

3175 Uppsatser om Telephone survey - Sida 14 av 212

EU-information : Studenters behov och sökning, EU:s informationsresurser

The aim of this master thesis was to examine the European Commission's information resources from a user perspective in order to clarify the needs and circumstances of the search of EU-information among students at Örebro University. 41 students participated in a survey, and four of them was interviewed. On the basis of Pendelton- and Chatmans theories of information behaviour in small worlds, it were assumed that the students' education and citizenship in the European Union affected their needs and the search of EU information.The study showed that the students needs for EU-related information has increased, with the current education, but also been linked to earlier educations. The students Citizens need were mainly associated with elections such as the EMU-election, but also in some cases to a need of the general knowledge.A review of the European Commission's information resources were made with an emphasis on European Documentation Centre, EDC. The survey showed that most students used the EDC and the EU-databases that was made available by the European Commission through the EDC and the university library but were not aware that they used EDC.The survey also showed that students made use of familiar sources and resources when they searched the EU-information, such as the library's regular database list, the library catalogue and search engine on the internet are not requested of other resources.

Läsinlärningsmetoder : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers val av metod för läsinlärning

The purpose of this study is to investigate the reading methods that pedagogues, active in classes 1-3, use in the first stage of learning to read and how they consider their own choices of methods. In the theoretical background I sort out the basic differences between synthetic and analytic methods of acquiring the skills of reading. The analytic reading method means that the skills of reading starts with the complete text in order to later analyze the parts of the text. The synthetic method approach is based on a reading method where the parts are linked as a whole. The two methods are considered antipodes but can also be looked upon as complements in the current governing documents.

Vilken information får hundägare i samband med kastrering av sin hanhund?

BACKGROUND Until 1988, it was forbidden to neuter male dogs in Sweden without a veterinary medical cause, so there is clearly no long tradition of this procedure in healthy dogs. According to the website of The Swedish Kennel Club (SKK), February 11, 2011, there has been an increase of castrated male dogs in Sweden. They see this increase as worrying, especially in cases of the less common breeds, where it is most important to maintain the gene pool. The SKK expresses concern that castration is used as a tool to influence the personality of dogs, instead of training and education of the dog. They write that castration should be preceded by a discussion initiated by the veterinarian, where the pros and cons of castration are weighed against each other.

För vem redovisar i första hand hjälporganisationer?

The purpose of this essay was to identify the primary stakeholder in aid organisations, by which we mean whom they make their annual report for, and to analyse if there were any differences considering the design of their annual reports depending on which their primary stakeholder is. The method we used to explain the choice of primary stakeholder and the differences in the annual reports was a multiple case study. The collected data came from telephone interviews with 23 representatives from aid organisations and a review of annual reports. The results were analysed through pattern matching. We found that aid organisations do not have a primary stakeholder as in incorporated organisations.

Professionell färdighetsutveckling på ett civilingenjörsprogram : en utvärdering av kompetenser hos alumner

The Master of Science in Energy Systems Engineering program at Uppsala University started in 2000 and 221 students has graduated since. This master thesis aims to answer what competencies alumni considers most important for successful professional practice. It also seeks to find out how these competencies are reflected in the program to identify potential gaps between importance and how the competencies are being prepared. With inspiration from similar research a method has been developed consisting of two steps: (1) A survey and (2) interviews with alumni. The alumni survey rates the professional importance of 13 competencies and how well the corresponding competency is prepared in the program.

Vem väljer att bli bibliotekarie? : en studie över bibliotekariestudenter i Borås

This paper will portray the differences and similarities that exist between students whoattended the Swedish School of Library and Information Science in Borås.The study is based upon quantitative information gathered from a survey which wasdistributed to first-year students in Borås in the auturnn term 1994. A total of 77 studentsresponded to the survey.We also do a comparative study of the students at all the library programs in Sweden.This is partially based on the findings by a thesis prior to this one by the authorsSvalstedt and Österdahl.We found that the students in Borås differ mainly in their personal histories and backgrounds.When it comes to their attitudes towards the profession and educationalmatters they are similar. Further we found the same to be true in our comparison of thelibrary programs in total..

Vem sätter betyg - Läraren eller Skolverket? : Elever och lärares syn på implementeringen av kursplanen för Samhällskunskap A i gymnasieskolan.

Our study examining how well the guidelines, from Skolverket (School Department), aboutgrades in the course "Samhällskunskap A" are implemented in the Swedish Upper SecondarySchool. The study focus on both teachers and students. To discover which knowledge the bothgroups have, we have used two different methods. The students have answered a survey,which was based on the phrases from the course plan "Samhällskunskap A" about grades. Thesurvey wanted to see how well the students could match the correct phrases with the gradesteps (the Swedish school uses three grade steps).

