

3175 Uppsatser om Telephone survey - Sida 7 av 212

Socialsekreteraren och organisationen : ett samspel på gott och ont

Different forms of organization in the field of social work, creates different conditions of the individual social workers occupation. This affects not only the people who carry out this work, but also the clients who come in contact with social services.   This survey was based on six interviews executed during spring in the year 2010. The respondents were social workers within economic aid and their nearest executive manager at two municipalities in Kalmar County. The overall aim for this survey was to examine how these social workers were influenced by various ways to organize the municipal work activity. This through following questions:How was respective social service in the municipalities organized?How were the social worker effected in their daily work by the organization?Where there any specific up- or downsides in the way that economic aid was organized in the aspect of the social workers daily work?  The result of this survey was synonymous with a lot of the previously executed research in the area in the sense that the larger municipalities were more specialized in its organization than the smaller.

Barn och natur : En undersökning om förskoleklassbarns uppfattningar om natur och mijlö påverkas av tidigare års undervisningspedagogik

Knowledge of ecological processes are a basis for the understanding of important environmental issues. Through qualitative interviews, 8 preschool class pupils have replied to questions concerning the concept nature, disintegration and environment. The aim of this survey was to examine what attitudes and knowledge children with different pedagogical background have about the nature and the environment.The result of this survey in whole demonstrates that all pupils have good and equivalent knowledge of the nature and the environment, independently of their different pedagogical backgrounds. A difference was however that children that have background from ?I Ur och Skur? (a Swedish outdoors preschool program) know the names of all small bugs that were in the survey.

Riskhantering i offentliga och privata företag

The purpose of our essay is to investigate and compare the general and operational risk management in the private and public sector. As an introduction to the subject we describe the differences and similarities between the two sectors. Our survey is based on the term risk, the definitions of risk management, its development and finally the process of risk management. Since our survey is focusing on operational risks we also describe the operational process and the specific operational risks.The method we used to investigate the subject is a quantitative method. A survey was sent to 100 companies in Sweden, of which 50 were private companies and 50 were public companies.

Läsning i generationer ? En kvalitativ studie av en familjs läsvanor

The aim of this Master?s thesis was to investigate if one can identify a pattern in a family?s reading habits. Our empirical data was gathered in a survey distributed to a family in three generations, between the ages 15 to 82. The family was interviewed in a life time perspective, in a so called life story character. The questions addressed in this thesis concerned how the reading habits and the general attitude toward literature differ between generations in one family.

Regelstyrning eller självreglering - skiljer sig revisorns bedömning åt?

The purpose of this essay is to examine if the judgments of accountants differ, in different cases, between the old and the new law. The method we used to investigate the differences was a combination of experimental and non experimental. Our analysis is based on a survey investigation with ten cases. These cases are produced from a model in which the accountant tests his independence. The survey was sent by mail to about a hundred accountants.

Behandling av personer med samsjuklighet; Ett brukarperspektiv

This thesis examines the presence of threats and violence directed towards animal welfare inspectors/ officers. The main tool is a survey regarding threats and violence directed at animal welfare inspectors/officers. The questionnaire was distributed to animal welfare inspectors/ officers who worked on 15 of the country's 21 provincial governments. The response rate of the survey was 68.9 percent. The main conclusion of the study is that threats and violence directed at animal welfare inspectors/ officers are common.

Glacialgeologi i fjällranden : Undersökning för att spåra värdberget till ett zinkmineraliserat block

The valleys southwest of Storuman has been exploration targets for sulfide mineralizationslike the Laisvall Pb-Zn deposit since the late 1900 when several mineralized boulders wherefound. No previous glaciogeological survey has been made. This report focus on thedirections of local paleoiceflows and glacial transportation in the area of Skikkisjön, thelocation of the westernmost mineralized boulder, found in 2010. The aim of this study hasbeen to create a picture of the glaciogeological evolution of the area in order to determinatepossible hostrock areas. My results suggest that the geomorphology and transportationoccurred during a western icedivide located in the nearby mountainrange.

Statusuppdateringar på Facebook : Förhållningssätt och vanor hos användare

A common form of communication within Facebook is the communication between users via status updates. If you write a status update all your friends have the opportunity to read and to respond to the update. The overall issue of this survey is: how are Facebook users to commu- nicate with status updates?  The survey aims to gain insight and greater understanding of communication patterns and user awareness of social contexts when they write status  updates. The study will act as an attempt to understand a small part of a complex interaction taking place in a social situation.

