

6342 Uppsatser om Technology education - Sida 54 av 423

Experimentell undersökning av provkroppar för trälimfogar

This thesis engages the topic of test methods for wood adhesives. Two test methods were evaluated, EN 302-1, a European standard, and ASTM D905, an American standard. The total amount of specimens manufactured and tested was more than 500. The adhesive bonds were tested in shear with an increasing load on the specimen until failure.The adhesives used were epoxy-resin, phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde and a 2-K polyurethane. The test programme included five different types of intentional errors per method, in order to investigate the sensitivity of the test methods.

Pizza och magiska stunder i undervisningen : en kvalitativ studie av processinriktad undervisning med utgångspunkt i två pedagogiska inriktningar

AimThe aim of this study is to discuss process orientated education by identifying and describing general elements in two alternative pedagogies that in different ways attempt to separate themselves from the didactics in the traditional school. The questions are:1. How do the general elements for example the pupil, the knowledge and the lesson, in classroom education appear at a Waldorf and a Freinet school respectively?2. How do the general elements for example the teacher, the lesson planning and the overall goal, that teachers obey to and create in their lesson?s planning appear at the two schools respectively?MethodThe study is based on four days of observations in one ninth grade class at a Freinet school and a corresponding amount of time in one eighth grade class and one ninth grade class at a Waldorf school.

Yrkesrelevant Gymnasiearbete på El- och Energiprogrammet

The purpose of this development project is to create a model for working with a high school project in Electrical and Energy Program. It should be conducted in a form like companies do according to the goals from The Swedish National Agency for Education. In order to fully perform this we use the concept of Young Entrepreneurship. The model is created according to the new conditions from The National Electrical Safety Board. There is now an exception saying that a student during education is released from the demand of employment that is the normal procedure where you are under supervision from a certified electrician. During the project there has been theoretical and practical examinations in order to clear out the advantages and disadvantages using this model, but also to examine whether it is useful in the future and to what extent it can be used. The result indicates that the model is useful and fulfills the goals from The Swedish National Agency for Education but that the model has its limitations and difficulties.

Inkludering av elever i behov av särskilt stöd : Ett par lärares syn på och erfarenheter av inkluderingsarbete

This report is going to discuss the relatively new and in schools, frequently debated concept of inclusion. The concept inclusion, easily explained means that all children, regardless of special needs or other conditions should be involved in the schools ordinary environment.In the democratic school of today, the education is supposed to be adapted to every individual and its special needs. The dilemma of the special need education is described as giving all children the same, but at the same time adapt to each and everyone?s differences.This study describes the teachers approach to the concept of inclusion and especially the inclusion of children in need of special support. And the teachers experience of possible advantages and disadvantages in their work to include all children.The method?s that were used to collect the empirical information to this report were qualitative interviews.The questions at issue were:How do the teachers include children in need of special support in the education?The teachers experiences of advantages and disadvantages in the way they work whit inclusionPartly for the children in need of special supportPartly for the teachersPartly for the rest of the class.

Accessoarer för framtidens kontor

This thesis investigates if a system for small scale electricity production located in anurban environment can be profitable. The work has been divided up into two parts,one extensive literature study and one case study. The purpose of the literature studywas to investigate the area, resulting in a choice of which technology to be studied indepth in a case study.In the case study a system containing small scale wind turbines and photovoltaicsmounted on Gränby Centrums roof was examined. From data containing wind power,wind direction and total irradiation, possible production from a system weresimulated. Three products of each technology were examined in the simulations.From the simulated production an economic analysis was carried out, this toinvestigate if a system is profitable.

Digitala redskap i skolan : Teknik och pedagogik

I en skola som i hög grad är utrustad med digital teknik utnyttjas ändå inte tekniken till alla de möjligheter som IT erbjuder. Pedagogikens utveckling i förhållande till tekniken diskuteras i det här arbetet utifrån ett lärarperspektiv. Syftet med det här arbetet är att undersöka hur lärare på gymnasiet använder och integrerar digitala redskap i undervisningen, samt hur de beskriver möjligheter och förutsättningar att utveckla undervisningen med hjälp av digitala redskap. För att få svar på våra frågor har vi gjort en enkätundersökning på fyra kommunala skolor. Våra resultat visar att lärarna använder och integrerar digitala redskap i ganska stor utsträckning, men det finns fortfarande många som inte utnyttjar redskapen fullt ut.

Hur ser vi på vår framtid? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om idrottslärarstudenters attityder och syn på ämnet Idrott och hälsa och yrket som lärare i Idrott och hälsa

AimThe aim of the study is to examine how future teachers of Physical Education view the subject, the occupation and their attitudes about the future and create an understanding about this through these research questions:In what way do the teacher students justify the subject Physical Education?How do teacher students view the future of the subject and the occupation?According to the teacher students, what and whom affect the subject? Is there a difference between the teacher students?views and attitudes depending on if they are currently in their second or last year of their education?MethodThis study use qualitative methods in order to create a deeper understanding for the participants? views and attitudes. Eight teacher students of Physical Education were interviewed. The interviews were between 27-57 minutes. They were recorded, transcribed and then analyzed from a socio-cultural perspective as well as Bernstein?s theory of classification.ResultThe participants justify the subject in words such as that it gives the students? knowledge about how to uphold a decent standard of living and an understanding for the correlation between physical activity, nutrition, health and wellbeing.

