

6342 Uppsatser om Technology education - Sida 48 av 423

Eynavster : En studie om teknik som hjälpmedel för synskadade i utomhusnavigering

Navigating to different locations isn?t always easy. Imagine then how it is for people with a visual impairment to walk across the street or to get from one point to another. The Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired (SRF) has pointed out that today's society is not sufficiently accessible to people with visual impairment and there are improvements that need to get done. Technology is something that has evolved a lot this last decade and occurs today almost everywhere in our environment.In some areas, technology has facilitated people's daily life very much and we have therefore chosen to examine whether a combination of several technical functions integrated into the fictive artifact called Eyenavster can facilitate outdoor orientation and increase the accessibility for people with a visual impairment.Qualitative data collection methods have been used in this study by six interviews to answer our question.

Verklighetsförankrad säkerhetskultur

Varje dag begås misstag utav människor. För piloter kan dessa misstag bli fatala. Länge har man vid flygolyckor endast sett till de direkta misstag som blivit begångna och på så sätt skaffat sig en syndabock. I detta arbete kan dock vikten av att uppmärksamma faktorer som varit bakomliggande i organisationen påvisas. Då en olycka inträffar skiljer man mellan osäkra handlingar och latenta förhållanden.

Rörelshinder och ämnet idrott och hälsa : en kvalitativ studie om hur elever med rörelsehinder upplever ämnet idrott och hälsa

The aim of this study was to investigate how disabled pupils feel about school lessons in physical education. Previous studies in the area show that many disabled pupils think that this is a problem. Drawing on data from one-to-one semi-structured interviews with six students in the age of 11-14 years, this study focused on how students with disability cope with their impairments and physical activity in school. The interviewees? background displays a wide range of sport related activities and besides school the interviewees seem to be engaged in different sports associations on their leisure time.

?Det är det som är att vara lärare? : En kvalitativ studie om sex pedagogers tolkning av individanpassad undervisning

According to Swedish school policy documents, every teacher?s assignment is to individually adapt the education to meet every student?s needs. There are no exact guidelines about how to make these adaptations. The purpose of this study is to investigate how six teachers interpret the policy documents and how they, according to themselves, work to achieve this. This study is built on six interviews with teachers who work with children in the ages from seven to ten.

Integrering av svenskämnet och karaktärsämnen på gymnasieskolans yrkesförberedande program. En metod för att anpassa svenskämnet till elevernas programval.

This essay is about integration of theoretical subjects and practical subjects at the vocational training education in a Swedish Upper secondary school. The purpose of the essay was to examine if integration of the subjects increases the students` motivation for, interest in and knowledge of the subject Swedish. Other purposes were to examine how the teachers organize their teaching of Swedish in order to adjust it to the students? interests and to examine the students? attitude towards Swedish as a subject.The essay also describes the recent development of the vocational training education of Swedish Upper secondary school and presents theories about learning and other examinations about teaching of theoretical subjects at the vocational training education.The examination carried through with a questionnaire which was distributed to the students at three programs at the school and interviews with the headmaster and two teachers. The result of the study showed that a small majority of the students believe that integration increases their motivation in and knowledge of Swedish.

Kunskapslyftet och Huvudbiblioteket i Linköping - Hur upplever de kunskapslyftsstuderande biblioteket och hur har bibliotekariernas arbetssituation påverkats?

The aim of this study is to examine how the adult students in the Adult Education Initiative called Kunskapslyftet, experience their use of the Main Public Library in Linköping and how the librarians experience the change in their working situation after Adult Education Initiative has started in July 1997. Methods used in the survey are interviews with librarians and students in the Adult Education Initiative. I have also distributed questionnaires to some of the adult students and studied literature that describe students use of libraries. The result shows that the students generally are satisfied with the service they get from the librarians at the Main Public Library. It also shows that what the students mostly asked for, are help to search information about a subject and to find literature in the library.

"Jag menar inte alls att dom måste bli som svenskarna!" : En diskursanalytisk studie av lärares syn på socialisation och undervisning inom sfi-utbildningen

This essay is a comparative research between pupils' experience of how the headmaster, teachers and other school staff interpret and apply the democratic education. The results are based on a survey carried out in senior high school, as well as interviews with the school staff. The democratic education charge has a long history of Swedish school system and is the basis for the maintenance of a democratic society. Both policy paper of state investigations and researchers in the field, regard to school as the primary and unique instance in order to promote and develop democratic skills in children and young people. However, it is shown that those who come out from school lack of knowledge and awareness of democracy and the will to speak their mind.