Nelson Garden AB : analys och förslag baserat på Service Management Systemet

Title: Nelson Garden AB ? Analysis and recommendations based upon the Service Management System Course: Business Leadership within horticulture and agriculture. Author: Annika Kirilov Tutor: Carl-Johan Asplund Examiner: Anders Kristoffersson, lecturer within business economics, LTJ- faculty, SLU Alnarp Keywords: Bröderna Nelson, Nelson Garden, Service Management System, marketing, customer service, retailer Aim: Explore how Nelson Garden AB manages to reach out to customers through positioning of their own labels, when they as a manufacturer are partly dependent on the competence and sales skill of retailers. Methodology: E-mails were sent out to 6 different companies with a proposition for participation. Of those companies that gave a positive answer the most suited company for the diploma work was selected. Thereafter, a contact was established through telephone with the CEO of the chosen company and relevant questions to him were formulated. The second time of contact the first interview was held and half of the questions were answered.


Information technology and globalization has led to an increasing competition and service production has been more and more independent of locations. This has made a market of outsourced telephone costumer service possible. Due to high establishment the market has been saturated and with that price has sunk. Customer companies have the last few years got more negative to outsourcing of their telephone customer service as they through operating the customer service internally want to get closer to their customers.In the empirical study the writers try to figure out which companies the callcenters should try to aim towards to get long and profitable cooperation. This will be done through deducing guiding principles from theories about how different factors around companies costumer service should look like.

Olik retorik i politik? : En jämförande studie av skillnader i kommunpolitikers och riksdagspolitikers sätt att använda språket.

The purpose of this essay is to examine if there is any difference in the style of conversation between a municipal politician and a politician in parliament? In order to answer this question I have created two sub-questions that are more precise. The first question is: Are the municipal politicians more open to cooperate with politicians from other parties than the politicians from parliament? And the second question is: Is the rhetoric between the politicians in parliament different than the rhetoric between the municipal politicians?My study is a comparative case study with two different groups of politicians. With the help of a survey I have tried to examine if there are differences in the use of language in the daily work for the politicians.

Det är ingen rocket science : En varumärkesundersökning av Metro i Karlstad

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to do a brand survey of Metro in Karlstad. The study will originate from the terms ?brand identity? and ?brand associations?, where the brand identity is the organization?s desired view of the brand, and the brand associations define the associations held by the consumers.Issues: What is Metro?s brand identity? What are the brand associsations of Metro in Karlstad? How well do the brand identity and the brand associations correspond?Theoretical framework: The study is done from the perspective of media and communication studies, where the theoretical terms are defined from literature regarding brands.Method: The study is carried out using a qualitative document analysis, interviews, and a quantitative survey. The document analysis was made on Metro?s own documents regarding values and target audience.

Datorer i språkundervisningen i engelska : En jämförelse mellan teori och verklighet

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to compare existing theories and policies on CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) with the actual situation among practising teachers of ESL (English as a Second Language) of secondary schools in Sweden. The evaluation focuses on the differences between theories and reality, and discusses why, if any, the differences exist. Some background information on second language acquisition is provided, and recent theories and standpoints within the field of CALL are mentioned to highlight the differences between theory and reality. The evaluation was made by handing out a survey to 33 teachers of ESL, asking questions about their use of computers in their everyday teaching. The survey shows that the gap between the theories and standpoints within the field of CALL, and the reality of teachers in schools often is huge.

Vilket ursprung har nyheten som du läser i din lokaltidning? : - En fallstudie i lokaltidningsjournalistikens informationskällor och informationskanaler

AbstractTitle: Where does the news that you read in your localpaper come from? (Vilket ursprung har nyheten som du läser i din lokaltidning?)Number of pages: 45 (57 including enclosures)Author: Elin RantakokkoTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies 30 hpPeriod: Fall of 2007 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: This paper has the aim to make a systematic survey of the information source and channels that local newspapers use. How much space they get in the paper and how the newspaper works with these sources and channels. The front pages of the newspaper are going to be compared with the insides of the newspaper. The reports roles in the making of news are also examined.Material/method: To be able to answer my questions I?m going to use three different methods.

Turistinformation på Internet Vi hade i alla fall tur med vädret

The tourism industry in EU is one of the biggest sectors and employs about20 million people. A key factor of the industry is information, much oftourist information is today on the Internet. On Internet there is twoways information can flow, the information can either be pushed to aconsumer or the consumer of the Information can pull it from a source.In a feasibility study for the report the participants expressed thatthey thought the tourist information on the Internet was unpersonal anddidnt fill their informationneeds. The purpose of the report was to findout how push and pull of touristinformation can be balanced on Internet.The empirical data was collected with a feasibility study, a survey anda case. The survey was conducted at IT-University and School of Business,Economics and Law at Göteborg.

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