

3175 Uppsatser om Telephone survey - Sida 57 av 212

Vatten som väcker sinnena : - förslag för införande av vatten i Alnarps rehabiliteringsträdgård utifrån några miljöpsykologiska teorier

Alnarp?s Healing Garden is a place for rehabilitation as well as an ongoing multidisciplinary scientific research experiment. The garden is built on research results from the disciplines of Landscape architecture, Environmental Psychology and Garden Therapy. In the garden, people diagnosed with burnout syndromes are being rehabilitated. The participants need safe and calm environments which activate their bodies self healing systems. Theories show that water as an element, per se, increases the observer?s preference for an environment.

Kvinnliga virkesköpare inom Holmen Skog

Holmen Skog has only five out of 70 wood buyers who are women, This report is seen as a step in the process towards gender balance in the company. This is a problem that is equal over the entire forest industry in Sweden. They all think that sexual equal workplaces are very important to remain competitive, see things from different perspectives and development of the company. The survey was done by sending out questionnaires to all women who work and have worked as a wood buyer at Holmen, and as many men of both categories. These four categories became a total of twenty persons. To map the industry another questionnaire was sent out to the six largest forest companies in Sweden. The survey found that female wood buyers not finished their work earlier than men did, as they thought before.

Automatiska Värderingssystem - En hjälp för Fastighetsmäklaren?

Computers and business systems are used more frequently in a world where IT gradually is taking over. This is also true when it comes to the real estate valuation process where actors on the Swedish real estate market are using automatic valuation systems for real estate appraisal. But the real estate agents have not yet seen the charm in using these automatic valuation systems for real estate appraisal. Can the real estate agents also use the automatic valuation systems? We developed our three main subjects: the valuation process, an automatic valuation system and the real estate market with assistance from scientific articles.

Spelifikationers potentiella värdeskapande i projektarbete

Digital games are today avaliable on all kinds of different platform. Games and game thinking is also increasingly being applied within non-traditional contexts. This thesis explores the term "gamifiation" which can be defined as "the use of game design elements in non-game contexts". The purpose of the study was to identify and give perspective on the discourse surrounding the use and applicability of the term today. More specifically, it explores the possibilities of the potentially value creating ability in the context of work, and focused on the application of gamified software in the context of project work.

Organisatorisk förändring och omladdning av varumärke

Abstract Uppsatsen behandlar ämnena organiatorisk förändring samt varumärkesladding. Även identitet, profil och image diskuteras. I arbetet har vi använt oss av Lindex som fallföretag. Omladdning av ett varumärke blir aktuellt när märkets brand equity stagnerat eller när företag önskar förändra de värden som är kopplade till varumärket. Detta tillsammans med en organisatorisk förändring har varit aktuellt i vårt fallföretag Lindex.

Socialt kapital och politiskt deltagande

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om betydelsen av socialt kapital skiljer sig åt mellan olika former av politiskt deltagande. Med olika former av deltagande avses dels att rösta, vilket här benämns passivt deltagande, och andra mer aktiva former såsom att demonstrera eller kontakta en politiker. Socialt kapital definieras i termer av nätverk och tillit. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är att tillgång till nätverk bland annat ökar sannolikheten att bli tillfrågad om att delta i aktiviteter, medan tillgång till tillit tycks öka en individs benägenhet att offra av sin egen tid för det gemensammas bästa.Datamaterialet som används är den svenska delen av European Social Survey från 2002.Logistisk regressionsanalys visar att tillgång till formellt nätverk är förknippad med en högre sannolikhet för både aktivt och passivt politiskt deltagande, medan tillgång till informellt nätverk inte är relaterat till politiskt deltagande. Vidare är hög tillit till rättsväsendet förenat med en mindre benägenhet till aktivt deltagande, medan hög tillit till politiker är positivt relaterat till aktivt deltagande.

Bloggtider för bibliotek och bibliotekarier? - Studie om bloggars användbarhet i bibliotekssektorn

The usability of the Internet increases for every year. The Weblog phenomenon makes it possible for anyone to easily publish, find information and get in touch with other people through the net. This Essay treats the possibilities the Weblog medium offer Swedish libraries and librarians in library contexts. The purpose of the study is to examine the Web phenomenon: Weblogs, and their significance for a total of eleven Library Heads and librarians together with their view on the Weblog activity at each library connected Weblog, to get comprehension and new knowledge on the usability of Weblogs in the library sector. The foundation for the Essay consists of a qualitative interview study, built on asynchronous e-mail interviews and telephone interviews with blogging librarians and Heads of libraries.

Bilder från dödsbädden : En kontextualisering och funktionsstudie av två postuma barnporträtt

This essay, Pictures from a death-bed, expands on the pictorial genre called post mortem portraits, a field with long history in the western society. A post mortem portrait is an artwork where the artist paint or photograph the model after her or his dead. My survey delineates to treat two specific pictures, one from the seventeenth century and one from the twentieth century. Both of them are portraits of dead boys on their death-beds, but the first one is a painting and the other one is a photo. By this survey I wanted to find both similarities and differentials between the pictures; if they were made by the same reasons, if you could see anything different between the portraits by children and by the portraits of adults, and finally, if there were any cultural or religious connections between the pictures and their existents.