Vem har bäst betyg? : en kvantitativ studie om betygsfördelning

Aim: The study aims to investigate the distribution of grades between students in a practical subject and in a theoretical subject.The problem:What is the grade distribution in physical education and mathematics, with respect to gender, socioeconomic background, parental education, ethnicity, and physical activity?Method:To answer the aim of the study a quantitative method was chosen. As the collection method used was questionnaires to 620 students in the 9th grade in Stockholm. Of the 620 questionnaires, 597 questionnaires were used for the static analysis. The method of analysis used cross tables and logistic regression analysis.

Investeringar i klädproducerande fabriker i Södra Indien

Given that the end-customer has become more demanding, the retailer has to deliver products according to the market demands, which have forced manufacturing companies to constantly search for new opportunities to reduce costs and improve efficiency. It is, therefore important to choose suppliers that are able to compete with the market demands.The market demands in the textile industry have lead to shorter product life cycles, which have caused manufacturers to deliver flexibility with high technology to compete successfully on the global market. To achieve the market requirements the underlying factor is to be aware and optimally use and control time. New technology can have a major influence in the production development, if the company choose to take benefit of the advantages, by optimal allocation of the internal resources the productivity and efficiency will increase, to accomplish a competitive advantage. One way to achieve this is by investing in a Unit Production System.In our thesis we have questioned what the main driving forces for an apparel manufacturing company is when it chooses to invest in new technology.

Meningsfull undervisning i ämnet idrott och hälsa : En studie av elevers uppfattning av innehåll samt lärares arbetssätt för att aktivera och motivera inaktiva elever.

Meaningful teaching in physical education ? A study of pupils opinions of the contents and teachers methods to activate and account inactive pupils.Nowadays people in society are getting more and more inactive, and we have during our practice at different schools, noticed that many pupils are uncalled for and inactive at the lessons in physical education. The purpose with the study is to see what pupils in the ninth grade thinks about the contents of the subject and what they want it to contain to make the teaching more meaningful. The study also looks in to different methods that teachers in physical education use to make the lesson feel meaningful for all the pupils and how they work to activate and account inactive pupils. To collect the information we chose to distribute questioners to pupils and do interviews with teachers.

Om kommunalt beslutsfattande kopplat till bostadspolitik. En jämförande studie av två Socialdemokratiskt styrda kommuner.

Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.

Voices of South Africa - Internet-based education for communication and globalization

Utgångspunkten i detta magisterarbete inom ämnet Interaktionsdesign var att se varför barn i dagens skola tycker att skolarbetet blir tråkigare ju högre upp i årskurserna de kommer. Vidare drog jag slutsatserna, utifrån litteraturgenomgång, att någon gång i årskurs 4-6 börjar eleverna i skolan att tappa lusten för skolarbetet. Var det allt skolarbete eller bara vissa ämnen som eleverna tyckte var tråkigt? Varför var det tråkigt? Kunde jag göra något åt saken?.

Romer och utbildning : En arena för särskillnad, paradoxer och stigmatisering.

This thesis analyses how romanies look upon schooling and how they reflect upon the possibility of getting an education. Many inquiries relating to romanies have been published in Sweden but very few are based on fieldwork among romanies. The aim of this thesis is therefore to through fieldwork focus on how romanies themselves look upon their educational situation.The main questions for this study are: How is the image of romanies as a problem constructed in school? How are romanies separated from other students? How is the interplay between romanies and school representatives formed? How do romanies look upon the possibility of getting an education and does their perception differ from the usual official apprehension?An important conclusion concerns how social workers and teachers continuously categorize romanies as different. The group is constantly differentiated from other ethnic groups and is often the target of integration projects.

Jag vill, jag kan, men jag förstår inte : En analys av implementeringsproblematiken kring momentet friluftsliv i kursen idrott och hälsa 1

In previous contact with secondary schools, we have noticed a dull setting for friluftsliv among teachers in Physical Education and Health. We suspected that both teaching and assessment are sometimes conducted in error. Under the provisions of Skolverket the teacher must involve all elements mentioned in the core content of the curriculum and the assessment of students' knowledge may be based only on what is expressed in the syllabus for each course. Research shows that the implementation of the curriculum have failed in the subjects investigated (Skolinspektionen, 2013:22). We have identified a gap of knowledge regarding the situation of friluftsliv in the course physical education 1.

Wallenius waters AOT luftrenare

This bachelors thesis was made forWallenius Water AB to develop a basisfor an Airpurifier prototype. Wallenius Water isone of the world's leading environmentaltechnology companies engaged inchemical-free water treatment based onUV-radiation. The thesis aim was toproduce a basis for a prototype that canbe used in three applications:Standalone, RAS systems and ventilationsystems. The work includes anintroductory description of the theorybehind AOP technology based on aliterature review on the subject. Asurvey of products currently on themarket and a product specification hasbeen used as the basis for thepreparation of a number of concepts inthis report.

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