

3175 Uppsatser om Telephone survey - Sida 17 av 212

Tillvarons pussel : En studie om fyra behandlares tankar kring barns självkänsla.The puzzle of existence. A study about four therapists thoughts around children?s self-esteem.

The study aims to get knowledge about how therapists express their apprehension and their method of working around children with low self-esteem. From this angel I have tree questionings : How does the therapists define self-esteem? How does the therapists know if a child has a low self-esteem? How does the therapists work with this complex of problems? The study is a qualitative survey with interviews. The group of survey consists of four therapists from different backgrounds, who work with children and their self-esteem. The interviews were recorded on tape and written out running text and analysed in relation to its subject.

Aktiv turism: Svenskar som åker på hälso- och träningsresor

The aim of this study is to investigate a specific form of Special Interest Tourism (SIT), namely health- and fitnesstravels. This kind of travelling is studied from a Swedish perspective and includes aspects like gender and age in active tourism. It also includes which travel motivations that lies beyond the choice of an active vacation.The study is based on a survey that was sent in an e-mail to the health tourism company InShapeTravel´s customers. The answers to the survey has been analyzed and related to earlier research about active tourism.The result shows that more women than men participate in the kind of healthy travels that InShapeTravel offers. A majority of the respondents are between 41-60 years old and the most common travel motivation was ?Better physic/psychic wellbeing?. .

Den relativa arbetsförmågan : En undersökning av begreppet arbetsförmåga i sjuk-,arbetslöshets- och arbetsskadeförsäkringen

This paper is based on a quantitative survey. The study aims to answer the questionwhich media young people rather use to take part of the news. The results showthat young people today in Kalmar preferably and often read newspapers on theInternet and mobile phone.The questions asked was about which media they usually use, the level ofconfidence they had in various media, how interest was in different newscategories, willingness to pay for online news and background issues relatedsubjects. The survey was aimed at high school students in Kalmar and weredistributed and collected on-site at the schools. What was remarkable among theresponses was that young people largely had access to a morning newspaper athome and said that they would consider subscribing to one in the future.

Gräsmattans "vara eller icke vara" : En undersökning av den traditionella gräsmattans moderna dilemma

The traditional lawn is believed to be facing a dilemma. On one hand, it is valuable for people because of its esthetical and functional values. On the other hand, the lawn is perceived as a monoculture without biological diversity that hinders the domestic landscape?s flora and fauna. In this graduation-thesis, the private and public lawn?s dilemma of ?to be or not to be?, is examined from these two different perspectives.

Den konfessionslösa skolan - en teoretisk realitet men praktisk omöjlighet? : En kvalitativ studie av normerande företeelser i svenskt religionsundervisningsmaterial

Vocal technique and interpretation are the key elements of voice training. Thepurpose of this article is to investigate what vocal technique and interpretation meanto teachers and students and how they would describe the relationship between thetwo. The questions at issue, intended to be answered in this article, are the following:What is the relationship between vocal technique and interpretation? How should theteaching be structured for the students to experience progress on the musical plane?What role does the teacher have in the musical development of the student?This is a qualitative survey and the methods of investigation are semi-structuredinterviews and classroom observations. Presented in the article are a number ofresearchers and writers whose thoughts on the subjects have gained great importanceto vocal teachers and students, as well as leading the research on the voice and itsfunctions forward to higher grounds.


This thesis is ordered by Peab Sweden AB Regional Jönköping and concerns of warranty inspections.The intention is to work out a basis, which show the most common complaints is the warranty inspections, and make a small analysis on what causes them to be. The report also presents possible solutions to prevent the occurrence of defects. It also covers the issue of how the client looks at Peabs way to overcome the objections of warranty inspections. The report has the following issues:?What are the most common errors observed during the warranty inspection??What are the causes of complaints??What can be done to reduce the number of complaints??How the customer thinks that the complaints be addressed?Twenty-five Guarantee survey records from the projects Peab has done in recent years has been the starting point for the investigation.

Mobbning Maktspel mellan Mobbaren och Offret : En fallstudie som lyfter fram problemet och skolans kamp

Swedish students' knowledge of mathematics has deteriorated in recent years. Teaching of mathematics is therefore starting point in an ongoing discussion among researchers, school leaders, politicians, teachers and others, who all thinks they know best about how teaching should be designed to the greatest extent possible to raise students' proficiency levels in the subject. Teachers' practices have long been the focus of discussions and views on these differ. The purpose of this paper is therefore to study students 'conceptions of mathematics and mathematics teaching, with teachers' methods and tools of focus, in relation to previous research on the subject. The method used was a survey of students in secondary school and a textual analysis of previous studies on the subject.As revealed by the survey was that the textbook has a big advantage in mathematics education in Sweden today.Many students are not accustomed to working in a different way and thereforedoes not know either what the alternative approach entails.

