation är verkan, skydd, und/info och ledning..

EU:s kamp mot terrorismen : Ett hot mot dess egna värdegrunder?

The aim of this study is through a policy analysis to illuminate the decisions that the EU has taken to respond to the Terrorist attacks in the US, Madrid and London and through this analysis try to explain the problem of each decision and find out if these decisions might risk the individual rights of the European Union?s citizens.In order to reach this purpose the following questions are to be answered: In what way has the EU?s decision-making process, regarding its fight on terrorism, been affected by the Terrorist attacks in Madrid and London? What consequences may the EU?s decisions against terrorism have on the individual rights?The method that has been used is qualitative studies of literature and the main material is overarching policy documents from the EU.The conclusions are that the bombings in Madrid and London have increased the speed of the decision-making process and more areas have been included in the union?s fight against terrorism. If individual rights are at risk by the union?s decisions there are reasons to be concerned. But my conclusion is that the European Union has to have strong and effective instruments to answer to the threat of terrorism..

Statsförfall ? Transnationellt terroristskydd eller temporärt gömställe?

Many theories describe failed states as potential threats to international security due to the breeding ground they constitute for transnational terrorism. Ken Menkhaus believes however that transnational Terrorists are dependent on a state for their own protection in order to be able to operate.This essay seeks out the relevance in Ken Menkhaus? theory which states that transnational Terrorists rather exploit corrupted states than operate in countries where there is a state collapse. His theory will be applied on a case study on post-Libya after Gadhafi?s fall.

Vem försvarar demokratin? En exempelsamling från en myndighet där e-posten och diarieföringen har granskats

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om de grundläggande förmågorna är relevanta även i en anti-Terrorist operation, då förmågorna hittills varit ett begrepp inom mellanstatliga konflikter. För att besvara detta används två frågeställningar:? Är de grundläggande förmågorna relevanta för denna typ av operationer?? Vilken eller vilka av de grundläggande förmågorna låg till grund för framgång/misslyckande i operationen?Studien genomförs som en jämförande fallstudie där fyra operationer av militär och polisiär karaktär analyseras utifrån de grundläggande förmågorna. Data erhålls genom textanalys av historiska skildringar som avhandlar respektive operation.Resultatet av studien visar att de grundläggande förmågorna är relevanta för anti-Terrorist operationer och tillämpningen av dem kan bestämma utfallet av operationen. De förmågor som låg till grund för en lyckad eller misslyckad operation är verkan, skydd, und/info och ledning..

Moralpanikens (o)logiska dagordning - En fallstudie av den amerikanska kontextens undantag från den konstitutionella ordningen

Abstract"The war on terror" has resulted in numerous exceptions from the constitutional order. This thesis is an attempt to give empirical support to Georgio Agambens theory that these exceptions should be regarded as a constant element in modern societies based on a constitutional order. The results of the case study of the empirical exceptions in the American context give Agambens theory validity. The exception is a reappearing phenomenon, which implies that the constitutional order is fragile. What then is it that makes the legal norms fragile? In this thesis I will discuss the causality of moral panic.

Organiserad brottslighet och terrorism : En komparativ diskursanalys av synen på dessa fenomen i svenska riksdagstryck

The aim of this study was to find out if the use of the concepts ?terrorism' and ?organized crime' has changed after the event on 11 September, 2001 when Terrorists attacked World Trade Center and Pentagon. In this study I make use of discourse theory in a way which is inspired by the writings of Winther Jorgensen and Phillips. Knowledge acquired through this research has been primarily generated from two Swedish Government Official Reports concerning questions arising from introducing secret police surveillance. In these reports, there are many opinions from authorities whom have given their thoughts on introducing new ways of policing which are very interesting to analyze.

Att Visualisera Oron : Hotet, subjektet och terrorattentatet i Stockholm 2010

This study examines which socially constructed threats and subjects of security existed during the aftermath of the Terrorist attacks in Stockholm 2010. With ideas of identity and difference as a starting point the theoretical framework is then developed with ideas from the new critical security studies including key subjects such as attributes, risk, imaging and visualisation. The study will be executed with the use of a discourse analysis approach using newspaper articles and chronicles as the principal empirical material. The analysis will then follow two separate themes. Firstly, the different threats and subjects of security will be deduced, and also, how these social constructions inevitably create each other and require each other to continue existing.