Kubakrisen : En tidningsstudie om svenska morgontidningars rapportering kring krisen

AbstractKubakrisen; En tidningsstudie om svenska morgontidningars rapportering kring krisen The Cuban Missile Crisis; A media study of Swedish morning papers reporting about the crisis The purpose of the survey is to illustrate how four Swedish newspapers, Svenska Dagbladet, Göteborgs Handels- och Sjöfartstidning, Dagen and Ny Dag reports about the Cuban missile crisis based on the questions. The survey highlights what distinguishes the morning papers and by how they take the position of the ship blockade against Cuba that United States issued and what position they take on who to blame in the conflict, but also how leaders Khrushchev, Kennedy and Castro portrayed. The study is based on the basis of a newspaper study and theory of priming serves as an instrument for the collection of materials. The survey results show in the first issue of how the papers stand to US ship blockade, which SvD endorses, while GHT and Ny Dag condemns it and Dagen stand in the middle without any real position. Previous studies treated SvD stance during the Cold War, shows that during the Vietnam War in 1965 SvD was very critical of the USA and their involvement. In this study, regarding the Cuban missile crisis, SvD are most clearly pro-US while Ny Dag accuse and highlights strong criticism of the United States. As for Chrusjtjov, Kennedy and Castro, the survey shows that three out of four newspapers writes about a surprised Chrusjtjov, who had gone too far and a Kennedy who are determined and implacable.

Intern kommunikation av värderings- och imagerelaterade frågor Medarbetarnas roll i hållbarhetsarbetet på Clas Ohlson

Communication of sustainable development has become an increasingly important part of organisation?s corporate branding. Consumers demand more transparency from businesses and want to know more about how they work with these issues. An important part of how internal communication can be used to reach organisational success involves organisation?s employees.

Utbildningskapital, ekonomiskt kapital och utbildningsstrategi : En deskriptiv utbildningssociologisk studie om gymnasieleverna som antagits till det naturvetenskapliga programmet i Botkyrka kommun

Secondary schools have for decades debated whether they promote social reproduction which is considered to generate the homogeneous student compositions. The gap between the academic programs and vocational education programs is considered to increase. What in recent years has appeared in research is that the gap is increasing most tend to be in the specific academic program, particularly in science. This paper's intention is to describe the science program at a local level and the pupils who were admitted to the science program autumn 2009 on the basis of an educational sociological perspective. The survey consisted of a census in which all students were given the opportunity to answer a questionnaire.

Interaktionsfrämjande faktorer i IT-stödd distansutbildning

This thesis focuses on interaction in netbased education. The purpose being to increase awareness about what promotes interaction in netbased education through understanding and categorizing the students? opinions . My method is qualitative with a phenomenographic approach. I have conducted a netbased survey with 21 respondents who have completed a netbased course.

Attityder till friskfaktorer på arbetsplatsen - En enkätstudie bland personal på Högskolan Kristianstad/Attitudes towards factors of well-being at the workplace ? a questionnaire survey among personnel at Kristianstad University

For a long period of time there has been an extensive documentation of how things are presumed not to be at our workplace. However there is little knowledge on how it is supposed to be, what makes us feel good and what makes us retain our well-being. The aim of this study was to survey the attitudes towards factors of well-being at the workplace among personnel at four institutions at Kristianstad University. The work method used in this study is quantitative and a questionnaire survey was carried out to produce an overall picture. The majority considered praise from manager and the opportunity of development discussions of great importance.

Utomhuspedagogik : En undersökning om pedagogers inställning till utomhuspedagogik i förskolan

This is a study where the purpose was to investigate whether preschool teachers have a positive or negative attitude to outdoor education. Their view of outdoors education is also treated. The methods used were questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The survey was sent to all preschool teachers in three municipalities and on a social network. The interviews were conducted at a preschool, which had a form of outdoor profile.

Förskolans arbete med estetiska uttrycksformer : Vad finns det för förutsättningar?

The purpose of the study is to show the conditions there are by working with aesthetic expressions in pre-school and how these activities are implemented. Questions that we are going to discuss are: What are the conditions for working with aesthetics in pre-school? How is the work implemented when it comes to aesthetic expressions? Our ambition has been to study what conditions it takes to use aesthetic expressions in a way that is meaningful for the children and also show the conditions and alternative methods that are present in different schools. We have used a web survey to reach a result in the study. This web survey includes questions about the different aesthetic activities and has given us the answers to the questions above. The result shows that there are different ways of working and different views at aesthetic expressions.

Höftledsdysplasi och armbågsledsartros hos labrador retriever med känt radiologiskt status av höftleder och armbågar : en tredje uppföljande studie

Joint-related diseases including hip dysplasia (HD) and elbow arthritis (ED) can in advance cases lead to that the dog has to be put down, and these diseases are also the cause to expensive veterinary treatments of many large breeds, including Labrador Retrievers. The aim of this study was to make a follow-up study on the 271 Labradors, who previously participated in a study on the effect of nutrition and exercise on hip and elbow status in a birth cohort born year 2000. That study investigated the relationship between nutrition, exercise, and HD and ED. A follow up study on the same dogs at 5-6 years of age investigated the clinical effects of the radiological hip and elbow status at 1 years of age and if was effected by body condition score. This study took place in 2011-2012 and 187 Labrador retrievers participated.

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