Vad är lantbrukarens syn på länsstyrelsens djurskyddskontroll?

Indications on poor understanding for the animal producers situation from the inspectors of animal welfare control have been seen in papers from farmers interest organizations. The aim of this study was to investigate what farmers view is on the animal welfare inspections done by regional Swedish authorities as well as the animal welfare inspectors work. The study investigated whether or not there were any differences between different counties in Sweden. There were also questions asked to see what animal producers thought could change in the animal welfare inspectors work so it would benefit them. The study was conducted using a telephone interview questionnaire.

Vad påverkar skogsägarnas naturhänsyn vid föryngringsavverkning i region Mellannorrland? :

The objective of this thesis was to investigate what influence nature conservation measures taken at regeneration felling. Factors analysed were the forest owners´ situation and their characters, and information activities from wood-suppliers and the Regional Forest Board (RFB). The inventory was performed with a posted questionnaire followed up by telephone to forest owners and a posted questionnaire to wood-buyers. The forest owners were grouped in three strata, depending on the quality results (D- polytax inventory) of the taken forest conservation measures, and for this investigation forest owners were sampled from the population in the tree groups. In total 73 % (41/56) of the sampled forest owners answered the questionnaire Group A (17 answers): Good judgement Group B (19 answers): Bad judgement Group C (5 answers): This group was formed from the forest owners that were informed, by RFB, about nature conservation measures and culture history consideration before the regeneration cutting.

Livsmedelstillsatser i Fazer Food Services inköpsprodukter : kartläggning och analys

This thesis was performed as assignment from Fazer Food Services. The aim was to survey which food additives that were present in the products in the quotation list of one of their suppliers to the Education and Nursing segment. The aim also was to perform a theoretical analysis of these food additives and to make recommendations which food additives are acceptable and which should be excluded from the products in the future. The recommendations are not published in this report, for more information Fazer Food Services can be contacted. Food additives which have already been approved are regarded as safe according to the safety evaluation methods available at the time of approval.

Digitala och sociala medier i undervisningen för elevers ökade motivation, delaktighet och måluppfyllelse.

The aim of the study was to examine both 1) how aware teachers in a specific area are about ICT tools in teaching ; and 2) how likely teachers are to use ICT tools to reverse the trend of unmotivated students and low achievement scores . I will look for answers through the following questions:How extensive is the knowledge of the teachers on digital and social media in education? How have teachers in the past year used various social media in their teaching? In what grade does ICT-supported teaching lead to higher motivation, participation and achievement? Is there a difference between the sexes, different stages (1-3, 4-6, 7-9) and number of years in the profession in knowledge of and openness to the use of ICT in education?The method used is a questionnaire in which a number of respondents have answered a number of questions about ICT tools in teaching. Validity of the study can be said to be high when the survey has measured what it intended to measure, however, I need to be careful in draw full account of the result as the response rate is low with only 39%. In summary, the results show that there is low awareness among respondents about the methods and the digital and social tools I lift in the survey.Mainly the respondents use some of the methods and the digital and social tools in preparation for the lesson.

Konstverksamhet på folkbibliotek med utgångspunkt i statliga kulturpolitiska direktiv

This master thesis is about art activity in the public library. The essay takes its starting point from Government cultural political directives and my purpose has been to study how these are followed up in the municipal level. My survey takes place at the main library of Flen in the county of Södermanland. What I am looking for is, what the art activity looks like, what is decided regarding it and what the strategies are. Furthermore I look into how library visitors understand and participate in the art activity.

Effektivisering av bygglovsprocessen. En kundundersökning i Göteborg

Bygglovsprocessen är en vital del i den totala byggprocessen eftersom ett bygglov är nödvändigt i nästan alla fall av nybyggnation och större renoveringar. I dagens samhälle där byggprocessen är under utveckling och allt större tidspress finns så är bygglovsprocessen ofta en flaskhals innan bygget kan påbörjas. Därför behöver bygglovsprocessen utvecklas för att bli effektivare.Syftet med denna undersökning att utreda vad tidigare kunder hos Stadsbyggnadskontoret (SBK) Göteborg anser om bygglovshanteringen. Utifrån de resultat som erhålls presenteras vilka delar i bygglovsprocessen som kan förbättras och effektiviseras. Dessutom ges förslag på förändringar för att uppnå detta.Kundundersökningen genomfördes med en enkät som skickades ut via e-post till kunder som fått godkänt bygglov i februari 2014.

Styrelserekrytering : Vad påverkar valet av nya styrelseledamöter

Background and problem:Theory and literature in the field of board recruitment are limited. The theory and literature that existed focused primarily on the recruitment of senior management and CEO. It was identified that no one had examined the factors that influence the recruitment of board members. The underlying factors might cause the board recruitment is not done from a purely efficiency perspective and therefore it is of interest to be examined.Purpose:The purpose of this thesis is to examine and give an insight into the underlying factors affecting the choice of new directors in large Swedish companies.Method:The thesis has had a deductive approach and been based on existing theory and literature to explain the factors that affect board recruitment. The study was quantitative and the sample consisted of all the major Swedish listed companies.Results and conclusions:The survey indicated that board members ethnicity and number of other board assignments were factors that influenced the board recruitment.

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