Att förklara en terrorist : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av rapporteringen av händelserna i Oslo och på Utøya den 22 juli 2011 i Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter och Göteborgs-Posten

Den 22 juli 2011 bombade Anders Behring Breivik regeringskvarteren i Oslo. 8 personer dog och flera skadades. Bomben orsakade också stor materiell skada. Några timmar senare sköt gärningsmannen ihjäl 69 personer på ön Utøya. Denna studie undersöker hur Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs-Posten, Aftonbladet och Expressen rapporterade kring händelserna de fem första dagarna efter dåden.

Frihetens kamp mot ondskan. Nationellt meningsskapande i USA efter den 11 september 2001

This is a paper about the process of creating meaning in speeches held by president Bush after the Terrorist attacks on September 11th 2001. People need tools to orient and understand the surrounding world. They need to create a meaningful orientation in a chaotic world. Some meaning is favoured due to the prevailing social structures. Thru language discourses are produced that helps us understand how the world is constructed.

Hembudsklausuler i aktieägaravtal

Since the 9/11-attacks several nations have been confronted with a new international threat, its nature traces back to the political- and religious- radical movements of the 20th century Cold War. Ever since, various states have been under threat by Terrorist organizations around the world due to mainly participating in worldwide counter-Terrorist interventions created by western alliances. In Sweden, amongst other countries, the state took security-precautions that would imply total control of information throughout the territorial borders. The assigned proposition was accepted by the Swedish parliament in June 18th 2008, after this date wild spread criticism was still in effect ever since the Swedish government first publicly announced the proposition in May 8th 2007. This study emphasizes on understanding why the Swedish government chose to present this proposition to parliament, in order to complete this task the study will present the motives and the alleged threats that were the core of the proposition and its value-maximizing goal of creating a new surface for Swedish homeland security.

Taktik i Malaya konflikten kopplat till Kilcullens 28 artiklar : En undersökning om Kilcullens tillämpbarhet på den taktiska nivån i Malayakonflikten 1948-1960

Upprorsbekämpning på taktisk nivå är problematiskt därför att konflikter som kräver sådanbekämpning, alltid är unika. Det finns inte heller någon generell teori som leder tillframgång.Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka ifall Kilcullens 28 artiklar går att tillämpa på denlyckade upprorsbekämpningen i Malaya.Metoden som användes är kvalitativ textanalys av britternas taktiska doktrin underkonflikten, the conduct of anti-Terrorist operations in Malaya (ATOM), utifrån Kilcullens 28artiklar. Även artiklar skrivna av officerare och soldater under konflikten har använts för attge stöd till påståenden samt för att belysa ifall britterna faktiskt följde sin taktiska doktrineller ej.Resultatet visar att det inte går att applicera Kilcullens teori på britternas taktiska agerande iMalaya. Endast 10 av 28 artiklar var applicerbara.Författaren drar slutsatsen att Kilcullens 28 artiklar möjligen inte är användbara somgenerella riktlinjer för handlingsalternativ på taktisk nivå. Författaren lyfter emellertid att flerstudier på andra konflikter behövs för att fastställa påståendet..

Gestaltningen av en massmördare : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om gestaltningen av Anders Behring Breivik i nordisk media.

The purpose of this study is to overlook Nordic medias news coverage and framing of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik. The study is based on printed editions of Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten, Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter and the Finnish newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet set on nine selected dates related to the issue between July 23th 2011 to August 25th 2012.   The study will display how Breivik was framed by each of the Nordic newspapers and even the total amount of news coverage the issue has been given. The media framing part of the study will mainly focus on the media framing of Breiviks personality and political ideology. The study will also investigate each newspapers handling of Breiviks manifesto, which he published only hours before killing 77 people on July 22th 2011. The study is a quantitative content analysis, containing a total number of 245 articles.

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