Ensam - i fantasin eller i verkligheten? : En jämförelse av det ensamma? barnet och dess verklighetsflykt samt av karaktärsroller i Astrid Lindgrens "Mio, min Mio" och "Bröderna Lejonhjärta"

 The english name of this essay is ?One man among many women?. This essay takes its starting point in the situation today with few male teachers in the earlier years of elementary school. I have decided to look at the small group of males that actually started the education to become teachers and why they did it when the profession as teacher today is low-paid, low status and is a profession with a large dominance of female teachers. I have chosen to write about this because of the importance for the children to meet both men and women as teachers in the early schoolyears.

Likvärdighet, i vilket syfte för vem och när? : En idéanalys av likvärdigheten i utbildningssystemet från grundskola till gymnasiet utifrån frihetsbegreppet

In which purpose, for who and when does equality get fullfilled in the education system? This studie takes aim on the upper level and second upper level school system to study what the curriculum says on the one hand and what the system brings out on the other. With critical theory as method, with Herbert Tingsten as founder, this studie analyzes the logic of the education system to set out if the pupils choice of education, after the upper level lower secondary school, in second upper level is legit with democratic principles such as freedom (of choice). The theory, used to analyze the individuals progress to be autonomous, uses Adam Swifts definition of freedom as an individual being autonomous. The findings of the study shows that what politicians chases as equality really i´snt equality.

Smarta Hus: Nya behov och lösningar med participativ design

In this Bachelor Thesis (20 p.), we present the history and development of "Intelligent Houses", and most important- explore some of the future possibilities in this area. The project has been carried out through an interdisciplinary cooperation between three different educations at the Blekinge Institute of Technology. By conducting a dialogue with various actors with different professions, we have been trying to identify needs within the concept of "Intelligent Houses", were the end user is not only the tenant or homeowner. Through Participatory Design methods, such as a Future Workshop, we have brought the users together to discuss their own and each others needs and hindrances in their respective work practice, and how intelligent house technology could improve their work conditions. We have also been testing a highly sophisticated CO/CO2/Moisture/Temperature/Enthalpy multi-sensor & controller, originally developed for regulating indoor climate systems. Based on the needs we have found in our fieldwork, we have been looking at possibilities to make multi user solutions with the sensor..

Minoritetsspråkliga elevers undervisning : En jämförelse mellan svenska och norska styrdokument

Many students in the Swedish and Norwegian compulsory school do not have quali­fi­cation to search for further education. There is a large part of those pupils who have a different native language than the country?s majority language. These students? possi­bi­lities to a fair and equal education is regulated in national laws and regulations of school activity, the so-called governing documents. The purpose of this study is to compare Norwegian and Swedish governing docu­ments regarding education for pupils with another native language.

En annan värld kan bli möjlig : En studie om ABF:s bildningsideal i det mångkulturella samhället

The purpose of this paper is to investigate, analyse and interpret the educational ideals of the ABF (Workers Educational Association) as they are understood by five members within ABF. The paper also examines how the educational ideals are represented in the national guidelines and statues of the ABF. The basic theoretical perspectives are intercultural theory and theories about Bildung and adult liberal education in a multi-cultural pedagogical environment presented by Bernt Gustavsson and Hans Lorentz respectively.The empirical study consists of five semi-structured interviews and a text study of the official documents of the ABF. The data is interpreted with hermeneutic and semiotic tools. Organisational theory focusing on organizational culture has also contributed to the study.The result of the study, when analysed in accordance to the methods, shows mainly four things.

En kartläggning av kompetenskraven på Sport managers

The purpose of this study is to survey which competences and personal qualities the labour market, for students with examination from the Coaching and Sport management education at Vaxjo University, require. Furthermore I want to find out if the employees, videlicet the ex students, consider that their competences differentiate in relation to other employees in the organization which not have this education.In the study a qualitative investigation method has been used where ten interviews have been implemented. The interviews have been carried out within five conceivable work areas to a student with examination from the Coaching and Sport management education at Vaxjo University. The work areas are sports association, sports union, municipal activity with sport and leisure time connection, company with health care connection and company without any kind of sport connection. Five of the persons being interviewed are ex students that now are employees within any of the elected work areas.

Genuspedagogiska samtal

The education curriculum states that one of the tasks for schools and preschools are to promote gender equality by discouraging traditional gender roles. Gender equality is therefore a part of the fundamental values of the education system. In order to be able to work with the issue of gender equality, the employees need help and further education. Therefore some schools and preeschools contact a teacher specialized in gender equality work.In this essay I have chosen to do a field study of such a teacher at work during different workshops with nurses and teachers. The aim is to examine how she discusses gender ideas and what discussions arises from the meetings with the attendents.

Musiklärare i utbildning och arbetsliv - En studie om musiklärarutbildningar vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö ? ur ett teoretiskt och praktiskt perspektiv

Title: Education and working life of music teachers, a study of the music teacher education at the Malmö Academy of Music - from a theoretical and practical perspective. The purpose of this study is to examine the possible flaws within the single subject music teacher education. The study is based on qualitative interviews of four informants, two recently graduated music teachers, and two representatives of the potential employment market. In the theory chapter we provide the reader with a pre-comprehension of the content and foundation of the music teacher department, as well as the duties of a music teacher. In the result chapter we provide a compilation of the opinions of our informants regarding the music teacher education at the Malmö Academy of Music, as well as the demands and expectations in their profession as a music teacher.

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