Plantinventering och plantkontroll med digitala bilder från helikopter :

This study was carried out as a commission from Holmen Skog, district ?Egen skog? in Norrköping. During October 2006 several stands were inventoried by aerial photos from helicopter. The stands were those for which the next action proposed was plant inventory or plant check. The photos were interpreted and the number of stems was calculated.

Lärarlegitimationen : En studie kring lärarlegitimationen och dess betydelse för läraryrkets status

The aim with this study was to gain an understanding for teaching as an profession, and get a bigger knowledge about the certification of teaching and what it means for the teaching occupations status. To get an answer for this study two methods were used. The first method was a survey with questions that were sent out to working high school teachers in the North of Sweden. The second method was a document analysis of articales from three Swedish dailynewspapers. To analyse the results from this study a theory about professions is used troughout the whole paper.This studies resluts shows that profession as an definition is hard to undestand.

Kartläggning av allmänhetens attityd till hörselnedsättning och självskattad kunskap om hörsel ? en enkätundersökning

Objective: 1.4 million people in Sweden state that they are having problems with hearing and the majority havehad no contact with the hearing rehabilitation services. To have a hearing loss seems to be associated withseveral negative attributes. This could be due to bad attitude and insufficient knowledge on hearing loss intoday?s society.Purpose: The purpose with this study was to map the adult populations attitude towards hearing loss and selfratedknowledge of hearing with a survey.Methods: A web survey was made for this study. An official link to the survey was shared from two Facebookaccounts to a total of 997 contacts and a total of 247 responses were collected.Results: The majority of the respondents have estimated their general knowledge of hearing to fairly extensivefollowed by very small.

Nivågruppering i matematik : Ur ett elevperspektiv

The question how teaching should be organized in order to give the students the help and support they need to reach their goals is always of vital interest. All students are unique individuals with different prerequisities, possibilities and needs. Streaming in mathematics could be one solution.The first week at upper secondary school a diagnostic test is carried through. Thereafter, the result is used as a basis for dividing the classes into different teaching groups. Thus, the groups working with mathematics become more homogeneous and the students? previous knowledge is approximately at the same level.

Undersökning av fasadskivor

The purpose of this report is to present some of the market's façade panels and to do a survey of Masonite façade panels and compare. Therefore I have looked closer on potential competitors and studied their assembly method and properties. I will also propose suggestions on installing Masonite panels and improvements to the current carrying system. The carrying system for façade panels in general. Various key people in various areas of the construction industry have been interviewed. People with a wide knowledge of theory and with real work experience have been my main focuses too implement this survey.

Skogsentreprenör 2007 : en kvantitativ studie av organiserade skogsentreprenörer i Sverige

SMF Skogsentreprenörerna is a nationwide organisation for Swedish forestry contractors. It has about 750 organised companies with somewhere around 1500 logging machines. These machines perform well over 50% of all yearly landed wood in Sweden. The members of SMF also performs more and more of other functions in Swedish professional forestry, such as soil scarification, planting and pre-commercial thinning of younger stands. In order to determine what major priorities SMF should focus on in the future a member survey was initialised and carried out by SMF together with Daniel Larsson-Snygg, student at the swedish university of agricultural sciences SLU. This report presents the result of this survey sent out to all members of SMF. It is intended to answer a number of questions about their entrepreneurship such as: What different kinds of work do these companies perform? How many machines and employees do they have? How old are the company owners and their employees? What are their thoughts about the future of their business? How well does SMF serve their members needs?.

Hur används intranät? En studie av EkaForum, Eka Chemicals intranät.

Intranets has been marketing as the tool for solving the organisations information problems. My interest is to see how an intranet works in an organisation. This study was an investigation about the use of EkaForum, the intranet of Eka Chemicals, at the Rollsbo division. The study aimed to evaluate how EkaForum is being used, firstly as a transmitter of information and secondly as a communication tool for the organisation. The study was constructed as a quantity survey based on a questionnaire with 24 questions and was sent out to the staff of Rollsbo division.

Transporter på väg - En studie över Sveriges lastbilscentralers metoder för att möta ökande drivmedelspriser

Background and problem: In the last few years the threat against the environment and especially the emissions of carbon dioxide has become increasingly debated. The government have set up a goal to lower the emissions of carbon dioxide with 40 percent until 2020 compared to the level in 1990. The emissions in the transportation sector have, in contrast to the total emissions, increased since 1990 and will continue to increase unless powerful control measures are implemented. The lorry centres have to use strategies to answer to these external threats which lead us to the two questions of this thesis: - What methods do the lorry centres use actively and which do they consider as the most important methods for fuel saving? - Are there any differences which methods small, medium and large centres considers as important? Purpose: The main purpose of this thesis is to examine which methods lorry centres use actively and which they consider as important for fuel saving.

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